
Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin tries to win Minjeong's heart. Many times. She went all out just to get the girl's attention. From joining every competition to becoming the best of the best in her swimming and dance club. She volunteered a lot too and even managed to gain a title of the most active student in their college.

For her whole life, she's used to people keep throwing themselves at her. Whoever she likes, she'll get them. No one has ever said no to her. No one but Kim Minjeong.

It was last winter when Jimin found out Minjeong is the sole heiress of Kim family. They met at SM Group's annual dinner and it was Jimin's first time to see Minjeong all dressed up and not in her casual jeans and shirts like what she usually wears at college.

Jimin is the youngest heiress of The Yoo, she doesn't have to do much for her family as her sister and brother are taking all the responsibilities already. She gets to play around and do whatever she wants. She always refused to join any gathering or business dinner as she have always thought it'll just going to be boring.

Other than that, her reputation as The Yoo's troublemaker and a player doesn't help her at all in getting Minjeong's attention. News will always come out every few weeks that she's dating someone else already. In a span of a year, she has dated more than 3 people.

It has become consistent that her family doesn't bother to investigate or ask her about it anymore as they know Jimin's not even being serious in all of her relationships.

However, now, it has been few months since Jimin last dated someone which surprised everyone including her family. Her family thought that maybe Jimin got bored playing around and just let her be for as long as she don't cause any serious problem.

Jimin doesn't even have the time to cause any troubles as she's been busy trying to get into Minjeong's heart. 

"Do you always like to be alone at this rooftop?" 

Minjeong ignores her and continues listening to her songs through her earphone while reading a book. Jimin sits down beside her and plugged out one of Minjeong's earphone before putting it into her ear. 

"So you listen to this kind of song." 

Minjeong closes her book before she paused the song, takes off her earphone from her left ear then taking back her other earphone from Jimin's ear and put them inside her pocket. 

"The next time you do that, you'll get this." Minjeong said and raised her fist. Jimin only laughed while Minjeong stands up, ready to leave. 

"Leaving already?" Jimin asked and grabbed Minjeong's upper arm. 

"I like to be alone and enjoy my peaceful time. Clearly, you've disturbed me so I don't want to be here anymore." 

Jimin scoffs then walks to block the door to stop Minjeong from leaving. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Blocking the door." 

"Please move away." 

"Hmm. Don't want to." 

"What do you want, Yoo?" 

Jimin's smile widened and she crossed her arms. 

"That's more like it. I want to get to know you more." 

"There's nothing about me that you should know of." 

"Well, even if there's nothing, I would still want to get to know you." 

"Look, why are you doing this?" 

"Because I like you." 

Minjeong rolled her eyes and shakes her head. 

"You like everyone, Yoo." 

"That's true. But I like you more than everyone else." 

"Sorry to disappoint, I don't feel the same way." 

"I know."

"Good that you know. So now, can you please leave me alone and go bother someone else?" 

"What if I don't want to?" 

"You'll only waste your time. Move." Minjeong tries to push her away from the door but Jimin grabbed her both wrist this time and pulled her into her body. 

"Hey!" Minjeong frowned and struggle to break free from her. 

"Would you listen to me first? Then I'll let you go." 

Minjeong sighs and blew her bangs in annoyance before glaring up at Jimin. 


"How about we make a deal?" 

"Why would I make a deal with you?" 

"If you don't want me to keep bothering you, then you'll have to agree with this one." 

Minjeong closed her eyes and successfully pulls her hands off Jimin before stepping back and looks at the smiling Jimin. 

"I'm listening." She mumbled. 

"Let me court you."

"Yeah, in your dreams. Would please stop joking around? I really don't have a time."

"I'm serious. Let me court you."

"Oh, so you want to date me then what? Dump me like you always did to everyone?"

Jimin furrows her eyebrows before sighing.

"I know I got a bad reputation. I admitted about all of my wrongdoings. But I don't have any bad intentions with you. I know its hard to believe but it's true. I'm asking for a chance, Minjeong. Just one chance. Let me court you and show you how sincere I am. Let me prove myself that I'm trying to be a better me."

Minjeong keeps her straight face and tries to read Jimin's face.

"Fine, but under one condition."

"What is it?"

"Swimming fun competition end of next month, win first place against the SNSD student or more specifically their senior, Kwon Yuri. Then I'll consider about the deal."

"You're joking."

"Am not."

"It's Kwon Yuri!" Jimin exclaimed.

"You don't want? Fine with me but I'll continue to ignore you. Now move, class is about to start already."

Jimin let Minjeong pushed her aside and stands there in defeat. 






"She's unbelievable! I swear!"

Jimin's friends were amused to see their laidback friend is being this frustrated, lying down lifelessly on the floor in the dance studio with eyes looking up at the ceiling.

"I have to stop attending this club for a while and practice more for the upcoming swimming competition."

"Wait? You are really going to try and win against Kwon Yuri?" Yeji asked.

"It's the only way!" Jimin whined.

"You're doing so much for Kim Minjeong, are you in love with her or something?" Ryujin asked this time.

"I don't know but she intrigues me, you know. I have to get to know her. I have to court her." Jimin answered.

"Damn girl, this is the first time you're being so serious about wanting to court someone." Aeri said.

"And this is the first time she has to make a move on someone she wants. Usually when she likes someone, the other person will come to her even before she do anything." Somi said.

"So, what's so special about Kim Minjeong?" Aeri asked.

Jimin closed her eyes and reminded back to the annual dinner when she first found Minjeong is different than anyone else.



"Do you know? That you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." 


"Yes. You're so beautiful that I can't stop looking at your beautiful face." 


"So, would you like to get out from here and maybe... You know, go somewhere else?" 

"Nah I'm good here." 

"You sure? I can show you a good place."

"I'm very sure. I'm good." 

"Oh come on. We can-" 

The conversation got disturbed by a loud and heavy sigh not far from them. 

"Why can't men understand what no means? Is it really that hard to understand?" 

The guy chuckled and clicked his tongue when he looked at the blonde girl. 

"And who are you to care?" 

"I'm just a woman who cares for another woman, who obviously don't like the kind of a man like you. And please, that's too many beautiful in your sentence. Don't you have something else in your mind?" 

"Don't you know who I am?" 

"Oh. I know. Lee Jeno. The most arrogant guy I've ever met, stupid too if I must add." 

"I am the son of-" 

"Here he goes. Bragging about your title, thinking that you'll look powerful. Well, sorry, it won't affect me." 

"Why you-" 

Before he gets to lay his hand on the blonde girl, another guy quickly appeared and swatted his hand away. He stands in front of the blonde protectively. 

"I believe you would still care about your own image to cause a scene here." the guy said. 

"Suho sshi." 

"I'm glad you know who I am."

"I wasn't trying to hurt her. I was just..." Jeno fake a cough and pretended to fix his tie. 

"Do you still have something to say?" Suho asked in a polite manner but still give him a warning smile. 

"No. I'm leaving." Jeno looks hesitate before he walked away, leaving the three of them. 

Suho is a well respected man, known for being kind amd generous. Down to earth too. The next heir of Exo Entertainment. 

"Are you okay?" Suho asked. 

"Are you okay?" The blonde girl asked the other girl instead. 

"Yeah. Thank you." The girl bowed. 

"No problem."

​​​​They watches as the blonde girl then left like nothing happened. 

"Don't mind her. That's just her." Suho laughed and bowed at the girl before following the blonde girl. 

"Kim Minjeong, wait for me!" Suho called for the blonde's attention. 

"What? When can I go home? I'm drained already." Minjeong sighs then stops. 

"Maybe soon." Suho smiles at her. 

"Oh! Daughter! There you are!" 

Both Minjeong and Suho turned to Minjeong's father who were laughing happily dragging another man with him. 

"Here. Meet my daughter, Kim Minjeong." 

"Oh my god. She is so stunning!" 

Minjeong bowed and smiles at her father's friend. 

"I'm Yoo Changmin. You look just like your mother." 

"Ah. Thank you." 

Then Mr Yoo looks at Suho and gave him a brief hug. 

"Hey uncle." Suho laughed. 

"Been a long time huh."


"Why you never tell me Minjeong is your cousin and is the daughter of uncle's secretive friend here?" 

"Ah. I was told to keep it a secret actually." Suho whispered but still loud enough for Minjeong and her father to hear him. 

"Hush. Don't you expose me now." Minjeong's father said and they all laughed while Minjeong only smiles. 

Unknown to them, Jimin have been watching and witnessed everything from the beginning. From then, she can't take her eyes off of Minjeong. It's not only that she looks attractive but her personality definitely gets Jimin's attention now. 






It's the day. 

Jimin managed to stop herself from annoying Minjeong just to give the girl some space and prepare herself for the competition. She had trained so hard. Her only goal is just to win the chance to court Minjeong. She doesn't care about the winning prize at all.

"Is she here?" Jimin asked Aeri.

"Nope, but her best friend is." Aeri said pointing at Ningning.

"I thought she'll be here." Jimin frowned.

"Ning said she's here on her behalf, to see if you'll win or not."

"Oh." Jimin pouted but suddenly smiled.

"Well, at least she cares. Right? That means she still want to know if I win or not."

Aeri laughed and just agreed with Jimin.

"Goodluck buddy!"



Well, luck was not on Jimin's side at all. She was so close in winning against Kwon Yuri. The difference was just 0.9 seconds. She groaned and threw her arms frustratedly, earning an amused smile from Kwon Yuri herself.

"If it'll make you feel better, you're the only swimmer who managed to almost get this close against me." Yuri said.

Jimin gulped then bowed politely at her. She smiled awkwardly and congratulated her.

"But why do I think there's more than just winning against me to you?" Yuri asked and chuckled when Jimin's eyes widened.

"Ah... I just, I'm trying my luck."

"Luck in...?"

"Love. But I guess, it's just not meant for me." Jimin smiles bitterly before she excused herself to get out of the water. Yuri laughed and looked at Jimin knowingly before getting out as well.






A week after the competition, Jimin's friends have to deal with her moodswing. Every little things will annoy her. She doesn't talk much and she always glare at every suitors that try to bother her. She keeps watching Minjeong from afar, thinking of how to get the girl. She wants to bother her again and to keep talking to her but she's still upset that she didn't get to win against Kwon Yuri, which can be the fastest way to get Minjeong to agree in letting her to court her.

Oh. Jimin can just continue do her things and approach Minjeong as she likes but no. She doesn't want Minjeong to see her as too pushy. She wants Minjeong to be the one to let her in slowly. She knows Minjeong isn't just like anyone else. She has to be careful and think of what Minjeong would like too.

"Why don't you just go and talk to her like you would usually do?" Aeri asked Jimin. 

Jimin barely even touches her food as her eyes were on Minjeong. She keeps pouting and sighing. This only happens because of Kim Minjeong.

"I can't. I can't make her get too annoyed with me or else, it'll be even hard for me to win her heart." Jimin said.

"Then, what are you going to do?" Yeji asked this time. 

They were at the cafeteria and as always, they got distracted too because of Jimin being hopeless.

"I don't knoooow." Jimin whined and dropped her head on the table, but her eyes still staring at Minjeong who were just eating peacefully with her best friend.

Just then, Minjeong's eyes caught her staring. Jimin's heart skips a beat but she still does not take her eyes off of her. Minjeong rolled her eyes before signaling her to meet outside. Jimin blinked her eyes and only watches as Minjeong stands up, talking to Ningning before walking out of the cafeteria.

"Yah, what's with you?" Yeji asked when they all got startled as Jimin suddenly jumps up from her seat.

"I have to go. Bye." Jimin scurried away, ignoring her friends calling for her.

When she's finally out of the cafeteria, she almost bumped into Minjeong who's just standing straight and looking at her with a poker face.

"Hey." Jimin greets her. Minjeong only turns and walks ahead. Jimin just follows her from behind until they reached an empty class.

"Ningning told me about the result." Minjeong said.

"Oh. Yea." Jimin's face fell.

"And someone told me that you were very frustrated about it."


"And you have to stop staring at me like a sad kid."


"You're surprisingly quiet."

"I just have a lot in mind." Jimin replied and Minjeong only hums.

"Meet me tomorrow at 9am."


"Yeah. At Aespa swimming centre. I thought I'm being unfair to you for asking you to win against Kwon Yuri. So this time, you just have to win against me."



"Wait. You can swim too?"

Minjeong looks at Jimin with her bored face and Jimin only tilted her head.

"I may not be in the swimming club but yes, I can swim too. So, see you tomorrow." Minjeong said then opened the door to leave. Jimin punches her fist up in the air and jumps once.

"I'll win the chance this time!" She told herself.






Jimin arrives earlier than planned. She was too excited and feels confident to win. She warm up quickly and just swimming around while waiting for Minjeong. Lucky for them, there's no one else using the swimming pool.

"Oh, you're early."

Jimin almost snapped her neck when she turned her head too fast after hearing Minjeong's voice. Minjeong glanced at her shortly before putting down her stuff beside Jimin's. She typed on her phone first then put it inside her bag. She then went to do some stretching, ignoring how Jimin wouldn't stop staring at her.

"Have you been swimming just now? Won't you feel tired later on?" Minjeong asked.

"Yeah and no. I have a good stamina, you know." Jimin winked. Minjeong scoffed then finished her stretching. She squats down near the pool to check the water's temperature.

Jimin continues watching her until she finally submerged in the water. Jimin sighs in awe looking at Minjeong's appearance now. She runs her fingers on her wet hair then looks at Jimin.

"Shall we start now?"

"Sure. How many rounds?"



Jimin was confident, all right. Completely. However, her smirking face changed into a frown when she realised that Minjeong is just as good as her. Minjeong's flexibility is amazing. Her posture is almost perfect and don't even start with her speed. Jimin cursed internally for going easy on her. Minjeong is not playing. She's showing her just how amazing swimmer she could be.

By the last round, Jimin tries to push her body hard and speed up. She pants heavily with eyes closed. That was the most intense swimming she has ever had. She never really give out all of her energy like that in her whole life for swimming.

"How the hell are you so good at swimming?" Jimin asked while still panting. Jimin's jaw dropped seeing Minjeong's calm face as she fixed her hair beside her.

"I swim every week. It's a hobby actually. My mom's busy so her friend mostly take me out to play and I learned how to swim from her, she taught me along with her eldest daughter who have passion for swimming. I don't want to make swimming as a serious thing so I never really join any club or competition. I want to keep swimming just for fun, because I like it."

That's the first time Jimin heard Minjeong talked to her for more than just a few sentences and she can't help but to fall for her harder.

"And Yuri unnie is right." 


Minjeong tilted her head and eyes fill with fondness as she looks at Jimin.

"That you look cute when you're frustrated." Minjeong said.

Jimin couldn't process of what had just happened. She only watches Minjeong getting out of the water, the thing that she do best. Just keep watching. Just keep staring. Minjeong went to get her towel and her bag. She approached Jimin again who were still in the water.

"You may court me, Yoo Jimin. I'll see you around."

Jimin could only stares at Minjeong's back until she disappeared from her sight. Jimin looks down before cupping her face. A wide smile slowly spread on her face and she jumps in excitement. She let her body floats as she look up, still smiling. Well, luck is still on her side after all, she thought.










Hi hi! I'm back after being down with a cold. 

I hope you guys like this one tho it was just a simple plot. Well, I like to keep it simple. Life is already complicated enough so... yeah.

Enjoy the update, dear lovely readers!



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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
728 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳