Savage - Part 9 (Final)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"Are you telling the truth?"

Winter nodded and bit her bottom lip, looking down while fidgeting with her fingers.

"P-Please, promise me that she won't be able to get me." Winter sobbed.

Suho sighed and gave Winter a small handkerchief.

"Don't worry, Winter. We will catch her and we will protect you." Suho said firmly.

Winter nodded and wiped off her tears. Then, she heard Suho went to tell the team about everything Winter had just told him, especially about Karina's location.

"We're going to get Karina Yoo. Let's go. We have no time to waste."

Winter smirked slightly hearing Kai's command. Yes, she let herself become a bait as this was a part of Karina's plan to distract them since Karina needs time to prepare for their final escape.

"We will go now, Winter. Rest assure, everything is going to be fine." Suho went to her again and told her that they have requested for an arrest warrant for Karina already.

Winter was brought back to her cell and she did not bother to sit this time as she just rests her back against the wall. She looked up when she heard the clicking sound of footsteps coming closer. Officer Kang Seulgi.

"Follow me." The female officer said.

Winter shrugged and just followed her. All of the other guards only bowed respectfully when Seulgi passed by. They did not even ask her about where she is going to bring Winter. Winter was curious, just who is this Kang Seulgi? 

Just then, Seulgi stopped once they reached the other corner of the hallways and there was no one else. Seulgi turned around to uncuff Winter.

"I heard that you're a good fighter. Is that right?" Seulgi asked and Winter only nodded without saying anything.

"Good. You better be right, because we are not going to get away from here if you're not."

Seulgi smirked before she opened the door and they were facing some guards outside who looks confused. Seulgi scanned her eyes quickly, counting the men.


Seulgi then glanced at Winter from her shoulder.

"Let's see, how many of them you can take down."

Winter scoffed before cracking her knuckles.






Karina was smiling gleefully when she watches through the screen that the cops were struggling to get through her place. She giggled seeing Kai's frustrated face. She drums her fingers while humming to a song as she continued watching them.

"Idiot." Karina shakes her head.

Ring Ring!


"Seems like everything's ready for you."


"Your parents are rushing to get there now. I think they found out how all of your assets now under my name already."

"Let them come."

"You can't take this back, Karina. Everything will be mine now including your family's empire."

"By all means, you can take it all. I don't need it. I just need you to be true to your words and give me what I really need."

"Hm, you can count on me. My girlfriend will be on her way in an hour."

"With my Winter?"

"With your Winter."


"See you, Karina."

"See you."

Karina hung up and glanced at the screen. She tilted her head as she saw the cops have managed to break into her secret place now.

"Well, time to go. Sorry boys, we won't be able to meet at all."

Karina quickly made her way to the back door and her motorbike's engine. She put on her helmet before driving off. Unknown to her, Kai did not get inside with the team as he asked Jeno to follow him going through the back and they caught a sight of Karina running away.

"Jeno, let's go!!"






Winter was panting as she knocked down another man before turning around to see Seulgi snapped the neck of the last cop. Seulgi winked at her before throwing the cop to the floor.


"I can fight more."

Seulgi laughed and nodded her head. Then she grabbed the cops' car key and gestured Winter to follow her. Just when they were about to leave, Mr Hwang entered with widened eyes. Winter was ready to fight him when Seulgi stopped her.

"I'll distract the others." He said, surprising Winter.

Seulgi chuckled and winked at him before asking Winter to leave with her.

"Mr Hwang is on our side?" Winter asked once they got inside the car.

"He had to."


"He found out about my betrayal and the plan, so we had to do something about it."

"What is it?"

"Let's just say he knows not to mess with Karina Yoo and Irene Bae."

"Irene Bae?"

Seulgi laughed and glanced at Winter.

"My girlfriend, the founder of RV Corporation. She's the Yoo's greatest enemy."

Karina found out about the ongoing silent war between her parents and Irene Bae. She dug up every detail about Irene Bae and managed to have her way to meet the cold woman. Karina made a deal with Irene and taking her side, going against her own parents. However, Irene cannot do much for her as she does not want to take such a huge risk before she can secure her win. That's why, Karina feels like heaven was sending her Winter as her angel. She's the main key that can help her doing things that Irene can't do for her.

Karina was slowly stealing some of the important documents and even bribed her family's lawyers by using Irene's money to help her change the assets under her name into Irene's name. She signed all of the paper, agreeing to everything and that if anything happens to Yoo's business, Irene will take over instead of her. Yes, she betrayed her own parents. This is a part of her revenge for everything that they had done to her.

Irene was the reason why Karina and Winter could get away from whatever they were doing, she was behind them to cover them up most of the time.






Karina cursed when her shoes scratched against the ground as she looked down on the sea below her.

"You have nowhere to run now, Karina."

Karina clicked her tongue before turning around to face Kai and Jeno. She was on the run when she realised that she was being followed by them, she had to abandon her bike when she decided to run into the forest to get away from them. Now, they were on a cliff with Karina being cornered.

"Surrender, Karina." Kai said, a gun in his hands as he pointed at her.

"Never." Karina replied coldly.

"Do not test me, Karina. Or I will have to shoot you if you refused to surrender." Kai threatened her.

Karina was about to talk back when she noticed a slight movement from the corner of her eyes. Karina smirked and tilted her head, causing Kai to frown while Jeno was already shaking nervously.

"So, you want to kill me then?" Karina asked.

"I will, if you don't want to cooperate with us." Kai said.

"Too bad. I will never follow your words." Karina said, smirking smugly.

"I'm not lying when I said I will shoot you, Karina. I've been wanting to catch you so bad and kill you for all the crimes that you have caused." Kai said in anger before pulling the trigger.

Suddenly, they got startled by Winter's sudden appearance. She came out of nowhere and stands in front of Karina, blocking her with her body as she made sure Karina will be safe behind her. Karina chuckled and wrapped her strong arm around Winter's waist.

"You're here." Karina whispered before locking her eyes with Kai.

Karina kissed Winter's cheek while winking at them causing them to grit their teeth, clearly did not expect that Winter was going to be there when she was the one who begged them to help her escape from Karina hours ago.

"I told you, Kai. Killing me won't be that easy. As you can see, I have this loyal puppy who would do anything to keep me alive." Karina said.

"Then, I'm sorry. We will have no choice, but to kill both of you since it's clear now that you both are together." Kai replied, pointing his gun towards Winter this time and Jeno did the same thing.

Karina's smile faded away and her face turned darker as soon as Kai finished talking. She gripped Winter's waist tightly and pulled her hard against her front.

"You just made a huge mistake to even think about it." Karina growled.

Without wasting the time, Karina swiftly took out her gun. Before anyone can blink, she shot both Kai and Jeno dead on the head. She stared with no emotion as their body fell to the ground.

"No one can take what's mine." Karina whispered.

She turned Winter around and gripped her chin harshly. Winter's brown eyes staring right into her soul.

"You are only mine, Winter. Mine to control, even mine to kill. No one can hurt you, but me. No one can kill you, but me. They should know not to mess with what's mine."

"Yes. I am all yours, Karina."

Karina smirked and chuckled lowly before leaning in to kiss Winter's lips passionately which Winter returned back the gesture. Karina bit Winter's bottom lip hard before pulling away.

"Say baby. Would you run away with me?"


"Would you promise to stay with me through it all?"


"Would you die for me all over again?"


"Hm. I don't quiet like that though, but it's okay. Don't die for me. I want you to make sure that you will keep us both alive instead."

"I'll do anything for you. Just please, take me with you."

Karina grinned, satisfied with Winter's answer.

"Seems like your girlfriend is really reliable." 

Karina and Winter turned to see Seulgi approached them with a gun in her hands. They agreed to meet at this place, that was the plan actually. Seulgi and Winter saw that Karina was having a problem with Kai and Jeno. Winter did not wait for Seulgi's instruction as she ran to get to Karina while Seulgi shrugged and went to prepare the boat for them to leave the place before the other cops could reach there.

"Come on, it's time to go." Seulgi smirked.

"She didn't touch you, right?" Karina asked and Winter shook her head.

"Hey, I'm not a ert."

"I've seen how you are with Irene. I just have to make sure." Karina said coldly.

"Excuse me? Irene is my girlfriend, of course I'll get touchy with her."

"She said you're touchy with a lot of girls. The reason why you two always fight. So, in case you forgot, do not ever touch my Winter."

"Ugh, whatever! Let's go or I'll leave you."

"I will kill you first before you can leave us."

Seulgi and Karina glared at each other. Winter cleared before moving away from Karina to go and take Kai's gun that was on the ground.

"Stop fighting or we will have to waste our energy dealing with the cops if we didn't leave on time." Winter said.

"Come back here, baby." Karina said firmly. Winter gulped before stepping back towards Karina. Karina held her waist tight and looked at her.

"Never walk away from me, no matter what." Karina told her.

"I'm sorry." Winter whispered.

"I want you close to me from now on, okay?"

"Yes, Karina."


Karina then looked at Seulgi.

"Well, lead the way, Kang Seulgi."

Karina is glad, she is going to leave the country with Seulgi and Winter as they would for sure become the most wanted criminals now. Yet, she believes that Irene will do something to help their escape plan running smoothly. While for Irene? She will be fine. She has a lot of back up anyways. All the nine leaders from SNSD, the underworld's most fearful women gang will do the works as Irene have signed a protection deal with them not long time ago.

Karina? She signed with Irene. It was also a part of the deal. Karina will help Irene to drag her parents down in exchange of her safety, new identity and a new life with Winter. Yeah, she is going to live a new life together with Winter. Winter has always been a part of her future plan. 

"You're so savage, you know. I love all of your work." Karina said to Winter.

"Thank you." Winter said and let Karina pulled her closer.

Karina may hurt her with her actions or words, but none of her doings hurt her heart. She knows that she got Karina wrapped around her fingers already. She intends to make Karina going crazy for her anyway. As long as Karina stays loyal to her, they will be fine. Oh well, Winter will make sure no one can take Karina from her. Is she the villain in this story? Winter does not care.

She may be the villain, but she is my villain. 

"What's on your mind, baby?" Karina asked, raising her eyebrows when she saw Winter's usual blank face suddenly brightened.

"You." Winter answered truthfully.

Karina chuckled and smirked. Winter took a deep breath, she can never get used to Karina's annoying yet attractive smirk. Yeah, my hot villain indeed.










And the end!

How was it? Did you guys like it? I hope everyone gets to enjoy this series as much as I do huhu. Thank you for your support, as always. I love yall, my dearest readers.




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284 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: First of all authornim, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE AAAAAAAA BEEN WAITING FOR THIS YES FINALLY 😭🙏😭 next one is another thank youuuu for how this chapter was written 🥰 too much to handle 🤭 but yes and lastly take care of yourself pls. Just take your time recovering and we'll be just patiently waiting for your every update 🫶
jin9885 0 points #2
Chapter 147: Thanks for the update authornim! I'm amazed by your story as usual. Wish you a speedy recovery and enjoy your day as well 🫶🫶🫶 Luv yaaa
taenggo09 0 points #3
Chapter 147: thank you for the update author-nim
please take care of your own health too
12 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
0 points #5
Chapter 147: Omg.. how could you be so talented? (Geez i wish i had your talent lol) Thank you for brightening your readers' day with your beautiful stories. And wishing a speedy recovery for you. Please always be healthy and happy! <3
Viola_Ella 0 points #6
Chapter 147: Take care of your health author. Thank you for writing. Your stories are healing for me I'm happy 🫶
Psykotato 28 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 147: I'm fking sobbing, In the parallel universe where prosecutor Minjeong wasn't able to jump off the cliff to save gang leader Jimin, finally human Minjeong gets to jump off the cliff to save vampire Jimin😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 points #8
Chapter 147: Don't be feel sorry about it your health is more important than any things. Take care author-nim.
0 points #9
Chapter 147: Thank you so much for the update!! I'm loving this story so muchhhh.
0 points #10
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: Thanks for the update author-nim and take care of yourself too, your health important more than anything thanks again and see in next update annyeong👋🏻 saranghae~(◕દ◕)♡