Why Did I Fall In Love With You

The Twisted Truth

The next day, everyone was up and getting ready for the school's masked prom. Heechul and Key, especially, were rummaging through their wardrobes, looking for their best tuxedos to wear and masks.

Ji Young put out the best dresses she had. But just then, someone knocked at her door.

" Ne? ", she called out.

The door opened and Yesung was standing there with a large box and a shoe box in his hands.

" Hi, Ji Youngie-ah! ", he grinned.  " I found these in the mail. It's for you from your boyfriend. "

Ji Young turned around and took the boxes from her brother.

" Kyu oppa sent this? ", she asked.

" Ne. ", answered Yesung.  " He has pretty good taste if you ask me. I'll leave you to change.  "

With that, Yesung went out of the room and shut the door. Ji Young set the boxes on the bed and opened the large one carefully. Inside the box was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen.

It was a long, strapless turquoise dress with teal blue sequins, thin silver and gold ts and a diamond-encrusted belt around the waist.
Sitting on top of the dress was the most elegant mask. It was turquoise and it was encrusted with sky blue sequins, gold ts and silver feathers.

" Oh. My. God. ", was all Ji Young could say.

In the shoe box was the most elegant pair of gladiator high heels. Ji Young took them out and wore them. They were a perfect fit.

" Wow. If Kyu bought this....just for me...wow. I hope these didn't cost him an arm and a leg. ", thought Ji Young.

Just then, her eyes caught sight of a card at the bottom of the largest box. She picked it up, ripped iit open and read it.


Dearest jagiya,

These are for you. I bought it from my aunt's prom shop. Wear it for today's prom, arasso? :)


- Your baby Kyu~ <333


Ji Young sighed. Kyuhyun bought all of the stuff just for her. How sweet of him~

Grabbing her clothes and a towel, she ran into the bathroom to shower and get ready.




When Ji Young came out of the shower, wearing her brand new dress. She dried her hair with her hairdryer, combed it and curled it a little.

She wore a silver necklace with a small heart pendant and a silver bracelet. Then, she wore her mask, grabbed her high heels and purse and went downstairs.

Her brothers were already downstairs, wearing their socks and shoes. They were wearing their tuxedos and masks.

When Heechul saw Ji Young coming down, he stopped adjusting his tie and gawked at his beautiful sister with wide eyes. The others also turned their heads and saw their sister come down.

" Jiji...you...look...amazing! ", gasped Jonghyun.

" Jinja? ", asked Ji Young.  " Gomawo, Jjong oppa. "

" Pssh. Not as amazing as me. ", bragged Heechul.

" Geez, hyung. ", groaned Kibum.  " Not another of your I'm-more-beautiful-than-everyone-else quotes, please. "

" Wow, you look even more beautiful than me! ", said Key with a smile.

" Of course she is! She is our baby sister after all! ", grinned Kangin as he ruffled her hair.

" Aish! Oppa, I just did my hair! ", grumbled Ji Young as she took a comb out of her purse and did her hair again.

" Ahaha, she has my diva genes. ", smirked Heechul proudly.

" There he goes again. ", mumbled Yesung and Ryeowook.

Heechul scowled dangerously at the two. Just then, the beep of a horn interrupted them.

" That must be Siwon and Minho. ", said Heechul and opened the door.  " Ka ja. "

Everyone went out. The boys got into the limo with Siwon and Minho, but as Ji Young was about to get in, another horn caught their attention.

A sleek white Ferrari pulled up by the pavement. A window rolled down and a familiar head stuck out the window, grinning widely.

" Kyu oppa! ", said Ji Young.

Kyuhyun got out of his Ferrari and hugged Ji Young.

" Hi, babe. I see you wore my gift for you. ", he smiled as he kissed her forehead.

" Ooooh, P.D.A. ", teased Siwon.

" Oppa~ ", whined Ji Young.

" Heechul hyung, do you want me to drive Ji Young to school? ", asked Kyuhyun.

" If it's fine with her. Jiji-ah, are you fine with it? ", asked Heechul.

" Ne. See you guys at school! ", she said.  " C'mon, Kyu oppa! Ka ja! "

Kyuhyun led her to his car and she sat in the front seat. Then, he drove off.

" You look beautiful, jagiya. ", he smiled.

" Gomawo, yeobo. ", smiled Ji Young as she kissed Kyuhyun.

By the time they reached the school, Ji Young's brothers( that's counting the Chois and the Lees ) were already there.

" Hi, oppas~! ", she called out.

" Ji Young-ah! ", said Donghae and hugged her.

" Hi, dongsaeng~! ", smiled Sungmin.

" Ji Young!!! ", called another voice.

Ji Young turned around and saw a girl and a guy approaching her.

" Who are you two? ", asked Ji Young.

The gril and the boy took off their masks.

" Surprise! ", grinned the girl.

" Hyuna! ", cried Ji Young as she hugged her best friend.

" Gotcha! ", laughed Woong Jae.

" Aish, you two! ", laughed Ji Young.

" C'mon, let's get inside. The prom's about to start! ", said Eunhyuk as he slipped his mask on.

Everyone put on their masks and went into the school's assembly hall.

Ji Young walked around and spotted her friends: Yoseob, Doo Joon, Junsu, Yoochun, Yunho and Jaejoong.

" Hi, guys! ", she said.

" Hi, Ji Young-ah! ", said Yoseob.

" You look great. ", smiled Junsu.

" Gomawo. ", smiled Ji Young.

" Hey, Ji Young-ah! Guess what? ", said Yoochun.

" What? "

" Me, Junsu, Jaejoong hyung, Yunho hyung and another boy are performing a special song for today's prom! ", smiled Yoochun proudly.  " Jaejoong hyung composed the song himself! "

" Jinja? That's super! ", said Ji Young.

Just then, a boy with wavy brown hair wearing a tuxedo and a mask approached them.

" Sorry, hyungs. I had a girl sticking around with me and I was trying to lose her! ", complained the boy.  " She even tried to kiss me! "

" That's alright, Changmin. Just don't do it again. ", said Yunho.

" Changmin, this is Kim Ji Young. Ji Young, this is our friend, Shim Changmin. ", said Yoochun.

" Hey! ", he smiled.

" Hi. ", answered Ji Young.

" Ji Young-ah! ", called Kyuhyun as he pushed through the crowd.

" Kyu oppa! ", said Ji Young.

" There you are! ", said Kyuhyun.  " I was looking for you! "

When they held hands, Yoseob piped up.

" You two are dating? ", he asked.

" Ne. ", said Kyuhyun.

" Eh? Congrats, you two! ", smiled Junsu.

" Gomawo. ", said Kyuhyun.

" Aigoooo~ Stop announcing our relationship to the whole world, oppa~ ", whined Ji Young.

" I don't care~ ", sang out Kyuhyun.

Ji Young gave a cute pout.

" Oh, guys, it's time! ", said Yunho.

" Ka ja. ", said Jaejoong and walked off.

" Don't mind hyung. He's been awfully quiet since yesterday. He looked really down. ", explained Changmin.

" Oh. Well, good luck with your song! Fighting! ", cheered Ji Young.

" Gomawo. ", said Yunho and they went up on stage.

As the boys took their positions on stage and the musicians sat by their instruments, the crowd's murmurings died down and all attention was on the boys on stage. Girls whispered things like:

" Omo! So handsome! "

" My god, I'm gonna have a major nosebleed soon just by looking at these hotties! "

" I think the y boy over there looked at me~! " 

" Hello! We're Dong Bang Shin Ki! ", said the boys together, causing fangirls to squeal and the others to applaud and cheer.

" Today, we are gonna sing a song that our Jaejoong hyung here composed for someone special! ", said Yunho as he laid a hand on Jaejoong's shoulder.

" Ne. That right. ", agreed Jaejoong.  " So, to the person who this song is for, saranghae. "

Then, the music started...


[Listen to DBSK's Why Did I Fall In Love With You while reading: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jpiuVmY-dM]


As the boys sang, the students grabbed their partners and danced with them. Kyuhyun held his hand out to Ji Young in a gentlemanly fashion.

" May I have this dance, my beautiful jagiya? ", he asked politely.

" I'd be delighted, oppa. ", smiled Ji Young.

Saying this, she took Kyuhyun's hand and they joined the other students who were dancing in the hall.

Just then, Jaejoong, who was singing his part, stepped down from the stage and went over to Ji Young. As the crowd moved away to give Jaejoong some space to walk, Kyuhyun saw him and stopped dancing.

When it was Yunho's turn to sing, Jaejoong whispered something in Kyuhyun's ear. After Jaejoong moved away, Kyuhyun nodded and moved away from Ji Young for a minute.

" May I? ", Jaejoong asked Ji Young quietly.

Ji Young nodded as she allowed Jaejoong to twirl and lead her across the dance floor. As they danced, Jaejoong leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

" Ji Young-ah...saranghae. But you know, Kyuhyun is lucky to have you. ", he whispered.

" Jaejoong oppa-- "

" Gwenchana. I pray that you'll be happy forever. If you need a friend, you know where to find me. ", said Jaejoong and went back on stage.

" Jaejoong oppa...liked me...? ", she thought.

Just then, Kyuhyun walked up and held her hand, breaking her thoughts.

" Shall we? ", asked Kyuhyun softly.

Ji Young hesitated, her eyes still following Jaejoong, until he turned around and she saw him nod his head slightly to show that it was okay. She just nodded to Kyuhyun and they danced again.

" Ji Young-ah, are you alright? ", asked Kyuhyun.

" Ne. ", lied Ji Young.

" You sure? "

" Ne. "

" M'kay then. ", smiled Kyuhyun.  " Saranghae, baby. "

" Saranghae, oppa. ", whispered Ji Young.

Kyuhyun then kissed her and she returned the kiss. Jaejoong saw them, his heart aching a little at the sight, but he let it go since he loved Ji Young.

" When you love someone, sometimes you have to let go of them. ", he thought and sang his last part.

When the song ended, they bowed and left the stage. Ji Young rushed over to Kyuhyun after saying she needed to talk to someone.

" Jaejoong oppa! "

Jaejoong heard her and turned around.

" Ji Young-ah? "

" I need to talk to you. Privately. Please. ", she said.

Jaejoong hesitated for a minute before following Ji Young outside to the park behind the school.

" Oppa, you loved me before? ", she asked.

Jaejoong just nodded his head.

" But, it's alright now. I'm sure you'll be happy with Kyuhyun. ", he smiled.  " Just remember I'm still here for you as a friend, arasso? "

" Arasso. Gomawo, oppa. ", said Ji Young and hugged Jaejoong.

Jaejoong returned her hug and went inside, leaving Ji Young to wander about for a while.

" Ji Young-ah... "

Ji Young turned around and saw Kyuhyun behind her.

" Kyu! ", she said in surprise.

" I saw you hug Jaejoong. ", he said.

" Oppa, it's not what you think. ", said Ji Young.

" Don't lie to me. ", said Kyuhyun sternly.

" Oppa, ", answered Ji Young seriously.  " Look at me straight in the eye. Do you think I would ever cheat on you? "

Kyuhyun looked into Ji Young's stern eyes before shaking his head slowly.

" Ani. "

" See? Ani. I will never ever cheat on you, oppa. ", promised Ji Young truthfully.

" Arasso, baby. I trust you. ", answered Kyuhyun as he hugged and kissed her softly and sweetly.

" I will never ever break your trust. ", said Ji Young through their kiss.


Sorry if this was lame... TT^TT

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Chapter 29: Your story is Good,update soon!will be waiting for ur next chapter:)
Yayyy! Update soon :)
update soon!!!
OMO!!!<br />
leeteuk is ji young brother???
it was not lame at all... the story keep getting intrusting :) update soon
i think its jaejoong....
Your story is very addicting! :)
What mean by the note?
<br />
Can't wait for update :)
Sad story, they have to go through such a hard time... Update soon :)