Chapter 25

Look at Me

Using any available ingredients in the kitchen, you managed to make simple breakfast for both of you. As you set up the table, suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Your body froze and you felt the owner of the arms rested his chin on your shoulder sending cold chill down your spine.

“Are you making breakfast for us? You don’t have to,” Ravi said and yawned afterward.

Your body stood still unmoved in his arms, the memory of last night rushed back into your mind as you felt adjusted his chin position on your shoulder causing ticklish sensation. “I’m still sleepy, I couldn’t sleep properly these past few days,” Ravi uttered closed to your ear, eyes shut.

“Ravi,” you flinched as he blew to your right ears. Quickly you brought your hands to his hands on your waist and pushed him away. “Stop it. Don’t do that again,” you said, upset while you placed your hand on the shoulder where Ravi just rested his chin on, rubbing it to get rid of the dirty feeling. Immediately you hid yourself in the kitchen.

Ravi stared at your disappearance, blanked. Did he do something wrong? Or was he too fast?

He hit his head with his knuckle, cursing himself. He should have asked for your permission if he ever wanted to do anything on you, “What did you do, Wonshik-ah?” He must have caused you felt uncomfortable.

“Jumi-ah?” he called as he moved slowly towards the direction you went.

The feeling of Hakyeon on your neck lingered. You bit your lower lips to stop your sob sound to reach Ravi’s ears.

“Jagiya, what take you so long on the phone?”

“You smell so good, Jagiya. You make me can’t endure it.”

“You can’t fool me. You can’t,” Hakyeon’s cold words echoed in your mind. No, it was still not over, your story hadn’t finished yet. Ravi still didn’t know about what Hakyeon did to you and you still in debate whether it was right to tell him about the traumatic event. Even the shocking question he asked you just now you treated as if he was sleep talking. You still weren’t ready.

After what happened yesterday, both of you didn’t really care to tell what happened. Like how came Ravi knew that you were in Hakyeon’s apartment and how he managed to find you under the heavy rain.

“Jumi-ah?” you heard his voice approaching you. Quickly, you wiped your eyes and turned to him. He halted a metre away from you, staring at you. He noticed your eyes gone red, “Are you okay?”

Shaking your head, you moved towards him and he made a step backwards, “I promise I won’t make anything uncomfortable towards you anymore.”

You stopped in front of him and a wide smile formed on your face, “It’s nothing, let’s eat our breakfast!”

Dragging him to the dining table, Ravi halted making you looked back at him and you quickly pulled your hand from his. Ravi noticed how panicked you looked and he calmly walked closer to you and reached for your hands. You couldn’t look at him as you let your eyes rested on the floor.

“Jumi-ah, are you okay? Is there…” he paused and you looked up to meet his eyes, hesitantly.

He saw the nervousness through your eyes and a small smile appeared on his face, “Let’s see how good you’re breakfast is.” He then dragged you out of the kitchen to the dining table, exaggerating every reaction after he got a taste of the food you prepared.

Smiling, you glad how thoughtful and understanding Ravi be.

You knew he still hadn’t moved on with the unanswered question he posted to you earlier on as you treated his question as if he was sleep talking. He may look uninterested to question you again but you sure he would ask again when the time was right.


“Ravi! I forgot to tell Omma that I’m-”

“She knows you’re safe with me,” Ravi cut your sentence as he helped you wearing his coat. You turned at your back to search his eyes, “How does she know?”

Ravi shrugged and turned you completely facing him, “You’re so adorable wearing my coat!”

“Ravi,” you groaned. “She’ll be worry and call the police. She may think that I’ve been kidnapped!”

“No, she won’t. I’d bet Hakyeon told her that you’re safe and sound. Don’t worry too much,” he uttered soft as he pulled you into his warm hug. His words caused you to be speechless.

Rocking you side to side, he placed his hand gently at the back of your head and pulled it closer to his chest, “Do you feel safe with me?”

Inhaling his scent, you nodded causing him to smile at the movement of your head. “Let’s be like this until forever,” he prayed.

Letting you go from his hug, he held both of the sides of your arms and gazed you into the eyes making you blushed. Avoiding his gazes, you felt his fingers on your chin, moving it to his direction. “Look at me,” he smiled.

Returning a smile, suddenly he sneezed in front of you. Your eyes widened as you looked at him in concern, “Ravi, you catch cold!”

He shook his head, wanted to tell you that he was fine but then he sneezed again for the second time. “You are,” you tip toed to reach his forehead but he moved away, avoiding you.

“I’m okay, I usually sneezed,” he said as he sneezed again. You looked at him, sighing out loud. “Do you have any medicines? I’ll go get it for you.”

“No, I’m alright,” he sneezed again for the umpteenth time and you looked at him with concern. “Are you sure? Both of us got really wet last night.”

“I should get the cold,” you said sadly and Ravi went to the bathroom.

You sighed out audibly. “I should get the cold,” you repeated, unsatisfied. Throwing yourself on the bed, you shut your eyes and wished that the cold Ravi caught to be transferred to you. You didn’t want him to get sick, let you the one that suffered, not him. Moreover, you were the one that caused him to get wet last night.

Ravi then got out of the bathroom and saw you on the bed with eyes closed, “Is she sleeping?”

Heading towards you, he sat at the edge of the bed and the feeling of his weight on the bed caused you to open your eyes and you sat up. You brought the back of your hand on his forehead, showing him your worried expression.

After feeling the temperature, you brought your palm on your forehead to compare the temperature. “I don’t know…”

He caught your wrist and both of your eyes met, he smiled, “Let’s go out.”

You stared at him, “But, your-”

“I’m alright,” he answered but you shook your head. “The clouds are dark, there’ll be another heavy rain coming and you’re cold can be worsen.”

He looked out the window and nodded, agreed. A sly smile then appeared on his face making you stared at him, nervous. “Ravi, what’s on your mind?”

You moved away from his seat but since your wrist is still in his grip, you couldn’t go far. His mischievous smile never faded away. “Don’t come closer, I don’t want to catch your virus,” you warned as you glared at him.

“What are you thinking I’m going to do?” his smile then disappeared. You stared at him, feeling like he caught you off guard and blood rushed up to your cheeks, making it shining red. He then smiled seeing the changed in your face and he let go of your wrist before he interlaced his fingers with yours.

Avoiding his gazed, you turned quiet. You let your eyes rested on the floor as you felt your heart raced. “Jumi-ah,” you heard his call but you decided to stare at the floor little longer.

“About earlier on… I’m sorry,” he apologised. Averting your eyes from the floor, you made an eye contact with him, giving him a clueless look. A chuckle escaped, “What are you talking about?”

He looked at you, expressionless. He knew, you were going to avoid this topic again but he just wanted to make things clear now. He didn’t want to hurt you and all he ever wanted to see was you to be hapy and safe around him and anybody else.

“I know…” he spoke. “Hakyeon must have done something to you and you must have not yet prepared to share it with me.”

He smiled, “I don’t mind it if you don’t want to tell me.”

Your tongue suddenly turned numb as you felt his grip tightened, “I love you.”

Tears welled in your eyes as his words pierced right through your heart; he gazed at you and softened. “Don’t cry for me. I don’t want to see you cry anymore.”

You shook your head, “This is not right.”

Pulling your hand away from his, you covered your face with your palms, “You should not love me.”

Ravi looked at you, confused. “Why? What’s not right? I love you and you love me too… right?”

“You’re so kind to me. While I’m not that enough a good person for you, you should have met a better girl,” you held yourself from crying.

He grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand away from your face, he saw the helpless look you had in your eyes. Making an eye contact with you, he brought his hands to the sides of your head, cradling you. “You’re a more than enough to me.”

Your glassy eyes gazed deep into him, “I’m sorry…”

“I’m sorry too,” he expressed as he pulled you into an embrace. The sound of heavy rainfall filled the room as both of you shared a warm and loving hug. You tightened your hug as you immersed yourself into his scent. Tears slid down his sweater, wetting it.

He buried his face into the crook of your covered neck. He loved you so much that he wished he could hold you like this forever.


“I’m coming home,” Ravi said in cheerful tone. A shriek produced from the other side making him to move away from his cell phone. “I’ll tell Omma and Appa you’re coming!”

“Go and tell them,” Ravi laughed.

“Right! I should tell Jumi unnie too! She must be happy to hear that you’re coming back!” his little sister couldn’t hide the excitement she received from the news. Hearing Jumi’s name, his eyes averted to the face of the girl beside him, who was smiling widely to him.

“You don’t have to tell her, I think she knows it already,” Ravi replied as he smiled at you and lifted your hand to give a kiss on it.

“She does? Oppa, do you call her before you call me?” she asked, curious.

“No, I didn’t call her,” Ravi chuckled. “Okay, see you!” he ended the call and looked at you, who were swinging both your arm and his back and forth. Both of you were in the street, going back to both your houses. The weather had calmed down and the street ground was slippery wet.

“I really hope you don’t get back home so that I can spend more time with you,” Ravi uttered. “Don’t be silly, we’ll have more time to spend with each other. Why do you sound like we live far away from each other?”

He shook his head, “What if we live far away from each other?”

“Stop it Ravi. Let’s get in,” you pulled him into your house with a beam.


A week passed and things were like sweets and rainbow with Ravi. Most of the time, you spent your time with Ravi at his studio. His small studio became both of you love nest. However, that day, after you finished your classes, you saw a familiar car in front of the college.

Haeri who noticed your eyes fixed at one position, followed your gaze. She found out you were staring at a familiar car. Smiling, he tugged your elbow, “Is your boyfriend here to come and get you?”

You looked at her, shocked. “What are you talking about? Ravi is waiting for me.” Haeri looked at you, confused. She still didn’t know that you and Ravi had been dating each other. She still thought that both of you were just best friends even though she was surprised to see Ravi turned up from nowhere last time. She just concluded that the problem you had with Ravi was settled.

And it puzzled her that today, your boyfriend came.

She hadn’t seen him for like a week? She was so confused.

You covered your face with your files and walked the opposite way of his car. Hakyeon got out of the car and leaned back against his car as his eyes scanned thoroughly the train of student pour out from the main entrance. He then shifted his eyes to look at his watch, “Why I don’t see her? She supposed to finish her class at this time.”

Haeri noticed you were covering your face and you began to speed walked. “Why are you running from him?” Haeri asked, totally clueless.

“I don’t want to see him,” you answered short.

“Why?” Haeri insisted. “Oppa! Here!” Haeri yelled to Hakyeon, earning his attention and your files in your hand fell down, revealing your face. You froze as your heart began to raced, you didn’t want to turn to see him.


A/N: Writer's block hit me for days... I hope you enjoy this update ^^

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_aerin4 #1
Chapter 26: Omg Ravi is so sweet ! It's hard to find Ravi fanfic so thanks a lot for making this story !
This fanfic is super nice! OMG!! My Ravi Oppa! So sweet! Would like more fics like this with Ravi Oppa too!! Nice story! Upvoted and Subscribed!! *Thumbs Up*
Chapter 26: Omg I just found this fic today and finish it XD
Chapter 26: Yay for Ravi
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 26: Hoho , wonshik . Like it .
Chapter 26: Hoho so cute ravi and jumi . Greqt job ..
pink-penggy #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh this is so cute. it's sad that it's completed.. But I still love it. Everything is good ( ´ ▽ ` ) And I seriously blushed on the ending. so sweet >///<
LuckyCharmz #8
Chapter 26: See what a great story
Chapter 26: awww~ me love this story.
me love the ending as well.
i was like omg final?! FINAL CHAPTER??! NOOOOOOUUUU!!
then i read it, then, thank god the ending is satisfying.
yeay, thumbs up. good job.