" You Can't Remember Anything At All...? "

The Twisted Truth

Jonghyun and Key were playing tic-tack-toe with each other for fun. when Yesung tapped Jonghyun's shoulder.

" What's up, hyung? I'm in the middle of trying to beat the Almighty Key here. ", he mumbled as he chewed on the tip of his pencil in deep thought.

" Jjong, Key, look. Why is there an ambulance and a police car in the parking lot of our school? ", he asked, still tapping Jonghyun's shoulder to get a look.

Jonghyun and Key looked up from their game. Yep, there was an ambulance and a police car in the school's parking lot.

" Let's go see. ", said Yesung.

" Go and see by yourself, hyung. We're busy. ", muttered Key as he and Jonghyun turned back to their game.

" Fine, fine. ", sighed Yesung.

" I'll go with you, Sunggie! ", chirped Ryeowook.

" Arasso. Let's go, Wookie. ", he sang out.

" Wait for me! I wanna go too! It's getting boring staying in here! ", called Kibum.

" Well, hurry up then, dongsaeng! ", said Ryeowook and Yesung.

When they had gone, Jonghyun made an ' X ' on one spot of the paper. Key smiled.

" Bad move, Jjong hyung. I won again! ", he smirked as he drew an ' O ' on another spot of the paper.

" Crap! I always lose! ", cursed Jonghyun.

Kangin, who was reading a science book, looked at Heechul. Heechul looked tense. He was rubbing his hands and twisting his fingers together. His feet were tapping impatiently for some reason and he was biting his bottom lip.

" Hyung, what's wrong? Why do you look so restless? ", he asked, scooting over to his brother.

" I...I don't know...I...feel like there's something wrong...I just don't know what. ", he answered nervously.

" Well, think about something else then, hyung. "

" I've tried, but the nervousness just keeps coming back. "

Before Kangin could answer, Kibum, Yesung and Ryeowook came running back. They looked scared.

" What's up, you three? Why do you guys look so pale? ", asked Jonghyun as he looked up from another game.

" There--there--there--there-- ", stuttered Yesung.

" There was what? Just say it and stop leaving us hanging in suspense here! ", said Heechul.

" It's--it's Ji Young. She--she-- ", stuttered Ryeowook, who was starting to tear up.

" BWOH!? Ji Young what?! What, Wookie!??! ", shouted Heechul as he grasped his brother's shoulders so tight they started to hurt. Everyone in the class turned to look at them.

" She--she was--she was atta--attacked by--by--Choi Jong--Jonghun! ", finished Kibum in stutters and sniffs.

" BWOH?! Choi Jonghun, the school's playboy?!!? ", yelled Kangin, slamming his book onto the table with a SMACK!!! The sound echoed throughout the classroom.

Heechul ran out of the class. Kibum ran after him. The others had no choice, but to follow.

" HYUUUUUUUNNNNNNNG!!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT UP!!!!! ", shouted Kibum as he ran after Heechul.

Heechul reached the area where the crowd was. He saw Jonghun being interrogated with another cop holding his handcuffed hands. His eyes darted left and right, looking for Ji Young. He finally saw her being lifted onto a stretcher.

" Ji Young-ah! ", he cried.

He looked at the figure on the stretcher. It was hard for him to believe that the battered, bloodied figure lying there motionless was his own sister. He heard crying and saw another girl crying.

" Who are you? ", he asked gently.

The girl looked up. Her eyes were swollen and red.

" I--I'm Kim Hyun--Hyun Ah, Ji--Ji Young's best fr--fr--fr--friend. ", she sniffed.

" Hyun Ah-- "

" J--just call me Hyu--Hyuna. "

" Hyuna, I am Heechul, Ji Young's oppa. Please tell me what happened to my sister. "

" She--she went to the wash--washroom and took ver--very long to c--come back. A--a friend and I w--went to l--look for--for her and...and we s--saw Ji Young getting attacked by--by Jonghun. "

When she had finished telling Heechul, she burst into tears. Heechul was shocked. He ran to his sister's stretcher and held her limp hand.

Jonghyun, on the other hand, went ballistic. He went to Jonghun and punched him directly on the face, leaving him with a bloody nose.

" You son of a ! You tard! You bastard! You ! You--! ", screamed Jonghyun as he strangled Jonghun who was trying to pry a very mad Jonghyun off him.

" Jjong, calm down! ", said Yesung as he restrained him, but Jonghyun could sense the hurt in his brother's voice that had a scent of ING BASTARD JONGHUN, I SWEAR TO GOD THAT I'LL FRIGGING KILL YOU ONE DAY FOR HURTING MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SISTER.

Hyuna walked over to Jonghun, who was dizzily standing up, and slapped him repeatedly on both cheeks till Woong Jae held her back.

" You , you deserved that for hurting my best friend! ", she spat as Woong Jae pulled her away.

" Hyuna-ah, calm down. ", shushed Woong Jae. Hyuna glared at Jonghun and cried into her hands.

Heechul stood mortified as he watched his sister's stretcher go into the ambulance. Kangin laid a hand on his brother's shoulder. Heechul turned around and cried into his brother's shirt.

" C'mon, let's follow the ambulance to the hospital. ", said Ryeowook.

" We'll have to take the bus. ", said Key.

Behind them, the Chois and the Lees followed them too. But they hardly noticed them.


When they reached the hospital, Heechul asked the receptionist for their sister's hospital room.

" Where is Kim Ji Young's room? ", he asked, struggling to keep his voice calm.

" It's up on the 5th floor, Room 7. ", the lady behind the counter smiled.

" Kamsahamnida. ", thanked Key as he forced a smile.

They took the elevator. Unknown to them, the Chois and the Lees followed in different elevators.


When they reached their sister's room, they peeked in. They saw their sister lying down on a bed. She had bandages on her body and she was breathing softly.

Heechul and the others stepped in quietly. They pulled chairs for themselves and sat down. Jonghyun sat next to his sister on her left hand side and cried into his shirt sleeve as he held Ji Young's hand. Yesung sat on Ji Young's right hand side and wailed as he her cheek.

Key heard a knock at the door.

" Should I answer it, hyungs? ", he asked gently.

" I guess. ", answered Kangin.

Key opened it and outside were Minho and Siwon. Key stood mortified for a while, looking at them till Siwon spoke.

" May we come in? ", he asked softly.

Heechul turned his head from the window to see who it was. He walked over to Key.

" S--Si--Siwon... ", he choked on his words.

" Heechul hyung... ", he answered.

" May we come in, please? ", asked Minho gently.

" N--ne. C--come in. ", stuttered Heechul.

Normally, he wouldn't let them in whenever they asked. But today was different. Siwon and Minho are were family after all.

" Hyung... ", whispered Siwon as he touched Heechul's shoulder gently.

Suddenly, Heechul turned to Siwon and hugged him, crying. Siwon was startled at first, but he hugged him back. He knew how terrible it was for him to see Ji Young like that.

" Si--Siwon! ", he wailed.

Siwon hugged him back and shushed him gently. He felt his shirt become soaked with Heechul's tears, but it didn't matter right now. A tear slid down his own cheek.

" Heechul hyung... ", he whispered repeatedly.

Just then, there was another knock and Minho went to see who it was. It was the Lees. Taemin rushed to Ji Young's bed with tears streaming down his face.

" Ji Young! ", he wailed.

He saw Jonghyun crying softly. His eyes were red and puffy and his body shook slightly.

" Hyung? May I sit here too? ", Taemin asked nervously.

Jonghyun looked up, sniffling. Taemin inched away from him. He still remembered the first time he saw Jonghyun angry.

" Ne, you can. ", he murmured, pointing to an empty chair next to him.

Taemin looked stunned and slowly sat down. He was still slightly scared of Jonghyun. Meanwhile, Sungmin walked up to Heechul and comforted him. Heechul wailed and sobbed his heart out as well as his eyes.

" It's okay, hyung. Just let it out. ", Sungmin whispered, patting Heechul's back.

Heechul cried and cried and cried uncontrollably. He was really suffering to see his sister in this state. He was supposed to take care of his sister, but this had happened to the sibling he cared for more than anything in the world. He felt awful.

" Su--Sung--Sungmin... ", he sniffed.

" Ne, hyung? "

" I feel awful. Ji Young is my responsibility and I failed her for that moment! ", he bawled again.

Siwon hugged Heechul as well. His cries were choked and painful.

" Heechul hyung, just let it all out. It's okay. It's not your fault. ", he said.

" But it is! I failed to look out for her at that moment! I'm such a bad oppa to her! I feel like such a failure! ", he wailed.

" Hyung... ", said Eunhyuk.

" Eu--Eun...hyuk... "

" If I could suggest, we all could take turns looking after Ji Young in the hospital. If she wakes up, then whoever is taking care of her will give the rest of us a call. "

" Arasso. Gomawo. "

Heechul turned to Ji Young, gently pushed a strand of hair from her face and kissed her forehead.

" Get up soon, okay, dongsaeng? We miss you... ", Heechul's voice cracked at the end as he walked out of the room.

" Jonghyun, will you be staying here? ", asked Onew.

" Ne. I'll stay. "

" I'll look after Ji Young tommorow, arasso? ", said Siwon.

" Arasso. Just give me a call tommorow. ", replied Jonghyun.

When everyone, except Jonghyun, went out of the room, he pulled his chair closer to his sister's bed. He looked at her pale, serene face. There was a bruise or two and a spot of dried blood near her lips.

" Jiji-ah, Jjong oppa is sorry. We're all sorry we weren't there for you. Mianhae, dongsaeng. Mianhae... ", he whispered as he cried softly.

Unknown to him, a single tear slid down his sister's cheek like a pearl and vanished when it touched the pillow.


For a week or two, Ji Young's brothers, as well as the Chois and the Lees, took turns to come to take care of her. During those weeks, Hyuna, Woong Jae, Jaejoong, Kyuhyun, Yunho, Junsu and Yoochun came to visit her as well. Doo Joon and Yoseob also came to visit her, even though Doo Joon didn't really talk to Ji Young that much as the others.


One day on November 13th, Siwon came to Ji Young's hospital room. It was his turn to look after her. He had dark rings and eye bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. He and Minho had been sleeping over in the Kims house, but Ji Young's brothers were still a little too distraught about their sister that they hardly did anything.

" Sigh...another quiet day, I guess. Poor Heechul hyung. He is the one who's suffering the most. He keeps thinking it's his fault that Ji Young landed here in the hospital. When she wakes up, I'll have to ask them to tell her the truth about our family and how we're siblings. But....what if she's not ready to handle the news? ", he thought as he paced back and forth, running his hands through his hair.

" Okay, okay, Siwon. You have to calm down. Breathe in, breathe out. Inhale, exhale. ", he told himself as he took deep breaths.

He pulled a chair and sat next to his sister's bed. Her face was still pale and her eyes were closed. Her breathing was soft.

" Ji Young-ah... ", he whispered her name repeatedly.

Then, without knowing, he fell asleep while holding her hand.


" Argh...my head hurts...huh? Where in the world am I? Why am I in the hospital? ", thought someone as she woke up.

" Eh? Why is there a guy sleeping by my bed? Who is he? ", the person thought again when she saw Siwon sleeping next to her on a chair.

" Urm..hey, excuse me? Who are you? Where am I? YAH! ", that person screamed as she poked Siwon's head.

" Mmmm....5 more minutes, Minho....let me sleep a little more.... ", moaned Siwon in his sleep.

" I'm not this Minho person. Who are you? "

Siwon woke up with a start.

" I'm awake! I'm awake! I'm--Ji Young? "

Siwon looked at the girl who was awake and staring at him with a confused look.

" Ji Young! ", he cried as he gave her a hug.

" Ji Young! You're awake! I'm so glad to see you! How are you feeling? ", he asked excitedly.

" Do I know who you are, mister? ", she asked, scratching her head.

Siwon stared at her disbelievingly and then laughed. Ji Young looked at Siwon with a ' what-a-weirdo ' look.

" Ahahaha! C'mon, you're joking, aren't you? Don't tell me you don't know who I am? ", he laughed.

" I'm not joking. I really don't know who you are. ", said Ji Young.

" Ahaha! Good one, Ji Young! "

" Ji Young? Is that my name? "

" C'mon, girl! Stop joking! "

" I'm not joking. I don't know you. "

" You're kidding, right? I mean-- "


At this, Siwon shut his mouth. Something was definitely wrong. He felt hurt and cried a little. Ji Young put a hand on his shoulder.

" Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream at you. ", she said softly.

" You really don't know who I am? ", he tried once more.

He expected her to say " Okay, you got me. Of course I know you, Siwon oppa. I was just trying to tease you. ". But the answer she gave was a really bitter disappointment.

" Aniyo. Mianhamnida. I don't know you. "

" Can you remember your name? ", he asked.

" Aniyo. I...can't remember anything. ", she said.

" Nothing at all? "

" Ne. "

" I see. Wait here. I'll go see your doctor and ask him a few things. "

" Arasso. Kamsahamnida. ", she smiled.

Siwon walked out of the room, closed the door and called Heechul's handphone.

" C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. Pick it up, hyung. Pick it up. ", he prayed, gritting his teeth.



Heechul: " Yoboseyo? "

Siwon: " Hyung, she woke up already? "

Heechul: " Bwoh!??! Really?!!? We're on our way! "

Siwon: " But, hyung, there's just one problem... "

Heechul: " What? What's the problem? "

Siwon: " She can't remember anything at all, not even her own name. "

Heechul: " BWOH?!!? Really?!!? "

Siwon: " Ne. I'm going to talk to her doctor now. You, Minho and the Lees come here now and wait for me outside Ji Young's room, arasso? "

Heechul: " Arasso. See you there, Siwon. "

Siwon: " Arasso. Bye. "



Siwon went down to the doctor's office. He knocked on the door.

" Come in. ", came a voice.

Siwon went in and saw the doctor sitting at his desk, checking on the patients'  profiles.

" Ah, Mr. Choi. Come in and take a seat. I was just about to call you myself. It's about patient Ji Young. ", he said as he gestured to a chair.

" What about her? I came to ask you about her. ", he said as he sat down.

" What did you want to ask me about her? "

" She can't remember anything, not even her own name. Is there something wrong with her? ", he inquired.

" Ne. There is. Follow me. "

Siwon followed the doctor to a room with X-rays on the wall. The doctor searched in his cabinet for files under ' K '. He took out a file that read ' Kim Ji Young '. He took out some X-rays and put them against the light. They were X-rays of her brain.

" When she was thrown against the wall, she suffered a very heavy blow on her head here. ", the doctor said, pointing to a part of Ji Young's skull.

" The shards of her broken skull punctured her brain here. That part was injured so severely that it probably caused her not to remember anything at all. ", the doctor explained.

" So, how do we help her to obtain her memories back? ", Siwon asked.

" Well,....try doing things that she liked doing. Slowly tell her about her family and introduce her to her friends again. Try anything which you think she'll remember. "

" Arasso. Kamsahamnida, doctor. ", bowed Siwon and left.

He went back to Ji Young's hospital room and found her oppas as well as Minho and the Lees waiting outside impatiently.

" Hyung! ", Minho cried as he ran to hug his brother tight.

" So, what did the doctor say? ", asked Donghae.


" This is bad, this is so very bad! AISH!!!! ", Heechul screamed as he messed up his hair after hearing what the doctor said.

" ing bastard Jonghun! I swear one of these ing days, I'm gonna march up to him, rip out his stupid playboy eyes and shove it down his dirty throat so he can see me tear his fugly body apart with my bare hands! Then, his polluted eyes can cussing watch me throw his bloody, messed up body into the Han River! ", cursed Jonghyun as he punched the wall multiple times.

" Woah, Jjong. Calm down. ", said Kibum.

" Jjong hyung is scary, Onew hyung. ", whined Taemin as he grasped his hyung's hand.

" I know, right? ", he whispered back.

" So, we have to help her regain her memories, huh? ", asked Ryeowook as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

" We all can do that! ", said Yesung, lightly punching Ryeowook's arm.

" Owch! Hyung! ", he pouted as he rubbed his arm gingerly.

" Let's go in and see Ji Young. I wanna see her. ", said Taemin.

" Arasso. Let's go in. ", said Kangin.

They entered Ji Young's room. She was reading a magazine that she found in the tableside drawer next to her bed. When she heard the door open, she looked up from her magazine.

" Hi again. These are my friends. ", said Siwon.

" Brothers, you knucklehead. ", hissed Minho, elbowing his hyung.

" We can't just rush her like that, Minho. We have to give her time to regain back her memories. ", whispered Siwon.

" Siwon is right, Minho. We'll have to do this step by step. ", said Jonghyun.

" Oh, yeah. Mianhae. ", he answered.

" Annyeong. ", smiled Ji Young.

" Do you even remember a little bit of your name? ", asked Siwon.

" Aniyo. ", she answered as she shook her head sadly.

" Well, your name is Kim Ji Young from now on, arasso? ", he said.

" Kim Ji Young....Kim Ji Young....arasso. That's a pretty name. ", she smiled.

" It is. ", smiled Heechul.

" Umm...I don't know any of your names, so...uh...can you guys introduce yourselves to me? ", she asked as she played with her hair.

So, one by one, the boys introduced themselves. Ji Young paid full attention. Just after Taemin introduced himself last, Ji Young's doctor came in and told Siwon that she would be discharged the day after tommorow.


The day after tommorow came. Siwon, Heechul and Sungmin came to fetch Ji Young from the hospital. Ji Young followed them out to Siwon's Audi.

" Wow! Whose car?! ", Ji Young exclaimed as she ran her hand over the car's sleek, silver body.

" Mine. ", grinned Siwon, showing off his perfect dimples.

" Uwaaaaa~ You must be rich! ", Ji Young squealed.

" Yeah, I am. ", he grinned again.

" Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such self praise. ", tutted Heechul.

" Look who's talking, diva boy. ", smirked Siwon.

" Neh~ ", said Heechul as he stuck his tongue out at Siwon and gave him a mehrong.

Siwon returned his mehrong. Then, they heard Ji Young giggling.

" What? ", the two of them chorused.

" You guys are such babies! It's weirdly funny! ", she laughed.

Sungmin sniggered along with Ji Young. Then, they got into the car and went to the Kims house.

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Chapter 29: Your story is Good,update soon!will be waiting for ur next chapter:)
Yayyy! Update soon :)
update soon!!!
OMO!!!<br />
leeteuk is ji young brother???
it was not lame at all... the story keep getting intrusting :) update soon
i think its jaejoong....
Your story is very addicting! :)
What mean by the note?
<br />
Can't wait for update :)
Sad story, they have to go through such a hard time... Update soon :)