
The Twisted Truth

" He is our step brother. ", he said.


At what Sungmin said, everyone was shocked, because of surprise. This was what happened to them:

- Heechul choked on his water and started coughing,

- Siwon choked on his food,

- Ji Young gasped in surprise,

- Yesung's jaw dropped low,

- Minho held his shaking head in his hands,

- Kibum was just plain surprised,

- Kangin's mouth fell open while he was eating,

- Jonghyun muttered " Is this even happening? " to himself,

- Key spat his water out,


- Ryeowook started mumbling " I'm not going crazy, I'm not going crazy... " to himself over 100 times.

Only Hyuna and Woong Jae were silent. They didn't know what was going on, but they didn't want to pry.

The others were giving looks like " Mwoh? " and " What is going on? "

" Mwoyah?! ", coughed Heechul when he had recovered from his shock.

" It's true. ", said Taemin.  " He is our step-brother. "

" Can you explain it to us then, Sungmin hyung? ", said Kibum.

Sungmin nodded and began to explain...


" Before our umma married your appa, she had us from her previous marriage and broke up with our biological appa 6 months later. She then married to a widower by the surname of Park. Leeteuk hyung was born already before us.

All of us were on quite good terms with each other until our umma and his appa had a huge arguement and broke up. We had lost contact since then. "


" So, technically, Leeteuk oppa is our brother too? ", Ji Young asked Key.

" I guess so. ", answered Key.

" Wow, Sungmin, you've got a lot of siblings now. ", said Leeteuk.

" So, you're Sungmin's brother? ", asked Heechul.

" Yeah. Step-brother, actually. ", said Leeteuk.

" We don't like to call each other step-siblings. We're family. ", said Ji Young.

" Yeah. ", agreed Kangin.  " And a sibling of any of our brothers is our sibling too! "

" Welcome to our huge family, hyung. ", grinned Eunhyuk, flashing his gummy smile and a peace sign.

" Thank you. ", said Leeteuk shyly.

" He's older than the rest of us, so he's our hyung and Ji Young's oppa. ", said Sungmin.

" Your family is really big, jagiya. You've got so many brothers. ", whispered Kyuhyun to Ji Young.

" I know, right? But I love my siblings no matter what. ", she replied with a smile.

" I'm glad you can accept your step-brothers as your own biological oppas. ", said Kyuhyun as he hugged his girlfriend.

" Well, it's what I believe. ", said Ji Young as she hugged her boyfriend.


Puah, I think this TT_TT

I'll try to make the next chapter better...

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Chapter 29: Your story is Good,update soon!will be waiting for ur next chapter:)
Yayyy! Update soon :)
update soon!!!
OMO!!!<br />
leeteuk is ji young brother???
it was not lame at all... the story keep getting intrusting :) update soon
i think its jaejoong....
Your story is very addicting! :)
What mean by the note?
<br />
Can't wait for update :)
Sad story, they have to go through such a hard time... Update soon :)