She's My Wife? - Part 8

Winrina = Jiminjeong


Jimin furrows her eyebrows when Minjeong stepped back from her.

"That can't be true. You- how can you be?"

Jimin tilted her head and looked at Minjeong in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"How can you be in love with me? You only marry me because of the- the company and our family. Then, you were with Jeno before-"

"I was with Jeno??" Jimin raised her eyebrows and cut her off.

"Yes, and-"

"I was never with Jeno." Jimin growled, frustrated after hearing that from Minjeong. Did she think that I really end up together with Jeno before this?

"What?" Minjeong asked in a tiny whisper.

"We never got together." Jimin confirmed it to her.

"How? How come?"

"What do you mean by how come? I don't like him at all."

Minjeong frowned. She may not know a lot of information about whatever was happening around her, but she was sure that Jeno was courting Jimin and that they got together.

"You let him court you."

"I didn't. I only agreed for him to get to know me, but I told him I can't promise that we would ever be more than friends. I only let him get closer to me because-" Jimin paused, telling this to Minjeong means she will have to tell her everything. Of course, she has to. She even confessed already, it's only right for her to let Minjeong know the whole thing now.

Jimin blinked and looked at Minjeong who only looked back at her without saying anything.

"I agreed to spend time with him and let him get closer, because I thought that it's the only way to distract him." Jimin said.

"To distract him?"

"Ahem, well uh-" Jimin does not know, but now that her feelings are all known to Minjeong, she's feeling a little shy.

"One day, I heard him talking to his friends. He said if I reject him, he would..." Jimin looked away from Minjeong's curious eyes.

"He would ask you out instead." Jimin mumbled lowly, but Minjeong can still hear her clearly.

"What? Me??" Minjeong asked in surprised.

"Yes, and I don't want him to." Jimin frowned, remembering how upset she felt back then.

"I don't want him to ask you out, even though I know he does not like you that way. He just wanted to be with someone he thought would gain him more attention. Look, I will tell you everything. I'm sorry that I've been hiding all of this from you, but I want you to listen to me carefully okay." Jimin said, and Minjeong nodded her head slowly.

"Come, sit first." Jimin reached out her hand, waiting for Minjeong to grab it like always. 

Minjeong only stared at her hand for a few seconds before she finally put her hand in Jimin's hand. Jimin smiled and pulled her gently, sitting on the bed together.

"Will you promise to listen until I finish?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah." Minjeong answered.


And so, Jimin started to tell her about how she first met her and got to know about her little by little, until she found out that she's in love with her. She also told Minjeong everything that happened between her and Jeno, all the things that she had found out about Jeno's real intention. 

Jimin took her time in explaining everything to Minjeong, as she does not want Minjeong to feel pressured or stressed. It took her almost two hours, yet she's glad that Minjeong stayed and listened to her until the end.

"I was too young back then, and dumb too. I can't think properly, and I can't think straight when it's about you." Jimin said after telling Minjeong everything.

She admitted and realised it herself, that she became an idiot if it's about Minjeong in the past. That was just how foolishly in love she is with Minjeong last time, well, she still is, but she can think better now. Jimin just does not know what's the right thing to do as she has never had any experience in how to deal it, especially when it involves her feelings and her heart.

"I wanted to tell you after graduation. It was after I rejected Jeno, and I was trying to look for you. Jeno wouldn't help me, he even refused to give me your number. Well, I can't blame him though. I rejected him, and he wouldn't like me to have my way to you." Jimin said again.

"Jeno... He knew?"


"About your feeling for me?"

"Yes, I told him. A day after graduation, we agreed to meet and that's when I told him about my real feeling."

"That... That was the last day I met him." Minjeong said.














Minjeong smiled politely, yet feeling bad after rejecting another suitor of hers. She looked at the chocolate in her hand sadly. The boy insisted for her to just keep it even though his confession was not successful.

"Oh, what's this? Another chocolate for me!"

Minjeong rolled her eyes at Jeno who snatched the chocolate from her hand.

"Jeno, that was so rude of you. Give it back."

"But, you always give them to me." Jeno pouted at her.

"Tsk. You're annoying."

Jeno grinned before he unwrapped the chocolate and ate it happily. Minjeong chuckled seeing Jeno's happy face, he looked like a child.

"Let's go, my best friend. It's time to go home." Jeno said and put his hand around her shoulder.

She's attached to Jeno. When Jeno helped her running away from a crazy madman previously outside a store, they found out that they went to the same school and it was their final year too. They stuck together since then, and entered the same university. Minjeong's thankful that Jeno never leave her behind despite of making many friends, as Minjeong does not really like to meet new people and would feel uncomfortable around strangers.










A year into their university, Minjeong realised that Jeno was slowly changing because of his new circle. She does not want to mention about it to him, since he always makes sure to still stay with her. Jeno was a loyal friend.

"You're going to that party again?" Minjeong asked while reviewing her notes.

"Yes! The boys will all be there. I will have to do my role as your best friend, and told them "No, Minjeong is off limit. My best friend only focuses on her studies and I fully support her to just focus on studies." So, less people will confess to you, then less burden for you. Am I right?." Jeno winked at her, and Minjeong only smiled at him.

"I guess, you're right."

"Ay, obviously."

And yes, Jeno gained popularity, especially with his great socialization. If she were not best friends with him, maybe she would have avoided being seen with him, because Minjeong does not like the attention. Yet, she doesn't know that people always noticed her first before Jeno. It was just that, Jeno was easy to approach so people ended up talking to him instead of her.

Minjeong was oblivious of how many heads turn for her. However, that was one of her charms too.










Second year, it was when Minjeong discovered that she got a crush. Na Jaemin, the boy that always hang out with Jeno. Jaemin sometimes would join their hang out without notice. At first, Jeno was fine with it. 

"I started to notice that Jaemin doesn't really want to get close to me to be my friend." Jeno opened up a topic about it one time.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"He was using me." Jeno said, his face was blank and dark.

"I think he likes you, Minjeong." Jeno said. 


"I will talk to him. We will never hang out with him again."

"Why? I thought you guys were good friends, no?"

"Well, I was trying to be kind, but I can't let a bad guy get close to my best friend."

"He is... Kind though?"

Jeno sighed and pinched Minjeong's cheek, she whined and swatted his hand away.

"You're too naive, Minjeong ahh. This is why I have to protect you from everyone. So, we stay away from Jaemin. Okay? He's not a good guy."

"That's- sigh, okay. We really can't judge someone from their appearance. I can't believe he's not as kind as I thought."

"Hmm. Some things are better left unknown. Let them stay that way. Now, I'm hungry. Shall we go to that Ahjumma store?"

Minjeong giggled and nodded her head when Jeno wiggled his eyebrows cheekily at her. Luckily, it was just a harmless crush. So, Jaemin staying away from them did not really affected her. Unknown to her, Jeno was afraid that Jaemin would take the spotlight if ever they got together. Jaemin might become even more popular than him, especially if he managed to make Minjeong to date him.

So, no way. Jeno wouldn't let that happen. 










Minjeong decided to just focus on her current present, and ignore what was unnecessary including a silly crush. She was doing so well. Nothing to worry about, no problems, and everything was just fine. Her life was peaceful. Until one day, her eyes set on Yoo Jimin. She heard about her, a lot. She heard how people always talked about her before, but Minjeong was never one to find out.

She saw her a few times in uni. No, Minjeong did not have a crush on her at all. Not, until one day, she saw Jimin was scolding a boy. 

"You don't do that to girls, ever. You got me? If you want to gain some respect from girls, then you have to respect one first. It does not matter either they are older or younger than you. You don't just be rude to one just because you don't like them."

"Y-Yes, Noona."

"I hope you do not end up to be a despicable person."

Minjeong knew the guy, he once bullied a quiet freshman. She did not expect him to be like this in front of Jimin, when he was all smug in the public with his arrogance. 

"I hope I won't have to tell you twice. Now, leave."

"I'm s-sorry, Noona."

Minjeong watched as Jimin let the boy left in hurried. Jimin sighed and grabbed the dirty book on the floor.

"It's not decent anymore. She would be sad seeing her book like this. This won't do, I'll buy a new one before giving it to her." Minjeong heard Jimin said.

From then on, Minjeong paid attention on Jimin. Jimin did not let anyone get close to her, she always stuck with her best friend. Minjeong smiled at how it was the same like her too. She was always stuck with Jeno. Jimin was never interested in anyone. Minjeong knew, how impossible it was to get Jimin as a girlfriend. She was literally everyone's dream girl.

Like everyone else, Minjeong could only stare at her and adored her from afar. Day by day, when she saw Jimin, Minjeong couldn't help herself, but to steal a quick and secret glance at her, which never fails to make her feel giddy inside.

She never told Jeno about her interest in Jimin, not after what happened with Jaemin last time. Jeno was over protective, she tried to understand her best friend's perspective, but this time, she felt like it was best to keep this to herself.










Minjeong blinked her eyes, trying to keep her poker face when one day, Jeno introduced Jimin personally to her. She did not know when did Jeno suddenly became friends with Jimin, but she never asked, or she just never dared to. 

"Jimin is going to join us."

"Okay." Minjeong offered a small smile before distracting herself while playing with her phone.

She was quiet, she did not talk to Jimin. She did not want to start a conversation with her, so she just talked to Jeno like usual.

It was after some times, Jeno confronted her about her behaviour when Jimin was around. 

"You're not in love with Jimin, right? Because I'm going to hate you if you do." Jeno asked, while chuckling. Yet, Minjeong could sense the lack of sincerity in his laugh. 

"N-No. I'm not." Minjeong replied in a mumble. 

"Ah. That's a relief then. I think I am really in love this time. I am going to make her mine." Jeno said, and Minjeong didn't say anything. She couldn't. 

She thought it was just a simple crush, like how she felt for Jaemin. However, why did it hurt this much? Why the thought of Jeno being with Jimin as lovers suddenly made her heart aches. 

Days after that, whenever Jimin joined their hangout, Minjeong finally realised that what she felt for the older girl was not just a crush. It was more than that. Because she could feel that her heart was slowly bleeding, and it just won't stop.










Minjeong fought herself to never look at Jimin. Not when Jeno was around, not when Jimin now know about her existence. So, when Jimin turned to look at her, she made sure to keep calm and looked elsewhere. 

She was glad that Jimin never really tried to initiate a conversation with her, or else, she could be a mess, a stuttering mess. She couldn't handle it, and she couldn't let Jeno see how she would react if Jimin were to talk to her in person. 

"Go and just meet Jimin." Minjeong told Jeno when he asked for a hangout again. 

"Why can't you come with us?" 

"I have something to do. I'll join you both another time." 

"Okay. I'll update you about our hang out later."

Minjeong only smiled as she hugged Jeno back when he hugged her. Once Jeno disappeared from her sight, she turned and slowly walked to go home. 

She remembered how easy it was for Jeno to approach Jimin and talked to her. She wished, she could do the same. The only thing she could do was listen to Jimin's voice as she talked to Jeno. That should be enough for her. It was enough. 

Well, until it was not.










A day after their graduation. 

Jeno insisted to meet up with Minjeong which she agreed as she heard Jeno's serious tone.

"Why did you ask to meet? I thought you were going to celebrate graduation with Jimin." 

"Yeah, and you wished you were in my position."


Jeno scoffed and laughed before ruffling his hair in frustration. He put his hands on his hips and looked at Minjeong with his annoyed face. 


"I know that you lied to me, Minjeong. I know that you like Jimin. And now, she knows about it too." 


"I'm disappointed, Minjeong." 

"No- Jen-" 

"No, you listen to me. Stay away from Jimin, and from me. Jimin doesn't feel comfortable now that she knows you like her. How can you have a feeling for my girlfriend, Minjeong?" 

"W-What? Jeno, I-" 

"I have a girlfriend now. For once, let me be selfish. I'm choosing my girlfriend. And I'm sorry, I don't think we can still be friends. Jimin will not be okay with that."

"..." Minjeong kept silent, as she tried to process about everything that Jeno has just told her. 

Her heart shattered into pieces. She did not just lost someone whom she has a real feeling for the first time, but she lost her best friend too. 

"I want you out of our life, Minjeong. That's the last thing I'm asking from you."

And Minjeong could only let her best friend left her all alone, feeling heartbroken and empty, with no one to turn to. 

Minjeong then decided to stay low, staying away from everyone who knew her. She deleted all of her social media accounts, and changed her number.

She asked her family to let her be alone. However, to avoid her locking herself in her room, her father trained her to work under him. At least, Minjeong could still feel that her life wasn't that empty. 

So, Minjeong made herself busy with work as she tried to forget about Jeno, and Jimin. She needed to. 










Minjeong was fidgeting after telling Jimin the whole truth. She was feeling scared, shy, and insecure all at once now that she's exposing herself like that to Jimin. She felt under Jimin's eyes now, and she does not dare to look at her in the eye.

Jimin stood up and closed her eyes, feeling a headache after hearing the story from Minjeong's side. She was still angry about the news that spread recklessly, and she immediately used her power to take down all of the articles and sued the reporter who started the rumour. Now, well now, she was feeling angrier. She was definitely angry at what had happened in the past. She was angry at Jeno, at herself too.

"So freaking stupid." Jimin hissed to herself. She could have avoided hurting Minjeong if only she was smart enough in dealing with the situation, but she couldn't do anything about it now. It happened, and she couldn't undo it.

"Was that why you always seemed to push me away?" Jimin asked, now turning around to look at Minjeong who was still sitting on their bed. She sighed upon seeing Minjeong nodded her head.

Jimin then knelt in front of her and looked up at her, holding Minjeong's hands so she would stop fidgeting.

"You thought I was forced to marry you for the sake of my reputation?" Jimin asked again, and Minjeong nodded.

"And you thought I was Jeno's ex, who was your ex best friend too?" Another nod.

"M-Mostly because I remembered, when Jeno said you were feeling uncomfortable after knowing that I..."

"That you had feelings for me?" Jimin asked her softly.


"Well, do you still have those feelings for me now?" Jimin asked, and Minjeong stiffened in her seat. She suddenly let out a cute hiccup, surprising herself and Jimin as well.

Jimin chuckled before getting up, pulling Minjeong up with her too. She laughed even more when Minjeong hiccupped again.

"Do I make you nervous now, wifey?" Jimin asked, smirking at Minjeong who was blushing madly.

"Ji-" Minjeong froze when Jimin wrapped her arms around Minjeong's waist, pulling her close into her body and hugged her gently. Jimin hummed, breathing in Minjeong's soft scent before she slowly tightening her hug.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that alone. I hope you know now, that you are not alone anymore. You have me, baby." Jimin whispered. 

Minjeong blushed again because this is the first time Jimin hugged her properly, and her first time calling her with an endearment. 

"Are you shy with me now?" Jimin asked, smiling fondly at Minjeong when she pulled away to look at her.

"If it'll make you feel better, I am honestly feeling shy too." Jimin told her.

"Huh?" Minjeong looked at Jimin who was still smiling at her. Minjeong was in awe staring at Jimin's wide smile for the first time. Jimin rarely smile, so Minjeong wished she could stop the time to stare at her smile longer.

"You must have thought that I was stupid too, right?" Jimin asked.

"N-No. I... I don't." 

"Really?" Jimin caressed Minjeong's left cheek.

"Aeri was right, I should've told you sooner. I was hesitate to talk to you about it, because I felt like I need to earn your trust first. I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me, since Jeno was your best friend." Jimin said.

"It's okay. Thank you for being honest with me." Minjeong said softly.

Jimin wanted to reply when her phone rang. She looked at Minjeong, silently asking if she could answer the call as she showed her the screen that read Aeri's name. Minjeong nodded her head, Jimin muttered a Thank you, before answering the phone while still keeping her one arm around Minjeong's waist.

"Hey, Ae-"

"Don't you Hey Aeri me, Jimin! You left me in Japan! Alone!"

Jimin flinched and pulled away the phone from her ear, smiling apologetically at Minjeong who raised her eyebrows at her before putting back the phone on her ear.

"I'm sorry, it was urgent, Aeri ya." Jimin tried to sound guilty, even though she doesn't actually. Minjeong is her priority.

"You better give me a good explanation on why you left without telling me first, Yoo Jimin."

Jimin chuckled hearing Aeri's warning tone. 

"And please tell me that you are back at home, to your wife."

"I am. Don't worry."

"Good. Is it because of her?"


"Fine. I'll forgive you for now. You wait until I come back. Ugh."

Jimin smiled when Aeri hung up on her just like that.

"Is that Aeri?" Minjeong asked.

"Hmm. She wants to kill me, I think." Jimin chuckled, and Minjeong is now hopelessly staring at her again.

"She'll calm down, so nothing to worry about." Jimin added.

"I see."

"Now, you are going to take a day off tomorrow." Jimin said.


"We're not done yet talking, but I want you to rest first. You look tired. We will continue this tomorrow and fix everything, so we can start anew. Would you like that?" Jimin asked her, putting back her phone inside her pocket.


"Good." Jimin then wrapped her both hands around Minjeong's waist again, and kissed Minjeong's forehead. This time, Minjeong closed her eyes and allowed herself to savour Jimin's affection after knowing the truth, especially about Jimin's feeling for her.

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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
727 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳