I Want You - Part 4

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin was waiting outside of Minjeong's lecture to meet her as she came late today so she wasn't able to see her earlier. She waited for her to come out until everyone have left already. She then checked the class and saw Minjeong at the corner, taking a nap.

"Minjeong?" Jimin then took a seat beside her.

"Are you really that tired?" She asked then chuckled when Minjeong didn't reply.

"Kim Minjeong."

Jimin frowned. She slowly put her palm on Minjeong's shoulder.

"You're warm."

Then Jimin checked the temperature on Minjeong's forehead.

"Minjeong? Are you feeling okay? Your body is hot."

"Please don't bother me today. Am tired." She heard Minjeong mumbled lowly.

"I don't feel hot. Its cold." Minjeong said again then turned her head away to the other side.

"Minjeong, you're not feeling well I think. And-" Jimin paused as she checked the time on her phone.

"You have another class in 15." Jimin murmured. 

Jimin sighed when Minjeong doesn't replied. She checked on Minjeong again and noticed she shivers a little. So she took off her hoodie and helped Minjeong to sit up first. Luckily she was wearing a shirt underneath.

"Jimin." Minjeong frowned with eyes closed, already protesting.

"Shh. It's okay. I just want to put this on you. You're feeling cold right?"

Minjeong did not answer but let Jimin put her hoodie on her. Once done, Jimin let Minjeong to lay her head on her arms on the desk again.

"Do you want to go to the infirmary?" Jimin asked.


"Okay. Just stay and rest here. I'll be back." Jimin said.

She sighed but she had no choice, she had to leave Minjeong for a while. She went to Minjeong's class, skipping her own class but asked Yeji to take note for her.

"Jimin? You're not in this class." Miss Son said when she entered.

"Hi, Miss Son. Minjeong isn't feeling well, is it okay if I come in on her behalf? I have to take notes for her too." Jimin said.

"Oh. Well, yeah. Sure." Miss Son smiled before starting her lecture. 

After an hour and a half, the lecture has ended. So Jimin rushed to buy few things for Minjeong first before she went back to Minjeong's previous class to get her. Jimin came inside carefully, not to wake her up. She checked Minjeong's temperature again and she's still hot. She put the meds and a bottle of water on the desk near Minjeong. Then she texted her friends if they see any of Minjeong's friends around, Jimin asked them to let Minjeong's friends know about Minjeong.

"You look so peaceful." Jimin whispered, taking a seat in front of Minjeong. She was about to fix Minjeong's fringe but stopped when she sees how Minjeong was napping well.

"Please get well soon. I prefer you to be all healthy and have the energy to scold me." Jimin smiled to herself.

Then Jimin received a text from Yeji that Aeri and Ning will be on their way to Minjeong. Jimin sighed in relief. She wouldn't mind to take care of Minjeong but she doesn't know if it's okay for her to carry Minjeong so she decided to just let her friends taking care of her instead. Jimin then gets up, preparing to leave. She glanced at Minjeong once again before she left the room. 


Hope you'll feel better soon, Kim Minjeong.     5:11pm.






"Why did coach ask us to gather around this morning? I thought practice wil be later on."

"It's because we have an announcement but we'll wait for Coach Yuri first." Jimin said.

Jimin woke up early to get to the university to have a talk with the coach about the announcement then she went to the Volleyball court while waiting for her teammates to come. They all showed up half an hour later and joined Jimin for a warm up. Once finished warming up, Jimin untie her hair to ruffle it. She panted after doing the warm up and now drinks some water.

"Oh, 11 o'clock." She heard Somi whispered before her eyes looked at the direction Somi told her.

It was Minjeong. She came alone. Weird.

Jimin put down her water before excusing herself to approach Minjeong halfway.

"Hey." Jimin greeted her softly.

"Here." Minjeong handed her back her hoodie. Jimin looked at her hoodie then looked at Minjeong.

"You can keep it, you know."

"No, it's okay."

"Hmm." Jimin then took it from Minjeong.

"And about yesterday. Thank you."

"Are you feeling okay already?" Jimin asked, stepping closer to check her temperature when Minjeong leaned back. Jimin paused too, looking at Minjeong.

"Umm... Yeah." Minjeong then slowly stepped forward, letting Jimin's palm to touch her forehead.

"Oh." Jimin was surprised with Minjeong's behaviour but she kept quiet about it.

"I just came here to thank you and give you back your hoodie. That's all." Minjeong told her.

"Okay." Jimin chuckled seeing Minjeong being awkward around her.

"You should get some more rest." Jimin said.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"You can't tell me not to worry about you- wait, I forgot. I took notes for you yesterday, I went for your lecture with Miss Son."


"It's in my locker though. Is it okay if I give it to you later? Your class will be done at 11am right?"

"How did you know about my class?"

Jimin grinned then tilted her head, looking at Minjeong lovingly.

"I memorised it, all of your classes." 

Then, Coach Yuri finally came and called everyone to gather.

"I have to go but- I'll see you later. Take care." Jimin said then winked at her before she ran back to her team.

Minjeong just continues watching until Jimin was with her team, she saw how Jimin looked back at her and smiled at her before focusing on her coach. She's not that... Bad.






Minjeong was checking some of her books in her locker when Chanyeol, their senior approached her. She looked at him weirdly when he can't stop smiling at her. He was holding a bouquet of chocolates and flowers. Minjeong sighed.

"Hi, Kim Minjeong right?"

"Hello." Minjeong bowed out of respect.

"I just want to... Give you this and I would like to ask you out." Chanyeol said.

"I see." Minjeong mumbled then looked at the bouquet. The thing is, she never accept any gifts or flowers from her suitors. It's because she doesn't want any rumors about her going out with her suitor just because she accepts their gifts. That's why she never accept any of them.

"Thank you but I'm sorry, I can't accept this." Minjeong said politely.

"What about a date with me?"

"I can't. I'm sorry."

"May I know why? Do you have someone already?"

"I just don't want to and no, I don't have anyone at the moment." Minjeong smiled apologetically.

"Then I don't see the reason for you to say no. What about we try going out first? And please accept this." Chanyeol said then grabbed Minjeong's hand to force her to accept the bouquet.

"Wha- Chanyeol sshi I-" Minjeong hissed when Chanyeol starts to hurt her and before she could do something, a cold voice came from behind Chanyeol.

"She said she doesn't want to." 

Jimin appeared with her straight face and stopped beside Chanyeol. She looked at his hand that was grabbing Minjeong's wrist tightly. She then pulled his hand off of Minjeong then pushed his shoulder a little.

"Do you want this?" Jimin asked Minjeong, already taking the bouquet instead.

"No." Minjeong answered and Jimin nodded.

"She said..." Jimin pushed the bouquet to Chanyeol's chest.

"She doesn't want this too." Jimin told him sternly. Chanyeol scoffed then glared at Jimin.

"This is between me and her, you shouldn't get in between us." He said.

"It's not only you who can court her. You're not the only one here who likes her." He added.

"Have you seen me intervene any of her suitors? No. It's because they never try to hurt her. While you-" Jimin pulled Minjeong's hand up by grabbing her sleeve.

"You're hurting her." Jimin folded Minjeong's sleeve a little to show the redness on her wrist.

"I don't tolerate anyone who hurts her." Jimin said then let go of Minjeong's sleeve.

"I was just trying to give her this!" Chanyeol argued.

"You could do so without hurting her. Aren't you a man enough to think wisely?" Jimin raised her eyebrows at the angry Chanyeol.

Chanyeol stepped forward and pulled Jimin's collar harshly, glaring into her eyes while his other hand was holding the bouquet. Jimin held her head up, not even scared at him.

"Well, do you think you are good enough?" Chanyeol asked.

"At least, I know that I am better than you." Jimin smirked.

"You're forcing her to accept you too. Don't think I didn't know about what you did."

"I never force her. She's still rejecting me but I just never give up and continues to pursue her."

"Okay, fine. Then since she said no to you too, you should've stopped as well. No? Only then, I will stop too."

"Dude. Didn't you hear what I say? You're hurting her." Jimin gritted her teeth.

"You can continue pursuing her but without! hurting her!" Jimin growled.

"How would you know that you never hurt her?"

"Chanyeol sshi, please just leave us alone." Minjeong finally speaks up. Chanyeol then frowned at her. Minjeong pulled Jimin back slightly by the back of her shirt.

"I still respect you as my senior, so please just leave." Minjeong said, eyes staring coldly at him.

Chanyeol scoffed then throw the bouquet to the floor before turning away angrily. Jimin then let out a sigh and rubbed her temple. She turned to see Minjeong and glanced at her wrist.

"Did it hurt?" Jimin asked in concerned.

"May I?" Jimin asked again before holding Minjeong's hand gently once Minjeong nodded at her. She caressed her wrist using her thumb.

"It didn't hurt that much. I don't think it'll get worse." Minjeong said.

"Okay. Good. Anyway, let's get you your notes." Jimin said then gestured Minjeong to follow her to her locker.

"Did I ever hurt you, Minjeong?" Jimin asked while opening her locker to take out the notes she were taking for Minjeong.

"No. Not physically, at least."

"What about mentally and emotionally? You know that would be even worse." Jimin said then gave the papers to her.

"Hmm. No, I don't think so. At most, I just feel annoyed at you and angry. That's all." Minjeong replied.

Jimin sighed as she closed her locker. She then leaned her back against it and looked at Minjeong. Should I stop?

"Did I make you feel uncomfortable?" Jimin asked.

"You did, with all of the flowers and notes you put into my locker." Minjeong said honestly.

"Ah. That's why you were really mad."


"Then, should I... Stop? You know, I wouldn't want to hurt you. And I certainly don't want to set a bad example for your other suitors, especially after what happened today with Chanyeol."

"It's up to you." Minjeong said.

"So do you want me to stop?"

"Even if I want you to, you never stop."

"I will, if it's really what you want."

"What makes you change your mind?"

"I told you, I don't want the same thing happened to you again with your suitors. I really like you and I wouldn't want anyone else to hurt you."

"You didn't hurt me, Jimin." Minjeong said then sighed.

"But, maybe try to be less annoying? Then maybe, I will consider about the whole thing." Minjeong told her.

"Less annoying is...?"

"Stop bothering me too early in the morning. I'm not in my best mood that early. Stop giving me flowers too, I don't like it. No cheesy love notes or letters. You can still throw me pick up lines but at least, show me that you're sincere. I don't like some love words without sincerity."

"Why are you telling me this now?" Jimin asked.

"As a thank you, for taking care of me even if we were not even friends. I realised that you were not that bad." Minjeong shrugged.

"So you want to try to give me a chance now?"

"Again, maybe if you become less annoying and stop triggering my anger."

"Sorry about that." Jimin apologised.

"Well, if you are really sorry about it then you wouldn't do it again. Right?"

"Right. I won't."

"Then we're good. Thanks for the notes and thanks for your help. I'll go first." Minjeong said then smiled slightly at her before leaving.

Jimin blinked once. Twice. Thrice. Hold on.

"Did she just smile at me???"






It has been a week since the last time Jimin talked to Minjeong. She has stopped bothering her now and avoided getting on her bad side. She had been busy practicing for her upcoming competition with her volleyball team but that doesn't mean she didn't get any updates about Minjeong from her friends.

"Are you finally giving up on Kim Minjeong?" Yeji asked.

"Did you finally sober up?" Ryujin asked, laughing with Yuna.

Jimin only rolled her eyes at them, sitting down with them while watching her teammates practicing together.

"I stop courting her." Jimin said.

"For real?" Yeji asked and now all of them looked at her.

"For now, yeah."


"I want to be her friend first." Jimin smiled.

"I have to earn her trust. She deserves the best. So I have to be the better version of myself." Jimin said.

"She really like her." Ryujin mumbled.

"I told you, I know Jimin better than you. This time she really like someone." Yeji told Ryujin.

"Well, goodluck Jimin. You know, we'll support you." Yuna said.

"It's going to be a lot of work but yeah, I can do this." Jimin nodded.

"I mean, being friends will be enough already." Ryujin said.

"It is but I still want her to be my girlfriend. She's an amazing woman. I can't let her go." Jimin said.

"See that, you can't let me go." Ryujin told Yeji.


"Because I'm an amazing woman too." Ryujin said.

Jimin and Yuna laughed when Ryujin said that and Yeji only ignored her. It is not a secret that Ryujin is interested in Yeji, everyone knows that Yeji is her favorite out of them all and it's because she has feelings for her.






"I heard you were not going to the festival."

Minjeong closed her locker slightly to look at Jimin's face who was hiding behind her locker door while she was taking out her books.

"Yeah, I'm not." Minjeong said then opened back the locker to check few of her things inside. Once done, she closed and locked it.

"All of your friends will go though."

"They for sure will."

"Then why aren't you?"

"I prefer to stay home and sleep."

Jimin walked beside Minjeong then took the heavy books in Minjeong's arms to carry them for her. Minjeong only let her help her, it's a deal made between them recently. Jimin asked her to let her help her whenever without protesting and in return, Jimin will not annoy her to death anymore.

"There will be a lot of food and games." Jimin said.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Too bad. I would want you to come so maybe I can spend some more time with you."

"Even if I come, I'll be with my friends you know."

"I don't mind joining you and your friends." 

"Then you have to ask their permission if you're allowed to join us or not."

"Are you saying you will go if your friends said yes?"


"Oooohh. Are you slowly giving in to me?" Jimin smirked.

"You said you want to be my friend. If you're really a good person, then that shouldn't be a problem to me." Minjeong said and this time she's looking at Jimin.

"Am I right?" Minjeong asked.

"Right. So, we can be friends?" Jimin asked.

"I mean, okay." Minjeong shrugged.

"So I am now Jimin, your friend."


"Friends can hang out with each other."


"We should hang out together then!"

Minjeong laughed then took back her books from Jimin once they were near to her class.

"Thanks, Jimin."

Jimin grinned and raised her fist up to the air.

"We should hang out soon, Kim Minjeong."

"Go to your class, Jimin." Minjeong replied without looking back at her.

Jimin then chuckled. She walked to her class with a happy mood. Even Yeji were looking at her weirdly but Jimin ignored her and kept smiling to herself. 

"What's wrong with you?" Yeji asked.

"Shh. Focus Yeji, focus." Jimin giggled then writing her notes happily. Yeji sighed and shook her head.










Hello, lovely readers! How are yall doing? Hope everyone's doing fine. Have a good day ahead and enjoy another update here!



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0 points #1
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #2
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.
284 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: First of all authornim, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE AAAAAAAA BEEN WAITING FOR THIS YES FINALLY 😭🙏😭 next one is another thank youuuu for how this chapter was written 🥰 too much to handle 🤭 but yes and lastly take care of yourself pls. Just take your time recovering and we'll be just patiently waiting for your every update 🫶
jin9885 0 points #4
Chapter 147: Thanks for the update authornim! I'm amazed by your story as usual. Wish you a speedy recovery and enjoy your day as well 🫶🫶🫶 Luv yaaa
taenggo09 0 points #5
Chapter 147: thank you for the update author-nim
please take care of your own health too
12 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 147: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
0 points #7
Chapter 147: Omg.. how could you be so talented? (Geez i wish i had your talent lol) Thank you for brightening your readers' day with your beautiful stories. And wishing a speedy recovery for you. Please always be healthy and happy! <3
Viola_Ella 0 points #8
Chapter 147: Take care of your health author. Thank you for writing. Your stories are healing for me I'm happy 🫶
Psykotato 28 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 147: I'm fking sobbing, In the parallel universe where prosecutor Minjeong wasn't able to jump off the cliff to save gang leader Jimin, finally human Minjeong gets to jump off the cliff to save vampire Jimin😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 points #10
Chapter 147: Don't be feel sorry about it your health is more important than any things. Take care author-nim.