
Winrina = Jiminjeong

It was 8:30am. Two girls were standing in front of a tall, expensive and popular building in Seoul. One being overexcited while the other was still contemplating about her decision in applying for the same company with her best friend.

"I can't believe it! We made it!"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Hey! You're supposed to be happy. We got in!"

"Yeah, I am happy Ning."

"Hahahaha. Oh come on. I can't wait to work. Let's go."

"I never met someone who's eager to start working."

"This is different! We'll be working under our favourite senior!"

"You mean, YOUR favourite senior."

"Yes! It's Yoo Jimin. Please, anyone would die to be in our position."

"Well. Certainly not me."

"Ugh, whatever. Let's go."

Kim Minjeong shakes her head seeing her best friend, Ning Yizhuo skipping forward. The two of them entered and told the receptionist that it's their first day as new staffs.

Ning wouldn't stop bothering her to get her to apply for the vacant position in the company as she said, they pay good. It wasn't just that, the company's owner just happened to be Ning's favourite senior during university, its Yoo Jimin.

Yoo Jimin was their president in uni. She was strict yet kind. She's very popular even though she never accept anyone who made a move on her. She will make every heads to turn for her whenever she was passing by. Ning would always squealing in whispers when she walked past her.

"My goal is to be the employee of the year so I can make her proud." Ning giggled like a highschool student being in love.

"You're too cute." Minjeong chuckled.

She doesn't understand with everyone's obsession with Yoo Jimin. Yes, she knows that Jimin is beautiful. She's smart and definitely everyone's favourite. But to her, she is just Yoo Jimin. She sees her as just a Yoo Jimin. She never look at her for more than she should be. She never bother to pay attention to what's happening around her. Simply said, she just mind her own business and stayed lowkey.

However, what she doesn't know is that... Certain person paid attention to her.

"Your crush is finally here."

The CEO of the company looks up at her best friend, Aeri.

"She's with Ning Yizhuo. As expected. Those two are really inseparable." Aeri said before taking a sit in front of Jimin.

"Who interviewed them again?" Jimin asked.

"It's Kai and Key. I heard Kai was hesitating before hiring but Key convinced him." Aeri answered.

"What position are they applying to?"

"Marketing for Ning and Finance for Minjeong."

"Hmm. Where do they put them?"

"Must be 5th floor, as usual. It's where we always put new staffs to get used to our rules first."

"Meaning to say, Ning will be put under your supervision after probation since it's your department."

"Yep! I think we will get along just fine since I talked to her few times back in uni."

"Then, Minjeong?"

"Kai will be her supervisor since he's the finance manager."

Knock knock

Jimin asked the person to come in and there comes Key. He smiled before greeting them and taking a sit next to Aeri. 

"I would like to report about our new staffs' attendance today. They already signed a probation period contract of 3 months with us." Key said and handed in the file.

"What do they think about our company so far?" Jimin asked as she flipped through the papers. She stopped at Minjeong's profile and checked her signature.

"All good. Ning seemed excited. She knows a lot about us and the company, which is surprising. She did a thorough research before applying I think."

"What about Kim Minjeong?"

"Hm. That cutie doesn't talk much but she listened well. She seemed reliable."


"Oh. She's such a baby." Key chuckled.

"The staffs and I have witnessed how Ning Yizhuo a lot and her reaction was adorable. She got shy easily too!" Key added.

Jimin's small smile can be seen as she listened to Key's story about Minjeong.

"Whipped." Aeri whispered to herself but hide a smile while looking at Jimin's expression.

"Do we throw them a welcome party?" Jimin asked.

"Of course. It's a must! Should we do it by end of their probation?"

"Yes. Ask Tiffany to prepare everything. That girl will know what to do."

"On it, boss!" Key grinned then excused himself.

Key is that comfortable with them because he's friends with Tiffany and Tiffany is Jimin's cousin.

"So, are you going to spy on your crush this time?" Aeri asked and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Back to work now, Aeri." Jimin ignored her and started working again.

"Tsk. Boring. See you during lunch!"






"You know, second thing that makes me want to stay in this company is this delicious food they provided for our meals everyday!" Ning exclaimed as her eyes twinkling seeing the food in front of them.

"I know Ning, I know." Minjeong chuckled.

"Can I have more of this please, thank you."

The cafeteria staff laughed at Ning's excitement before giving her more as she requested.

"Hey Ning, I want to check the dessert section."

"Okay I'll join you in a bit!"

Minjeong nodded before bringing her own tray and went to look what's for dessert today.

"Hello. Do you want some dessert?"

"Yes. Can I get that one please?"


Minjeong thanked the lady and grabbed her plate of dessert. Now her hands are full. She looked for any empty table and was about to walk when she bumped into someone.

"Ack!" She screamed when she almost lost balance but lucky for her, someone managed to hold her from behind and grabbed her tray that almost fall from her grip.

"Oh god. Thank you-" She turned her head only to get shocked to see the person who was helping her was none other than her own boss.

"Next time, be careful." Jimin told the guy who bumped with Minjeong with a hint of seriousness. The guy bowed and apologised before Jimin asked him to go.

"Are you okay?" She asked when she finally looked at Minjeong.

"Uh. Y-Yeah. I'm good. Thank you, boss." Minjeong said bowed her head. Jimin just nodded before taking the tray from Minjeong completely.

"Just call me Jimin. Anyways, where are you sitting?"

"Umm, I haven't..." Minjeong paused as she looked around again.

"Follow me."

"Huh? Oh okay."

Minjeong just followed Jimin who went towards a table where Minjeong recognised its one of her seniors too, Aeri which she acknowledged as the head of marketing department.

"Oh, She's sitting with us?" Aeri asked in excitement.

"Yes. You don't mind right?"

"Of course not!" Aeri then raised her hand and called out for Ningning who was nearby as she tried to find Minjeong, only to get surprised to see her with Jimin and Aeri.

"Hello!" Ning greeted them and bowed.

"Come on. Sit with us." Aeri said and patted the space beside her so Ningning sat down without wasting time.

Seeing that it's settle they have to sit together, Minjeong finally sit down as well beside Jimin. She only listened to them talking to Ningning, well mostly Aeri. Minjeong could feel eyes on them. She's uncomfortable with the unnecessary attention from everyone but she understands why, they are sitting with the bosses.

"You can just ignore them." Minjeong heard Jimin.


"Just ignore them. They just want to look. Nothing else. Don't worry too much about the others." Jimin told her.

"Oh. Okay."

Jimin looked at Minjeong who started to eat now. She had been curious about Kim Minjeong. The girl was always worrying about people's eyes but never care about her. Jimin noticed how Minjeong would know when people are looking at her way and will feel uncomfortable about it, but what Jimin couldn't understand is how oblivious Minjeong was about her.

Yoo Jimin always stare at her during uni. Her eyes would always find her and stares at her longer. Just like now.

"Do you choose what you want to pay attention to?" Jimin asked.


Jimin sighed silently before shaking her head.







Minjeong thought that would be the only day she had to endure the stares from everyone but no, because Jimin made sure Aeri will drag them to sit with them every lunch break.

However, there were some people who got jealous of their closeness especially Kai, who likes Jimin secretly.

"Yah yah! Let us join you guys too! You can't leave me out when it comes to making new friends." Key said disturbing them one day.

Aeri just laughed and welcomed him to the circle. He usually will eat with Aeri and Jimin but sometimes he went out to meet his other friends during lunch. Today, Kai just happened to tag along with him and intended to make Key want to have lunch at their cafeteria instead of going outside because he knew Key would want to join Jimin's table seeing the girls were there as well as he know Key loves making new friends.

Key took a seat beside Minjeong and Kai was supposed to make it balance and sit beside Ning or Aeri but no, he went to sit beside Jimin instead.

"Hi Minmin!"

"Ah. Sunbae, stop it." Minjeong covered her face and chuckled.

"See! You're cute! How can I stop calling you that?" Key laughed.

"I blame you for this." Minjeong glared at Ning who just laughed at her.

"Oh come on, Min. They love your nickname." Ning while Minjeong only pouted.

"Your friend's adorable." Aeri commented.

"Not you too." Minjeong whined while they just laughed.

"You don't like it?" Jimin asked.

"I- well, I don't mind but... Its making me shy since they called me that at work." Minjeong blushed.

"It's okay. We don't mind. It makes work even more fun." Aeri started teasing her too now.

"Ah, you guys." Minjeong muttered and decided to just focus on her food.

"Are you eating well?" Kai asked Jimin.

"Yeah." Jimin replied before turning back to Minjeong.

"Do you like the food?" Kai asked again, trying to get Jimin's attention. Which he didn't get to but instead, he got other's attention.

"Dude. She's the one who chose our meals for her company's cafeteria." Key said and looked at him in confusion.

"Ah. I forgot." Kai smiled shyly.

"I'm done. I think I want to go to the restroom." Minjeong said.

"Oh, you want me to go with you? Hold on." Ning said and tried to finish her food faster.

"Hey. Just eat slowly. I can go with her." Jimin said.

"Eh? It's okay, I can go alone." Minjeong said.

"I need to go to the restroom too." Jimin smiled at her.

Aeri smirked seeing Jimin wouldn't want to be far from Minjeong.

"Oh, okay."

The two of them then excused themselves and Kai sighed.

"I noticed Ning is always with you. Are you guys best friends since uni?"

"No. We met during high school."

"Ah. I see."

"I mean, I'm okay going to the restroom by myself but I think Ning don't want what happened in the past to happen again."

"What happened?"

"I once got bullied at high school. The bullies locked me inside the restroom. It wasn't a good memory but I've overcome it. Well Ning, she has always been protective since then so she make sure to always be with me to protect me."

"I'm glad that she does. Wouldn't want something bad to happen to you now, don't we?"

"Yeah. But I can take care of myself now. I'm an adult already." Minjeong smiled.

"Nonetheless, we will still need to protect you."


"Yes. We. It won't be just Ning from now on."

Minjeong blinked her eyes as she tried to process what Jimin had just said. Jimin wanted to protect her too? But why.






"Cheers! Welcome to the company, officially!!"

Loud cheers could be heard inside the bar. Jimin had rented the whole bar for them to hold a small party to welcome Minjeong and Ningning officially.

After 3 months of probation, they proved that they are reliable and did a good job on their own tasks. Ningning was put permanently on the same floor with Aeri. While Minjeong, Jimin requested for her to be moved to work on her floor under her own supervision permanently.

Within those 3 months, the four of them had grown closer including with Key and Tiffany too.

"I'm happy to see that you make time to make friends other than just hanging out with Aeri or Key." Tiffany said to Jimin.

The two of them were sitting on the stool at the bar counter while the others having fun at their own tables.

"Hmm." Jimin just sipped her drinks while her eyes are watching Minjeong carefully.

Tiffany noticed that but decided to observe first.

Jimin saw how Ningning dragged the reluctant Minjeong towards the dance floor and asked her to dance along. Key and Aeri were there to cheer her up too.

Jimin smiled seeing Minjeong slowly started to copy their dancing and laughed out loud seeing Key's energetic dance movement.

"She's attractive, right?"

"Yeah." Jimin mumbled without thinking before she realised that she just got caught. She looked at Tiffany who were already smirking at her.

"I see. This is why you take interest in befriending them, you like that cutie over there." Tiffany said.

"Am I obvious?"

"Hmm. Not really. But if someone were to pay attention to you, then yes. And I'm observant." Tiffany winked.


"So, since when?" Tiffany asked as she took a sip of her drinks.

"Since uni."

Tiffany almost throw up her drinks and coughed violently.

"Yah yah, what happen to you?" Jimin frowned and kept rubbing her back.

"Since uni? For real?!" She asked in shocked.

"Yes. I have been crushing on her since then." Jimin answered.

"Damn girl. Then what are you doing here?"


"What are you doing here? Are you waiting for forever? Girl, make a move already." Tiffany exclaimed in disbelief.


"Look. Kim Minjeong is a catch. Okay? You wouldn't know someone will finally be brave enough to ask her out before you do. So better get up and move your now."

Jimin then looked at Minjeong who seemed to get dizzy from too much dancing already. 

"Hey Tiff, I'm gonna-"

"Yeah go. Just go. Go go!"

Jimin rolled her eyes at the smirking Tiffany before making her way towards Minjeong but before she can reach her, Kai blocked her way.



"Are you going to dance?"


"How about if we dance together?"

Jimin frowned when she saw Minjeong is already stumbling while trying to stand properly. She ignored Kai and pushed him aside to get to Minjeong.

"Minjeong." She called her name as she wrapped her arm around Minjeong's waist.

"Ah. The place is spinning. Please make it stop." Minjeong whined and pouting adorably.

"Okay, you're drunk." Jimin stated then looked at Aeri and Key who were trying to hold Ningning from dancing beyond her energy.

"Hey uh, Aeri. I think they shouldn't drink anymore and we should bring them home." Jimin said.

Ningning gasped and tried to escape from Aeri's grip when she heard what Jimin said.

"No. No home, no!" Ning shakes her head.

"Aeri!" Jimin yelled her best friend's name again.

"I got her Jimin. You take care of Minjeong, don't worry about Ning."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Key will help me too."

Jimin looked at Key and he nodded his head.

"Okay. Please let me know if you guys reach home safely already."

Jimin then pulled Minjeong with her to the table to get Minjeong's stuff first. 

"I'm tired!" Minjeong complain and wanted to drop herself down but Jimin's hold on her was firm.

"Hey hey, not yet." Jimin said and tried to shake her.

"Carry meeeee."


"I said, carry me."

Her staffs who were nearby just gasped and facepalmed seeing Minjeong just asked their boss to carry her.

"Do you need help?" Just then, Kai came and Jimin started to get annoyed with him already so she just carried Minjeong without thinking in a bridal style.


"I don't have time right now, Kai. Now, please excuse us." Jimin said in a cold tone before leaving with Minjeong in her arms.

Jimin managed to bring Minjeong to her car and put her in safely. Jimin looked down on Minjeong's sleeping face and caressed her cheek.

"Gosh. You're adorable."






"Ugh. My head."

Minjeong woke up while groaning as she shut her eyes tight trying to hold her head.

"Easy there."

Minjeong's eyes shot opened hearing Jimin's voice but that only makes her more dizzy and she groaned louder as she held her head once again.

"Please stay still first." She heard Jimin said before she felt the older sitting beside her on the bed.

"Let me- just, don't do anything." Jimin said and soon Minjeong can feel her hands massaging her head gently which she hummed in satisfaction.

"Does that feel good?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah." Minjeong whispered and felt herself to be slowly getting drowsy again.

She didn't expect to fall asleep again and she woke up after another hour, her head feels slightly better than earlier.

Minjeong blinked her eyes few time before she turned to the right side, seeing Jimin typing away on her laptop while being on a call.

Minjeong then looked around and only now that she realised that she wasn't at her home. She tried to find her phone and saw her bag on the bed table so she grabbed it and took out her phone.

She held her head and squinted her eyes to see just a message from Ning.


Girl. I'm AVSHHDJSKS! Aeri told me the Yoo Jimin took you home. Damn, what spell did you cast on her? Come home and tell me about the whole details!           11.17am


She decided to just ignore her text as she, herself is trying to process everything now. 

"Okay. I will send the email to you now. Thank you." She looked at Jimin by the time Jimin hung up. She saw Jimin glanced at her before turning to her laptop again.

After a minute, Jimin finally shut down her laptop and stood up. Minjeong just watched her taking a glass of water at her coffee table before making her way towards Minjeong.


Minjeong sat down slowly to drink the water Jimin gave her. While drinking, she looked at Jimin who only raised her eyebrows. 

"Ahem. Thank you." She said and Jimin took the glass to put it on the bed table. 

"How are you feeling? You were so drunk last night." Jimin said. 

"I'm good. A little. Yeah I- Uhm, sorry." Minjeong bowed her head in embarrassment. She looked up again when she heard Jimin's little laugh. 

"I've prepared extra clothes for you, towel and toothbrush. You can use my bathroom to wash up. Come to the kitchen once you're done. You will need to eat something for your hangover. I'll be waiting outside okay." Jimin said and patted her leg before standing up and left her alone in the room. 

"Oh god. What's happening?" Minjeong was confused but she doesn't have the time to ponder so she went to do what Jimin asked her to do. 

Once she's done, she went out to find Jimin.

"Oh hey. Come and sit here." Jimin gestured to the empty seat beside her. 

"Uh. Thank you again, bo- I mean, Jimin." Minjeong smiled awkwardly when Jimin gave her a warning look for almost calling her 'boss'. 

"I didn't know your address, so I took you to my place instead." Jimin said as she gave a bowl of soup to Minjeong and put some other food on her plate. 

"Oh. Ah. Yeah, I see." Minjeong scratches her non itchy head.

"You don't have to- I umm, but yeah, Thank you for taking care of me." Minjeong said. 

Jimin put down her chopstick and turned her body to face Minjeong properly. 

"Say, Minjeong. Are you really that dense or you are pretending that you don't know?" 


"If I say I like you, would you agree to go out with me?"

Minjeong's eyes widened as she started to cough for being too shocked. She immediately grabbed a glass of water that Jimin offered and drank.

"God. So you really don't know huh." She heard Jimin muttered.

"I'm sorry. I- I didn't-"

"Hush. Okay. I get it. Now that you know, what do you think?"

"Umm, think?"

"Yes. About me. Would you like to go out with me, Kim Minjeong?"

"Um, but you-"

"I am asking this as Yoo Jimin, not your boss."

"Oh and-"

"Aeri knows. My friends know about this. I can talk to your best friend if you want me to."

"The com-"

"This isn't about the company. You don't have to worry about that. I thought about everything before asking you."

Minjeong then pouted and looked down. 

"Seems like I have no choice but to agree." She mumbled.

Jimin looked at her in amusement.

"True. I mean, you may not interested in me now but I am confident I can make you fall for me." Jimin said.

Minjeong mumbled something but it's too low that Jimin can't hear her. 

"Yes? What did you say?" She asked as she tried to lean closer to listen to her.

"I... I like you too." Minjeong said softly.

"You do?" Jimin asked in surprised.


"But... You never seem to be interested in me." Jimin said, frowning at her.

"I don't talk about you to anyone and I always avoid to look at your direction because I'm afraid I won't be able to stop myself from staring too much."

Jimin couldn't believe her ears. All this time she thought it's hard to get Minjeong's attention but turned out the girl has been liking her too.

"And I never imagine that you would be- umm, interested in me."

"Minjeong, I am literally crushing on you since uni." Jimin said and Minjeong looked at her in disbelief.

"My goodness. You are so clueless." Jimin rolled her eyes and pinched Minjeong's cheek softly.

"So, now that we've confessed. Go out with me, hm?" Jimin asked again.

"Okay." Minjeong answered shyly.

"We'll talk about it more later kay."


Jimin smiled and returned eating while glancing at Minjeong for few times. She's happy that finally she got to ask Minjeong and that she found out that she likes her too.

"Does Ning know?" Jimin asked.

"No. I'm too shy to tell her." Minjeong said.

"No wonder. That's okay. We won't have to tell anyone yet if you're shy. We'll take it slow, yes?"



And with that, Jimin felt lighter. She can't wait to spoil Minjeong with everything she has and she wanted to do what lovers do for their partner with Minjeong.




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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
719 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story