Me or Her (Sequel)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Minjeong woke up with a heavy headache. She blinked open her eyes and noticed that she's inside an unfamiliar room. She lifted up her hand to hold her head when she noticed there was a plaster wrapped around her wounded finger.

She frowned, trying to find a clue of who's room was she in and who brought her here but found no pictures at all in the room. 

She pulled off the blanket of her and sits up. She tried to find her phone but sighed when she couldn't find it so she went out of the room. She heard noises so she walked out and found herself at the kitchen. 

There she saw unfamiliar figure, cooking happily while dancing and singing to the pop song that was playing through the bluetooth speaker. 

"Oh god!"

Minjeong got startled too when the girl suddenly turned around and dropped her spoon.

"Hey! Hi! You're awake!" She greeted with excitement. She turned off the stove then went towards Minjeong. She holds her shoulders and scanned her face.

"Are you feeling hurt anywhere? Let me know so I can help you."

"Also! I brought all of your things but- well, everything's wet so I have to wash and dry it all. But some of your things are there at the coffee table, I don't know if I should check it for you if everything is still working or not so I just wait for you to wake up first. "

"And I'm cooking right now but it'll be done soon, so we can eat first then we check your things. Okay? Oh, you can borrow the unused towel and my clothes that I've prepared for you already. I put it on my study table."

Minjeong cleared once the girl stopped talking. 

"Who- Who are you?" She asked. The girl only smiled at her.

"Why don't you go freshen up first then we can start talking again? I have alot of questions and I will tell you about me too. Okay?"

Minjeong nodded slowly, still confused about what's happening.

"Go. I'll continue my cooking first."

Minjeong watches as the girl went back to her cooking, singing along to the song again. She then went back to the room to grab the towel and clothes that the stranger prepared for her before going to the bathroom.





Minjeong eat her food peacefully, praising the stranger's good cooking silently.

"That's awful." The girl said after Minjeong finished telling her everything.

She doesn't know why did she tell her about her life when she doesn't even know her. Maybe because of the fact that she's a stranger so Minjeong feels okay to tell her everything without worrying about being judged or pitied.

"Do you have a place to stay though?" She asked and Minjeong only shakes her head.

"Hmm. Then you can just stay here."

Minjeong looks up at her.

"I mean, I live alone. I don't mind having a roommate." She grinned at Minjeong.

"There's no need of you to pay me or anything. Maybe you can just help take care of the place and help me clean up, that'll be enough already." She told Minjeong.

"Why?" Minjeong asked.


"Why did you help me?"

"Why can't I?"

"You don't know me."

"Who says?"


"You always stays out of the spotlight and people tends to ignore your existence but that doesn't mean I don't know you."

"W-What do you mean?"

"I always saw you sleeping inside an empty classroom after school has ended. I always saw you walking alone. I always saw you eating with your best friend, Ning Yizhuo."


"Because I always stayed back too. I'm a part of the music club so we usually stayed back to sing and play with the instruments." 


"But, let me introduce myself properly. The name is Shin Ryujin, I will be your roommate from now on and your protector."


"If you agree, I promise I will help you."

"Help me with?"

"Getting your life back, of course."

"Why would you help me?"

"Minjeong, I'm not a heartless person."

"Yes. But why? What's the benefit for you?"

"Well, aside from I can help someone to be happy, I can now have a roommate too." Ryujin wiggled her eyebrows.

"And I need you to agree to let me help you then I will tell you about what will I get from this." Ryujin said.

"So you only help me because you will get something in return."

Ryujin gasped and holds her chest.

"I'm offended. My help is genuine. Is it wrong if I want to be your friend and help you?"


"Okay, look. Just let me help you and just stay here with me. I'm the one who found you out of your home after- you know. So it is my responsibility now to take care of you."

"Won't I... Be a burden though?" Minjeong asked in a low voice.

"Nonsense. I'm happy to help. So? Be my roommate. Pleaseeee?" Ryujin clasped her hands and pouted.

"Uh okay."

"Nice! Come on, we should hug to celebrate our first day of being roommate!"

Before Minjeong could react, Ryujin has already pulled her up to hug her tight.






After 2 days of skipping school, Minjeong is finally ready to come back. She's glad that Ryujin have been helping her and distracting her from being drowned in her sadness and pain.

"You can just drop me off before the gate." Minjeong told Ryujin who was busy whistling as she drives.


"Uh, won't people find it weird that we're coming to school together?"


"You're the popular kid while I'm just... A nobody?"

"I don't know if I get what you're trying to say but- nope. We're going to go together and you're not allowed to lie if people ask about us."

"What about us?"

"We're roommate, soulmate, whatever mate can be."


"Shhh. Its okay. You're under my care now so just follow me."

When Ryujin parked her range rover, she turned off her engine and grabbed her bag at the back seat. Then she turned at Minjeong only to see her looking outside longingly. Ryujin's smile disappeared instantly seeing the dance squad hanging together at the parking lot.

Ryujin quickly got out and opened the door for Minjeong. She cupped Minjeong's face before Minjeong could step outside.

"Can I request something?" Ryujin asked.

"Please don't look at her." Ryujin said.

"I- I'll try."

"Don't worry. I'll be with you." Ryujin smiled then helped Minjeong out. She closed the door for her again and locked her car.

"Ryujin with Minjeong?"

Ryujin heard someone from the dance team mentioned their names.

"Ignore everyone else and just focus on me." Ryujin whispered at Minjeong.

Ryujin looked at Minjeong's fidgeting hands.

"Focus on me okay." She reminded her again before taking Minjeong's hand.

Ryujin glanced at the dance team once and smirked when Jimin was looking. That's right, Yoo. You're a fool for hurting this angel. ​​​​​​






"You were gone for like 2 days and suddenly I felt left out by all the stories that I heard about you."

Minjeong smiled apologetically at Ning.

"Okay, I'm not going to scold you or anything. What's important is that you are fine. I still wished that you called me though. You know I would run there to save you."

"I know."

Ning sighed then pulled her into a hug. Minjeong hugged her back and snuggled her face into her shoulder.

"Is that the reason why you never want me to come over to your house?"


"You kept it a secret all this time and bear the pain alone?"


"Stupid. I'm your best friend, you shouldn't hide that kind of thing from me."

"I know."

"I would've saved you sooner if I knew."

"I know."

"Stop saying you know! I'm hurt that my best friend is hurting silently and here I thought you're-" Ning sobbed.

"I thought you're happy."

"I am, Ning."

"You aren't! Stop lying to me. I don't like it. From now on, don't ever lie to me and don't even try to hide your pain or your struggles anymore. Do you understand?"


Ning sighed and tightened her hold on Minjeong.

"I'm glad that you're back though."




"Minjeong, come and sit here."

"Minjeong is going to sit with me."


"Minjeong, do you want to try this?"

"Minjeong doesn't like that."


"Do you want some more, Minjeong?"

"Minjeong can always take some of mine."


"Yah. Back off."

"Did you just yah me?"

"I did."

"Yah! Why are you so rude?"

"I'm not! But you keep stealing Minjeong's attention from me!"

"Because she's my best friend!"

"Well she's my roommate!"


Murmurs and whispers filled the cafeteria now because of the scene caused by Ryujin and Ning. They were glaring at each other while Minjeong only mind her own business, too tired to care.

"Look. Minjeong is now under my care so I'll be the one to take care of her." Ryujin said.

"This isn't your home. You can take care of your roommate there but outside, anyone else can take care of her."

"Fine but stop being such annoying brat."

"What did you say?"

"Annoying brat."

"Oh you really-"

Ning leaned over to grab Ryujin's collar but Ryujin only rolled her eyes.

"Ningie." Minjeong called for her best friend softly which Ning immediately looked at her.


Ning pouted before she glared at Ryujin.

"Do you have somewhere to go after school?" Ning asked.


"Minjeong still need to rest. You can take her out to hang out next week." Ryujin told Ning. 

"Who are you again?" Ning asked in annoyance.

"I'm Minjeong's favourite."


"Ningie." Minjeong was quick to hold Ning down this time.

"Minjeong ahhh. Your roommate is such a meanie." Ning pouted. Ryujin only make more annoying face to provoke her.

"Ryujin." Minjeong sighed.

"Okay, fine." Ryujin raised her hands up.

"Heh." Ning smirked this time.

Tired of bickering, Ryujin and Ning finally stopped their fight and focused on Minjeong instead. Ryujin reached out her hand to fix Minjeong's fringe while she eats then she rested her chin on her palm as she just stares at her eating. Ning makes sure Minjeong is eating well and enough, giving some of her food to her plate too. 

While on the other table, Jimin was watching them. 

"Since when did they all become friends?" Yeji asked, one of the members from Jimin's dance team.

"Not sure. Gotta ask Lia next time." Yuna said, another member.

"Oh ya, you're close with that music club member." Somi said.

"Yeah. Maybe she knows since she's close with Ryujin too." Yuna said again.

"But does Ryujin like Minjeong or something? Are you okay, captain?" Somi asked Jimin teasingly.

"Hey. Captain broke up with her already." Sinb said.

"Right. You're with Minju now." Somi nodded.

"Ah. We- are not together yet." Minju laughed awkwardly.

"Ayy, no way. You two have been so attached with each other."

"I'm- well, waiting for Jimin." Minju blushed beside Jimin. Then the members start teasing them both.

"Jimin. What are you waiting for? Don't be a coward!" The member teased and laughed.

Jimin sighed and ignored her members. Minju smiled and rubbed her arm.

"Don't mind them." Minju told her.

"Yeah." Jimin smiled back at her. When she glanced back at Minjeong. She found the girl was inside Ryujin's embrace which make her frowned.


Jimin looked at the front, Yeji raised her eyebrows at her. Jimin shakes her head then tried to pay attention to Minju again.







Minjeong turned behind and found Jimin was approaching her.

"Where are you heading to?" Jimin asked.


"Ah. Do you have a ride already?"


Ryujin was running while laughing then she grabbed Minjeong's hand.

"Let's go home, before my friends force me to join them hanging out. I'm too lazy to hang out today." Ryujin said. Literally ignoring Jimin and dragged Minjeong to run with her.

"Let's go home? Did they live together?" 




"What's wrong?" Ryujin asked softly. She went towards Minjeong when Minjeong refused to enter the car.



"I miss her, Ryujin." Minjeong said.


They were interrupted when they heard sound of laughters. Ryujin saw Jimin with Minju, then their dance team were with them too. Minju was clinging onto Jimin's arm. Ryujin then looked at Minjeong who's about to cry again. 

"Come here." Ryujin then take her into her arms, comforting Minjeong with her hug.

"Why do you keep hurting yourself by looking at them? I told you to stop looking." Ryujin said. Minjeong only cried quietly and clutched on her shirt.

"I miss-"

"Don't, Minjeong. Just don't."

"I miss her." Minjeong sobbed.

"Aish. You're really stubborn." Ryujin hissed but still hugged Minjeong firmly.






Ryujin smiled in satisfaction when she introduced Minjeong to her music club members. She forced Minjeong to come with her and tricked her into joining the club.

"You said I'm here to watch you guys." Minjeong said.

"No, when did I say that?" Ryujin kept her innocent face.

"Ryujin." Minjeong squinted at her.

"Okay okay, sorry but- We are fun people. You will enjoy this, I promise. So please, please please be with us." Ryujin rubbed her palms together in front of Minjeong and make a cute face.

"Stop it, Ryu. You are not cute." Bangchan said and their friends laughed.

"Shut up, I'm trying to convince Minjeong here." Ryujin said.

"Sigh, fine."


So Minjeong spent time getting to know Ryujin's circle of friends. They were all just a bunch of crackheads. They can sing well and play the instruments well too. Minjeong didn't talk much but they never force her to talk so she doesn't feel pressured which she was very thankful.

"See? Fun, right? We even let you sing." Ryujin said, grinning as her back facing to the front and she's in front of Minjeong as she kept stepping back.

"Ryujin, you didn't let me sing but you begged me to sing."

"Same point!"

Minjeong sighed. Talking to Ryujin was almost like talking to her best friend, very annoying.

"But you still have fun, aren't you?" Ryujin asked.

"Yeah, I did have fun." Minjeong smiled.

"Of course! Whoever hang out with me will always have fun." Ryujin said smugly and Minjeong hummed.

Once they're outside the school's entrance door, Ryujin immediately offered her hand which Minjeong took naturally. Ryujin then finally facing to the front and swings their hands back and forth happily.

"Jeongie, dance with me."


"Not shy, not me! Yeahhh" Ryujin started to dance while singing randomly while holding Minjeong's hand. Minjeong looked around and smiled awkwardly when she noticed some students were watching them.

"Ryujiiin. Oh my god." Minjeong covered her face with her other hand. Ryujin only laughed and hugged Minjeong's shoulder.

"Your reaction was really cute." Ryujin said but Minjeong only groaned at her.






Minjeong was busy staring at the vending machine, thinking of which drinks she would want when someone greeted her.

"Hi, Minjeong."

"Oh, Hi?"

"Yeji, I'm a member at the dance club, with Jimin?"

"Ah. Hello." Minjeong bowed at her.

"We didn't get to talk at all, aren't we?"


"I'm glad now we're able to talk. Maybe we could be friends?"


Yeji smiled and then gestured Minjeong to give her a way to buy some drinks first. She bought two and gave one for Minjeong.

"Here, for you."

"Are you sure?" Minjeong asked.

"Yes. Take it."

"Okay. Thank you." Minjeong took the drinks.

"Yeji, why are you here?"

Yeji and Minjeong looked at Jimin and Minju behind them. Minjeong's eyes looked down on their holding hands before looking away.

"I thought we're going to practice?" Jimin asked.

"Relax, captain. You're not there yet too. I was just buying drinks for myself and Minjeong." Yeji said.

"Right, Minjeong?"

"O-Oh. Yeah."

Jimin frowned and cleared . She looked at Minjeong who didn't even look at her.

"Hi, Minjeong." Jimin finally greeted. Minjeong only bowed her head without looking at her still.

"I'll be at the practice room in 5. Don't worry." Yeji said.

"Let's go." Minju said tugging Jimin's hand.

"Yeah." Jimin mumbled and walked away with Minju unwillingly, she glanced at Minjeong and Yeji again. 

Yeji sighed once Jimin and Minju were far from them already. She reached out to hold Minjeong's shoulder.

"I know we're not friends and we never talk with each other but, I actually support you with Jimin last time. I'm sorry for what happened between you and her. I had a fight with her because of it too." Yeji chuckled.

"Why?" Minjeong asked, curious.

"Because she was a jerk- and stupid." Yeji shrugged.

"Oh. Umm, you don't have to do that. I mean, can't force her to be with me when she likes someone else already." Minjeong said.

"I'm not sure about that, Minjeong. I've known Jimin for a long time. When I said that she's stupid, I mean it."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Don't think about it. I just hope that you'll be fine. I hope it doesn't hurt as much for you. Just know, that you are such a sweetheart. And never blame yourself for anything, okay?"

"Umm, okay."

"Anyway, we're friends from now on. Yes?" Yeji then offered a handshake.

"Okay." Minjeong accepted her handshake.




"Why were you with Minjeong?" Jimin asked Yeji as soon as they were finished with their practice. Yeji was drinking her water at the corner when Jimin came to her.

"We're just chatting."

"You both aren't friends."

"That was before."

"Hwang Yeji."

Yeji scoffed and dropped her bottle harshly to the floor.

"What, Jimin? The last time I checked, you broke up with her. Even if you both were still together, she can be friends with anyone."

"Well, she can. But why are you suddenly approaching her?"

"Why can't I?"

"Do you like her?"

"Wah. Really now?"

"Do you?"

"Are you hearing yourself now, Jimin?!" Yeji raised her voice. Their dance members looked at them in silence, afraid to even do something to stop them.

"Just answer me, Yeji!"

"Ugh." Yeji tried to ignore her and turned her back on Jimin.

"So you do? Is that why you were so angry when I broke up with her? Because I hurt her-"

"You're too much, Jimin. Too much."

"What? It's true. Based on how you react-"

"So what if I like Minjeong??!! Huh?! You're the one who throw her away for Minju! She deserves better, you know. Someone who knows how to appreciate her! Not a selfish person like you, who only thinks about your own happiness and satisfaction! If I were to choose, I would very much prefer to be her friend rather than you! I don't want a friend like you, Jimin. You're- heartless." Yeji whispered the last word after yelling out all the words she had been holding on all this time.

"G-Guys, Please stop fi-"

"Stay out of this, Minju. This is between me and Jimin only." Yeji glared coldly when the girl tried to calm the situation down.

"You're just the same." Yeji looked at Minju in disappointment. Then Yeji grabbed her things and slammed shut the door.

"Hey, it's okay. She's just not in a good mood. She'll come around again." Minju told Jimin and holds her hand but Jimin pulled her hand away.

"Everyone can leave."


"Minju? I'm tired. I want to be alone."


Jimin didn't wait for Minju and left. She wondered where did she go wrong. How did she come to this point. What's making her confused and what she really want. She felt bad for ignoring Minju so she called Somi to ask her to send Minju back home. Just then she saw Minjeong's coming out of an empty classroom alone. Minjeong. No, not now.

She wanted to talk to Minjeong again. She admitted that she misses her but Minjeong have been so distant nowadays. She would just answer her with one word and that's it. She thought they could be friends again. She thought everything will be okay between them. She was happy with Minju, but why does it feel like something is just not right?

So Jimin think again, why? Why did she break up with Minjeong? Minju. She likes Minju. Minju made her heart fluttered. But then why now she doesn't feel it anymore? Why she keeps on thinking about Minjeong? Why does it bother her that Minjeong is now seems to have something going on with Ryujin? Why does she feel annoyed when Yeji approached Minjeong? Why does she feel irritated when Minju told her to just forget about them and let them be? Just why?

Or maybe, she's just not used to not having Minjeong coming to her and contacting her anymore? Is that it? Jimin doesn't know but she desperately need to know the answer to all her questions inside her head.











Woah. I'm surprised by the amount of comments from the previous chapter. I didn't expect that...

You guys react so well for an angst story, should I give more angst then? 

Anyway, here's the sequel. I can write more when my headache is gone now so, enjoy! Have a good day/night!



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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
719 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story