I Want You - Part 3

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Minjeong was in the middle of her beautiful dream when it gets blurry and she heard a loud ringing tone of her phone so she stirred in her sleep and finally blinked her eyes opened. She groaned and tried to blindly search for her phone somewhere in her bed. She closed her eyes again then put her phone on one of her ears before answering the call.

"Hello." She said sleepily.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

Minjeong opened her eyes and checked the number, it's Jimin. She didn't save her number though.

"It's 7 in the morning."

"Yes and it's time to wake you up. Aren't I a good potential girlfriend?"

"Jimin. It's 7 and it's Sunday! We don't have classes on Sunday!"

"I know, but we will have a date if you agree to go out with me so, how's ice cream date sound to you?"

"No." Minjeong then hung up without waiting for Jimin's reply. She tried to sleep some more again when her phone rang not even few seconds after hanging up. She rejected the call but it doesn't stop ringing. Minjeong yelled in frustration before finally answering it again.


Minjeong tried to calm herself down when she heard Jimin's laugh.

"Did I disturb your sleep?"


"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore but may I know your address?"

"Hell no."

And yes, Minjeong hung up and turned off her phone this time. She then pulled up her blanket to her upper body and tried to sleep again.






"You didn't reply to any of my texts yesterday."


"I deserve at least an emoticon from you."


"Why are you playing hard to get with me?"

Jimin smirked when Minjeong finally stopped walking and turned to look at her with a scowl. Jimin crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows when Minjeong stepped closer.

"First, I can choose to reply or not. Second, I am not playing hard to get here. I told you many times that I am not interested but you're the one who didn't get me and still being stubborn." Minjeong told her coldly.

"First, the whole point of me having your number is so that I can text you and you should reply me. Second, of course I don't get you, sweetheart. I mean, look at me and look at us. I am this good looking and you, wow, you are enchanting. We would look great together." Jimin explained to the dumbfounded Minjeong.

"And lastly..." Jimin leaned closer and tilted her head.

"You are just angry about the bet, Kim Minjeong. I told you I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bet on you. I fully regret it already. What about we move forward and forget about it, then you... just open up your heart for me."

Minjeong scoffed then clicked her tongue.

"My answer is still no." Minjeong said then turned around to walk ahead.

"Just so you know, that I am sincere, Kim Minjeong!" Jimin shouted but Minjeong still just ignored her.






Minjeong was explaining about their assignment to one of the guys that had few classes with her while they walked together to the lockers. Jimin who was not far from Minjeong's locker, hanging around with her friends in front of her locker. They were loud and kept joking around, gaining attention from the students there especially them, being the popular group there.

"Oh! So, we can just do it like this?" Jaemin asked and leaned close to Minjeong to look at the paper in Minjeong's hand.

Unknown to them, Jimin stopped laughing with her friends as soon as she saw them. Jimin's sharp eyes caught how Jaemin's shoulder touched Minjeong's and how Minjeong just let him be close to her.

"Yes. It doesn't have to be so complicated." Minjeong answered to Jaemin.

"So it's true what Miss Bae told me. I always like to complicate things." Jimin chuckled and Minjeong laughed with him.

"I guess so." Minjeong smiled at him.

"Ahem." Jimin approached them and looked at Jaemin from head to toe.

"Oh, hello Jimin." Jaemin greeted her casually.

"Would you please leave us alone, Jaemin?" Jimin asked with a fake smile and put her hand in between them to push Jaemin's shoulder away from Minjeong. Minjeong only rolled her eyes then looked at Jaemin.

"You can always find me if you have any questions." Minjeong told him.

"I'm sure the professor will be glad to help him if he has any questions." Jimin butted in.

"He can just ask me."

"He can just ask the professor."

"It's not your problem."

"It is to me. Especially with how he is too close with you. Hey, Jaemin, I am courting her so I would appreciate it if you don't bother her."

"Yah, what are you saying?"

Jaemin chuckled then scratched his head.

"Well, uh, I'll leave first. Bye Minjeong, thank you. Uh, bye Jimin." Jaemin then widened his eyes playfully at Minjeong before leaving them.

"You scare him away."

"Good. He should know his place."

"He is my friend!"

"Exactly, he should know that he will forever be just your friend."

"Oh god. You are so annoying."

"Oh, tell me something I don't know but you like my attention."

"I don't. I told you, you're annoying."

"It's the only way I can get your attention, my sweetheart. So don't blame me for that."

Jimin winked at her but Minjeong only pushed her slightly to open her locker as Jimin was blocking it. Jimin hold and leaning on Minjeong's locker door while Minjeong put back her books inside.

"So, still no?" Jimin asked.


"A date with me?"

"Still no."

Jimin pouted then use her other hand to grab the hem of Minjeong's sweater. She was playing with it causing Minjeong to look at her weirdly.

"Just one date, no?" Jimin asked again.

"No." Minjeong then slapped Jimin's hand away and pushed her off of her locker to close it.

"Then I will be waiting until the day you will agree to go out with me."

"Good luck on waiting forever then."

"Forever it is then."

Minjeong frowned and looked at Jimin.

"Sure." Minjeong said as she find Jimin was just talking carelessly.

"You don't trust me, do you?"

"Would you trust someone who made a bet on you?"

"I told you, it was a mistake and I don't do it anymore."

"Yes but I just can't trust you."

"Okay, I'll use that forever to earn your trust."

"You will just waste your time."

"On you? it'll never be a waste to me." Jimin smiled and Minjeong only kept quiet.

"Whatever." Minjeong then bumped onto her shoulder and walked away. Jimin sighed and rubbed her shoulder while a smile apppeared on her face as she watches Minjeong leaving. Jimin hummed and crossed her arms. She can't find herself to stop going after Minjeong no matter how many times the girl had rejected her. Even after Minjeong's coldness greeted her, she find her more interesting. Jimin have never felt this way before. She never find someone as interesting enough as she find Minjeong is to her.

"God, I really want her to be mine." Jimin groaned, feeling the butterflies in her stomach just by the thought of Minjeong being her girlfriend.






What's your favorite color?     2:01pm.

Do you like to eat cakes?     2:01pm.

What about milkshakes, do you like them?     2:02pm.

Oh ya, do you like to watch sunset?     2:02pm.

If I throw you pick up lines, would you reply me?     2:02pm.


No.     2:03pm.


Oh , hi babe.     2:04pm.

Don't call me babe.     2:04pm.

Can I come to you?     2:05pm.


Minjeong frowned when Jimin suddenly asked that but before she could ponder more, she suddenly felt a presence beside her.

"Hi, sweetheart." Jimin winked at her.

"Aren't you tired, Jimin?"

"Nope. Never." Jimin laughed then scooted closer.

"Anyways, I've figured it out." Jimin said.


"That you don't like me calling you babe because you want me to call you sweetheart instead."


"Well, you did ask me to stop calling you babe but you never say anything when I called you sweetheart."

"I never say I want you to call me that."

"And you never tell me to stop too."

"Well then, you can stop now."

"Hmm..." Jimin tapped her chin before grinning at Minjeong.

"How about no?"

"Suit yourself." Minjeong mumbled then continued to check her revision notes.

"What are you doing sitting alone here outside?" Jimin asked, taking out her phone to open her camera on.

"Can I take a picture of you?" Jimin asked.

"I'm tired, Jimin. Just keep quiet then we're good." Minjeong sighed.

"Got it, babe- oh! I mean, sweetheart." 

Jimin chuckled when she saw Minjeong was taking a deep breathe while closing her eyes. Then she raised her phone to take a picture of her. Jimin took few more until she's satisfied and Minjeong just let her.

"What should I do to make you look at me?" Jimin asked.

"Stop bothering me."

"That's not going to- wait, are you saying you will finally come and find me once I stop? You will miss me bothering you, yes?"

"You're just assuming on your own."

"Can't help it." Jimin laughed.

"But seriously, what can I do to make you want me too?" Jimin asked, putting her arm behind Minjeong on the backrest of the bench.

"I told you I am not looking for any relationship right now." Minjeong answered, flipping over to the next page and continues her reading.

"I know, but I really like you." Jimin said calmly, crossing her legs.

Minjeong stopped reading then glanced at Jimin.

"Okay, let's go and meet your friends."

"Huh? Why?"

"We'll tell them you manage to make me fall for you then all of this would be over."

Jimin snorted then shook her head. She massaged her temple and sighed loudly.

"Kim Minjeong. I told you, over and over again, the bet has been off since day 1. I even forgot about it the moment I first approached you. From the bottom of my heart, I'm telling you, that I really like you. Is it really hard to believe?"

"We've been going to the same university for 2 years, Jimin."

"Yeah, and I only noticed you recently. I didn't know that you were different from others too."

"Okay, then what makes you like me?"

"Because you rejected me."



"Jimin, are you hearing yourself?"


"I rejected you, clearly because I don't like you. And you said you like me because of that?"

"Yes, means you don't even care about my look and status."

"Yeah, I don't. I don't care about anyone else. I'm too busy with my own life."

"That's why I want to be in your life."

"Just- give up, will you?"

"No. I told you, I like you."

"I don't."

"You will, one day."


"I'm staying." 

Jimin then patted Minjeong's shoulder which earned her a glare from Minjeong. Jimin then gestured her to continue her reading then made a zip up gestured to signal Minjeong that she will be quiet, so Minjeong will not ask her to leave.

"This is like one of the rarest moment where you don't kick me and get too angry. And you- okay okay, don't go. I won't say anything else. Stay, please." Jimin chuckled and stopped Minjeong from leaving when she almost get up.






"Jimin have been so consistent."

Minjeong rolled her eyes when Ning said that. Aeri, Jaehyun and Johnny just laughed. They were together at their favorite cafe now to catch up and update each other about their studies.

"If I were her, I would've stopped after first try. You were so cold to her." Jaehyun said.

"Yeah, I salute Jimin for her bravery." Johnny said.

"I thought you guys were my friends." Minjeong frowned.

"We're just saying that Jimin seems serious about you." Aeri said, smiling at her.

"Yeah, I've talked to her friend, Yeji. She said Jimin is so into you." Johnny said.

"Definitely into you." Ning agreed.

"Ugh, I don't know." Minjeong shook her head then sipped her drinks.

"Don't you like... Feel moved with what she had done? I mean, she did try her best." Ning said.

"I said I don't know. One thing I know is that she really likes to make me angry." Minjeong said causing them to laugh.

"That, I agree. She can be so annoying too." Jaehyun laughed.

"But you don't like someone who's a sweet talker. So it's good that Jimin annoys you instead."

"Yeah, wait until you read her love notes." Minjeong said.

"Why? What did she write for you?"

"All those... you know, sweet talk and all."

Then Minjeong's friends burst out laughing while Minjeong only groaned, feeling annoyed with their reaction.

"No wonder you gave her your number just so she could stop sending those love notes." Ning said, still giggling a little.

"Whatever." Minjeong sighed.

"But sorry to disappoint you, my friend. We are all rooting for Jimin actually." Johnny said, smiling cheekily at her.


"Out of all your suitors, we must admit that Jimin is the most sincere one." Johnny said.

"I thought we're here to catch up about each other's days?"

"We're more interested to know about your progress with Jimin though."

"Should I just go home now then?"

They all laughed again and immediately stopped her from leaving.

"Jimin's right. You are cute when you're angry."

"Ugh, I hate you guys."










To be continued...




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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
719 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story