I Want You - Part 5

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"Oh, come on. It's going to be fun!"

"Yeah but it was too far."

"It isn't!"

"We're still going to be tired."

"Guys, please. This is a festival!"

Minjeong only shook her head seeing her friends arguing about going to stay at one place or going to the end of the area for more games. Aeri is obviously will follow whatever Ning want while Johnny insisted that they should go and try out all of the games, then there's Jaehyun who was torn between agreeing with Ning or Johnny.

"What are you guys arguing about?"

Jimin and her friends have finally arrived and immediately joined them. Minjeong's friends agreed to invite Jimin along with them and even asked her to bring her friends too so here they are.

"Oh, girls! I'm saying that we should explore all of the games but Ning here is being too lazy to walk." Johnny said.

"I'm in. I want to try all of the games." Ryujin quickly said.

"I don't mind anything so yeah." Yeji crossed her arms.

"I'm okay as long as I can eat." Yuna clapped her hands excitedly.

Then Johnny and Ning continued to make a decision but they never agree with the same thing.

"Are they always like this?" Jimin asked, standing just right beside Minjeong.

"Yeah, kind of. Seems like your friends are comfortable with us already." Minjeong said when she saw how Yeji and Ryujin talked to Jaehyun while Yuna laughed with Aeri about something.

"They're the social butterly after all." Jimin said.

"Okay, how about we split into two groups? One group can do what Ning want and the other group joins Johnny?" Jimin finally interrupted.

"Hm. I think that should be fine." Jaehyun said.

"Yeah, I agree." Aeri said.

"Then, who's coming with me?" Johnny asked. Yeji and Ryujin quickly jumped to his side and Jaehyun calmly gets closer to Johnny.

"Ning will be checking the food instead right? I'll be with them then." Yuna said.

"Jimin?" Yeji asked.

"I'll go wherever Minjeong go." Jimin smiled and they all rolled their eyes at her.

"I'll be with them too." Minjeong said pointing at Ning, Aeri and Yuna.

"All set then! We'll meet again here in maybe 2 hours?" Johnny asked and everyone agreed.

"Behave, girls." Jimin warned. Ryujin grinned and gave a thumbs up while Yeji only laughed before they followed Johnny and Jaehyun closely from behind.

"Let's go and find food!" Ning said in excitement and grabbed Aeri with her left hand while her right hand already pulling the excited Yuna with her too.

"I'm glad you really came." Jimin said, now walking side by side with Minjeong.

"Can't say the same thing. I already have a headache the moment Ning and Johnny started arguing." Minjeong replied.

"They are the troublemaker of the group huh?"

"Yes." Minjeong chuckled and Jimin smiled staring at her, Minjeong seemed to relax more around her now and she likes it alot.

"Are you hungry?" Jimin asked her when they saw Ning, Aeri and Yuna went to one of the stalls and were eyeing the food in awed.

"A little but I don't want that." Minjeong said and looked around, frowning when some people bumped into her a little due to the small space.

"What do you want then?" Jimin asked and moved behind Minjeong to block people from bumping into her, raising her arm to cover Minjeong when someone almost crash into her.

"Should we go to somewhere with wide space?" Jimin asked when she can tell that Minjeong doesn't feel comfortable there.

"Can we?"

"Yeah." Jimin then called for their friends' attention and told them she will bring Minjeong out of that place first. They said okay before continues to look at the food.

"Shall we? Can I hold you? So you won't get lost."

"Oh, okay."

Minjeong then took Jimin's hand and let her lead the way. Jimin smiled and carefully pulled Minjeong with her, walking out of the crowded space to get to more wide space.

"People likes to come to this kind of festival, so it tends to get crowded." Jimin told Minjeong.

"That's why I usually didn't come." Minjeong said.

"Understand. So thank you, for coming. I'm happy that you're here." Jimin said.

"It's good to go out once in a while so yeah."


Jimin stopped when she felt a pull on her hand, she looked at Minjeong who blinked cutely at her. Minjeong then pointed at an ice cream stall with a small smile.

"Ice cream huh?"

"Yes, let's go?"

Jimin chuckled and nodded, they both went to the stall and was greeted warmly by the seller.

"I'll get two scoops of this and that one please." Minjeong said.

"Can I get the cone one instead? With this flavour please, thank you." Jimin then took out her wallet, stopping Minjeong before she could do the same.

"My treat." Jimin told her.

"Are you sure?"


Jimin paid for them both and took the ice cream for Minjeong before taking hers. They both thanked the seller and continued walking again. Jimin's hand automatically wrapped around Minjeong's shoulder since Minjeong used her both hands to hold the ice cream cup and eating it.

"Is this okay?" Jimin asked her.

"Yeah." Minjeong nodded and enjoyed eating her ice cream.

Jimin let her enjoys her ice cream silently, not even making a conversation to let Minjeong be at ease. She knows how Minjeong prefers not to talk most of the time and Minjeong really appreciate Jimin for not bothering her that much anymore.

When they were at university, Jimin would sometimes walked her to class without saying anything. Only wishing her a good day after that and left. Sometimes, Jimin would fetch her from her class just to ask how was her day going on so far and that's that. She wouldn't bother Minjeong to make her talk more. But they keep exchanging text messages more often nowadays and Jimin never fails to greet her a good morning and a good night text even if Minjeong sometimes doesn't reply her.

"Hi. Umm, do you know where is this?" A girl suddenly stopped them and asked Jimin while showing a picture from her phone while her friends smiling shyly not too far from them.

"Oh, I think I saw this somewhere earlier." Jimin said as she looked closely at the picture.

"Maybe you can just walk straight ahead there then turned left. I'm sure that shop was there." Jimin told the girl.


"Yeah." Jimin said then looked at the girl who were blushing and being shy causing Jimin to be confused.

"Uh, okay. And umm, my friend is actually interested in you. Can I get your number for her?" The girl asked, fidgeting with her phone.

Jimin then glanced at Minjeong and Minjeong shrugged her shoulders while still eating her ice cream.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't give my number." Jimin rejected politely.

"O-Oh, do you have a lover already?" The girl asked.

"No. Not yet. But I have someone I like already." Jimin smiled then bowed her head slightly before finally excusing herself and Minjeong.

"The poor girl is disappointed." Minjeong said.

"She'll move on."

"Like you?"

Jimin looked at Minjeong before looking back to the front while scoffing.

"Who says?"

"Have you?"

"No, I haven't."

"You haven't?"

"I haven't. What? Do you think I'll give up on you that easily?" Jimin asked.

"Who knows. Seems like it but oh well, I was wrong then."

"So I made you think that I've stopped pursuing you?"

"Uh, maybe?"

"Because I stopped doing things I always do? But I am just keeping my promise with you, that is to annoy you less."

"Oh. I thought you just wanted to be my friend now."

"I do, I could settle with friends for now. I'm okay with us being friends first. I'm here to earn your trust, aren't I? I want you to be comfortable with me and only then I can try and win your heart again."


"We're friends now, we can hang out like friends do. But I need you to keep in mind that I still like you, more than just a friend. And I'll wait patiently until you will open up your heart for me. Now, we can just get to know each other first. You can take all your time and I'll still be here. Am I clear enough? Do you feel uncomfortable with what I just told you?"

"Okay. Yes, it's clear enough. And no, I don't feel uncomfortable. Thank you for explaining, though you don't have to."

"Of course I have to. I wouldn't want you to misunderstand me."

"Okay okay."


Minjeong smiled and gave her thumbs up. Jimin just smiled back at her.






"Urgh." Jimin groaned and dropped her head on her desk in frustration.

"What's wrong?" Yeji asked and Ryujin only on her lollipop while looking at Jimin.

"Being friends with Minjeong is so hard." Jimin mumbled then lifted up her head and hold it with her both hands as she rest her elbows on the desk.

"I have to control every cells in me not to mess up but it's getting harder. I'm falling hard for her and I just want to do all things that lovers do with her. I want to always hold her hands and I want to be as close as I can to her and I just- sigh- I just want to keep staring at her but I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable."

"And it has been almost 2 months now. Am I going to survive?" Jimin then pouted.

"No, keep going. I'm having fun watching you suffer." Ryujin teased and wiggled her body when Yeji gave her a warning look.

"Jimin, hey, you're doing good. We can see that Minjeong is slowly opening up to you already. You just continue doing what you're doing." Yeji told her.

"I know but sometimes I just want to stare into her beautiful eyes and just tell her how much I feel for her." Jimin sighed dreamily.

"She's under Minjeong's mercy already. No way out for her and I'm out of here." Ryujin said, side hugging Yeji before patting Jimin's head then left them to go to her class.

"I'm really in a trouble this time, aren't I?" Jimin asked Yeji.

"Big, big trouble buddy." Yeji chuckled seeing Jimin for the first time being so deep in love like this.






Jimin let out a small sigh before she walked towards Minjeong who just closed her locker.

"Hello there." She greeted her.

"Jimin." Minjeong smiled and turned around to look at her properly.

"Hi." Minjeong greeted her back.

"So, there's this new cafe that I've found not too far from here."


"Would you like to visit the place with me?" Jimin asked.

"Is this you... asking me to hang out with you as a friend, or you... asking me out again, on a date?" Minjeong asked, surpressing her smile seeing Jimin suddenly froze on her spot.

"W-Well..." Jimin cleared and rubbed her nape, looking at Minjeong's curious eyes.

"I uhh, a date would be... great. Would you go with me though? If it's a date?" Jimin asked her carefully.


"Ah, I see-" Jimin paused when Minjeong pulled her closer by the hem of her shirt and fixed the leather jacket that Jimin was wearing, zipping it up halfway to cover Jimin's abs as she wore a crop top inside.

"Not today." Minjeong said.


"I've got something to do today but I have time on Saturday if you would still want to go. Just let me know if we're still going. Have a good day, Jimin." Minjeong patted her arm before she left Jimin speechless there.

Jimin opened and closed it again. She put her palm on her chest to feel if her heart is still beating. She shakes her head and still tried to process Minjeong's sentences.

"Does she mean she wants to hang out with me or... She wants a date?" Jimin asked herself. She looked at Minjeong and see she's getting further already.

"Minjeong ah!" Jimin shouted and running lightly towards her. Minjeong turned around and raised her eyebrows.

"Would it be a date?" Jimin asked, ignoring the stares on them now. Minjeong scrunched her nose while tilting her head before she chuckled.

"You can try again, Jimin." Minjeong shrugged then waved at her before continues walking.

"I can try again... I can try again. She meant, I can try and ask her out again?" Jimin took a deep breath and clasped her hands together. She then kissed her hands and flipped her hair.

"I will try again." Jimin smirked and giggled to herself, skipping happily to her locker.










Don't forget to read the previous chapters if you haven't. I lost track of how many updates I've done already. Well, see you on next update! Enjoy your weekend, dear lovely readers.



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0 points #1
Chapter 147: Don't be feel sorry about it your health is more important than any things. Take care author-nim.
0 points #2
Chapter 147: Thank you so much for the update!! I'm loving this story so muchhhh.
0 points #3
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: Thanks for the update author-nim and take care of yourself too, your health important more than anything thanks again and see in next update annyeong👋🏻 saranghae~(◕દ◕)♡
kariselleheart 13 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: woahhh the ritual is crazy omg i love this chapter

hope you're feeling much better author!! thanks for the update 😊
28 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 147: Wow! What an intense event during the rituals of their transformations..
joyie4ever 16 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 147: Thank you!!
Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #9
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #10
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman