
Winrina = Jiminjeong

Yoo Jimin and Kim Minjeong. They have been best friends since high school until they were at the same university now. They were inseparable. When there's Jimin, there's Minjeong too. Vice versa. All of their friends know how close they are with each other and all of their friends except Minjeong knows how Jimin is secretly in love with Minjeong, because Jimin told her friends about it and asked them not to tell Minjeong. 

However, no one knows that Minjeong is struggling with her feelings for Jimin. She doesn't understand what she feels for the older girl but she's determined to figure it out on her own. 

Despite of feelings involved, they still treat each other like how best friends should. Sometimes even more than that. Until one day when Minjeong finally got herself a boyfriend and Jimin tried to draw a line between them since she know, Minjeong isn't just for her anymore. 

Jimin tried to move on by accepting confession from her admirers and one person managed to get her to say yes. Everyone were shocked when Jimin announced she's finally dating Yeji. 

All of her friends congratulate her including Minjeong. Even though Minjeong could feel that Jimin is slowly drifting away from her but she's happy that Jimin is happy. 







"Jimin, are you going to join us or not?" 

They are now eating lunch with their friends when Aeri asked Jimin about going on a trip for their summer break. 

"I think... I have to skip this time." Jimin said and smiled apologetically. 

"Why? Did something happen?" Minjeong asked in concerned. 

"No. Its just uh, I promised Yeji already. I'm going with her to Japan and her family." Jimin answered. 

"Ahhh. I see." Minjeong nodded, ignoring how her chest tightened with that information. 

"Ohhh. This is the first time you are not going to join us." Aeri said. 

"And its her first time going on a trip with her girlfriend. Aww so sweet!" Ning said. 

"Do update us about your trip okay!" Yuna told her. 

Jimin laughed at her friends and just nodded while Minjeong only smiled. 

"Minjeong won't have a partner then. You can bring Jaemin over! Since usually you refused to invite him because you don't want Jimin to be left alone without a partner." Chaeryeong said. 

"Yeah. Jaemin is nice. So just invite him." Yuna agreed. 

"But I'm okay though." Minjeong said. 

"Okay. We're just letting you know again that it's okay if you want to invite him." Aeri said. 

"Sure." Minjeong smiled. 

Later that night. Minjeong called Jaemin to let him know about her friends invitation. 

"Really? After so long, I only got invited now?" 

"They have always been inviting you over. Just, I never tell you about it." 

"Hey. Why did you not tell me? I would love to join." 

"I'm sure you know why." 

"Hm. Right." 

Minjeong smiled through the phone and just look at her fingers. 



"Should I come and show your friends how fun I can be?" 

"Hahaha sure. I don't mind." 

"Of course you don't. Now that Jimin won't be there." 

"Yaaah. I thought we're over this already." 

"Just kidding! Well. I can be a good company though."

"I know."

"But did you tell them about us already?" 

"I haven't." 


"I forgot. Sorry. I will tell them we're not together anymore." 



"And that you finally realised that you love your best friend, Minjeong." 

"Jaemin... I can't- I can't tell anyone about that." 

"Why not??" 

"Jimin is with Yeji. I can't tell my friends. It'll only make things awkward between us. Besides, Yeji is a good person."

"You know, Minjeong. I broke up with you just because I want to see you happy... With the one you really love." 

"I know. But it's not as easy as we want. I'm okay, don't worry about me." 

"Okay okay. So, I'll update you again if I'm joining or not." 

"Sure. The more the merrier by the way. Bye Jae." 

Minjeong hung up and sighed. She lay down on her bed, thinking about Jimin. She used to have all of Jimin's attention. She can just call the girl and she will be there for Minjeong but no, Minjeong know her place now. She can't do that anymore as Jimin have Yeji now. 






Jimin just finished showering, she sighed and grabbed her phone as she slumped down on the bed. She was out the whole day with Yeji so she was tired, but before she sleep she wanted to check on her friends first. 

She smiled reading their groupchat, it's chaotic as usual. Her friends like to joke around alot. She then saw them sending a video of their beach trip. So she clicked on it. 

"Hi! We're here again! Yayyy!" 


Jimin laughed seeing Ningning and Yuna being overly excited and dragging Aeri with Chaeryeong too. The video was 4 minutes long already and Jimin frowned when there's still no Minjeong. 

"Where is she?" 

Just when she's wondering, suddenly Aeri was calling the girl's name. 

"Minjeong ah! What took you so long?" 

There, the camera turned to Minjeong who walked slowly towards them. Jimin frowned even more seeing Minjeong drove on her own. 

"Why didn't she join carpooling with them?" 

"Sorry. I'm here now." 

Minjeong smiled at the camera and waved. Jimin can't help but to smile too. 

"Is Jaemin coming?" 

"He can't come. He said thanks for inviting him though. He'll make sure to be available and join us next time if we're still going to invite him on next trip." 

"Aw. Okay. Don't worry. We won't make you feel left out." 

"Hahaha don't worry about me. I mean, I can finally just nap now." 


Jimin shakes her head seeing their friends now slapping Minjeong playfully. Minjeong was known to be lazy and just wanted to nap no matter where they bring her. 

"We're going to swim. Let's go!!" 

The video ended like that. Jimin checked out their Instagram. She saw most of their photos together but there's only a few photos of Minjeong with them. Most of Minjeong's photos were just candid when she looked somewhere else. 

"Pretty." Jimin mumbled. 

Then Jimin checked her chat with Minjeong. The last text was her saying take care, have fun and that she'll be back safe and sound to Minjeong which Minjeong only replied with a thumbs up sticker. 

"I'll just text her again tomorrow."






Minjeong sighed and tried to call someone who can help her as her car broke down on her way home. She was about to call her friend when a car stopped in front of her. She frowned but calmed down once she saw a girl came out of it. 

"Kim Minjeong?" 


Minjeong widened her eyes. 

"Oh. Ryujin." 

"That's me. Hi!" 

Ryujin grinned then looked at her car. 

"Is something wrong?" She asked. 

"Yeah. The car suddenly stopped and I can't turn on the engine." 

"Do you mind if I check it for you? I know few things about car."

"Oh. Is that okay for you?" 

"Of course. So, Can I?" 

"Yeah. Thanks." 

"All right!" 

Minjeong let Ryujin opened her car bonnet and only watches as she checked the engine. 

"Hmm. I think it's the battery. Can you try to start it again?" 


Minjeong went inside to turn on the engine but still failed. 

"Yeah. Its the battery. You need to change it to a new one." Ryujin told her. 

"Oh." Minjeong pouted. 

Ryujin smiled looking at her then took out her phone to call someone. Minjeong only waited after she's done. 

"Hey. Someone will come and pick up your car and bring it to the nearest workshop. Its my friend, so you don't have to worry. But uhh, he can only come in 2 hours." 

"That's... Going to be late." Minjeong frowned as she checked the time. 

"How about this, just leave your car here and you come with me? I'll send you home." 

"Uhh, are you sure?" 

"Come on. I wouldn't offer if I don't." Ryujin smiled. 

"Hmm. Okay, wait. I'll take my stuff." 


Ryujin then went back to her car to tidy up the passenger seat then have the door opened for Minjeong. 

"You bring everything already?" Ryujin asked when Minjeong finally went to her. 

"Yeah." Minjeong nodded. 

"Okay, let's go. Get in." 

"Oh. Thanks." Minjeong smiled and got inside, letting Ryujin to close the door carefully for her. 

"So, just key in your address there." Ryujin told her and pointed at her car's touchscreen dashboard. 


Ryujin started driving then did a small talk with Minjeong which Minjeong only replied with short answers. She knows how Minjeong doesn't really like small talks. 

"How are you and Jaemin?" 

"We're good friends." 

"That's grea- wait. What? Just good friends?" Ryujin asked in surprised. 

"We broke up and decided to stay as just friends. We're still in good terms though." Minjeong answered. 

"Really? How come I didn't know this?" 

"Ah. We don't really announced it to anyone. Some of his close friends know. I haven't tell anyone. I mean, I don't see the need to." Minjeong shrugged. 

Ryujin nodded her head and hummed. 

"If I were the old me, I would start making a move on you. Knowing that you're single now." 


"I used to have a huge crush on you." Ryujin chuckled. 


"Yes. Is that so hard to believe?" Ryujin asked. 

"I don't know. I just feels like I'm hard to love." 

"Why do you think so?" Ryujin frowned. 

"Just because." Minjeong said. 

"I would tell you a lot of things about you that can make people fall for you easily but... I don't know if you'll feel comfortable hearing it all from me. I mean, I've moved on from my crush on you already though." 

Minjeong chuckled and nodded at Ryujin. 

"It's fine, Ryujin."

"So, you don't have anyone in mind now?" 

Minjeong looked outside the window, a certain someone came into her mind. Better yet, someone who never even left her mind. 

"Hmm." Minjeong only hummed and smiled a little. 

Ryujin glanced at her and furrowed her eyebrows. She knows that face. She knows that emotion. She knows damn well what's going on with Minjeong. 

"Minjeong. I'm sorry for being rude but, do you happen to be in love with someone you can't have?" 

Minjeong was startled but she tries to keep her poker face. 

"Why are you asking?" 

"I think, it's just my guess? Because... I'm in that kind of situation too." 

"You like someone you can't have too?" 

"Yeah- woah. So we're the same?" 

"Huh? Oh. I guess..." Minjeong mumbled. 

"Well. I'm in love with someone I can't have, again. I don't know why I always ended up falling for someone who's taken already. First, you. Now, her." Ryujin sighed. 

"Because we can't control feelings." 


"Feelings. They are uncontrollable. Even if we don't want to feel sad, we will still do. Even if we don't want to feel hurt, we will still get hurt. Even if we don't want to love, we will still end up loving. We can only wish not to feel anything, but our hearts are fragile. They will make us feel things."

"I guess you're right. We should be friends then." 


"Because I want to be friends with you." 


"Then maybe I can finally have someone to talk to about my never ending one sided love."

Minjeong laughed at that and Ryujin grinned seeing the cold Minjeong laughed because of her. 

She's still so pretty. I would take my chance with her if I don't have a change a heart. 

Ryujin sighed silently, thinking of someone else. 

If only.






Summer break ended so fast to everyone. When Monday comes, the university is filled with students coming back to their classes. 

"How was Japan?" Ning asked Jimin and Yeji who has just arrived and joined them at the parking lot.

"It was fun! Right, babe?"


Jimin only smiled at Yeji who's clinging onto her arm but she looked around and her friends know who she's looking for.

"Minjeong will be a little late today. She said her car broke down."

"Eh? Why didn't she tell me? I would've picked her up." Jimin frowned.

"She said someone will pick her up already." Aeri said.

"Oh, Jaemin?" Jimin asked.

"No. I saw him coming earlier." Ning said.

"I don't know. I never ask." Aeri shrugged.

"We are all here though." Chaeryeong said and wondered who is fetching their friend.

"Maybe- oh." Yuna paused when a car parked near them and Ryujin came out of it with Minjeong.


Everyone's confused to see them together. It's a rare sight. Minjeong and Ryujin were never friends. Minjeong didn't speak to anyone else aside from her friends. How did they become friends?

"Ryujin?" Yeji was surprised too.

"Yo. Sup."

Yeji rolled her eyes but still asked her dance club member about her picking up Minjeong.

"Her car isn't ready yet. Chenle will send her car once done so I offered to fetch her." Ryujin explained.

"How... Did you guys become friends?" Yeji asked.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I need to go. I forgot I have to meet Ms Wendy. See you guys later." Minjeong said and nodded at her friends.

"and thanks, Ryujin. See you around."

Jimin's eyes catches Minjeong's hand squeezing Ryujin's arm.

"See you- wait. Minjeong! I gotta go too guys. See ya!" Ryujin then hurried and ran after Minjeong.

Jimin watches how Ryujin catch up with Minjeong and put her arm around her shoulder. What surprise her was that Minjeong never push her. Jimin frowned at that. Minjeong never let anyone else to be that touchy with her except for her and their close friends.

While on the other hand...

"You can't just leave me there buddy. I will be the dumb me in front of Yeji." Ryujin whispered.

"It's not my responsibility to take care of you." Minjeong hissed.

"Bold of you to assume I'll let you be free from me now that we're friends. I need my advisor to help me anytime okay."

"I am not your advisor."

"You don't have a say in this. I've appointed you myself."

"And I refused."

"Hush. Let's go meet Ms Wendy and we can argue later."

"Why are you meeting her too?"

"I'm a woman who appreciate such beauty, Minjeong. Why would I reject a chance to see our beautiful Ms Wendy?"

"Let me remind you, dear Ryujin. She's married."

"To another beauty! Ugh. Why are they so lucky? I wish I can get my own Irene too."

Minjeong laughed and pushed Ryujin slightly. Few days knowing the girl now, Minjeong realised how playful Ryujin is. Ryujin is very chill too so Minjeong likes her company.






"Kim Minjeong!"

Minjeong turned around and saw Jimin running towards her.

"Hey- wait. Let me breath first." Jimin panted but her hand's already holding Minjeong's wrist.

"Are you okay?" Minjeong chuckled.

"Why did you run?" Minjeong asked and used her other hand to fix Jimin's hair. Jimin closed her eyes, liking how Minjeong's taking care of her.

"You weren't there with us for lunch. Where did you go? I've texted you."

"Ahh. I was with Ryujin earlier."


Minjeong tilted her head. 

"Yeah. She asked for my opinion about her dancing."

"You were at the dance studio all this time?"


"Just... You and her?"


"Oh, okay. You seems to be very close now with her."

"Yeah, she's fun." Minjeong chuckled.

Jimin frowned and wanted to comment something when another person disturbed them this time. Jimin then changed to her straight face seeing Jaemin. 

"Hi girls." Jaemin smiled as Jimin only nodded at him.

"Minjeong. Can we talk for a second?"

Minjeong looked at Jimin first before nodding.


"You're going again?" Jimin asked in a whisper.

Jaemin gave some space for the best friends to talk for a while.

"Break is over in 5 minutes. I'll be going to my class after this."

"Are you going home with Ryujin or Jaemin?" Jimin can't help but asked since the past few days, Minjeong always went home with Ryujin even though her car is all good already.

"Not sure. Why?"

"Do you want me to send you home instead?"

"Don't you need to send Yeji home?"

"I can send you both home."

Minjeong smiled and squeezed Jimin's hand.

"It's okay, Jimin. I don't want to bother you."

"You will never bother me, Minjeong. You're my best friend."

Minjeong's heart breaks a little at that statement but she kept her smile on.

"I'll text you again later okay?"

"You promise?"

"Yes, Jimin."

"Okay. Go, he's waiting already."

"See you."

Jimin watches Minjeong walked towards Jaemin and he smiled at her immediately before walking together. Jimin sighed. She shouldn't feel this way. She has Yeji already but a part of her sometimes, still yearning for Minjeong. Especially now that Minjeong spent a lot of time with other people.



"You haven't told them that we've broken up."

It's not a question but it's a statement. Minjeong only sighed.

"It slipped off my mind."

"Or you just don't want them to know."


"Minjeong, you have to tell your friends."

"I will, Jae."

"Yeah, but when? Yuna even asked if I'm going to ask you to prom. They're excited seeing this will be the first time you come to prom with your lover and same goes to Jimin. Since usually you both just be each other plus one."

"What did you say?" Minjeong asked.

"I said maybe." Jaemin shrugged.

"Do you want to ask someone for prom? Is that why you feel pressured about my friend not knowing anything about our break up?"

"I... Well, yeah. Kind of." Jaemin scratches his head shyly.

"Wow. You moved on fast." Minjeong smirked and crossed her arms.

"Hey! We were over long before the break up okay. Of course I moved on fast. You literally drew a line between us from the start."

"Hahaha okay okay, sorry. Who's the lucky girl this time?"

"Hm. That's a secret." Jaemin winked causing her to laugh.

"Thank you, Jae."


"Thank you for still making me happy even though you knew I don't give you what you deserve during the time we're still together. And thank you too for not hating me for that."

"No. Thank you for giving me a chance. Though I actually never had a chance at all." Jaemin chuckled.

"I'm happy that I get to know you more. At least, I earned myself a very good friend." Jaemin added.

"You are a good friend too, Jaemin. Please know that."

"Yeah, I know."

They both laughed together and Jaemin walked her to class.

"I will tell my friends soon. Don't worry." Minjeong said.

"Sure. See you around. Bye."






Minjeong only leaned her back against the chair as she listened to her friends talking about prom night that's going to happen in 2 days. They were all inside the cafeteria now, waiting for their next class.

"So Jimin, have you asked Yeji already?" Aeri asked Jimin.

Minjeong looked at Jimin who's sitting in front of her. Funny how Jimin used to insist sitting beside Minjeong all the time but now everything has changed. Jimin still stayed near Minjeong but she would preferred to sit across Minjeong instead of next to her.

"Yeah. I'm going with Yeji." Jimin answered.

"Awesome! We are all going to be with our own partners." Yuna clapped her hands excitedly before hugging Chaeryeong beside her. Ning giggled at her friend then turned to Aeri and asked for a kiss.

Minjeong smiled seeing her friends are all happily in love with each other. She wishes that she could be like them too but she knows that it's impossible. 

"Hi babe!"

Jimin looks up and smiled as she scooted over to make some space for Yeji.

"My professor wanted to discuss about my report so I took longer to get here." Yeji sighed.

"That's okay. Are you hungry?"

"Yes. I should buy something now."

"Okay, let's go."

"No. You can just wait here. Be back." Yeji smiled and pecked Jimin's cheek.

Jimin then took Yeji's bag and keep it safe with her while Yeji went to buy food.

"Aww Minjeong. You should call Jaemin to finish his class fast so you will have your partner with you too." Aeri teased Minjeong. Minjeong only laughed and shakes her head.

"About that... I actually have something to tell you guys. I-"


Minjeong was startled when Ryujin yelled out her name as she ran to her.

"You have to help me!" Ryujin whispered but still loud enough for the others to hear her.

"What?" Minjeong asked, chuckling seeing her nervous and sweaty state.

"I- oh. Sorry, hello guys." Ryujin bowed at them, earning hi's from Minjeong's friends.

"Is it okay if I take Minjeong with me for a while?" Ryujin asked for a permission.

"Well, okay." Ning said.

"Come on." Ryujin made a puppy eyes.

"Ugh. You're annoying." Minjeong groaned.

"You love me though." Ryujin grinned and waited for Minjeong to stand up and grab her bag.

"Hi Minjeong. Hi everyone." Jaemin came with his friends. The boys waved at them all before walking to their table, leaving Jaemin there.

"You're leaving already?" Jaemin asked when Minjeong is ready to leave.

"Ryujin said she needs my help."

"What kind of help?" Jaemin crossed his arms and squinted at Ryujin.

"Dude. You're not scary." Ryujin punched his arm causing him to laugh.

"Better yet. You both can come and help me instead. Come on come on!"

Minjeong and Jaemin didn't get to say anything when Ryujin is already dragging them with her.

"Woah. What's with them? Why all three of them suddenly becomes that close?" Yuna asked.

"Right. Doesn't it feels like Minjeong is spending less time with us now?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Yeah." Jimin agreed and her eyes stayed on Minjeong's back until she disappeared from her view.

The girls looked at Jimin before they looked at each other.

"Wait. What did Minjeong want to tell us about earlier?" Aeri asked.

"She didn't get to tell us since Ryujin suddenly came." Ning said.

"Right. I wonder what was it."

Jimin sighed and wanted to go out and take a breath but she remembered that Yeji's eating with them so she stayed and tried to stop herself from thinking of Minjeong.

"Hey." Aeri put her hand on Jimin's hand.

"Maybe it's for your own good, that Minjeong won't be with us as often as before. You can try to move on slowly." Aeri said.

"Yeah, maybe." Jimin tried to smile.

"But Aeri, I still prefer Minjeong hanging out with us. I missed our Minjeong." Ning pouted.

"We all misses her." Yuna nodded, agreeing to Ning.

"Okay. We'll have sleepover at my house soon! No one can disturb our bonding time and she won't get distracted." Aeri suggested.

"I'm in!" Chaeryeong said.

"Me too!" Ning and Yuna said.

"Cool." Jimin shrugged.

"Or, Jimin can invite Yeji too?" Aeri asked.

"We don't mind that." Ning replied while the others only nodded.

"I'll uh... I'll try to ask Yeji first."








Minjeong jumped and yelped before turning to her right only to see Jimin laughing at her.

"Gosh. Spare me from a heart attack please."

"You're just being dramatic, Minjeong."

"Yeah yeah. Anyways..." Minjeong paused and closed her locker before facing Jimin again.

"Hi to you too." Minjeong said.

Jimin smiled wider and stepped closer. She takes Minjeong's bag from her grasp and carry it for her.

"You're done right? Let's go."

"O-Oh okay."

Minjeong let Jimin carry her bag and walked beside her.

"So, do you have something to wear already for tonight?" Jimin asked.

Right. The prom. 

"Yeah. I'll just wear whatever I can find." 

"Can I be sure you won't wear your jeans?"


Jimin laughed when she successfully teased Minjeong. She then side hugged Minjeong's shoulder.

"Just kidding." Jimin smiled seeing Minjeong pouting at her.

"It'll be different this time, right?" Minjeong asked.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I mean, you are finally attending prom with your lover officially instead of your best friend." Minjeong chuckled, trying to hide her bitterness in it.

"Yeah. And you too." Jimin said.

Minjeong forgot she haven't told Jimin about her break up. Should I tell her now?

"There they are! Babe!" 

When Jimin and Minjeong were outside and walking to their cars, they saw their friends were there already with Yeji as well. Minjeong felt her heart sank when Jimin pulled away from Minjeong to walk ahead and went to Yeji, embracing her girlfriend in a loving hug. She just hope, that she will survive during the prom night because it seems that her heart is slowly breaking into pieces.






Minjeong put down her lipstick on her make up table and looked at herself through the mirror. She smiled seeing she did well in making herself look pretty but she felt like she won't be feeling that pretty inside as her heart is shattering inside. 

"It's okay, Minjeong. It's just a prom. I'll go home early." She tried to comfort herself.

She left her home slightly late, not wanting to reach early to avoid seeing Jimin being all gorgeous and falling harder for the girl each second.

When she has arrived, she stayed inside her car listening to some songs. She looked at the time. 8:01pm.

The prom started at 7:30pm and by the sound of notification from the groupchat, she knew that all of her friends were there already including Jimin and Yeji. She decided to check on her twitter but regrerred it instantly as she saw people tweeting about how Jimin and Yeji looks cute together. 

Minjeong knows, everyone will be asking once she came inside alone. She knows, tonight will be the night that she will have to tell her friends that she's not with Jaemin anymore.


Where are you? I decided to come alone and confess to my crush after prom.     8:05pm.


Minjeong replied to Jaemin. 


At the parking lot.     8:05pm.

Need me to come and get you?     8:06pm.

No. I'm good.     8:06pm.

Okay. Ryujin is here. We'll be here waiting for you.     8:06pm.


Minjeong took a deep breath before finally turning off the engine and get out of her car. She nodded at the security that guarding the entrance door.

Minjeong tried to block all the noises and doesn't listen to the murmurs once she walked down on the red carpet. As expected, people were surprised to see her coming alone though they kind of expected it since earlier Jaemin entered alone as well.

However, they focused more on Minjeong's pure beauty instead of wondering about why she's alone.

Just like always, her eyes immediately found Jimin in the crowds and saw Jimin frowning looking at her. She saw Yeji's hugging her arm. She felt like she wanted to go back but she just came and she knew she had to face her friends first especially Jimin.

She was about to walk towards her friends when she noticed her long dress got stucked in between her ankle and her heels' strap, she almost bend down to fix it but someone beats her to it.

"An angel like you should have someone taking care of you."

The person said before getting up after fixing Minjeong's dress and smiled warmly at her.

"Glad that you made it here."

"Ryujin." Minjeong smiled.

"Damn. You dress to impress. Is it because you knew I'll be here?" Ryujin teased.

"You're so full of yourself." Minjeong chuckled and slapped Ryujin's shoulder softly.

"Let's go?"


"I promised I'll be guarding you tonight. We'll be fine tonight. Remember?"

Right. Ryujin is in the same situation as hers. 

"Thank you, Ryujin." Minjeong accepted Ryujin's offer and cling her arm around Ryujin's arm. 

They both approached Minjeong's friends together and everyone greeted them happily. 

"Why did you and Jaemin came separately?" Aeri asked as she hugged Minjeong briefly.

This is it. 

"Hi, beautiful." Just then, Jaemin came and hugged Minjeong. 

"Hi, Jae."

Jaemin smiled and then did a fistbump with Ryujin before facing Minjeong's friends.

"Hi girls. Everyone's looking good." Jaemin winked causing them to roll their eyes at him.

"Behave in front of your girlfriend please." Aeri said while chuckling.

Jaemin cleared his throat and looked at Minjeong.

"Now?" Jaemin asked.

"Yeah." Minjeong nodded.

Jaemin took Minjeong's hand and held her hand gently before raising their hands up together then looked at everyone.

"We wanted to tell you guys that we are not together anymore." Jaemin said.

Minjeong looks at her friends dumbfounded reaction.

"Is this some kind of prank? Because its not funny." Ning laughed awkwardly.

"It's true." Minjeong said, confirming to everyone.

"We broke up weeks ago, even before the summer break. We decided to be just friends." Minjeong added.

"Wait, for real?" Aeri asked, surprised with the sudden announcement.

"It's true. They are truly just good friends. I mean, I spent a good amount of time with these two to know that they're not joking that they have really broken up." Ryujin said, explaining more.

"But, then why? I mean, you guys still seems to be together?" Yuna asked.

"Like Ryujin said. We're good friends. I guess, we become closer as good friends instead throughout the relationship." Jaemin chuckled.

"I mean, I can't just let go of her. She's so fun to tease so I would love to still have her around as my friend." Jaemin said and earned a pinch from Minjeong on his side.

"Ouch!" Jaemin rubbed his side after letting go of Minjeong's hand.

"I am not fun to tease." Minjeong glared.

"I think he meant that you're cute, Minjeongie." Ryujin laughed and put her hand around Minjeong's waist.

"And what about your relationship with Minjeong? I've been wanting to ask this but I didn't because I thought Minjeong is with Jaemin." Aeri said to Ryujin.

"Oh, me? I'm her soon to be lover." Ryujin smirked. 

"I don't approve. Minjeong, come here." Jaemin pulled Minjeong to him.

"We don't need your approval and I think Minjeong enjoys my company more." Ryujin talked back and grabbed Minjeong's wrist.

"Yah. You're annoying and I am not. Minjeong doesn't like annoying people." Jaemin argued.

"Well, you sounds like one now." Ryujin scoffed.

Minjeong laughed seeing Jaemin and Ryujin bickering like kids in front of her, a scene that's not rare to her since this always happens when they were together.

"See. She laughed because of me." Ryujin said.

"Okay, whatever." Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"Stop it guys." Minjeong shakes her head.

"We're jealous, Minjeong. It feels like you're more of close with them now than us." Ning pouted.


"Yeah, you've been spending alot more with them." Yuna said.

"Sorry guys, I think we are Minjeong's favourite now." Ryujin wiggled her eyebrows.

Minjeong laughed when her friends now bickering with Ryujin while Jaemin joined her laughing watching the whole thing. Only then, Minjeong tried to steal a glance at Jimin who have been quiet the whole time.

Jimin stared back at her with confusion but Minjeong only gave her a genuine smile and mouthed 'I'm okay'. Jimin nodded her head slowly.

"I thought we'll be going to see Minjeong attending the prom with her lover but guess not huh." Aeri said.

"Well, that doesn't stop her to get a partner for tonight though. I'm still available to dance with her." Jaemin said.

"What about me? I want to dance with Minjeong too." Ryujin frowned.

"Get in the line, please."

"See, you're annoying."

"I'm not."

"Okay, guys. Guys! I said stop it." Minjeong stopped them from going further.

"Wow. Minjeong really have the power against you two." Chaeryeong commented which made Jaemin and Ryujin laughed. 

"Shall we?" Jaemin offered a hand to Minjeong.

"Okay. Ryujin, later okay?" Minjeong looked at Ryujin.

"Yeah sure. Enjoy the dance." Ryujin winked before she excused herself first to go to her friends.

Jaemin brought her to the dance floor and they noticed Minjeong's friends all joined too.

"At least, I get to experience dancing with you." Jaemin said.

"Me too." Minjeong smiled.

"She seems bothered when we announced our break up." Jaemin whispered.

"I'll talk to her again. Don't worry."

"You have to assure her that I didn't hurt you okay. I don't want to see a Yoo Jimin coming to bury me alive."

"You are overreacting Jaemin." Minjeong laughed.

"Oh, come on. She's your best friend and she is very protective of you."

"I'm sure my friends know that you are a good person and you didn't hurt me, remember?"

"Right, okay."

Within few seconds, the song has changed into a slow one. Now every couple dance closer with each other and Minjeong saw how Yeji hugging Jimin so tightly, not far away from them.

Minjeong looks away and blinked her eyes few times.

"Hey." Jaemin called her softly and cupped her face.

Jaemin frowned seeing Minjeong's glassy eyes.

"M-Minjeong ah."

"Jaemin. I-"

"Minjeongie." Ryujin interfered and shared an eyecontact with Jaemin.

Jaemin nodded, knowing what Ryujin's trying to do. Ryujin held Minjeong's shoulder to make her turn away from Jimin's and Yeji's view.

"Let's get away from here?" Ryujin whispered.

"Kay..." Minjeong muttered softly.

"Take care of her, Ryujin." Jaemin said.

"I will."

Jaemin watches as Ryujin brings Minjeong with her out of there.

"I'm letting you go now, beautiful." Jaemin smiled sadly. Accepting the fact that Minjeong won't be able to look at him the way he wanted her to.

He then left the dance floor and saw his crush, a girl that managed to make him want to forget Minjeong. 

"I'll pursue you soon. Now that I'm finally moving on."






"Babe? Are you listening?"

Jimin's eyes following Minjeong all the time. She's worried about her. She wanted to know if she's okay. She wanted to talk to her. It doesn't help now that she saw Ryujin's taking her and are leaving. 



"I've been talking to you. What's wrong?" Yeji asked after pulling away from Jimin.

"I... I'm sorry, Yeji."


"I need to go." Jimin feels guilty seeing Yeji's downcast face.

"I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you okay."

"But babe-"

Jimin didn't wait for Yeji to finish when she hurried and left Yeji alone on the dance floor. Jimin ran outside, trying to look for Minjeong and Ryujin. She went to the parking lot and frowned when she saw only Ryujin.


"Ryujin. Where's Minjeong?"

"She just left."

"What? Is she okay?"

"She will be. Don't worry." Ryujin said then went to her car.

"Where are you going?"

"Uh, leave?"

"Are you meeting Minjeong somewhere?"

Ryujin snorted then closed her car door before sighing loudly.

"Can I ask you something, Jimin?"


"Why are you being like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"You left your own girlfriend there inside and is busy looking for Minjeong."

"I just found out my best friend broke up. Isn't it natural for me to worry?"

"Okay, good point. But why does it matter to you if I'm leaving to meet her somewhere else or not?"

"It matters to me because I don't know your intention with her." Jimin said coldly.

"Oh. So you want to know my intention."


"Okay. I want to take care of her."

"She has her best friend and I have been doing that for the past few years."

"Then where were you all this time?"


"I asked, where were you all this time, Yoo Jimin?"

"What do you mean?"

Ryujin rubbed her face in frustration. Minjeong's going to scold me for this but ugh.

"Where were you when she struggled with her feelings? Where were you when she needs someone to check on her? Where were you Jimin? You weren't there. You didn't know that she had been confused about how she feels. You didn't know that she needs someone to help her out. Why? Because you were busy avoiding her before this. You were busy drawing a line between you and her. You were busy pushing her away."

Ryujin sighed. 

"You've caused her pain because of that. Well, congratulations to you. You've successfully draw a perfect line between you guys because now Minjeong won't be able to tell you everything that's going through in her head and heart anymore. So yeah, you don't know what's going on with her now but me."

Ryujin then opened her car door and stopped. She sighed for the million times thinking of Minjeong's crying face. 

"If only you didn't push her away. If only you didn't avoid her. She would've told you as soon as she broke up with Jaemin. She would've told you about the truth. She would've told you that she figured it all out."

"Figure what out?" Jimin asked.

"About her feelings, her confusing feelings for you."

"W-What do you mean?"

Ryujin turned around and looked at Jimin with her tired face.

"It's sad that you can't even see it. It's sad that all of you only could see about your feelings for her but not her feelings for you. Even me and Jaemin, could see how her eyes changed whenever she looks at you Jimin."

"Don't you ever think about why me and Jaemin are getting close with her? Because we're the only ones aware of her feelings for you. Why did we always take her away from you guys? Because we're helping her from getting more heartache seeing you with Yeji."

"Honestly, We were both in love with Minjeong. But Jaemin and I know where we stand in her life. We know our place. So instead of pushing ourselves to her, we become her good friends. As her long time best friend, you should know how fragile she is. So again, where were you all this time Jimin?"

Ryujin smiled sadly. 

"I'm done here. I'm sorry if I appear to be rude but I just, I can't stand seeing Minjeong keeps crying because of you."

"S-She... She cried?"

"You guys should talk. Really. I'll be going home now. Hope you'll fix whatever is going on between you and her now."






Minjeong yawned and slapped her cheek few times before leaving her house. However, she was surprised to see Jimin leaning against her car outside.


Jimin looks up and gave her a small smile.


"Hi. What are you doing here?" Minjeong asked.

Jimin takes her time to stare at Minjeong especially her eyes. Her lovely eyes that Jimin loves to stare at. Ryujin is right, where was she all this time? How could she be selfish and left her all this time?

"Um... I'm here to pick you up." Jimin said.

"Huh? Why didn't you tell me? I would've woke up early."

"It's okay. I don't want to rush you anyways. Did you sleep well?" Jimin asked and reached out her hand to caress Minjeong's cheek.

God. How much Jimin missed doing that to the young girl. She missed to be able to get affectionate with Minjeong. She loves when she can feel the girl through her touch.

"Yeah, I guess." Minjeong mumbled before she hold Jimin's hand that's on her cheek and pulled it away, she settled with just letting Jimin holding her hand.

"We should go now then if we don't want to be late. You're fetching Yeji too, right?"


Jimin bit her bottom lip. She forgot. She honestly forgot. 

"Let's get in." Jimin said and guided Minjeong in. She opened the door and put on seat belt for her.

Minjeong only smiled at her. It's nothing weird. Jimin used to do all of that before. It's just, now that Minjeong's fully know about her feelings for Jimin makes her feel extra nervous around her.

"Oh, you guys came together?"


Minjeong greeted their friends and talked with them for a while at the parking lot. Aeri kept glancing at Jimin who wouldn't stop looking at Minjeong.

"Where's Yeji?" Aeri asked.

"She came with her brother." Jimin mumbled.

"Oh. Okay. Did I miss something?" Aeri whispered.

"We all did, Aeri. All of us did." Jimin whispered and looking at Minjeong sadly.

"We will talk later." Aeri muttered before she went to Ning.

"Come Minjeong, your first class is with me." Chaeryeong said and they both left first.

"How... How am I going to break up with Yeji now?" Jimin asked, shocking her friends.

Jimin's teary eyes stared back at them.

"I... I still want to be with Minjeong. How? What am I supposed to do? I like Yeji but I... I really love Minjeong. Tell me guys, what should I do?" Jimin finally let her tears rolled down on her cheeks.

"Oh, Jimin." Ning was fast to recover from her shock and hugged Jimin.

"Is it because now that you know she's single again?" Yuna asked and patted Jimin's back.

"No. You guys know how in love I am with her." Jimin said.

"Yeah but we thought you've moved on and are happy with Yeji." Aeri frowned.

"I thought I did too. I was happy with Yeji. But-" Jimin sighed.

"I feel like I could be happier with Minjeong." Jimin said.

"So, do you still love Minjeong?" Ning asked.

Jimin looks at her friends one by one and let out a tiny smile for them.

"I never stop loving her and I have something to tell you guys, we've been oblivious about Minjeong's feelings."

"What do you mean, Jimin?"

Jimin then decided to skip their first class and to talk about Minjeong properly instead. After telling them everything, they stayed silent for few minutes.

"I was upset with myself. I was too caught up with my own feelings that I had been neglecting my own best friend and failed to notice everything. I made you guys paid too much attention to me in order to comfort me while we... We forgot about Minjeong." Jimin said.

"I can't believe I couldn't be there for her when she- she's feeling all that." Ning sobbed.

"I used to be jealous of Ryujin for stealing our friend from us but now... I am glad that she was there for Minjeong when we can't." Ning said.

Aeri looked down on her feet. I should've known. I should've.


"Hey Aeri. Where's Jimin?" 

Aeri came to get Minjeong at her class when Minjeong asked about Jimin. 

"She said she had to send Yeji home first before joining us at the cafe. So I'm taking you with Ning."


"Let's go?" 





"Jimin said she couldn't come. Maybe she's going out with Yeji." Aeri said after checking her phone. 

"Ah, I see." 




"Minjeong, do you want me to pick you up instead?" Aeri asked. 

"No, it's okay. I can drive on my own." 

"Are you sure?" 





"What are you doing here? Didn't Jimin tell you that she can't study with you today?" Aeri asked when she found Minjeong at the library cafe alone. 

"She did. Its okay. I can study alone." 

"You don't like to be alone because you would sometimes need to ask questions, Minjeong." 

"I'll get used to it. Besides, Jaemin will be here after his basketball practice." 

"Okay. I'll just accompany you then since I'm here to finish some reports too." 

"Thanks, Aeri." 



All of the memories suddenly flooded Aeri's mind. She failed to realise back then but now, she could see it. How the sparkles in Minjeong's eyes disappeared whenever Jimin cancelled their plan and routine. 

Aeri closed her eyes. She was stupid. She shrugged off Minjeong's feelings just because she didn't think it would make her sad that Jimin slowly avoiding her and since she had Jaemin too back then.

"I think. We all failed, as her friends. We failed to pay attention to her." Aeri whispered.






"Come on, it's going to be fun."

"Yeah. There'll be a lot of things to do."

Ryujin trapped Minjeong with her arms hugging Minjeong's shoulders from behind while Jaemin's in front of them holding Minjeong's bag. They are now with Minjeong near her locker, trying to make Minjeong agree to join them for a last minute hangout.

While they're busy pursuing Minjeong, Jimin and the others came into the view and watches them. 

"The boys will be there too. It'll be fun." Jaemin said again.

"But I don't want to drive." Minjeong said.

"Cool! I'll drive, just leave your car here." Jaemin said.

"I'll be with you guys too!" Ryujin said.

"Yes yes." Jaemin nodded.

"I want some snacks since its going to be an hour journey." Minjeong said.

"Oh. We'll buy all your favourite snacks." Ryujin quickly said.

"Anything for you, beautiful." Jaemin smiled.

"What's happening here?" Aeri asked, glancing at Jimin's cold face seeing Ryujin and Jaemin around Minjeong.

"We're taking Minjeong to amusement park to have fun which will be great instead of her just sleeping all the time at home." Ryujin said and got elbowed by Minjeong causing her to pull away and laughed.

"Well, you guys can join us too! The more the merrier." Jaemin suggested.

"Oh, true! Let's go there together guys." Ryujin said in excitement.

"Hmm. I don't have anything else after this. How about you guys?" Aeri asked the girls.


"Yeah, let's join them."

"I'm in."

Then they all looked at Jimin who's quiet. Jimin only nodded her head.

"Awesome! See, Minjeongie. It'll be fun." Ryujin said and hugged her shoulder again.

"Okay okay. Let's go then."


Jimin just stared at how Minjeong is so comfortable in Ryujin's arms and letting Jaemin brought her stuffs for her. It used to be me. It used to be just me doing all that for you.

"Jimin? Let's go." Aeri whispered when Jimin doesn't move after Minjeong left first with Ryujin and Jaemin. 

"Are you bringing Yeji too?" Ning asked.

"No." Jimin said and her friends nodded. Jimin texted Yeji that she can't send her home. Jimin knows that Yeji noticed how she's now slowly detaching herself from her. After all, Jimin's very open with her feelings in front of Yeji. She never hide anything.






"Shall we go there?"

"Where? You want to try that one?"

"Sure. Let's go let's go."

Minjeong chuckled when Ryujin and Jaemin really took their roles as Minjeong's guardian seriously. They literally spoiled her with anything she wants.

"Damn. You two are so whipped." Mark said, one of Jaemin's friends.

"Of course. She's our baby." Ryujin said and ruffled Minjeong's hair. Minjeong hissed and slapped Ryujin's hand away before fixing her hair with Jaemin's help too.

"There there, beautiful." Jaemin smiled and patted Minjeong's head.

Each time Jimin saw how Ryujin and Jaemin be there for Minjeong when she needs something, she feels her heart clenched. She's jealous, obviously. She wishes that she'll be the one Minjeong turn to whenever she needs anything.

"You really have to sort out everything, Jimin." Aeri told Jimin when they're a little far behind Minjeong and the others.

"You can't hurt Yeji just because you decided to choose Minjeong now." Aeri said.

"I know." Jimin said.

"I will talk to Yeji. Maybe after this."

"Good. Because Yeji is a good person. She was there when you were brokenhearted." Aeri reminded her before she went to catch up with the rest.

"Jimin ah."


Jimin turned to see Yuna and Chaeryeong beside her.

"Yeji deserve to know your real feelings. It's not too late to end things with her before she falls more. I know, there's no one can replace Minjeong at all. And we're sure Yeji knows that too." Yuna told her.

"Whatever your decision is, we will be here for you." Chaeryeong said.

"Thanks guys." Jimin smiled.

When they reached the others, Yuna asked why aren't they lining up for the ride yet.

"Minjeong doesn't want to ride this one while Ryujin and Jaemin wanted to but they refused to just leave Minjeong here." Taeyong explained.

"Just go guys, we'll accompany Minjeong here." Ning said.

"But you like this one too, Ning." Minjeong pouted.

"You guys can go. I'll stay with Minjeong." Jimin speaks up and now everyone looks at her. She saw Ryujin whispered something and Minjeong nodded.

"Okay. We won't be long." Jaemin said.

"We'll be back, Minjeongie!" Ryujin said.

Minjeong walked towards Jimin after waving to them.

"Do you want to sit first? There's one empty bench there." Jimin said.


They both went to sit while waiting for their friends to be done.

"I thought you'll bring Yeji too. Is she busy?" Minjeong asked.

Of course she would ask because Jimin would always bring Yeji along ever since she dated her. Yeji becomes close with their friends too because of that.

"No. I'll meet her after this though." Jimin answered.

"Oh. Okay." Minjeong nodded and looked to the front.

Jimin hates this. She hate that Minjeong feels like someone else. She hate that Minjeong is being too conscious around her. She hate that Minjeong now never initiate any skinship with her when the girl used to be clingy with her.

And Jimin for sure doesn't like to see a space between them now that they were sitting next to each other. They used to never leave any space in between.

"Minjeong ah."


"What happened to us?"

Minjeong went quiet when Jimin asked her that.

"We..." Jimin holds Minjeong's hand on her lap.

"We weren't like this before." Jimin said.

"Yeah, we weren't." Minjeong whispered.

"Why? Why did this happen?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin. Please don't ask me that."

"But why?"

"Because I don't know too. Only you who knows the answer."


"I'm not the one who drifted away, Jimin." Minjeong chuckled bitterly. Jimin gulped. She's seeing it now. Minjeong's eyes that showed that she's in pain.

"I'm here all the time. Even when I was still with Jaemin, I still never fail to stick to our routine and be with you too. It's you who slowly drifting away from me. But who am I to stop you if it makes you happy. Because Jimin, your happiness matters. Even if we're not as close as we used to be, I still care a lot about you. And I hope you know that."

Minjeong sighed and patted Jimin's hand. 

"Don't think too much about it. I want you to know that you are still my best friend and that I'm fine. I'm slowly getting used to some changes with our life now so yeah." Minjeong smiled at her.

"I think they're done. Let's go."

Jimin just let Minjeong joined the others first. She's trying to process what Minjeong just told her.

I'm slowly getting used to some changes with our life now. 

Jimin doesn't like that. She can't let this go on any longer. She can't let Minjeong slip away anymore. She just can't.






"You know, when you said yes to me, I couldn't sleep the whole day. I kept thinking that it was a dream, a long dream."

Jimin listened to Yeji. As planned, she met her after coming back from amusement park. She met her at the park near her house and they were walking around slowly as they talked.

"I mean, you're Yoo Jimin. The popular student that everyone's been crushing on, including me. When I confessed, I honestly didn't have any expectation as you never entertained anyone at all. But somehow, I easily get a yes from you that it felt surreal." Yeji chuckled.

"I thought maybe I was just given a chance to get to date you for a short while. I thought you'll break it off with me soon after you agreed to be my girlfriend. Because during the short time we spent together with your friends, I noticed one thing. That you can only see your best friend."

Jimin looked down, she's guilty. She thought she was being not obvious, but she was wrong. 

"And I noticed how you tried to not giving her your attention. I noticed your struggle trying to forget her. So I did what I thought I should do, I tried to distract you from her. I thought that I could help you forget about her, I thought that one day I will finally have all of you." Yeji said.

"But I guess, Minjeong is still the one huh." Yeji continued.

"But can I ask one question, Jimin?"


"Did you love me?" Yeji asked, using a past tense.

"Just be honest, Jimin. I need to know." Yeji said again.

"I like you, Yeji."

"So it's not love..."

"Yeji, I-"

"Jimin. You don't have to be scared to hurt me. It's bound to happen. I'm aware of your feelings all this time. I'm just trying to enjoy your affection as long as I could and I'm happy that I get to be close with you even if it's not for long." Yeji told her.

"I'm sorry. God I'm really sorry. I shouldn't, I-"

"No. Don't be. It's on me too. I still let our relationship go on knowing fully well how you feel for Minjeong. So please, don't you feel bad about it."

"Yeji. You... You are so good to me." Jimin looked at her sadly.

"Believe me, you are too. Thank you, Jimin. Thank you for letting me feel how it felt like to be with you. Thank you for making me happy."

"No. Thank you. For being there for me."

Yeji smiled and nodded her head before she offered a handshake. 

"Friends?" Yeji asked with her trembling voice, holding her tears. Jimin sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"I'll be here whenever you need me. I promise to be a good friend."

"I'm glad to hear that." Yeji hugged her back.






It has been 2 weeks since Jimin broke up with Yeji. Right after the break up, everyone was busy doing their final report and exams. Jimin didn't have the time to get drown into her emotions as she need to focus on graduating. She made up her mind to settle with everything first before she make it up to Minjeong. Her friends encouraged her and gave their full support with Jimin's choice and at the same time, they tried to make sure Minjeong won't be neglected again.

Time flies. Before they know it, they have finally graduated.


Ryujin, being the loud one, yelled the sentence out and cheering everyone up. Laughters erupted immediately because of her.

"Yah. Stop being embarrassing!"Jaemin scolded her when she's near. Ryujin only rolled her eyes but grinned immediately seeing everyone was there including Minjeong.

"Minjeongie, my angel! Congrats! Oh I'm so proud of you! I raised you well, dear." Ryujin faked a cry and kept hugging Minjeong.

"Ryujin please." Minjeong was so done with her but still laughed at her action.

"Why are we not getting any congratulations from you?" Yuna asked.

"I thought we're friends too, Shin Ryujin." Chaeryeong said and crossed her arms.

Ryujin have been spending times with Minjeong's friends since they insisted to tag along whenever Ryujin is hanging out with Minjeong so that's how they all got close with each other. 

"See. It's hard when your friends found out how charming I can be. Now everyone wants my attention." Ryujin told Minjeong which earned a yell from Yuna.

"Haha kidding kidding. Congratulations to you girls too. Come and get your hug from the best girl, Shin Ryujin." Ryujin laughed when Minjeong's friends tried to avoid Ryujin but still they let her pulled them into a group hug.

Jaemin laughed seeing them before he went towards Minjeong and put his arm around her. 

"Congrats to you, beautiful."

"Thanks, Jae. You did well too." Minjeong smiled. 

They chatted for a while before Jaemin's friends suggested for all of them to gather together and celebrate. Everyone agreed so they took photos with their families first before leaving. 

"Do you want to go with me?" Jaemin asked Minjeong. 

"Can I take Minjeong with me instead?" Jimin asked and went to Minjeong's side. 

"Okay, we'll meet at the cafe then. See you." Jaemin hugged Minjeong briefly and nodded at Jimin before walking to his car. 

"Minjeong, come?" 

"Okay." Minjeong put her hand on Jimin's when Jimin reached out her hand towards her. Jimin smiled and tightened her hold on Minjeong's hand. 

"Congrats by the way. I'm proud of you." 

"Yeah, you too Jimin." 

"So, what's next?" 

"Well, you know already. Its the same plan." 

"Oh, is it?" 

"Mhm. How about you?" 

"Same plan too. Dad won't let me escape anyway." 

Minjeong laughed as she remembered how Mr Yoo is. Jimin being the only daughter, hold a huge responsibility to take over the company one day. Unlike Minjeong, she doesn't have to worry much to take care of everything since she has her Taeyeon unnie ready for that responsibility as the current CEO of Kim Entertainment. 

So Minjeong decided to just help her mother's magazine company and pursued her career as a professional photographer. 

"We should hang out soon."


"I missed you. I want to hang out with you, just the two of us." 

Minjeong nodded her head and only smiled at Jimin as Jimin drove the car. Jimin glanced at her and smiled back. 

As soon as they reached the restaurant, Jimin makes sure that Minjeong will be sitting beside her. She eyed the two seats beside Ryujin and immediately took the seat beside Ryujin, making Minjeong sit on Jimin's other side. 

"You did it on purpose, don't you?" Ryujin whispered. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jimin mumbled. 

"Ohhh you sneaky little Yoo. I know what you did okay. I mean, you don't really like me. You wouldn't sit beside me if it's not because you don't want Minjeong to be near me." Ryujin smirked when Jimin ignored her. 

"Minjeong, what's your order?" Aeri asked who's sitting on Minjeong's left. 

"This set of meal is good. If Minjeong would want to try." Mark said. 

"No, I don't... Really like that one." Minjeong scratches her head. 

"She doesn't like that."

"Minjeong want something else." 

Mark rolled his eyes at Jaemin's and Ryujin's comment. 

"What are you two actually? Her bodyguards?" 

"Yes!" Both of them said then got up to do a fistbump causing the girls to giggle at them except for Jimin. 

"I think Minjeong would like to have this one instead. Right?" Jimin said and turned to Minjeong while putting her hand on her back. 

"Yeah, I like that one. Been thinking to order that." Minjeong said gleefully. Jimin smiled seeing Minjeong's happy face. 

Ryujin sit down and chuckled seeing the way Jimin is looking at Minjeong. 

"Someone's in love." She muttered. 

When Ryujin went to the restroom, Jimin followed after her. 



"Look. I just want to clear out a misunderstanding here. I want you to know that I don't hate you. I just find it hard to trust someone I barely know."

"Wow. To have you here wanting to explain about yourself is just wow." Ryujin chuckled. 

"No worries, Jimin. I get it. Besides, it's my fault too that you're cold towards me. I kept provoking you by flirting with your beloved Minjeong." Ryujin grinned when Jimin only kept her poker face. 

"But I hope you're doing the right thing now, Jimin. Are you even planning to confess to her?" 

"I am. I will. I'm just waiting for the right time." Jimin replied. 

"Okay, that's good then. I hope you don't wait too long to do it because Jimin, Kim Minjeong is a great catch." Ryujin said and patted Jimin's shoulder. 

Indeed, she is. 






"Mr Shim, are you trying to say that it was my fault?"

Cold sweats could be felt by one of the board members as he regretted what he just said instantly. Everyone else avoided making eye contact with him as they don't want to deal with Yoo Jimin, their current CEO who is very strict, heartless yet excellent at what she's doing.

No one dared to go against her. After all, she brought in more than 40% income to the company as soon as she took her position in the company. She made greater changes which raise their company's value in the market.

"N-No, Ms Yoo. I apologised for that. I didn't mean to offend you in any way." Mr Shim immediately stands up to bow at her.

"I don't want any of you to behave like a child here. This isn't a playground. Man up and be mature. Do I have to remind everyone about this everytime? I'm sure you are all old enough to understand what's good and what's bad for this company." Jimin said firmly, earning nods from everyone.

"Avoid making a problem for the company. I don't want some news about any of your scandal after this. If you can't behave and protect your own image, I suggest that you build up your own company. And also! Please treat the employees with respect."

Jimin glared at everyone and didn't give a chance for any of them to make an excuse for their childish behaviour. After a good one hour of the meeting, she finally dismissed everyone before going back to her office room.

"I think they're losing their appetite already for their late lunch." 

Jimin only hummed at what her secretary said and just let her put down few documents on top of her desk.

"Do you need anything else, boss?"

"Unnie. I told you not to call me boss when we're alone."

"Opps. Its a habit already. But, do you need anything before I go?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks, Jihyo unnie."

"Okay then."

Jimin then sat down on her couch and took out her phone. She immediately called someone whom she knows will make her feel better.


Jimin smiled as soon as she heard her sweet voice. 

"Minjeong ah."

"Yea? Why did you call? I thought you're busy. You haven't replied to any of my texts." 

"I was in a meeting earlier. Sorry about that. Have you had your lunch yet?" 

"No wonder. Yeah, I ate with Ryujin."

"I see. What are you doing now?"

"Just... Checking about the proposal from some company." 


"Kind of. Hahaha." 

Jimin's smile widened hearing her favourite laugh. She's really proud of Minjeong's work. Many companies tried to make a deal with Minjeong and tried to get in touch with her through her mother's company, Winter Magazine ever since they saw Minjeong's work production. 

Minjeong kept getting offers from everywhere to be in charge for the photoshoot of artists, singers, actors and even some famous public figure and CEOs.

"Have you eaten?" 

"Not yet." 

"Well, you should. Its late already."

"I will, after this." 

"Then we'll have to hang up so you can eat sooner." 

"Wait, Minjeong." 


"Are you- no. Do you have time to eat with me later for dinner?" 

"Dinner... I think I'll be done late tonight. I have somewhere I need to be. If you're okay with late dinner-" 

"I'm okay. So can we?" 

Jimin heard Minjeong's chuckle. 

"Do you really want to meet me that bad?" 

"Yes. We've been busy." 

"Okay, sure. Late dinner then." 

"Cool. At my place?" 


"Okay, see you tonight. Take care." 

"Mm, you too." 

Jimin sighed in content, feeling much better after talking to Minjeong. She pre ordered some food for takeaway for tonight. She can't wait to spend time with the girl. 






"Is it good?"


Jimin chuckled and wiped the corner of Minjeong's mouth before she continued eating her food.

"Slowly." She told her.

"This is so good. I can't. Where did you buy this?" Minjeong asked.

"I'll bring you out next time. We'll eat at that place."

"You better. I need to know the place."

"So, how's work?"

"Hm same old. Nothing new."


Minjeong coughed and drinks when Jimin hands her a glass of water. 

"Oh yeah. Jimin."


"Mom asked if you would like to do an interview with us and let us take some photos of you for the magazine. Just a short interview would do."

"For Winter Magazine?"

"Yeah, for Winter."



"When will it be?"

"Wait. You agreed?" Minjeong asked in disbelief.

She knows how Jimin always refused to get interviewed and always rejected all those people trying to get her for their content.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Oh. I mean- well, okay." Minjeong shrugged.

"Just tell me the date, I'll free my schedule for you."

"I uhh- I have to ask the team first. We can just fit in to when you will be free though."

"Then I can do it anytime."

"Eh? For real?"

"Of course." Jimin chuckled seeing Minjeong's adorable surprise face.

"Yah, I'm being serious." Minjeong said.

"I am too. Just let me know the details, okay?"

"How come you agreed to it easily?"

"I can't agree to it easily?"

"No. You usually will be thinking of all the pros and cons then you will think thoroughly about the other possible outcome and all."

"Why wouldn't I want to do it when I know you'll be the one that will take care of me?"

"Hm. True." Minjeong nodded.

"I will only do it if you're the one taking my photos."

"Is it safe to say that I'm getting a best friend privilege card here?" Minjeong chuckled as she asked.

"You can say so." Jimin smiled.

"All right. It's a deal then. I'll tell mom about it. God, she'll be thrilled."

"I'm sure she will. Send my regards to her."

"Okay! Oh, I have to finish this fast. I don't want to go back home late." 

"just sleep here tonight, Minjeong." Jimin told her.

"But I don't bring anything."

"You do know that I don't mind you wearing my shirts right?"

"Yes but who knows, being the CEO now you will be strict even with me."

"I will never. And please, I'm never that evil to you."

Minjeong laughed when Jimin answered her with serious tone as she was just joking.

"So, stay for the night?" Jimin asked again.

"All right."

Once they're done doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Jimin asked Minjeong to freshen up first while she prepared some clothes for her and fix the bed. She just put the shirts on top of her bed and lay down while checking some emails through her Ipad.

"Jimin ah. I didn't know you've changed your shampoo." Minjeong said and came out wearing only the bathrobe.

Jimin glanced at the showered Minjeong, looking all fresh. Minjeong was rubbing her wet hair with a small towel as she stepped forward.

"Y-Yeah. Uhm, I like the smell." Jimin cleared and tried to look away but it's difficult. Minjeong looks extra attractive now in front of her.

"Me too so I use some. Is that okay?"

"More than okay. You don't even need to ask." Jimin answered.

"Kay!" Minjeong squealed happily. She then grabbed the shirts on the bed and quickly wore it.

Jimin looks down on her Ipad, trying to read the email again but her mind isn't functioning anymore. She forgot how Minjeong used to be so comfortable to change in front of her and it has been so long since they've been in a room alone.

"Jimin ah. Can I use your hairdryer?"

Jimin slowly looks up and sighed in relief seeing Minjeong in her clothes now.


Jimin then stands up to help Minjeong instead.

"You know, I can do it myself." Minjeong giggled when Jimin drying her hair for her.

"I know. I still want to help." Jimin smiled.

"You smell like me now. I like it." Jimin said.

"I like it too because now I can smell good like you do." Minjeong replied.

"But you always smell good too."




After done, Minjeong let herself fall on Jimin's comfortable bed and rolled to the middle.

"Are you still doing your work this late?" Minjeong asked when she saw her Ipad on the bed.

"Only checking some emails but I'm done with it now." Jimin said and put her Ipad away. Jimin looks at Minjeong fondly as the girl let out a cute yawn.

"Jimin, I'm sleepy."

"Then we will sleep."

Jimin turned off the light before laying down beside Minjeong. She pulled up the comforter over them. Jimin hugged Minjeong from behind and placed a kiss on her hair.

"Goodnight, Minjeong."

"Mm, night."






Minjeong looked around as soon as she stepped inside the cafe. She walked straight to the corner when she saw Jaemin. 

"Minjeong! Finally."


"Come come, sit please."

Minjeong sit down acrossed him and Jaemin gave her the menu for her to order first as he ordered his food already. Once done, Jaemin doesn't waste any more time to ask her questions.

"So, how's life now huh, dear Ms famous photographer?" Jaemin grinned.

"Hahahaha you're just the same like Ryujin. But, life have been good."

"Oh. Speaking of that troublemaker, how is she?"

"She's doing great! She's working with my unnie but I think Taeyeon unnie is more stressed with her flirty behaviour rather than her work." Minjeong chuckled.

"She never change." Jaemin shakes her head.

"Well, I mean, It's Shin Ryujin. Also, she have a huuuugee crush on one of our marketing staff but guess what?"

"The girl is taken, again?"

"Yeah. Again."

Both Jaemin and Minjeong laughed. They are not even surprised anymore when Ryujin always have a crush on someone's taken already.

"How about you? How's thing going on with Minju?" Minjeong asked.

"All good. Umm, she's so amazing." Jaemin blushed and keep smiling as he remembered his girlfriend.

"Look at you getting shy talking about her." Minjeong laughed.

"Yeah." Jaemin laughed.

"How about you though? Any update about your love life?" Jaemin asked.

"Me? I'm just busy with works. I don't have time for that. I don't want a relationship if I'm still not even over her." Minjeong said while smiling.

"I think you really should just tell her about how you feel." Jaemin tried to encourage her.

"I know but... I don't want her to drift away from me again, Jae. I've experienced it once and I don't want to experience it for the second time."

"Then are you just going to love her in silence?"

"For now, yeah."

"But Minjeong-"

"I'll be fine. I'm good as long as I can still have her close. I just don't want to lose Jimin now, Jae."

Jaemin nodded his head and put his hand on Minjeong's hand on the table.

"Minjeong ah. I understand, but I still want to see you happy."

"I am happy already now, Jae."

"No. You are not completely happy. I let you go because I want to see you happy, remember? It has been what? One and a half year after university. I'm telling you, please confess." Jaemin said.

"I don't know..." Minjeong pouted.

"Hey. You can think about it first. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, Jaemin." 






Minjeong only chuckled when her team kept asking if its true they are going to do a photoshoot with Yoo Jimin, the gorgeous young CEO of Yoo Corps. 

"Yes. She'll be here in few minutes." Minjeong said.

"Oh my gosh!!"

The girls squealed while the boys kept fixing themselves, making sure they look decent in front of Yoo Jimin later on.


They heard someone yelled from the studio's entrance.

Minjeong just shakes her head seeing everyone was awestruck when Jimin walked in with her strong charisma, looking all confident and elegant.

Dear heart. Brace yourself. 

Jimin only bowed her hear slightly to everyone with her neutral face and as always, her eyes would be able to find Minjeong no matter how many people it is in one place. 

"Hi." Jimin greeted her softly and hugged her. 

"Hi, Jimin." Minjeong hugged her back. 

"You look good with your camera." Jimin whispered. 

"I'm a good looking photographer, remember?" 

"Right." Jimin smiled then pulled away. 

"You don't look bad yourself." Minjeong said as she scanned Jimin's stylish office attire. 

"Of course. I am Yoo Jimin, remember?" Jimin smirked and Minjeong only scoffed at her playfully. 

"Hi, unnie." Minjeong waved at Jihyo who has been at the back and she bowed at Minjeong. 

"You can take a seat while watching our young CEO doing her photoshoot." Minjeong told her. 

"Thanks, Minjeong!" Jihyo grinned and laughed with Minjeong, ignoring Jimin who only shakes her head at them. 

"Okay. So, we can start whenever you're ready." Minjeong told Jimin. 

"Well, in case you forgot..." Jimin leaned her face closer that their nose almost touch. 

"I'm always ready, Kim Minjeong." Jimin whispered. A lazy smirk appeared on her face as she managed to make Minjeong stood frozen. Jimin took that chance to turn her eyes lower at Minjeong's pretty lips before she looks up again at Minjeong's eyes. 

"Show me how good you are. I want to see myself in your lens." Jimin said before she stepped back and went to prepare herself for the shoot. 

Minjeong took a deep breath before telling everyone to be on their position and that the photoshoot is starting. She went behind her camera and adjusting her lens to snap good view of Jimin's photos. 

Why does she have to be this irresistible? 

Minjeong is struggling with her inner self while doing her job. Jimin's sharp eyes looking at her through the camera does not help either. It's as if Jimin's staring straight into her eyes and it's honestly killing her. 

Why does it feel so hot in here? 

Minjeong wiped her sweat with her long sleeve before continued taking more photos. She tried to ignore the loud pounding from her heart as she focus on Jimin to finish the photoshoot as soon as possible. 

"And that's a wrap! Think we're all done now." Minjeong announced. 

"Can I see the photos?" Jimin asked. 

"Yeah, sure. You can check them out here." Minjeong said and was about to move away but Jimin was faster, she went behind her and wrapped her right arm around Minjeong's waist as she leaned her body more onto her while staring at the screen in front of them. 

"Hmm." Jimin hummed while nodding, her hand rubbing Minjeong's waist. 

"Impressive. I love all of it." Jimin commented then tilted her head as she looked at Minjeong. 

"Good job, Ms Photographer." Jimin chuckled lightly.

"Ah. Its n-nothing." Minjeong blushed a little but still managed to give her lovely smile at Jimin. 

"Thought it'll take longer." Jimin said. 

"Yeah but um, basically you're not done yet. We still have to do the interview." Minjeong told her. 

"Right. Where are we doing it?" 

"In the dressing room, if it's okay with you? They have prepared some snacks and drinks for you too." 

"Okay. Lead the way." 

"Oh, my team will interview you and-" 

"I want you to be there with me too." Jimin said and looked into Minjeong's eyes. 

Now how am I supposed to say no to her? I can't. 

"Okay, let's go." 

Jimin smiled right away and hold Minjeong properly. 

"Lead the way, Kim Minjeong." 

Jimin put on her mic first before the interview, Minjeong was sitting not far from her behind the camera. That's enough for Jimin, as long as she can see Minjeong. The team was ready with their notebook before everyone settled down and proceed with the interview. 

Jimin introduced herself personally for the first time through an interview. She answered each and every questions flawlessly. 

"Next question. Who is Kim Minjeong to you?"

Minjeong blinked her eyes, she looked at the interviewer's face before she looked at everyone who were looking at her and Jimin back and forth.

"Kim Minjeong..." Jimin said Minjeong's name carefully. She chuckled before she looks up at the camera.

"I treasure her. A lot." Jimin answered honestly.

"My life is enriched by her presence. She is that important in my life. Kim Minjeong is precious to me." Jimin added.

She then turned to look at Minjeong who's looking at her already.

"And I hope she knows that." Jimin continued. 






For the past few days, Minjeong couldn't sleep well. She kept thinking of what Jimin said about her during the interview. Jimin have been vocal about how much she loves Minjeong as her best friend, but somehow this time... It feels different. 

Minjeong feels something is different with the way Jimin said it. It makes her feel things inside her fragile heart. Minjeong was a mess. She doesn't know what to do with her messed up mind. Jaemin and Ryujin told her to talk it out with Jimin and tells Jimin about her feelings.

However, Minjeong isn't brave enough. She isn't brave enough to get a rejection from Jimin. It hurts enough living with the thought of Jimin will never be hers. What more would she feel if Jimin were to reject her for real.

Minjeong have been hiding in her apartment and avoiding to meet anyone after that interview. She needs time to calm down but no, Jimin wouldn't leave her for long.

So when she got few missed calls from Jimin, she knew she were doomed. And she was right ahen she heard the bell rang after 20 minutes. She gulped and prepared for what's worse before finally opened the door. 

"Uh, hi? Why are you here?" Minjeong asked nervously, trying to smile at the serious face that's staring at her. 

"You can come inside first." Minjeong mumbled and stepped aside. 

Once Minjeong closed the door, she turned around only to face Jimin's back. 

"Um, do you want some water?" Minjeong asked. 

"Jimin?" She asked again when Jimin wasn't answering. 

"What were you doing, Kim Minjeong?" 


"I thought we've talked about this. I thought we agreed to never avoid each other no matter what happens. So, Kim Minjeong, what were you doing?" 


"And don't even bother to lie to me." Jimin said again.

Minjeong looks down. 

"Is it because of the interview?" Jimin asked.

"Does it bother you? What I've said during the interview?" Jimin asked again.

"Please say something, before I'm going crazy here." Jimin said and turned back around.

Minjeong bit her bottom lips. Jaemin's and Ryujin's advice kept replaying in her head.

"I..." Minjeong doesn't know why but she just felt like crying. The emotion that she's feeling right now is too much for her.

"I'm confused. Jimin I- I don't know."

Jimin softened at Minjeong's vulnerability. She approached her and cradle her face tenderly.

"What are you confused about?"


"I make you confused?"

"Yes..." Minjeong whispered.

"I thought I've been very clear with you."


"Do I really need to say it out loud for you to finally get it?"

Jimin sighed when Minjeong only looked up at her adorably. 

"Minjeong ah." Jimin called her name fondly.

"You should know by now..."

"That your best friend, Yoo Jimin, I..."

Jimin paused to make sure Minjeong is looking into her eyes before she said it to her.

"Am madly, deeply, completely, crazily in love with you."

There. Jimin finally have said it. She have finally confessed about her true feelings for Minjeong. Jimin takes Minjeong's hand and put it on her chest before leaning her forehead against hers. 

"My heart." Jimin whispered.

"It have been yearning for your love all this time. I've been longing for you. There's nothing I want more than being loved back by you." Jimin said truthfully.

"Each day I wake up, hoping that one day you will be able to see me as more than just your best friend. That one day I get to call you mine. That one day... One day, Kim Minjeong, I can love you without holding myself back."

"Because, Kim Minjeong, I'm done loving you in silence. I'm done loving you secretly."

Jimin then hold Minjeong's shoulders and rubbed her warmly. 

"Please..." Jimin whispered.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling this. I need to hear it from you. Please, Minjeong ah. Let's end this suffering now."

Minjeong closed her eyes and sniffed. Her tears fall out of her eyes and Jimin pulled away to stare at her. Jimin's teary eyes followed her. Jimin wiped her tears using her thumbs.

"I love you." Jimin said it loud and clear.

"W-When? When did you... Start to love me?" Minjeong asked while still closing her eyes.

"During our second year."

Jimin's answer made Minjeong opened her eyes in a second.

"Wha- That... T-hat was before I, I wasn't with Jaemin yet."

"Mm." Jimin nodded.

"You've been in love with me for that long?"

"Mm." Jimin nodded.

"B-But... Yeji-"

"I tried to move on from you, with her. I'm ashamed of myself for that. I thought I could get over you once I date someone else but when I found out you broke up with Jaemin, I just couldn't continue my relationship anymore so I-"

"I'm in love with you."

Jimin stopped midway and looked at Minjeong.

"Way before I got together with Jaemin." Minjeong said.

"Wait. What?"



"Let's date, Minjeong." 

Minjeong looked at Jaemin like he grew a horn on his head. 

"Let's go out. Let's get together."

"Jaemin, are you seriously asking me that?" 



"I like you." 

Minjeong laughed then smiled apologetically at him. 

"I'm sorry, no." 


"Um, I just can't." 

"Do you like someone else already?" 

Minjeong hummed and tilted her head. 

"I'm not sure... Yet. I still don't know about how I feel." 

"Then just date me first." 


"I'll help you figure out if you really like the other person or not."

"And that is by dating you?" 

"Yes. Let me court you while we're going out and let's see if you will fall for me or you will finally can confirm about your feelings for the person you have in mind." 

End of flashback. 


Jimin blinked her eyes and looked at Minjeong carefully.

"So, you only agreed to date him to figure out about how you feel for me?" Jimin asked, dumbfounded with what she just heard.

"Yeah... I mean, I never know how it feels like falling in love and... Well, Jaemin helped a lot in telling me the reason why I'm feeling all those feelings for you. So when we finally confirmed about my feelings, that's when we decided to just stay as friends instead."

"My god." Jimin massaged her temple.


"We could've avoided the heartache if only we confessed early." Jimin muttered.

"I... Didn't know. I can't say anything about it because I wasn't sure and when I finally figured it out, you were already with Yeji. I'm sorry..." Minjeong looked down.

"Hey, there's no need to apologise." Jimin told her sweetly.

"It's all in the past already, and it shall pass. We're here now." Jimin said.

"Did I make you feel sad a lot?" Minjeong asked.

"I can ask the same thing to you. Did I?" Jimin asked back.

"Let's just move on and forget about the past. We can't go back anyway." Jimin said when Minjeong didn't say anything.

"We've been hurting each other without us knowing, that's for sure. But now, we can make it up by making each other happy. That if... You want to accept me as your girlfriend."


Jimin smiled seeing Minjeong is blushing now that she processed what Jimin just said.

"Kim Minjeong, let's get married."

"Oka- huh? Wait. I thought you're asking me to be your girlfriend."

"I am asking you, Kim Minjeong..." Jimin paused to kiss Minjeong's eyes.

"To be my girlfriend, my fiancee, my wife, my all." Jimin said and caressed her both cheeks.

"Because I am ready to give you my name." Jimin whispered.

"Yoo Minjeong suits you a lot. Would you love that?"

Minjeong was about to answer when Jimin's thumb found it's way to Minjeong's soft lips. 

"Think I would like you to answer me a yes, by letting me kiss you." Jimin said honestly.

"Y-Yah..." Minjeong blushed furiously but pulled Jimin closer.

"I'm getting a yes, am I?" Jimin asked again and this time, she earned a shy nod from Minjeong as well as a cute tiny "yes" from her.

Jimin smiled widely before she hugged Minjeong's waist using one arm while her other hand still cradling Minjeong's face.

"I've been dying to do this ever since." Jimin muttered before she finally kissed Minjeong's lips tenderly.

"My Minjeong, I love you with all of me." Jimin confessed her heart all over again after kissing her.

"I feel the same for you. I love you, Jimin." Minjeong said and hugged Jimin tight.

"Thank you. Thank you for loving me back." Jimin hugged her tighter.

I am free to love her now. I can show her all my love. I can pour her all my love. And for her, I shall give my all. For Kim Minjeong, I will give my all. 










This is a long one shot. I just couldn't end the story so fast. Enjoy!

Love yall!


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Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 27 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
11 streak #8
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
728 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1195 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳