Chapter 19

Look at Me

“Where were you? I’ve been waiting for you. It is cold out here. I thought you told me you had assignments to do?” he gave you a sceptical look.

Grinning sheepishly, you placed your hands on both of his hands that were on your cheeks. “Let go of your hands,” your expression clearly showed him that you weren’t pleased with his action. A surprised look spread throughout his face before he looked behind you, “I’m sorry.” Letting his hands away, he flashed you a smile and his eyes shifted to see behind you. “Ravi-sshi, are you going home?” Hakyeon called out causing you to automatically follow his gaze.

“Ravi-ah! Where are you going?” you called. Ravi who were about to leave both of you halted on his way, shutting his eyes in pain. Why did he feel so much pain? The pain felt almost unbearable and to make it worst, he couldn’t let the feeling out. It hurt him so much that not even a single tear dropped out.

Seeing that Ravi didn’t response to any of your question, you gave Hakyeon a look to wait for a while. Hakyeon nodded, understood and shifted his eyes to the sky. The day had turned darker and he could sense that another heavy rain was on its way.

“Ravi, are you leaving now?” you asked as soon as you stood in front of him. Avoiding your gaze, he nodded. “Omma called, I have to go,” he kept his head lowered and moved passed you in hurry. Not be able to stop him, you only watched him leaving you without a word of farewell.

“Is he leaving already?” you heard a voice beside you. You nodded, “He said his mom called but why he looks in hurry? Is something happen at home?” You stared at the empty path, clueless. He already disappeared from your sight and you felt a tug on your sleeve.

Lifting your chin to see the person beside you, “Maybe his mother needs help? Don’t worry that much.”

You sighed inaudibly as your eyes stared at the end of the street, hoping that Ravi would appear and came back to you. He didn’t even say goodbye to you, not even looking at you in the eyes. It felt unusual after what happened to both of you earlier on at the studio.

“I think it’s going to rain again, let’s get in,” Hakyeon spoke. Lifting your head to meet your eyes with the sky, you nodded agreed before Hakyeon slung his arm around your shoulder and brought you back to your house. Your eyes still couldn’t leave the street that Ravi had left you without a final glance. You wondered what happened that caused him to leave you in such manner.


Sitting on the couch at the living room, you heard your mother voice from the kitchen. “Jumi-ah, I leave you some dinner. I had dinner with Hakyeon just now. Really, where were you-” your mother paused as soon as she poked out her head to peek at you in the living room.

“Hakyeon-ah, you’re still here? I thought you were leaving?” your mother asked, surprised.

Hakyeon chuckled, “I changed my mind.”

“I’m full, I had my dinner with Ravi already,” you stated, giving your mother a look. Your mother stared at you for a while before she nodded her head. “You did? That’s good to hear!” your mother expressed. “Hakyeon-ah~” your mother called.

“Yes?” Hakyeon replied, smiling at your mother.

“Is it okay if I leave you with Jumi? I’m so tired. I apologise for not be able to-”

“It’s alright auntie,” Hakyeon cut your mother’s words. “You can have a good sleep, good night.”

“What time is it?” you took a glimpse of the wall clock when all of sudden your eyes rounded. “Oppa, it’s late already. You’re to suppose get home now!”

Hakyeon chuckled at your reaction, “It’s alright. I’m an adult now. My parents don’t set any curfew against me.”

You stared at him for a moment and he only flashed his sweetest smile endlessly. “Adult?” you thought. “What am I doing alone with a male adult this late?” you gulped at the thought and the creepy thought just popped up in your mind without you asking to.

“I think you should go,” you stated as you made an eye contact with him.

“Why? It’s raining, the wind shield will be blur and hard to see. It’s dangerous,” he replied with his endless sweet smile.

Your ears caught the sound of the rain pouring, why was it have to be rain at the exact time you wanted him to leave? The way he gazed at you somehow managed to give you goose bump and sending chill down your spine.

“So, Oppa… Are you going to stay for a while?” you hesitantly asked but he nodded eagerly as a response. “Why? Are you not happy that I stay a little longer? Then I think I should g-”

“No!” you yelled, accidentally. Your eyes widened as you realised you just raised your voice to him and his eyes stared at you, startled.

Both of you stayed like that for a moment before Hakyeon broke the icy moment with a laugh. “I just remember I bought something for you.”

You leaned back at your seat, trying to relax and loosened your muscle. Why did you feel like to fidgeting and uncomfortable around him after he introduced you that he was a male adult? Was it because you forgot that he was way older than you? But both of you only had four years difference.

“Here,” he showed you a large shopping bag he brought for you.

“What is this?” you asked, puzzled.

“Remember I told you that I want to buy you something?” he questioned.

You avoided his gaze as you turned into thinking mode. “That one! I remember,” you said as soon as you recalled it.

“It’s this,” he placed his hand into the shopping bag and pulled out a pink coloured winter jacket. “It’s pretty, isn’t it?” he complimented his own choice.

You stared at the jacket, speechless and totally amazed. “Wow, it’s really beautiful. Did you personally choose this?”

Without wasting any second, you got up and Hakyeon helped you wearing the thick jacket. “Yes, how is it? Do you like it? I have fashion eyes. I know you’ll fall for it the first second you laid your eyes on it.”

Turning around to face him with the warm and thick jacket wrapping around your body, “I like it! How do I look?”

He stared at you, “The jacket is created for you to wear. You look beautiful.”

“Right?” you asked excited and made a ballet pose in front of him. “It’s warm! I’m in love with it already,” you squealed like a fan girl.

“It’ll be warmer this way,” he uttered as he embraced you from behind causing you to hold your breath. He buried his face on your shoulder and you only stared at the empty space in front of you, feeling lost.

You could feel his arms encircled around your waist even though the winter jacket was thick. Why? You asked yourself the same question again and again. Why?

Why he did this?

Why did he have the courage?

Why did he make things complicated?


Resting your hands on his hands, you tried to break his hug gently but he held you tighter. “Let me stay like this for five minutes, please?” he asked as he lifted his head.

Slowly, pulling your hands away from his, you let him buried his face onto your shoulder. You stood still, not dare to move, not dare to breathe, not dare to question and not dare to tell him the truth. You needed put an end to this already complicated drama quickly but…

Where should you begin?

You let him doing whatever he wanted at that moment as both of you filled questions in both of your heads. He must be waited for this moment so long… at least you thought.

He breathed in the smell of the jacket thought it didn’t produce any good smell. You must be startled again by him, he could sense it from the way you froze in his arms. Instead of words, he thought that actions would work better. He would show his affection and any action for you to finally say something. He was still waiting and he just wanted to remind you. In case, you might have forgotten about it.

You felt he lifted his head and slowly he released you from his embrace. “Thank you,” he expressed and slowly backing away from you. “You can turn now,” he uttered but you still in your statue state, not be able to move even an inch.

Should you turn and put this to an end?

Just like you easily planned?

But things weren’t always that simple and you knew that.

He stared at your back, kind of getting the feeling that you didn’t want to see him. It was upsetting to him but he started it and he shouldn’t get upset to you. You weren’t at fault, it was him.

“I heard that the rain stops. I think I should leave now,” he chuckled trying to brighten up the atmosphere that he just ruined moment ago. With a heavy and full of regret heart, he stepped away from you to leave, hoping that you at least say good night to him.

“Oppa wait!” you spoke with eyes shut while trying to calm down your racing heart.

He halted on his way and shifted his eyes to your back, smiling. Gaining your strength, you tried to remain calm and turned to finally face his innocent smile.

That smile he kept flashing at you killed you slowly in the inside.

You didn’t want to erase that smile he always wore but you must clear the doubts and questions that had been flying around.

“Do you want to send me of? That’s so sweet of you!” he said as his eyes caught your bitter expression.

“Oppa…” you called, hurt.

Staring at him in the eyes, you exhaled deeply and biting your lower lips nervously, “I think the time has come.”

His face fell, the smile he had kept beautifully on his face had gone.

Tears began to brim on the edge of your eyes. You felt it. You felt the pain and it hurt you so much that you were unsure if you could face him again after this. You were going to break his heart…

He saw the tears and the bitter expression. Why all of sudden he felt as if you had rejected him even though you haven’t said anything. No, he must be interpreted it wrongly. Tears could also mean the other way around. Tears of happiness, took for instance. He must stay positive no matter what and so he forced a smile. “I guess I’ll be home late than I thought,” he chuckled and walked towards you.

Not be able to endure the thought of hurting him, you plopped yourself at the nearest couch and he quickly took a seat beside you. How could he still smiling in this situation? You envied his strength that he still managed to pull a smile at this moment.

He knew that he had half-half chance. It was either you accepted or rejected his heart. You weren’t sure if he already caught the hints or he just pretended to be blind?

“Oppa…” you parted your lips, ready to get him hurt.

“Yes?” he arched his brows with a small smile.

His smile ache your heart, “The heart you gave to me…”

A cry burst out from you all of sudden as you couldn’t continue your next sentence. How could you do this to him when he was so nice to you? You were so cruel. How could you tear his heart while wearing his jacket?

His face fell seeing you cry. Gently he patted you at your back and pulled you into his embrace. His act caused you to cry out even more and you suppressed your cries, fear that you would waken up your mother.

“It’s alright, cry all you want,” he cooed.

“No Oppa. I-”

“Hush,” he intruded as you searched for his eyes. His smile vanished and replaced by an unreadable expression.

“Let’s pretend that this never happen? Okay?” he asked with sorrowful eyes.

“I don’t want to hear your answer yet, save it for the day where both of us are fully prepared.”

Your cry ceased and you stared at him, wordlessly.

“Get it? Don’t ever try to bring out this again,” he forced an obvious fake smile.

“I didn’t hear anything right? You cried because your assignments are difficult. Let’s think that way,” he said and exhaled deeply before he let go of you.

“It’s late, I should go,” he asked permission and just like that, he left you speechless.


The next morning, you woke up to find yourself sleeping with the jacket on. The jacket didn’t make you feel any better instead it reminded you about Hakyeon more. Pulling it away from you, you lazily walked to see your reflection on the mirror and surprised to see how puffy your eyes look.

You shook your head and you needed to cover it from everyone sight or they threw you countless questions. Staring at your reflection, your mind began to wander aimlessly.

“Let’s pretend that this never happen? Okay?” his voice rang through your head.

“Omma called, I have to go,” Ravi voice flashed back into your mind and you snapped out of your thought. “Is something going on with Ravi last night?” you asked yourself.

Hurriedly, you searched for your cell phone and made a call. Bringing your cell phone closer to your ears, you could hear several ringing.

One ring…

Second ring…

Third ring…

You waited patiently until the operator decided to answer for him.

Not satisfied, you tried to make another call until you thought you should give up.

“Why isn’t he answering? Is he still asleep?” you sighed.


Meanwhile, on the other hand at Ravi’s room. He only stared at his cell phone…

He heard and saw your call but he pretended that he didn’t hear or see anything. You hurt him so much that he was debating with himself if he should let you go and just forgot about you.

He also began to doubt your honesty towards him.

If you really love him why did he only feel the ache? He thought love supposed to be sweet and not hurting. Perhaps you only said that you loved him because of… sympathy?

That made him a pathetic.

“Give me time,” he declared.


A/N: Now I think I hurt both characters so much :( I'm so sorry! But please don't leave this fic ><

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_aerin4 #1
Chapter 26: Omg Ravi is so sweet ! It's hard to find Ravi fanfic so thanks a lot for making this story !
This fanfic is super nice! OMG!! My Ravi Oppa! So sweet! Would like more fics like this with Ravi Oppa too!! Nice story! Upvoted and Subscribed!! *Thumbs Up*
Chapter 26: Omg I just found this fic today and finish it XD
Chapter 26: Yay for Ravi
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 26: Hoho , wonshik . Like it .
Chapter 26: Hoho so cute ravi and jumi . Greqt job ..
pink-penggy #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh this is so cute. it's sad that it's completed.. But I still love it. Everything is good ( ´ ▽ ` ) And I seriously blushed on the ending. so sweet >///<
LuckyCharmz #8
Chapter 26: See what a great story
Chapter 26: awww~ me love this story.
me love the ending as well.
i was like omg final?! FINAL CHAPTER??! NOOOOOOUUUU!!
then i read it, then, thank god the ending is satisfying.
yeay, thumbs up. good job.