Marry You - Part 6

Winrina = Jiminjeong

It's the night. Kim Minjeong will be announced as a part of Yoo, Jimin's current fiancée. They will also be holding a party for their engagement along with Joohyun's and her fiancée, Seungwan's engagement. So basically, there will be 3 celebrations. Their engagement as well as Mr and Mrs Yoo's anniversary.

Some people already know about it as rumours spread around but still, they will get a confirmation once The Yoo's announced it officially.

Kim Minjeong frowned seeing so many faces. She's not used to this kind of place though she knows by being with Jimin, she has to get used to this kind of event.

"Smile, little sister."

Minjeong turned and pouted at her brother who have just arrived and went to see her immediately. Suho greeted Jimin too.

"Oppa." Minjeong hugged him and Suho let his arm rested around Minjeong's shoulder.

"You look beautiful. Oppa is proud to have such a beauty as my sister." Minjeong laughed while Suho only grinned at her.

"Where's uncle and aunt?" Jimin asked.

"Oh. I think they are finding your parents somewhere." Suho said and looked around.

"And I saw your friends earlier." Suho told Minjeong.

"Really? Where?" Minjeong then tried to search for them.

"Near the dessert section." Suho said.

"Jimin, can I go to my friends?" Minjeong asked.

"Sure. We'll go-"


Jimin turned around when she heard Joohyun's calling for her. She saw Joohyun gestured her to come to her and there were few people talking to Joohyun.

"It's okay. You go to Joohyun unnie first. I will only go find my friends." Minjeong said.

"Alright. I'll find you later okay." Jimin said and patted Minjeong's head before going to Joohyun.

"Let's go oppa, accompany me." Minjeong said and dragged Suho with her.

"There." Suho pointed at her laughing friends. When they were about to get closer, someone suddenly stopped Suho to talk to him. Minjeong then excused herself first to go to her friends.

"Oh! Minjeongie!!" Ryujin hugged her tight and lifted her up.

"Yah yah! Hahaha behave." Minjeong laughed.

Johnny then side hugging her while Mark just did a salute at her. Both Ningning and Aeri hugged her after that.

"We're so happy for you, girl!" Ning exclaimed in an excited whisper.

"Thank you." Minjeong giggled.

"I'm glad you are all here. I'm bored." Minjeong said.

"Of course you'll be bored. This isn't your thing." Ryujin said.

"Right but I will still have to get used to this." Minjeong sighed.

"Hey, it's okay. Jimin will always be with you. But yeah, where is she?" Aeri asked.

"Ah. She's with her sister."

"Oh okay okay."

They all chit chatting for a while until Johnny said he wants to get more wine, so Mark went with him leaving the girls together. 

"Where's the restroom, I need to pee." Ning said causing Aeri to groan.


"Yes, honey. Now."

"Fiiineee. Let's go. We'll be back, girls." Aeri said and went to the restroom with Ning.

"I really need to find a partner. It's not fair that you all get to go on a date with your partner while me? I have to hang out with Johnny and Mark when you were all busy dating." Ryujin ranted. Minjeong just laughed at her and slapped her shoulder slightly.

"I'm thirsty. Where are they? Should we go find them?" Ryujin asked. 

"Hmm. You can go. I'll just go back to Jimin first." Minjeong said. 

"Okay! Do you want me to accompany you to Jimin?" 

"No, I'm good. Just go." 

"Okay then. Talk to you later." Ryujin hugged her briefly before going to find Johnny and Mark. 

"Minjeong? Is that you?" Minjeong gasped and turned around to see Jaehyun, her ex boyfriend. 

"It's really you. Hi."

"Oh. Jaehyun." 

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" Jaehyun asked and looked at Minjeong who became awkward when he came. Minjeong was about to answer him when they got interrupted. 

"Well well, look who's here."

Now they turned and frowned seeing Lee Jeno, Jaehyun's enemy during university and Minjeong's bully.

"Ah. The old lovebird." Jeno chuckled.

"I heard a rumour about you being the youngest Yoo's potential lover. Is it true, Kim Minjeong?" Jeno asked.

"Oh! Or they are just using you to avoid the reporter from breaking a huge news about them, hm?" Jeno asked again.

"She doesn't know anything, Jeno." Jaehyun told him.

Actually, Kim Minjeong have been hiding her identity as one of the Kims and live as just an ordinary student before. People only knows that she comes from a rich family but they never know that Minjeong is more than just a rich family, she's the Kim's beloved youngest heiress. The Kim are the second powerful family after The Yoo.

"Of course. Kim Minjeong's protector, that's you. But I thought you two broke up. Why was it again? Ahhh! Because Jaehyun's family can't accept Minjeong since she's just no one to them. So, did you manage to get someone with higher status? Damn, your parents sure are greedy and have excellent plan for your future." Jeno smirked seeing Jaehyun's angry face.

"I told you, Kim Minjeong. He's just like everyone else. Reputation before anything else." Jeno provoked them.

"If only you agree to cheat on him with me last time, you wouldn't be the source of gossip for the students back then for getting dumped by the greatest Kim Jaehyun." Jeno laughed evilly.

"But hey, you're looking prettier than ever. You know, the offer to be my girlfriend is still up if you want. I don't mind to date you." Jeno said and tried to touch Minjeong's hair but Jaehyun quickly pulled Minjeong towards him.

"Can you just mind your own business, Jeno?" Jaehyun glared at him.

"I am. It's fun seeing you getting all angry like this. Why do you two hate me so much. Am I not fun?" Jeno laughed again.

"Are you still in love with this jerk, Kim Minjeong? I thought you know better than to be with him again. I can be a good boyfriend, you know." Jeno said and winked at her to provoke Jaehyun more.

Unknown to them, a pair of eyes have been watching everything from far away.

"Leave us alone, Jeno." Jaehyun gritted his teeth.

Minjeong tried to pull her hand away from Jaehyun but Jaehyun just refused to let her go.

"Why? Are you scared that Minjeong will really come to me?" Jeno asked and stepped forward. His hand was about to touch Minjeong's hair again when a strong hand swatted his hand away from Minjeong.

"Wha-" Jeno stopped at once when he saw Jimin.

Jimin then grabbed Jaehyun's hand that's still holding Minjeong and gave him her coldest glare.

"Let. Her. Go." Jimin growled the word one by one. But Jimin is impatient, so without waiting for Jaehyun to react, she pulled off Jaehyun's hand harshly from Minjeong.

She's mad that someone else dared to touch her baby. She's mad when she can see that Minjeong is being uncomfortable. Yoo Jimin is furious. 

Minjeong immediately hide behind Jimin's back, she just held Jimin's left arm with her both hands and tried to calm Jimin down by rubbing her arm.

"Yoo Jimin sshi." Jaehyun greeted while Jeno only bowed timidly.

"I don't know who you both are and what's your relation with Minjeong but one thing I know is that you have no right to even lay a finger on her. Especially when you know that she's uncomfortable around you two." Jimin scowled.

Now most of people were watching them when Jimin got into the scene. No one dares to say anything nor do anything to ease the situation, not when they were seeing an enraged Jimin.

"Jimin, Minjeong." Suho came to the rescue when he found out about the situation.

Joohyun has also approached them and made sure Jimin wouldn't explode there. She knows Jimin is capable to break the two boys but that's not going to be good. 

"Jimin. It's time. Let's go." Joohyun said softly.

"Jimin ah." Minjeong whispered her name. Only then, Jimin took a deep breath and nodded.

"Just know, I'm not going to do nothing about this." Jimin said sternly.

Jimin glared once more at Jaehyun and Jeno before turning around and hugged Minjeong's shoulder close to her. She pulled Minjeong with her without saying anything else to the others.

"She meant her words, Suho." Joohyun told Suho and gave a cold glance at Jaehyun and Jeno too.

"You can settle this yourself if you can, before she do something. She's known to give no mercy after all and I'm not going to stop her." Joohyun said to Suho and then followed Jimin and Minjeong.

"Well, boys. I guess you are dealing with me now." Suho said, faking a smile which looks even more creepy to Jaehyun and Jeno. Of course they know him, Kim Suho holds a certain power in his hand to ruin someone's life too.

"You're lucky if Jimin decided to let me handle you both myself but you can start praying now if she still insisted on dealing with you guys on her own." Suho threatened.




Minjeong bit her lip and glanced at Jimin nervously. Jimin brought her to the corner near the stage and she's still putting on her cold expression. Minjeong then slowly circled her arms on Jimin's waist and tightened her hug when Jimin wrapped her own arms around her too.

"Thank you for saving me and I'm sorry that I made you angry." Minjeong said.

"I'm not angry at you. I'm just angry for not being there as soon as possible." Jimin said, her tone softened now talking to Minjeong.

"And I realised that I still don't know a lot about you." Jimin added.


Jimin pulled away and smiled at her lovingly. 

"You can take your time, baby. We have all the time to get to know each other but I just hope to know about important part of your life."

"There's nothing much about me, Jimin ah. You know about most of the important ones already like my family, my friends and yeah... Me. I never told you about them because they were just my past that I don't even want to remember again."

"I understand. Did they hurt you?" Jimin asked.

"Would you do something if I said yes?"


"Can we just let it go?"


"But its-"

"All in the past? Yes. But they bothered you just now."

Minjeong sighed and Jimin raised her chin up to keep her eyes on her. 

"You are with me now, baby. I will use every power that I have, with everything I can do to make sure that you are well protected." Jimin said.

"So don't be afraid of anything. You have me and I will be there for you whenever you call me. Okay?" Jimin told her again.


"Good." Jimin then pulled her to stand beside her.

"Father is going to call us soon." Jimin said and pointed at the stage, where her parents were standing beautifully beside each other.

Joohyun has been called to the stage along with her fiancée too. The guests all clapped their hands and congratulates them.

Minjeong gulped and suddenly felt nervous. She's never a fan of getting too much attention. She unconsciously leaned more into Jimin.

"I'm here, my love. I'm here." Jimin whispered and made sure Minjeong feels safe and calm.

"And I would also like to call my youngest daughter, Yoo Jimin to the stage now."

Jimin nodded when her father glanced at her. Jimin intertwined her hand with Minjeong's hand and walked up to the stage together. They both bowed politely before Jimin gets closer to the mic stand to greet the guests.

"Good evening. This is Yoo Jimin speaking. The youngest daughter of Yoo and the current CEO of YJ Airlines. I would like to thank everyone for coming here and to celebrate this beautiful event together with us." Jimin said charmingly.

She noticed how some girls were fangirling over her strong aura and confidence. Then her eyes found their friends' proud and happy faces. Lastly, her eyes found Jaehyun and Jeno at the back. They were standing there with Suho not too far from them. Suho has this slight frown on his face and his eyes met Jimin's.

Jimin knows based on Suho's expression, he found out something that angered him. Jimin cleared , trying to control her emotion.

"And I would like to take the chance to introduce my fiancée." Jimin said.

Jimin then let go of Minjeong's hand and put her hand on Minjeong's waist, looking at her with so much affection.

"I'm delighted to announce that I am officially engaged with Kim Minjeong, the youngest heiress and daughter of Kim Junho."

Jimin saw how Jaehyun's and Jeno's face turned pale. She then gave a signal to her secretary who were standing beside the stage. She knows Sunny saw everything. After all, even during event like this, Sunny's job is to make sure everything will be running smoothly and she has to make sure that Minjeong is safe.

After the announcement, Jimin let her father take over the speech and congratulates her and her sister's engagement. 




After the speech, Jimin led Minjeong to where her friends at since Minjeong wanted to eat with them. 

"I'll be back." Jimin whispered after pulling a chair for Minjeong to sit and eat first.

"Where are you going?" Minjeong asked, eyebrows furrowed.

Jimin smiled and patted her cheek. She kissed Minjeong's head and cheek.

"I have to find Sunny unnie first. I won't take long. You can eat first, okay. I love you." Jimin said then pecked her lips this time before walking away.

"We're so sorry, Jeongie. We were not there earlier." Ryujin said guiltily.

"Yeah. If I was there, I would kick their ." Johnny said and sighed in frustration.

"Are you okay though?" Aeri asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Jimin was there." Minjeong smiled reassuringly.

"Jeno really still got the nerve." Ning hissed.

"Do you think Jimin will do something about it?" Ryujin asked.

"I don't know..." Minjeong then looked around and noticed her brother was not around, not even sitting with their family.

"Hey, don't worry too much about it. We believe Jimin will take care of everything." Aeri told her.

"Yeah." Minjeong nodded.

Jimin took 20 minutes being gone and luckily Minjeong's friends distracted her from looking for her.

"Hi, baby." Jimin smiled at the rest before taking a seat on Minjeong's right. Minjeong noticed that Jimin came back at the same time with her brother.

"Did you go with Suho oppa?" Minjeong asked. Jimin only hummed and kissed her cheek.

"I miss you. Did you wait for long?"

"I'm asking you a question, Jimin."

Jimin coughed twice and hold Minjeong's hand.

"We're just... Protecting you. Don't worry. We didn't do anything we shouldn't do. Just a few warning and all." Jimin said.

"To the boys?"

"Mhm. What? Is there someone else that's hurting you that I should know of?"

"No. Just- nevermind."

Jimin chuckled and caressed her hair before scooting her chair closer to her.

"Why aren't you eating yet?" Jimin asked.

"She's waiting for you." Ningning said and grinned when Minjeong glared at her.

"Is that so? Then I'm sorry for making you wait. Now, let's eat."

Jimin smiled when Minjeong moved closer and started eating when Jimin eats with her. They talked with each other while eating and Jimin asking if she needs anything. The whole time, Minjeong's friends watched how Jimin is treating their friend well.

"At least now she's in good hands." Aeri whispered and Ning nodded in agreement. 






It was a week after the announcement when Minjeong finally have the courage to go out. Even though Jimin has already told her that nothing will happen to her but she's just nervous to be out in the public after everyone now knows what's her status is, especially when now she is Jimin's fiancée.

She went to the cafe near to Jimin's workplace to get a drink while waiting for Jimin to be done. They planned to go out after Jimin's done with her work and Minjeong just decided to come there so Jimin wouldn't have to fetch her at home.


Minjeong froze as soon as she exited the cafe after getting her drinks.


Jaehyun looked around and rubbed his nape nervously.

"I... I want to apologise to you."

"Oh. It's um, it's in the past already. We've all moved on." Minjeong said and excused herself but Jaehyun blocked her way.

"I- I really regret it. I should've fought for you." Jaehyun said sadly and looked at her with regret.

"We're just not meant to be, Jaehyun." Minjeong said.

"But we were so good together." Jaehyun said and gets closer.

"I thought I told you to stay away from her."

Minjeong looked behind and saw Jimin's approaching them.

Jimin stopped just beside Minjeong and was already glaring at the scared Jaehyun.

"I just wanted to apologise." Jaehyun quickly said.

"Did he?" Jimin asked Minjeong and looked at her. Minjeong nodded her head and tried to hold her smile. Jimin always appeared at the right time for her. 

"So, you're done right? You can leave now. And please, I don't want to see you near Minjeong again." Jimin threatened him.

Jaehyun sighed regretfully and glanced at Minjeong but she wasn't looking at all as she's busy staring at Jimin. Jaehyun frowned when he saw how Minjeong was staring at Jimin with her eyes fill with hearts.

Jimin raised her eyebrows seeing Jaehyun's expression shows his sadness now. Then she looked at Minjeong and connected the dot. Ah, this girl. ​​​​​​

"I wish you both well." Jaehyun said before turning around to walk away with a heavy heart.

Jimin let out a sigh once Jaehyun's far from them. Then she faced Minjeong and bend a little to look into Minjeong's eyes closely.

"W-Why?" Minjeong stuttered and moved back her head.

Jimin only smiled warmly at her then patted her head gently.

"Baby. I think I will have to take you with me everywhere. People need to know that you're only mine."

"Uh, don't they know now? I mean, you've announced our engagement publicly."

"Hm, not enough. They need to always see you, with me. You-" Jimin paused and stands up straight before circling her one arm around Minjeong.

"Beside me, all the time. You're going to appear alot on the news from now on okay."


"The world need a reminder, baby. That you're my fiancée, my future wife. Mine."

Minjeong rolled her eyes before shaking her head.

"Whatever you want then."

"Definitely whatever I want, baby." Jimin chuckled seeing Minjeong's playful annoyed face.






True to Jimin's words. She really brought Minjeong along with her to everywhere she went. She's introducing Minjeong personally to some of her business partners, clients and their family friends too.

She made Minjeong tagging along whenever she has to attend any events, doesn't matter if its a small or a big event. She will always bring Minjeong as her plus one to any birthday celebrations or parties.

Jimin is literally flaunting her fiancée to the whole world and she's proud to have Minjeong beside her all the time.




"Ugh, my back."

Minjeong groaned and throw herself on the bed.

"Hi, little sister. It seems like you've been busier than me now."

Minjeong lifted up her head to look at her grinning brother at the door.

"Oppaaaa. I didn't know being Jimin's fiancée will be this tiring. It's even more tiring than doing business." Minjeong said causing Suho to laugh.

"What can you say? Your fiancée is Yoo Jimin."

"Is this the reason why you didn't even hesitate to agree for her to marry me instead of you? You knew this beforehand, aren't you? You're cheating, oppa. So unfair."

"What? Hahahahahahaha." Suho clutched on his stomach as he laughed harder.

"I thought you've accepted me with all your heart already, Kim Minjeong. Are you doubting your feelings now?"

Minjeong lifted up her head again and saw Jimin with arms crossed, standing beside Suho.

"Oppa. Why didn't you tell me Jimin's here?"

"Sorry, little sister. I'm not involved in this. I'll go now." Suho said, still laughing a little as he patted Jimin's shoulder and left.

Minjeong groaned again and stood up to approach Jimin who were still standing by the door.

"I was only kidding with Suho oppa earlier. And yes, I accepted you for who you are. I'm not doubting about my feelings for you. I wouldn't be your fiancée if I am."


"I won't joke around about it again. Please, don't be mad at me." Minjeong pouted and hugged Jimin's neck.

"I'm in love with you. You should know that by now. I want you just like you do." Minjeong said again.

Jimin sighed and pinched Minjeong's nose, making her to whine and she pulled back her head.

"I'm in love with you too, baby. Very much." Jimin said and kissed her lips, smiling when she feels Minjeong's smile too.

"But get ready now, we have a dinner with my parents." Jimin said and laughed when Minjeong whined again.

"I promise, after this you can take a rest."


"Really really."

Minjeong grinned then pecked Jimin's lips before going to get ready. Jimin just keep smiling and told her that she will wait downstairs.




"We're happy to see you both getting along with each other." Mr Yoo said.

"So, when is the wedding?"

And Minjeong choked on her food as soon as that question came out of Mr Yoo's mouth. Jimin helps to rub her back soothingly and gave her a glass of water.

"We haven't talked about it yet." Jimin answered.

"Joohyun asked for some time as Seungwan needs to finish her final training in Canada next year so I'm hoping that you and Minjeong can get married first. Maybe within this year."

And again, Minjeong choked. Jimin chuckled lowly seeing Minjeong kept getting shocked by her father.

"This reminds me of our first proper meeting." Jimin whispered and Minjeong glared at her shortly before coughing and drinks her water again.

"What do you think about it, Minjeong?" Mr Yoo now asked Minjeong. Jimin looked at her and anticipated of what she will say.

"Uh, well. I'm okay, I think. I'll just follow what Jimin want." Minjeong speaks calmly and softly.

"Are you sure, baby?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow at her.


"That's great. So Jimin, I expect the wedding to be this year." Mr Yoo said again.

"Do inform us the date in advance too so I can help doing the preparation." Mrs Yoo said.

"Well, in that case, then I don't mind to hold the wedding by next month."

And for the third time, Minjeong choked again but this time on her drinks. She patted her chest as she kept coughing. Jimin chuckled and rubbed her back again. Mrs Yoo also laughed with Jimin seeing Minjeong's reaction while Mr Yoo only smiled.

"Are you okay, my dear?" He asked Minjeong.

"Y-Yeah. I'm- fine." Minjeong tried to smile then cleared .

"And next month, isn't that too soon?" Mr Yoo asked Jimin. Minjeong nodded, agreeing to him.

"Don't you like- have a lot to prepare?" He asked again.

"Oh. Everything's all set and ready actually. Sunny unnie have been doing a survey for me and contacting the best wedding planner and they have been discussing about it already. We're left with few options and waiting for a confirmation from Minjeong, that is... Once Minjeong is ready to marry me." Jimin explained. Minjeong's jaw dropped as she looked at Jimin in disbelief. When did Jimin prepared everything? She doesn't know. Jimin never once mentioned about it to her.

"How come I didn't know about this?" Minjeong whispered.

"Because I don't want to scare you, baby. I'm just making sure I have everything well prepared first so I can marry you with ease once you are ready. So, I don't have to wait any longer once you want to get married with me already." Jimin answered.

"You- You are that sure with me?" Minjeong asked.

"There's no one else, baby. It's going to be you for me. Just you." Jimin smiled warmly at her and pecked her cheek when she's still processing everything that Jimin has just said.

Mr and Mrs Yoo smiled fondly seeing how their youngest daughter sincerely shows her love for Minjeong. It's a rare sight for them as Jimin always appears to be cold around other people even towards her suitors last time.

"Since Minjeong said she's okay if Jimin's okay and Jimin is all ready, so... Will we get to see you get married by next month?" Mr Yoo asked.

"Baby?" Jimin looked at Minjeong.


"Do you want to? If you're okay, then let's get married next month."

"Okay." Minjeong answered without hesitation, heart's pounding and her hand reached out to hold Jimin's hand which Jimin immediately intertwined their hands.

"Then we'll hold a wedding next month, father." Jimin confirmed.

"Oh my god! That would be great." Mrs Yoo exclaimed and smiled widely at her husband.

"Good. Let us know the details. We'll announce the wedding soon." Mr Yoo said, his face shows satisfaction. After all, he's the one who can't wait for Jimin to finally marry Minjeong, his best friend's precious daughter.

That night, Minjeong went home with Jimin and announced to Minjeong's parents personally about the wedding. Minjeong's parents were ecstatic and they kept thanking Jimin for everything. Jimin stayed for another hour to talk to Minjeong's parents and to let her handle everything as she's got everything in control, she said.

"I think my parents are more excited than me." Minjeong said once they were outside, walking Jimin to her car.

"Yeah? How about you?"


"Yes. I need to know if you are really ready to be my wife, baby. Your feelings are important to me."

"I... It still feels surreal."

"Why?" Jimin asked and pulled Minjeong's hand once they were near her car.

Jimin leaned her back against her car's door and made Minjeong stands in between her legs as she hugs her from behind.

"I never imagine this, you know." Minjeong said.

"What is it?"

"Me, marrying a Yoo Jimin."

"What do you mean, baby? What about me?" Jimin asked and put her chin on Minjeong's shoulder.

"Just you being you. Everyone wants you. People look up to you. You're like one of the most important figures."

"That's me in front of everyone else's eyes. But-" Jimin lifted up her head from Minjeong's shoulder as she paused her sentence.

She turned Minjeong around to make her face her. Jimin runs her fingers through Minjeong's soft hair before caressing her head gently.

"I am just your Jimin when I'm with you, baby. Your lover, your fiancée, your everything. I aim to take care of you with love, gentleness and warmth. You deserve all of me, my heart and soul. You deserve all that I can give. And I want to be deserving enough to have you in my life because you deserve better and I'm going to be the better one for you."

Jimin bumped her forehead softly on Minjeong's forehead once, then brushes their noses playfully, making Minjeong giggled. Jimin smiled hearing that. She then gives soft kisses on Minjeong's both cheeks.

"I really love you, remember that." Jimin said before she enfolded Minjeong in her arms.

"I love you." Minjeong whispered and wrapped her arms around Jimin tightly.

Jimin hum and her hair tenderly. They stays like that for a while, just enjoying each others warmth.











Hi, dearest readers!! 

My heart is soft for Jiminjeong. Can't help but to write them being lovey dovey more. This update is for yall. Enjoy!









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Viola_Ella 0 points #1
Chapter 147: Take care of your health author. Thank you for writing. Your stories are healing for me I'm happy 🫶
Psykotato 28 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 147: I'm fking sobbing, In the parallel universe where prosecutor Minjeong wasn't able to jump off the cliff to save gang leader Jimin, finally human Minjeong gets to jump off the cliff to save vampire Jimin😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 points #3
Chapter 147: Don't be feel sorry about it your health is more important than any things. Take care author-nim.
0 points #4
Chapter 147: Thank you so much for the update!! I'm loving this story so muchhhh.
0 points #5
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: Thanks for the update author-nim and take care of yourself too, your health important more than anything thanks again and see in next update annyeong👋🏻 saranghae~(◕દ◕)♡
kariselleheart 13 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 147: woahhh the ritual is crazy omg i love this chapter

hope you're feeling much better author!! thanks for the update 😊
28 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 147: Wow! What an intense event during the rituals of their transformations..
joyie4ever 16 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 147: Thank you!!
Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭