I'm In Love With A Criminal - Part 2

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"Detective Kim!"

Minjeong turned around to see Mark jogs towards her. He was one of the best detectives in the headquarter who earned Minjeong's praises a while ago due to his intelligence.

"I heard you're in charge of the cold case." Mark grinned.

"Yeah, and?"

"And you need a team."

"Uh huh."

"Please choose me. I wanted to join your team so bad." Mark said and made a puppy face at her.

"That won't work on her." Soobin said after listening to them. He approached the two with hands in his pocket.

"Detective Kim is kind of strict when it comes to forming a team." Soobin said again.

"But I'm sure that we can work well together. Don't you think that we should try and work together? Be my partner, detective, we'll solve the case faster, I am confident." Soobin said proudly, smiling sweetly at Minjeong while Mark squinted his eyes on him.

"I don't think we were thinking of the same thing, detective Choi. And I'll choose my own team as well as whoever I would want to be my partner in this case. Thank you very much." Minjeong turned around and left without giving a chance to both of the boys to even say anything else.

Mark furrowed his eyebrows seeing Soobin's lovesick smile as he watches Minjeong's back view.

"Do you like detective Kim?" Mark asked, curious.

Soobin then put on his poker face before shrugging his shoulders. He patted Mark's shoulder and walked away silently.










Minjeong hummed as she tried to discover any evidence she could find in the small and old apartment that has been empty for 5 years. She coughed a few times as she tried to get rid of the spider web on the bookshelves.

"Are you sure we will find something here, detective Kim?" One of her teammates asked.

"We will never know if we never try, Ten."

"Why did you take this case anyways? I have a feeling that we will be stuck with this case for a long time." Ten sighed.

"You've been in this team for a long time. You should know by now that detective does not take the easy cases, since other detective can solve it too." Said another teammate.

"Stop talking and focus more on finding the evidence, Ten and Taeyong."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Minjeong shakes her head as Ten and Taeyong replied playfully to Ning, her loyal partner slashes her best friend.

"Tell me, my dear best friend, are you really interested in this case or you're just being reckless?" Ning asked once Ten and Taeyong walked further into the apartment, away from them.

"Why?" Minjeong asked innocently.

"Something's not right here. You're hiding something from me, aren't you??" Ning asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Minjeong mumbled then looked around, trying to ignore her best friend.

"Fine. I'll find it out. Tsk."

Minjeong glanced at Ning who went to follow the boys. Minjeong then took out her phone and sighed when she saw no notification at all. It was almost a month, she's obviously waiting for any news from the Yoo woman. Truth is, she tried to choose a case that wouldn't need a lot of her time so, she does not have to rush. She can't afford to lose focus on Karina, she needs to pay attention and her main priority at the moment is to earn her trust.










"I'm home." Minjeong announced and slumped her body down on the couch.

"What are you doing at my home, oppa?" She asked, closing her eyes.

"Ah, my favourite little sister is truly a great detective. How did you know that I'm here?"

Minjeong opened her eyes and looked boringly at her brother, Kim Suho. They rarely meet as Minjeong was busy with her workload as a successful detective while her brother took over the Kim Corporation after their father died due to a heart attack when she was 19 and he was 22 at that time.

"You mean, your only little sister." Minjeong rolled her eyes.

"Well, you are still my favourite person in the world." Suho winked cheekily at her.

"Hm. You haven't answered my question, oppa."

"Oh, right. Well, can't a brother comes to visit his cute little sister? I didn't get to attend the event and meet you. It has been a while." Suho said, taking a seat beside her on the couch.

"I know, you could have informed me about coming over and I-" Minjeong paused when she spots a shadow. She then looked at her brother again before she cleared .

"Oppa, when did you come into my apartment? Has it been long?" Minjeong asked.

"Hm, not really. I just reached here like 5 minutes before you came." Suho answered.

"Ah. I see." Minjeong nodded.

"Is it okay if we meet for a breakfast tomorrow morning, oppa? I think I'm tired, and I want to sleep early tonight." Minjeong said.

"Aw, little sister is still a baby. Come here, let me hug you." Suho cooed and pulled her into a loving sibling's hug which Minjeong let him so he would leave as soon as possible.

"Come to the restaurant beside our company, I'll treat you a good breakfast." Suho said.

"Yeah, sure."

Minjeong then watched her brother putting on his shoes, the only family member she has left, because her mother also died 2 years after their father died because of a hit and run accident.

Suho turned around and patted her cheek while smiling lovingly at her.

"See you tomorrow, my favourite little sister." Suho whispered and kissed her forehead. Minjeong smiled when Suho turned to leave, she's thankful that her brother was not as strict as their father so she managed to have her little freedom and was not under his supervision all the time.

Now, she has something else to take care of...

Minjeong sighed and made sure to lock her door from inside before going back to her living room. There she saw Karina Yoo was sitting down on her couch already, crossing her legs and looking beautiful as ever.

"Hello, detective Kim." Karina greeted her and smirked charmingly at her, as usual.

"Didn't expect you to come here personally." Minjeong said.

"Oh, well. I just wanted to see how was my detective doing." 

Minjeong bit her bottom lip and held herself back from squealing upon hearing that statement from Karina. 

"I have a question, an important one. That's another reason why I'm here." Karina said, suddenly turned serious. Minjeong immediately became alerted and stood up straight.

"I've received an interesting information. Someone from you guys is being an undercover, to get to me." Karina told her and scanned her face. When she saw Minjeong's unchanging expression, she continued.

"Tell me, detective Kim. Do you know about this? Because apparently, it was someone who worked with me for a long time too." 

"Yes." Minjeong answered, loud and clear. Karina raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect her to answer truthfully.

Karina got up and walked closer until she was standing right in front of Minjeong.

"So, you know who it is?" Karina asked, staring directly into her eyes.

"Yes." Minjeong answered firmly again, staring back at her.

Of course, she knew. She is Kim Minjeong. She got connections here and there, connections that not even her team knows of. 



"You better drop Karina's case and go work on something else."

Minjeong scoffed hearing Jeno's useless warning.

"You're trying to protect her."

"She is my boss. I swore to protect her at all cost."

Minjeong got off the bench push up and glared at Jeno.

"I wonder, Jeno, really. How come your real boss have not been suspicious of you at all?"

Jeno frowned as he does not get what Minjeong meant.

"I mean, you work as an undercover for the organization for years, yet you have never given any useful information or hint about Karina's identity."

Jeno widened his eyes and gulped. Minjeong laughed and shook her head, walking towards the chair to sit down and did some arms stretching.

"I know who you are, Lee Jeno. A professional undercover who works for the same organization as I am." Minjeong said casually.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. No. You would lose everything that you have worked hard for." Minjeong quickly said when she saw Jeno was about to take out his gun.

"We don't have the same agenda, and we are not in the same team." Jeno said angrily.

"Well, yes. We are rivals, Jeno. You want Karina Yoo just as much as I want her too." Minjeong said.

"It's not going to be easy."

"I know. I mean, it has been what? 4 years? And yet, you are nothing but one of her men here."

"I at least have earned her trust for her to let me work closely with her guys!" Jeno growled.

"Well, that's the difference between us. You have earned her trust to work with her, but I do not want to earn her trust for that. I have a higher dream, Jeno. I don't just want to be her worker, but I want to be hers in any ways I can be." Minjeong stated her real desire.

"Karina Yoo is not someone for you." Jeno glared at her.

"You're no one to judge that for me. Do not interfere and I won't interfere you too. Like you said, we don't have the same agenda, we're not a team." 



Even though Jeno was an undercover, his presence was not a threat to Minjeong, not even to Karina. Why? It's because Minjeong found out that he got his eyes on Karina too. He refused to give any of the details about Karina to the organization to protect Karina, to earn and win her heart. He was waiting for the right time, but Minjeong would like to think that he was a coward. Jeno knew too well that it was impossible to win Karina's heart, so he settled of being her guard instead.

"Would you give me the name if I ask?" Karina asked again.

"Are you sure you don't know yet?" Minjeong asked her back and tilted her head.

Karina chuckled, amused with Minjeong's confidence. Well, the truth is, she knew. Way longer before Minjeong found out. Yet, it was unknown to Jeno that she knew about his identity as well as his intention. Karina decided to let it stay that way, since she wanted to use him first.

"You are so smart, detective Kim." She was actually testing her, she wanted to know about Minjeong's reaction of letting her know that she knows about Jeno's identity.

"And you're not going to do something about it?" Karina asked.

"I believe that he can't bring enough damage to you and you can handle him well." Minjeong answered.

"Ha. True." Karina nodded.

"But, do you know that it's going to be dangerous for you? I mean, he knew you and yet here you are, asking for the whole me for yourself." Karina whispered and leaned her face closer. 

"I would go through anything to get to you. I am here already, I won't give up." Minjeong replied, blinking her eyes as she could feel her heart was pounding madly right now.

"Hmm." Karina leaned a little more near to her ear.

"I would like to still see you try then." Karina told her and leaned back to look at her face, she's satisfied seeing a blushing and frozen detective Kim in front of her. It was a new thing to her, to find her own entertainment by teasing the poor detective. Her reaction towards her was too adorable sometimes.

"There will be a fashion show next weekend, I wish for you to be there." Karina said and took out an invitation card from her blazer and put it on the coffee table.

"I thought you would only come to a private event." Minjeong commented.

"I won't be there as Katarina. I'll be there as a plus one for a friend of mine, since it's our friend's fashion show." Karina told her.


"And I requested her to invite you." Karina said, gesturing to the invitation card.

"I see, I'll be there."

"Mm. Until then, detective Kim." Karina smirked, turning around and left Minjeong cursing herself internally for not being able to try and do something to flirt or impress her.

"And oh- would you be kind enough to wear red colour for me for the fashion show?" Karina paused at the door and asked.

"R-Red dress?" Minjeong stuttered.

"Hm. Red dress would be lovely." 


"Great, see you, detective Kim."

Minjeong let out a sigh and went towards her door after Karina left. She slowly smiled, it was Karina's first time visiting her place and it feels special to her. 

"She's soooo beautiful." Minjeong whispered to herself dreamily.

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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
719 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story