Us Against the World - Part 6

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"Did you manage to handle her?" Suho asked as soon as Irene entered his car.

"For now." Irene mumbled.

"We'll take care of her if she won't listen. Okay?"


"Let's go home now."

Irene only put on her seatbelt before looking outside through the window, hands still clenched on each side of her thigh as she remembered Seulgi once again after seeing Karina. Karina spent a lot of time with Seulgi and Irene would always find them training together whenever she visited Yoo's mansion before.



Irene had just come to pay a visit and to check on how's Karina's training going when Mr Yoo suddenly asked for a private talk with her in his study room.

"Yes, uncle?"

"Irene. There's... There's something I need to tell you."

Irene nodded her head and waited for him to tell her. She noticed how he was fidgeting and sweating.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

"Irene. I made a mistake. A long time ago, I made a huge mistake."

"What are you-"

"I cheated on your aunt."


"I- It was an honest mistake. I didn't mean to- I, I got a girl's pregnant. She blackmailed me, threatened to ruin my family when I told her to abort-"


"I know! I Know! I was upset with myself too. I couldn't get myself to be honest with your aunt about it."

"Then, what happened to her?"

Mr Yoo sighed and rubbed his face.

"She managed to get through it. She gave birth to a boy, a healthy one. She died giving birth to him though. I- I hired someone to take care of him and to hide him from the public eyes. I can't let anyone knows about him, Irene. I love my family, I can't let anything ruin my family."

"How old is he now?"

"A year older than Jimin."

"What? Uncle! You-"

"Shh! Irene, I told you. It was really a mistake. I wasn't in my right mind at that time. I was stressed out and-"

"That was not a reason for you to do such thing and cheated on my aunt." Irene hissed and glared at him.

"And why are you telling me this now?" Irene asked.

Mr Yoo's eyebrows furrowed and he pulled his hair out of frustration.

"The boy, my son, he- he joined hands with my enemy, our enemy."


"I regretted everything now, Irene. I shouldn't have betrayed your aunt. I was stupid." Mr Yoo cried.

"Well, it is too late for that now. Don't you think?" Irene massaged her temple, feeling a headache coming after hearing her uncle's confession.

"Your aunt found out about it and were asking for a divorce. She asked me to admit to everyone that I have a son. I don't want to. He wasn't supposed to be a part of us. I only have one wife and one daughter, Irene. They are enough for me."

"You wouldn't betrayed your wife and got someone else pregnant if she's enough." Irene said, still glaring at him.

"Sigh. That wasn't the main problem now, Irene. Sehun is going to get us all killed. He- He secretly joined the underworld and are someone powerful there."

"What? Who's Sehun?"

"My son, and now that he joined hands with our enemy, we're in a deep trouble-"


"What's that?" Irene looked at the door. They heard another gunshot which made them flinched.

"No. No no no. They- They are here!" Mr Yoo got panicked and tried to find his gun inside his drawer.

"Where's Seulgi?" Irene asked immediately.

"With Jimin. At the basement."

Irene looked at him before rushing out to get Seulgi and Karina. Irene bumped into Mrs Yoo while she's running.


"Irene, Jimin-"

"I'll go get her."

"Yes, please. Make sure my daugher is safe."

"I'll be back, aunty. Stay safe!"

When Irene was a little far, she heard a gunshot and screams. She looked around and were contemplating to go check on her aunt, but she really needs to get Seulgi and Karina first.

"!" Irene then ran to the basement.

Her heart dropped when she found out Seulgi got out to check the situation and there was only Karina there. She knew she was supposed to bring Karina to the safety place and helped her out, but her mind was screaming at her to find Seulgi. So she helped Karina first and told her how to get out of the place before going back to find Seulgi.

She almost sighed in relief upon seeing Seulgi when suddenly someone shot her twice right in front of her eyes.


Irene took out her gun and tried to shoot the enemies. They were shocked by Irene's sudden appearance and her good shooting skills as she managed to shoot many of them including the one who just shot Seulgi. Yet, some of them managed to escape and ran away after Seulgi's shooter got shot once by Irene. Irene screamed and tried to shoot again but she ran out of bullet.

She was about to chase after them when she saw Seulgi's bad condition. She knelt beside Seulgi who was on the floor, coughing blood.

"Seul. Oh my god." Irene's lips trembled and her hands were shaking as she tried to press on Seulgi's wound.

"I- Irene..."

"Shh. Don't speak. I- I'll call the ambulance first. Okay? Damn it, where's my phone?" Irene searched her pocket and couldn't find her phone.

"I'm going to get my phone first-" Irene glanced around and saw her aunt lied down nearby, not breathing anymore. She wanted to cry right there but she can't- she can't. Seulgi is dying and she felt desperate to save her.


"Don't-" Seulgi coughed again and managed to hold Irene's hand tightly.

"Don't go." She whispered weakly.

"Seulgi, you're bleeding. We need to get you to the hospital and-"

"Irene ah, l-look at me." Seulgi called for her weakly.


Seulgi gave her a warm and a shaky smile.

"It's... Okay, Irene ah. It's..." Seulgi sighed before slowly closed her eyes and her breathing stopped.

"Seul- Seul, please. No, please please. Seulgi-" Irene clenched on Seulgi's shirt and dropped her head on her chest. She cried her heart out once she couldn't feel her breathe anymore. She screamed in agony and hugged Seulgi tightly while her eyes found her aunt's dead body.

"I love you. My god, I should've told you. I love you, Seulgi ah. With all of me." Irene cried and kissed Seulgi's forehead for one last time.

"I'm sorry, my love." Irene held Seulgi closer and kept crying.



Irene closed her eyes and sighed silently. All of those bad memories kept replaying in her head, she remembered every second of it clearly and it hurts. She looked at Suho who was driving beside her. Suho have been helping her alot. He was there when she tried to run and escape from getting caught by Sehun and his allies. Suho almost hit Irene as she tried to cross the road while running.

Suho saw her bleeding and looking weak, she was about to pass out when Suho got out of his car. Irene has used up all of her energy fighting over the enemies so she couldn't find herself to run any longer. Luckily, Suho was kind enough to get her into his car and saved her without asking anything. Suho fell in love with her at the first sight and promised to do anything to protect her if she agreed to be his girlfriend.

At that point, Irene who had nothing left has no choice. She thought of Seulgi and her aunt. She needs to get her revenge and Suho will be the one to help her. So, she agreed. She became his girlfriend and worked under his team. It turned out that Suho was a part of the underworld to gain more power and he's powerful enough to go against Sehun. Sehun wouldn't dared to hurt Irene upon finding out that she's with Suho. When Irene almost get her hands on him, Sehun flew out of the country with Chanyeol and their team to escape. Sehun couldn't get himself killed, not before he gets to kill Karina, Mr Yoo's precious daughter.

Living with Suho allowed Irene to get to know more about him and his family, the Kim. Suho and his father turned out to be afraid of Mrs Kim. Mrs Kim are actually the one who holds so much power in the family. Suho was jealous of Kim Taeyeon for being their mother's favourite. That's the reason why he joined the underworld, to show his mother that he can be useful too and he can get as much power as Taeyeon does too. He does not want to look weak in his mother's eyes and he wants to be better than Taeyeon.

Mrs Kim does not like the idea of Suho joining the underworld. He got scolded for that as his decision can lead their family to dangers. However, Suho refused to step down and continued. Their cousin, Kai, was even the one who encouraged him more. He was living well under Suho's care since his family does not care about him and he had been Suho's right hand.

"Oh, who's calling?"

Irene snapped out of her thoughts when Suho's phone rang. She saw Suho's frowned as he answered the call.

"Be there in 10." He said before hanging up.

"Mother and Taeyeon are back at home. We're going there first." Suho told her.

They got inside as soon as they reached and greeted Mrs Kim who have been waiting for their arrival.

"Your father won't be here until 9. I'll talk to you first." Mrs Kim said and gestured Suho to follow her after nodding her head at Irene once.

Irene then glanced at Wendy who stands up straight not far from her, eyes looking forward and not even sparing a glance at Irene. Irene then turned her head to look elsewhere with a blank stare. They both stands there quietly while waiting for Mrs Kim and Suho to finish talking.






"You and your father are doing a very bad job in protecting Winter." 

Suho bowed his head, ashamed to face his mother.

"I left Winter in your care only for a year but you both couldn't even keep her safe. I had to hear from my people that she almost got kidnapped few times and finally got kidnapped for real once."


"And you hired an assassin to save her? Not even an ordinary assassin, a trouble-"

"Mother, we-"

"Do. Not. Speak! While I'm still talking!" Mrs Kim roared.

Suho gulped and clenched his teeth as he looked down on his feet.

"Taeyeon never let any harm comes close when she's the one who looks after Winter. You asked me once, why I chose Taeyeon instead of you to be my right hand. Because Taeyeon would certainly give her all to save Winter."

"I can do that too." Suho frowned.

"Yet, you let those people managed to get a hold of her."

"I-" Suho gritted his teeth when he can't find a good answer for his mother.

"You love your younger sister. I know, Suho. But not enough to make a sacrifice for her. You are one selfish man. You care about yourself more."

"Did Taeyeon love her enough? She was not there for Winter."

"She might not be there physically, but she was always looking out for her. From the start, Taeyeon never bother to try so hard for a high position in our family's empire. She lives and do as she wants. One thing I can see is that she never ignore Winter while growing up. She earned my trust because of her love for her family, Suho. Family is a priority here. Not power nor a status."

"If family is a priority, then why were you never there for me and father?"

"I'm trying to protect us, Suho."

"By abandoning us."

"See, this is why Suho. You failed to understand what I'm trying to do. Your heart is full with hatred and bitterness. This attitude of yours might kill one of us if you keep that kind of mindset." Mrs Kim looked at him seriously.


"Focus on being the better version of yourself, then maybe I can try to trust you."

Suho looked up hearing his mother's firm tone but a little softer now than before.

"I'm giving you a chance this time, Suho."


"Prove yourself to be worth it. Don't disappoint me, Suho."

Suho nodded his head and bowed properly at his mother.

"Have faith in me, mother." He said, sounds very determined to show his mother that he cares a lot for his family too.

"Remember, Suho. We live for our family. No one dies under our watch."

Suho looked at his mother again this time and nodded his head.

"Make sure Winter won't be seeing the Karina girl again. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, mother."

"Good. You can go now."

Suho was about to open the door when he turned to look at his mother again, his eyes turned soft as he looked at her figure. He missed her. Her mother used to be very warm and loving but something happened one day which made her become serious and always strict.

"And welcome back home, mom."

Mrs Kim looked at him, hearing Suho calling her mom instead of mother. It has been so long. Mrs Kim sighed as Suho left her room. It's partly her fault that her kids are being formal with her now. They used to call her mom often, but ever since that day, they couldn't be spoiled with love by her. So they became serious too and called her mother with such formality and respect.

"I hope you all can hold on, kids. We're going to be back like before. I promise. Just hold on a little more."






Winter were having a staring battle with her only sister, Taeyeon. They both were inside her room at the moment. Taeyeon was just done lecturing her about her behaviour and how important it is for her to be extra careful.


"Everyone have been busy doing I don't even know what. I want to live my own life too. Is that too much to ask?"

"No, but we can't risk your safety."

"I'm a grown up adult already, unnie."

Taeyeon smiled a little and approached her. She sits beside Winter on her bed and patted the space near her. Winter pouted and looked at the space.

"Come here."

Winter sighed but still followed Taeyeon's words. She scooted closer and clasped her hands on her lap.

"You're a grown up adult. That's true. Our maknae turns to be this beautiful girl that I am sure many people out there are falling for you."

"Now you're just sweet talking me, unnie."

Taeyeon chuckled and wrapped her arm around Winter.

"You said I have a sweet mouth. That's why you always listen to me instead of everyone else. Right?"

Winter rolled her eyes before finally gave in and hugged Taeyeon. Taeyeon's smile widened and she hugged her just as tight.

"I missed you, unnie." Winter whined softly.

"Hm. Unnie missed you too." Taeyeon said, rubbing her back.

"Is everything really alright?" Winter asked.

"Soon, darling. Everything will be alright soon." Taeyeon whispered and closed her eyes.

"I really can't see Karina again?"

"Not now, not yet. She's- dangerous. You stay away from her, okay?"

"But I'm in love with her, unnie. How can I stay away for so long from someone I really care about?"

Taeyeon pulled away and looked at Winter's sad eyes. 

"You're serious about her."

"I am, unnie."

"But, do you trust unnie?" Taeyeon asked.

"I do." Winter answered after few seconds.

"Trust me. I only want the best for you, Winter. You know how much I love you, right?" And Winter nodded as an answer.

"Everything will be alright. I always keep my words. So, don't worry. Just listen to me and your mother first, okay?"

"Hm. Fine."






"Where's Suho? Still talking to mother?"

Irene and Wendy turned to Taeyeon who just appeared.

"He said he's taking some stuff from his room first. We're leaving after this." Irene answered.

"Ah, I see." Taeyeon nodded.

She walked closer and looked at Irene.

"How are things going for you?" Taeyeon asked.

"As planned." Irene answered shortly.


Taeyeon then turned her head and waved at Suho.

"Been a long time, Suho."

"Yeah. It's good to have you and mother back again." 

"Is that genuine coming from you?"

Suho scoffed but laughed afterwards. He went beside Irene and hugged her shoulder.

"I'm going to send Irene home first. I'll be coming back."

"No more work?" Taeyeon asked.

"No. Work can wait."

Taeyeon raised her eyebrows and Suho only smiled at her.

"Well. We will go now." Suho said then glanced at Wendy before leaving with Irene.

Taeyeon sighed and crossed her arms. She looked at Wendy this time.



"Don't leave Winter's side, okay?"

"I won't."

"Hm, good. And thank you, Wendy."

Wendy bowed her head in return, showing respect to Taeyeon.

Wendy knows everything. She's loyal to Mrs Kim and Taeyeon. She's trying her best to help them gather information while being in disguised as Winter's personal trainer, when in fact, she was also hired to keep an eye on the rest of Kim family while they were away. Of course, with her difficult task, she made some sacrifice as well, and that's being far from her lover, both physically and emotionally.










Karina had just locked her gym when she heard footsteps approaching, she put her hand inside her jacket to grab her gun without turning around yet. She listens to all the noises she heard clearly and get ready for a possible attack, but nothing comes and the footsteps stopped as well.

"It's really easy to find you."

Karina turned her head hearing the familiar voice. Chanyeol.

"Hello again, beautiful." Chanyeol winked at her.

Karina remembered that he works with a huge team. She could find some shadows through the corner of her eyes. Ah, he's not alone. Chanyeol grinned sensing that Karina wouldn't do anything that could harm herself and won't attack Chanyeol.

"I came here to see you, not to fight. You can trust me." Chanyeol said while chuckling. He took out his phone and made a phone call.

"Sehunie! I'm with her now." Chanyeol said cheerfully while looking at Karina's frowning face. He winked at her.

"Okay. Hold on." Chanyeol then gave the phone to Karina.

Karina glared at him before taking it and put it on her left ear.

"Yoo Jimin?"

"Who are you?" Karina asked coldly and she heard an annoying chuckles.

"I'm sad, Yoo Jimin. How come you don't know about me yet I know all about you?"


"Well. Won't you say hello to your brother, hm?"

"My what?"

"Brother. I am your step brother."

"The hell are you talking about?"

"Tsk. Rude. Did our father's rudeness runs in your blood too?"

"Do not talk about him."

"Oh. Do you hate him too? We should be on the same team if you do, but I doubt so. You're his precious angel anyway."

Karina glared at Chanyeol who still have a playful smile on his face. He gestured to Karina to focus on the call.

"You see, Yoo Jimin- ah, should I call you Karina instead? Right, Karina. My plan was to kill you, fast and clean. But! But but but, hahahahaha." Karina frowned hearing him laughed.

"Where's the fun in it, right? I couldn't get my fun when Chanyeol killed our father so fast. He's so impatient. Sigh."

"So, you are the mastermind."

"Bingo! Of course, I am." Karina heard the laugh again.

"Our hide and seek game have been going on for so long, don't you think that we should end this game hm? But, I'll be a little busy for a while so you won't be seeing me yet. Do expect a surprise from me soon though. Well, until then, sister."


Chanyeol snatched his phone back and hung up before putting it inside his pocket. By now, all of his men went out and looked at them.

"This is not over yet." Karina hissed at him.

"Oh, it's just the beginning for you, beautiful. See you?" Chanyeol chuckled then walked away calmly, leaving his men there to make sure Karina cannot do anything to him.


While on the other hand, Sehun was smirking after finally got the chance to talk to Karina. He's Karina's step brother, no one knows. Well, obviously. It's because he was a mistake. Sehun's goal in life is only one, that is to kill the whole Yoo family especially Karina. Why? It's because he's furious. His identity was kept hidden from everyone and Mr Yoo never fails to remind him how he was a big mistake. Mr Yoo provided Sehun fairly, allowed him to use the family's wealth in secret, to continue living without struggles, but Mr Yoo refused to introduce him to the family nor to admit about his existence.

So, when Sehun found out about Mr Yoo's comrade wanted to get rid of him and his wife, he took his chance. He offered them to do the job. They were more than willing to pay Sehun as much as he want. It's too bad that they all died and cannot celebrate the death of Mr and Mrs Yoo since Irene killed them all without mercy. Of course, with the help of Suho because Irene told him that they were the one who tried to kill her. 

Sehun let her live after knowing that Suho took her under his care and protection. It wasn't just that, Sehun had to stop himself from killing her as she might be the only source for him to find Karina too. Irene was going for her revenge, but she failed to kill Sehun and Chanyeol. Sehun and Chanyeol both flew out of the country since Irene seemed unstoppable and kept causing trouble for them. Sehun cannot afford to get tangle into the mess before he can get his hands on Karina so he decided to escape first while searching for Karina.

When they found out that Karina was back in the country, Sehun decided to come back to finish what he had started. He will ruin the Yoo's perfect family.

"I would love to kill you slowly, Karina. But I think I've changed my mind now." 

Sehun looked at the photos scattered on his desk and chuckled darkly.

"Winter Kim. I can play with 3 people by using her."

Sehun remembered how frustrated he was when Irene was going after him with Suho's support. He will get back to them now. He is Yoo Sehun, he won't let anyone go just like that.

"Killing 3 birds with one stone. Perfect." Sehun laughed out loud while holding Winter's picture.

"Let's see, who will suffer the most. Irene, Suho, and Karina, the game will begin now."










My dearest readers, thank you! I am all better now hehe. Hope yall will enjoy this update yeah. Love yall!




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284 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: First of all authornim, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE AAAAAAAA BEEN WAITING FOR THIS YES FINALLY 😭🙏😭 next one is another thank youuuu for how this chapter was written 🥰 too much to handle 🤭 but yes and lastly take care of yourself pls. Just take your time recovering and we'll be just patiently waiting for your every update 🫶
jin9885 0 points #2
Chapter 147: Thanks for the update authornim! I'm amazed by your story as usual. Wish you a speedy recovery and enjoy your day as well 🫶🫶🫶 Luv yaaa
taenggo09 0 points #3
Chapter 147: thank you for the update author-nim
please take care of your own health too
12 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
0 points #5
Chapter 147: Omg.. how could you be so talented? (Geez i wish i had your talent lol) Thank you for brightening your readers' day with your beautiful stories. And wishing a speedy recovery for you. Please always be healthy and happy! <3
Viola_Ella 0 points #6
Chapter 147: Take care of your health author. Thank you for writing. Your stories are healing for me I'm happy 🫶
Psykotato 28 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 147: I'm fking sobbing, In the parallel universe where prosecutor Minjeong wasn't able to jump off the cliff to save gang leader Jimin, finally human Minjeong gets to jump off the cliff to save vampire Jimin😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
0 points #8
Chapter 147: Don't be feel sorry about it your health is more important than any things. Take care author-nim.
0 points #9
Chapter 147: Thank you so much for the update!! I'm loving this story so muchhhh.
0 points #10
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: Thanks for the update author-nim and take care of yourself too, your health important more than anything thanks again and see in next update annyeong👋🏻 saranghae~(◕દ◕)♡