The Note-Sender Is...

The Twisted Truth

Ji Young nibbled on the tip of her pencil as she stared at her History test on Egyptian history. She stared at the question in front of her. It read:

" Name the Egyptian queen that made Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony fall in love with her. "

" Gaaaah, I wish I paid more attention to my history lessons back in high school! I forgot the name of that woman! ", she thought as a drop of sweat trickled down her forehead.

She drummed her finger on the table, trying to think. Finally, she jotted down a name:


" I just hope that's right. ", muttered Ji Young under her breath.

Finally, class ended. It was lunch time.

" Aish! That was a little difficult! ", grumbled Ji Young as she messed up her hair.

" Whaddya mean difficult? It was as easy as pie! ", said Hyuna as she walked with her best friend.

" Yeah, it was like ABC! ", agreed Woong Jae.

" You two suit each other. You both agree on the same things. ", chuckled Ji Young.

Hyuna whined as she stomped her foot. Woong Jae looked down and turned crimson red. Ji Young chuckled.

They went to their lockers. Her brothers, Heechul and Jonghyun, were by their lockers and grabbing a couple of stuff.

" Oppas~!!! ", said Ji Young as she ran to her brothers.

" Jiji! ", cried Jonghyun as he hugged his sister.

" Jjong oppa! "

" Yah, what about me? ", complained Heechul as he puffed out his cheeks.

" Of course I haven't forgotten you, pabo oppa! ", giggled Ji Young as she hugged him.

" Mwoh?! I'm. Not. A. Pabo! ", shouted Heechul.

" Aish! You're too loud, drama queen. ", sighed Ji Young as she opened her locker.

" I'm not a drama queen! ", shouted Heechul again.

" Aish, hyung! You're too noisy! ", hissed Jonghyun as he clamped his hand over Heechul's mouth to shut him up.

Ji Young laughed. As she opened her locker, a yellow note fell out from her locker. Ji Young picked it up. It read:


The place where you shall find the next note is one where there's music


Heechul and Jonghyun peered over their sister's shoulder and read the note.

" Woooooh~ Our baby sister has a secret admirer~ ", teased Jonghyun.

" Oppa! ", whined Ji Young as she turned beet red.

" There's no name from the sender. And I thought only this kind of thing happened in movies. ", muttered Heechul as he looked at the note.

Hyuna looked at the note and smelt it.

" Mmmm~ Lavender! So someone who wrote this note likes lavender! ", she said.

Ji Young smelt the small note. Hyuna was right! There was a small scent of lavender on the paper.

" But who do we know has lavender-scented notes? ", asked Woong Jae.

" Molla. I guess I'll just have to find out after school. ", said Ji Young.

The little group went for lunch. They met up with the rest of Ji Young's brothers and their friends.

" Hi, guys! ", smiled Ji Young.

" Ji Young, sit here! ", said Kyuhyun happily as he patted an empty seat between him and Jaejoong.

" Gomawo. ", smiled Ji Young.

As Ji Young sat down, she noticed Kyuhyun writing something in his notebook.

" Kyu, what are you writing? ", she asked.

" Just a song. ", he smiled.

" You compose songs? ", she asked.

Kyuhyun nodded his head. Ji Young watched Kyuhyun write his song. Jaejoong stared at them with a lump of jealousy rising in his throat.

" Why am I feeling this? Is it because I like Ji Young-sshi? ", he thought as he picked at his kimchi.

Ji Young was reading her science book when a basketball rolled towards her and hit her feet lightly. She looked up and saw Donghae and Eunhyuk running towards her.

" Whoops! Mianhae, Ji Young-ah! Hyukkie bounced his ball too hard so it ended up here. ", said Donghae.

" Nah, it's fine. ", smiled Ji Young.

" And you, Monkey! I told you not to bounce your ball! ", snapped Donghae.

" Hey! You can't yell at me! I'm older than you! ", said Eunhyuk.

" You're older than me by 10 minutes only. ", said Donghae.

" I'm still bigger and older than you, 'cos I'm born 10 ounces heavier than you! ", said Eunhyuk.

" 10 ounces dumber. ", mehrong-ed Donghae.

" Well, you're 10 pounds uglier! ", snapped Eunhyuk as he wrestled with Donghae.

" You're 10 tons-- "

" No fighting, you two! ", said Sungmin.

" Aish, these two at times... ", sighed Heechul.  " It's like watching a cat and dog fight. "




School ended pretty quickly. As soon as Ji Young's class was dismissed, she went outside. She already knew which room the note meant: the music room.

But when she got there, no one was in the room. However, there was a note stuck on the piano. Ji Young took the note.


The note read:


Very good. Y'know, I'm kinda bored and I don't wanna drag this game on for too long, so meet me outside school NOW and you'll see who I am.


" That's fast. ", thought Ji Young.

She went out of the school and saw a figure sitting on a bench outside of school. No one else was in sight.

" Excuse me. ", said Ji Young as she tapped the person's shoulder.

The figure heard her, stood up and turned to face her.

" You??? ", gasped Ji Young.


Any guesses on who the person is??? P.S.: Sorry if this is lame. I'm losing my edge, I think...

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Chapter 29: Your story is Good,update soon!will be waiting for ur next chapter:)
Yayyy! Update soon :)
update soon!!!
OMO!!!<br />
leeteuk is ji young brother???
it was not lame at all... the story keep getting intrusting :) update soon
i think its jaejoong....
Your story is very addicting! :)
What mean by the note?
<br />
Can't wait for update :)
Sad story, they have to go through such a hard time... Update soon :)