" Tell Me What Happened To Umma And Appa! "

The Twisted Truth

Ji Young woke up at around 6:58 AM. She heard snoring and muttering. She sat up.

Taemin was snoring softly as he curled up into a ball on his bed.

Onew was sleeping on his belly with his head under his pillow.

Eunhyuk had his blanket twisted around his body.

Sungmin was chewing on his pillow and humming in his sleep.

Donghae was on his bed, drooling on his pillow and lying facedown.

Ji Young crept out of bed and decided to go to her brothers'  room to sneak a peek at them. She creaked open the door and mentally laughed.

Yesung was his thumb unconsciously as he hugged a pillow.

Kangin was hugging a pillow as he curled his body around it.

Ryeowook was murmuring in his sleep as he moved a little.

Kibum was sleeping on his side snoring softly.

Jonghyun was sleeping with his eyes open. Ji Young thought he was awake at first. She tried shutting her brother's eyes, but they just kept opening, so she gave up eventually.

Key was talking in his sleep.

But what surprised her most was Heechul. He was tossing and turning and muttering something in his sleep. He was sweating from head to toe. His face looked disturbed and his features were creased with worry.

" No....no....stop....appa....don't....you can't...no, leave her alone! Stop...don't touch her....no....no....no-- ", he was muttering as his hands flailed in front of him as if he were fighting someone off.

Ji Young was shocked and surprised at the same time. She sat by her brother's side, listening to what he was saying.

" NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ", cried Heechul as he suddenly sat up sweating.

" Oppa! ", said Ji Young.

Heechul sat up and looked around him. He saw Ji Young and fell into her arms crying. She hugged her brother. This is not the first time she had seen her brother so distressed.

" Oppa, what's wrong? ", she asked as she rubbed her brother's back.

" Nothing. ", he answered a little too quickly.

" Liar. ", she said.

" I'll tell you later. I'm just not feeling well now. ", he said, smiling.

Ji Young nodded as she tucked her big brother back. He kissed her forehead and she left. Ji Young went out of the room and decided to walk about. She walked out to the living room. It was dark and no one was around. Just then, she tripped over something on the ground. She picked it up.

It was an old, leather-bound book. The title read in messy handwriting: " Siwon's 2011 log book ".

Ji Young couldn't resist opening it. And she began reading a few of the pages and skipped some, until she came across this page...


LOG 1, OCTOBER 31st, 2011


Minho and I went walking in the mall for fun today. We grabbed a couple of lattes and walked about and all. We were walking about and stuff, until we heard someone calling for help. The both of us looked and saw this girl running after a guy with a handbag in his hands. He was a snatch thief. We helped the girl and gave her back her bag.

When I got a good look at the girl's face, she seemed really familiar. The girl said her name is Kim Ji Young. My heart stopped for a minute. Was she Kim Ji Young, our long-lost sister?

I was skeptical, until I saw her oppas. Then, I immediately knew that she was the Ji Young I was thinking about.

Her brothers hadn't changed a single bit. They're still cold towards us like they were to us 15 years ago. Will they ever change?

- Siwon


Ji Young was silent for a while. She had to find out the truth. She flipped to another page.


LOG 2, NOVEMBER 1st, 2011


Ji Young was sweet. She persuaded her oppas to take us to their place tonight. We had a huge fight just over her and whether she deserved to know how we're siblings.

She deserves to know the truth. I should tell her, but I'm scared she won't be able to handle the news. If only she knew...

- Siwon


Ji Young looked at another page.


LOG 3, NOVEMBER 7th, 2011


Here I am again in the hospital with Ji Young. She still hasn't woken up. Her face reminds me of the time when she was still just a newborn. Such a cute face. A cute baby turned into a beautiful woman.

But that bastard playboy Jonghun had to do this to her. I swear I'll kill him one day.

Her oppas are softening towards the Lees and Minho and I. I want to persuade them to tell her the truth about how we're related when she wakes up.

Ji Young-ah, please wake up soon. Oppa loves you...

- Siwon


Ji Young wiped away a tear and flipped to the most recent page.


LOG 4, NOVEMBER 19th, 2011


Ji Young remembered everything now! It's so glad to have her again. Currently, they're sleeping in our house for the night.

5 more days to Ji Young's birthday! The guys and I want to plan something special for her.

But I still haven't forgotten my promise to tell her about her parents. It's just that Heechul hyung doesn't want her to know! I wish he would just tell her and save her the pain of not knowing.

- Siwon


Suddenly, Ji Young heard the shuffling of feet come down the stairs. She hurriedly put the book back and stayed in the shadows. She saw Siwon coming down and go to the living room. She ran upstairs again, but unfortunately, Siwon heard her and he caught sight of her running up the stairs.

" Ji Young-ah? ", he called her softly.

" Aish! Pabo Ji Young! ", she thought to herself as she mentally cursed herself for being so stupid.

" N--n--n--ne, oppa? ", she answered with a stutter.

" Annyeong. I didn't know you were down here. ", he smiled as he walked up to her and held her hand.

" Oh. I--I--I-- "

" It's alright. You wanna walk with me a bit? ", he asked.

" Okay. I just wanna clear my head a little. "

They walked out to the patio and past the pool to the garden. Holy cow, their garden was huge and beautiful!

The garden had a gazebo at the far end of their property, a small pond surrounding the gazebo with beautiful fishes swimming in it, rose bushes and other trees, shrubs, hedges and bushes with all kinds of flowers.

" Omo! It's so...beautiful, oppa. ", she gasped.

" You like it? ", smiled Siwon.

" Ne. ", she blushed.

She sat down on the neatly cut grass and took a deep breath of air. Siwon sat down next to her.

" Oppa? "

" Ne? "

" Can you please tell me about my parents? Do you know anything about them? "

Siwon froze as he locked his eyes on Ji Young's gaze. Her eyes were b with questions. He closed his eyes. A memory flashed back to him...



10-year-old Siwon was sitting near the wall, reading a storybook that his umma told him at bedtimes. Then, he heard a patter of feet coming down the stairs. Siwon shut the book and crawled underneath the stairs where there was a gap. He saw a little, 1-year-old girl wearing a pink nightgown come down the stairs and approach her 9-year-old brother in the kitchen.

" Ryeowook oppa~! ", the girl sang out.

" Ji Young-ah! Why are you down here? I thought your Heechul oppa told you to get ready for bed and then wait in your bedroom for all of us? ", smiled the boy as he picked her up in his arms and gave her a hug.

" Can I ask you one question, pwease~? ", the girl begged cutely with puppy eyes.

" Sure. ", smiled Ryeowook as he set his sister down and continued to wash the dishes in the sink.

" Oppa, can you tell me about umma and appa? "

Ryeowook's hand stopped in mid-air as he was washing the dishes.

Ji Young got scared and stepped slowly towards her oppa. She tugged gently at his shirt sleeve and whispered, " O--oppa...? ".

" I--we told you already. They died in a car crash. That's all, okay, princess? ", he answered as he hugged her.

" Okay, oppa. ", she answered as she nodded her head.

" Now, let's get you ready for bed, arasso? Then, we'll have our pillow fight as planned, arasso!? ", he giggled playfully.

" ARASSO! ", she answered joyfully.

The little girl ran out and caught sight of Siwon sitting underneath the stairs. She tugged at his sleeve.

" Siwon-sshi, do you want to join our pillow fight? ", she smiled.

" No thank you, Ji Young-ah. I would love to, but your brothers hate me and baby Minho. ", smiled the 10-year-old boy politely.

" Aww~! I wish you could join. ", pouted the litte girl sadly.

" Maybe next time, arasso, Ji Young-ah? ", he said as he kissed her forehead.

" Ne, Siwon-sshi. ", smiled the little girl.

" Ji Young-ah, c'mon up! I'm done washing the dishes! ", said Ryeowook.

" Coming, oppa! ", she said and ran off.

As they walked upstairs, Siwon looked at Ryeowook. They glared at each other.

" Stay away from Ji Young. ", hissed Ryeowook.


" Siwon oppa? "

Siwon snapped out of his trance. He looked at Ji Young. He looked around him. The sun was rising already.

" Oppa, what had happened? "

" Nothing. Let's go back into the house, arasso? "

" But-- "

" No buts. Let's go. ", he smiled.

When they reached the house, Heechul and the others were awake and watching TV.

" Siwon oppa, should I ask them about my parents? "

" Please don't. ", he begged her.

" Ani. I'm going to ask. ", she said firmly.

She walked over to Heechul and tapped his shoulder.

" Heechul oppa? ", she called her brother.

" Ne, Ji Young-ah? "

" Please tell me what happened to Umma and Appa. The real truth. ", she said firmly.

" They died in a car crash, arasso? "

" I don't believe you. I can see in your eyes that there is something more than that. ", she hissed.

The others were already sitting up and looking on with worried eyes.

" I--I-- "

" Tell. Me. The. Truth. "

" Ani! "

" Tell me! "

" No, you can't! You cannot know what really happened to Umma and Appa! "

" And why not?! I'm 16 already! "

" Just listen to me! "

" No! Tell me why first! "

" Because--because--because it...it's a personal matter between your brothers and I, arasso?! "

" No! I want to know the entire and complete truth and that's that! "

" Ji Young, listen to your Heechul oppa-- ", Ryeowook started to say, but Ji Young cut him off.

" No, I won't! I won't listen until you start being truthful with me about everything! "

" Ji Young-ah, stop arguing with me-- "

" No, I won't! Answer my questions first! "

" Ji Young-- "


" JI YOUNG-- "


Heechul and his brothers looked at their dongsaeng and then at each other. Should they tell her the truth or just argue even more?

" I'm waiting and I'm not going to listen until either one of you start talking. ", Ji Young demanded as she sat down on a armchair.

Heechul ruffled his hair and heaved out an exasperated sigh. Now they had to talk.

" Alright. But prepare yourself for the truth. It's going to be complicated and twisted. ", sighed Heechul as he sat back on the couch.

" Don't make it sound like a story. This is serious. ", said Ji Young sharply.

" Will you be able to handle it? ", asked Yesung.

" Ne. Just tell me. ", she answered.

Heechul took a deep breath and began...

Hoohoo! Cliffhanger! Comments, subscriptions, both??? Finally, the truth will be revealed!

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Chapter 29: Your story is Good,update soon!will be waiting for ur next chapter:)
Yayyy! Update soon :)
update soon!!!
OMO!!!<br />
leeteuk is ji young brother???
it was not lame at all... the story keep getting intrusting :) update soon
i think its jaejoong....
Your story is very addicting! :)
What mean by the note?
<br />
Can't wait for update :)
Sad story, they have to go through such a hard time... Update soon :)