She's My Wife? - Part 3

Winrina = Jiminjeong

It has been a week after the announcement. Minjeong refused to go out yet. The impact was not something she would have expected. When she tried to search her name and Jimin's, they were still trending. Everyone kept talking about how shocked they were that the youngest Yoo decided to settle down first before her brother. Some articles also posted about their history of attending the same college 4 years ago.

Minjeong let out a heavy sigh as she does not really want to remember the past. It was not full of rainbows, there were thorns and pain. Now, She was busy settling her stuff as she finally listened to her father's advice on working with Jimin instead. She pouted since she will miss all those aunts and unnies that are willing to help her anytime and have been spoiling her a lot at the office.

"You're up."

Minjeong turned her head to the door, Jimin gestured her to come with her so she got off the bed. She was just laying down after shower.

"I thought you left already."

"I did." Jimin muttered.

Minjeong looked at the food that was being set up on the table.

"I went to buy you a breakfast, since I forgot to buy groceries yesterday." Jimin said and looked at Minjeong's brightened face.

"Is this fine with you?" Jimin asked and motioned to the food.

"More than fine." Minjeong said gleefully and took a seat already.

Jimin hid her smile and sits beside Minjeong. It's one thing that Minjeong noticed too from Jimin. Jimin does not like to sit far from her. She would prefer to sit beside her instead of in front of her.

"Won't you be late for work?" Minjeong asked.

"I'm my own boss, it won't be a problem." Jimin answered coolly.

"Ohhh. That's fun." Minjeong said and took one doughnut, she hummed delightfully as soon as she took a bite.

Jimin smiled softly behind her mug and took a sip of her coffee, only accompanied Minjeong eating as she enjoys her coffee silently.

"You're done?"

"Yeah." Minjeong smiled at her and drinking her juice.

"Aeri have prepared everything, and a room for you at the company. If you want, you can start working by tomorrow." Jimin told her.

"Really? Uh, what about the previous head of marketing?" Minjeong asked in concerned.

"Well, we have transferred him to the other headquarter and offered more training which he gladly took."

"Ah, I'm glad then. I wouldn't want someone to be fired because of me." Minjeong said.

"I know. Don't worry."

Jimin then looked at her wristwatch and cleared .

"I will go now. You should enjoy your last day of being unemployed." Jimin said.

"Oh. Okay." Minjeong scratched her head.

"Take care." Minjeong said.

"Mm. Thank you." Jimin replied, then stood up and put her hand on the back of Minjeong's head gently, bending down to peck her forehead.

"Call me if you need anything." Jimin told her.


Minjeong only watched as Jimin left. She slumped her shoulders and touched her forehead.

Jimin does not smile often, most of the time she seemed cold and only have a blank face, but she has been treating her with so much care and being gentle with her. Jimin does not seem to have a problem in doing sweet things to her despite of her cold expression. Minjeong does not question all of Jimin's sweet actions since the older said she takes the marriage seriously. She also mentioned that she's proving herself to be worthy of having her own family and that she can take care of Minjeong just fine.

Minjeong should be happy. Even if a marriage with Jimin was not even in her future plan, at least her wife is still treating her well. Yet, she can't find herself enjoying Jimin's affection completely. The past that she wanted to bury deep and far away from her mind and memory, all comes back at once now. The pain that she tries to forget, she feels it again now.






Jimin put her hands into her pocket as she thinks of every moment she had with Minjeong including this morning when she enjoyed her breakfast with Minjeong. 

"Mind sharing me what's on your mind?"

Jimin finally snapped out of her thoughts as Aeri asked her that. They were both inside the elevator after meeting the clients outside, going back to their office now.

"It's nothing." Jimin mumbled lowly and stepped out as soon as they reached her floor. She went straight to her office room, but Aeri still followed her inside, refusing to let Jimin get away.

"Do you like your wife already, Jimin?"

"We're in the office now, Aeri."

"I know, and I'm not talking to you as your assistant now. No- don't even say anything to give me an excuse. You've been avoiding in explaining to me about what's really going on with you. And no- we can't wait until we meet outside work to talk about this, because you, my best friend, have always gone home early nowadays."

Jimin frowned and was thinking to argue back, but she knows it would be useless since Aeri was giving her a cold stare. She groaned and slumped her body down on her swivel chair.

"So, back to my question." Aeri continued and took a seat in front of Jimin.

"Do you like Minjeong now, Jimin?" Aeri asked.

Jimin closed her eyes and clenched her fists. Aeri took note of that but did not comment anything as she just waited for Jimin's honest answer.

"I always have."

One second... Two seconds... Three... Four... Five... Aeri does not even blink, but she moved her body forward to look at Jimin properly.

"What did you say?" Aeri asked again.

"I think- I never stop liking her." Jimin confessed.

"You never stop- Wait, what? What do you mean by you never stop liking her? You like her even before this marriage?" Aeri asked in shocked.

Jimin looked at Aeri and sighed heavily before nodding her head as she looked away.

"I remembered everything about her, Aeri. The first time we met, the first time I knew that I like her, even until the last time I saw her after we graduated. I have always liked her."

"The hell, Jimin. But back then, you almost dated her best friend!" Aeri exclaimed.

"And that was the huge mistake I've ever made." Jimin sighed again, still feeling the aches in her heart whenever she remembered the foolish decision she made when she was still in college.

"I thought it was really Jeno. I mean, your someone." Aeri frowned.

Jimin smiled sadly and looked down at her lap.

"It's Minjeong, Aeri. It has always been her for me." Jimin whispered, sighing again.

"It's just- She never looks at my way, but Jeno did." Jimin frowned as she remembered it all again. She groaned and rubbed her face.

"Was that why you almost agreed to date Jeno instead? That's really stupid of you." Aeri said, shaking her head at Jimin.

"No. That wasn't the reason." Jimin quickly said.

Jimin looked at Aeri who were looking at her with her bored face.

"Continue and tell me everything, or you will never go home today." Aeri said and crossed her arms.

"Now, from the start. Tell me, what really happened?" Aeri asked.

Jimin bit her bottom lip and sits up straight, preparing herself to let Aeri know her secret from 4 years ago including her hidden feeling for Kim Minjeong.

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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
719 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story