Chapter 9

Look at Me

Grabbing Ravi’s hand, you lead him to the registration table. Ravi watched you as you lead him to join in the game. He was surprised to see you leading him the way, you were usually afraid of the crowd, but this time, you forgot your fear.

You got to play for batch 4. Your eyes glued to Hakyeon as he managed to win his batch. You need to win this game, no matter what.

As it was your turn, Ravi held the pepero stick in front of you and he looked at you in concern. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. He was way more nervous to do this with you. After all, both of you would be very close to each other, he might lose control.

As soon as both of you took a spot, you glanced over to Hakyeon. Coincidentally, he was looking at your direction. He shot you a surprise look. Staring him for a moment, you watched as his eyes began to concentrate on you.

You returned your attention to Ravi who was fidgeting in front of you. “Really? We can pull out anytime.” You stared at him, “Ravi-ah, we can do this.”

“Get in position,” ordered the MC.

Ravi, who was hesitated at first, bent his leg so that you were in line with his level. His heart quickened and butterfly effect started to grow in his stomach. You gave him a reassuring smile, as he bit the other end. You bit the other end, preparing.

As soon as the MC yelled start, you began to eat the pepero stick and moving slowly forward. You saw the nervousness in Ravi’s eyes. Ravi, slowly, began to move forward, gaining his strength, he trying to be the man in the game. He knew Hakyeon was watching from behind, this was the only chance to show him that he also had a feeling for you.

Ravi saw you were panicked as he was moving forward too. Giving sign to you to stop with his eyes, you quit moving, waiting him to finish the game. Both of you needed to win this game and Ravi was the only hope. You put your trust to him.

As he was closing the gap between you two, your heart beat quickened. You almost could feel his breathe near you, shutting your eyes, his lips getting closer to you. For a moment, his lips brushed yours. You swore you might get heart attack at the time.

“My lips touched…Ravi’s…” you thought.

You felt a tap on your shoulder, opening your eyes, you saw Ravi in front of you with a delightful expression. What happened?

“Do we manage to win?” you immediately asked as the realisation slapped you. He chuckled, “The result hasn’t been announced yet.”

You glanced at him and your eyes fell to Ravi’s lips. Ravi caught you were looking at him making you looking away immediately. He tugged you in the arm and went closer to your ears, “I really wanted to kiss you but if I do, we won’t have any pepero stick left.”

Blood rushed to your cheek, you pretended you didn’t hear anything. Right in time, the result was announced, both of you managed to get number one. Surprised, you looked at Ravi. Ravi laughed, proud. Walking to the winners seating, you felt a pair of eyes were burning hole into you.

As soon as you made an eye contact with the owner, rage covered his face. Sitting on the first place, Ravi realised the tension built up. Hakyeon and his partner were on the second place. After the fifth batch, if no one from the fifth batch managed to break your record, both of you could win the prize.

“Jumi-ah, congratulation!” you turned to the voice owner. You saw he held out his hand to you, a smile formed on his face. You reached his hand and he squeezed your hand, gently. Forcing a smile, “Congratulation too, oppa!” you chimed and you could feel Ravi was watching you.

“Oh, congratulation!” Hakyeon’s partner excitedly held out her hand to you. Swallowing hard, you gained strength to face Hakyeon’s girlfriend. She has long fingers and nice nail arts too. Envy grew in you, reaching her hand, you shook gently. “Thank you, congratulation too!”

You felt Ravi slung his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him, startled, you glanced at him. Ravi was watching the game show, unaware of your stare. He knew how you felt, for some reason, he could tell you started to have something with Hakyeon and he was afraid to admit it himself.

“Oppa, do you know them?” you heard Hakyeon’s girlfriend question. Her voice felt like a sword, stabbing you in the heart, it was hurtful. You inhaled deeply before you heaved out a heavy sigh. Why do you feel like this? You questioned yourself…

Even though you already knew he had someone else in his life.

You should be happy and go on with your life but this pain kept you wondering…

You wrapped your hand around Ravi’s arm, squeezing it gently. Ravi glanced at you, cursing the time to go fast so that both of you could leave the area as soon as possible, away from Hakyeon, away from everything that was hurting you at the time.

“Jumi-ah,” you heard Hakyeon’s voice calling you.

You turned to him and forced a smile, “Yes? Op…..” You held your tongue.

“This is Han Sookyung,” he introduced. Your eyes averted from his face to the girl beside him. She had this brightest smile on the earth. You felt intimidated all of sudden.

“Kim Ravi, Song Jumi’s boyfriend,” Ravi intruded. Your eyes widened to Ravi’s introduction. Hakyeon searched your eyes, questioning with his eyes if he just heard it right.

You turned to face Ravi right away, preparing to attack him but Sookyung’s voice stopped you. “Anyeonghaseyo. It’s nice to know both of you.”

You gave a shy smile and you felt Ravi pulled your hand, “Prizes are waiting for us.”

He got up, pulling you together with him and dragged you to the prizes area. Both of you received identical prizes and got pictures taken together. “It’s the picture of when we’re on the game,” Ravi shoved you the picture. You studied the picture and felt your cheek heated up.

Quickly, you hid it in your pocket as soon as you heard Hakyeon’s voice from behind. “Jumi-ah,” he called you. Ravi was going to bring you escaped from there but Hakyeon was chasing both of you from behind.

“Yes, Hakyeon-sshi?” you spoke and saw Hakyeon’s face fell. Sookyung beside him was grinning all the time, making you sick.

“What’s with the formal call? Ravi-ah, what’s up with her?” A flustered laughed escaped his mouth.

Ravi sent a discontent look at Hakyeon, “Sorry Hakyeon-sshi…”

Ravi averted his eyes to Sookyung, “Sookung-sshi, we have a date…”

You shook his arm, “Ravi.” You whispered.

“Oh, if you don’t mind we can have a couple dates!” Sookyung suggested.

Your eyes widened, “Oh, it’s okay, I want to spend…” Your eyes locked with Hakyeon. He didn’t look like he was in a good mood.

“I’ve promised with Ravi… my boyfriend. So…” you glanced at Ravi, those words you spoke felt weird on your mouth.

“Enjoy your day, Sookyung-sshi and…” Hakyeon shot you a look, you couldn’t read his eyes.

“Hakyeon-sshi, see you!” you bowed and Ravi bowed together beside you. Turning your heel, Ravi dragged you away from the area. You could feel your heart still beating wildly.

As both of you managed to get far away from Hakyeon and Sookyung, you halted and heaved out a deep sigh. Guilty, pain and all kind mixtures of feelings began to conquer your mind, you let go of Ravi’s arm and bent down, covering your face. Trying to fight the urge of crying…

Why? Why did you feel this way?

Ravi watched you as you bent down. He began to feel guilty towards you and felt useless. He should have dragged you earlier on so that this wouldn’t happen. Looking at you, he knew… he knew it and he didn’t like to see you like this. He needed to do something, quickly.

“Jumi-ah~” Ravi called you, his voice soothed you.

You felt his hand rubbing your back, “Are you okay?” Slowly, you uncover your face and glanced at him, he gazed at you, softened. “I’m sorry,” you apologized as he bent down in front of you.

“Do you want to go home?” he suggested, feeling all guilty, today was supposed to be a good day for both of you. You shook your head, trying to fight the urge to cry. You pulled him into a hug and Ravi froze in your embrace. “Thank you, Ravi-ah,” you thanked sincerely. If it was not because of Ravi, you didn’t know what would happen with you.

You chuckled as you could felt Ravi’s hand patted your back, “It’s okay.”

You let go of him and placed your hands on both of his shoulder, gazing him deeply.

“Why can’t I see you, Ravi-ah?” your question sent electric shock to his heart. Ravi stared at you, trying to interpret your question. You smiled at him and got up, pulling his arm.

“Let’s have more fun!” you chimed and dragged him to other game show.


Days passed, you got your normal life back where Ravi would accompany you to anywhere you go. You received many gifts from him lately to the point where you scolded him for wasting money on you. That day, you were reading a novel you just bought.

“Jumi-ah, Ravi is here,” you heard your mother called you from the front door. Marking the last page you had read, you got up from your bed and walked out to see Ravi was waving at you from the door. “Come in,” you invited.

Your mother went back to the kitchen. You shuffled to Ravi, “What is it?”

“I want to bring you to somewhere special,” he whispered at you. You shot him a sceptical look, “What is it in your head you’re planning to do to me?”

He chuckled, “Go dress up, you cannot go out wearing this.” He placed his hands on both of your shoulder and turned your body before he pushed you back to your bedroom.

After getting permission from your mother, you saw Ravi was grinning at you in the living room. You let out a chuckle, “Don’t give me that grin ever again.”

Arrived at the building Ravi promised you, you gave him a look, “This is it, Ravi-ah?” He smiled, “Wait till you get inside.”

You set your foot inside the building and he led you to a big room. “Ta-dah, this is my studio!” He showed you around. He never mentioned you about his studio but you knew he always had passion over arts.

You gaped at the art pieces in the room, studying and observing the art works close to you. “This is beautiful,” compliments slipped out your mouth.

Admiring at every piece, you couldn’t stop from being amazed. “You’re really talented, Ravi-ah.”

“Am I?” you heard him chuckled behind you. You turned around and saw he was standing beside a covered work. He gestured you to come closer, “Look at this.” He pulled the white cloth covering the work. You stared at the painted canvas, stunned.

“Ravi-ah…” you called his name and searched his eyes before looking back at the painting.

“It’s beautiful,” you spoke, overwhelmed. “Happy birthday,” he uttered.

You glanced at him, “Happy birthday?” He nodded before he let out a chuckle, “It’s your birthday today. Don’t you remember your own birthday?”

“Is it?” you pulled out your cell phone and gasped at the date, “How can I?” He laughed at your reaction, slowly, you walked toward his work. You scanned every inches of the painting, “So, you’re giving this as my birthday present?”

He shook his head, “I spent days to have this finish in time, how can I give it away freely?”

You shot him a look, “What for… I see, you’re boasting your work, right? What a jerk.” You pulled out your cell phone and took a picture of his work. “I’m just kidding, I’ve made it specially for my beautiful Jumi..”

“You sound cheesy,” you laughed.

He snatched your cell phone from your hand, startled you tried to get back your cell phone but he lifted it higher. Crossing your arms against your torso, you complained. “This is not fair. Give me back my cell phone.”

“Birthday girl doesn’t get mad,” he teased and placed it on the highest place you couldn’t reach. “Ravi-ah,” you protested.

He returned his attention to you, his expression changed to serious in a second. Slowly, he shuffled towards you. You looked at him, puzzled with his sudden change of behaviour. “Ravi-ah.”

You retreated back until you were stopped by the wall behind you. Ravi slowly closing the gap between you two. “Stop it Ravi,” you voiced but he seemed as if he didn’t hear you.

He got closer as he locked his eyes with you. “Ravi-ah, why are you like this?” You pushed him but he stood strong against you, unmoved.

He still didn’t say a word, he kept his steady gazed at you with his droopy eyes. “Ravi-ah, what is wrong with you. Say something?”

He held out a heavy sighed, looking away, he tried to regain strength. You tried to pushed him this time but it didn’t work, you glanced back at him who was taller from you, you lifted your chin to make an eye contact.

You gained your strength to look deeply into his eyes.

Exploring deeply, until…

You saw something in his eyes…


As if he wanted to tell you something…

You started to relax against him, softened. “What is it Ravi? Tell me…”


A/N: Thank you for the reading, subscribing and commenting even though this story doesn't receive much comments ^^ Still I appreciate that someone actually reading my work ^____^

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_aerin4 #1
Chapter 26: Omg Ravi is so sweet ! It's hard to find Ravi fanfic so thanks a lot for making this story !
This fanfic is super nice! OMG!! My Ravi Oppa! So sweet! Would like more fics like this with Ravi Oppa too!! Nice story! Upvoted and Subscribed!! *Thumbs Up*
Chapter 26: Omg I just found this fic today and finish it XD
Chapter 26: Yay for Ravi
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 26: Hoho , wonshik . Like it .
Chapter 26: Hoho so cute ravi and jumi . Greqt job ..
pink-penggy #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh this is so cute. it's sad that it's completed.. But I still love it. Everything is good ( ´ ▽ ` ) And I seriously blushed on the ending. so sweet >///<
LuckyCharmz #8
Chapter 26: See what a great story
Chapter 26: awww~ me love this story.
me love the ending as well.
i was like omg final?! FINAL CHAPTER??! NOOOOOOUUUU!!
then i read it, then, thank god the ending is satisfying.
yeay, thumbs up. good job.