Would You?

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"You know, you have been gatekeeping me since high school. One day, you have to let me go. I want to experience romance too, Jimin."

Jimin only stares at her best friend when she told her that. Minjeong shook her head while smiling at Jimin. Jimin have been obsessed and possessive over her. Minjeong still finds it cute though. 

"You- You want to be in a relationship?" Jimin slowly asked.

"Mhm!" Minjeong nodded her head vigorously.

"I want to fall in love, Jimin. I want to go on a date. I want a marriage. It will be a beautiful life, don't you think? I just want to experience it all." Minjeong said, swinging her feet as she hums softly. They were now sitting on a bench outside their university.

"Well. I can give you that." Jimin said.

"Huh?" Minjeong frowned, looking at Jimin.

"We're already together for a long time anyway. Just upgrade our status. Like, be my girlfriend, be my wife. I can marry you. I can give you that life that you want." Jimin said again.

Minjeong blinked her eyes in confusion before she chuckled softly.

"I don't know that my best friend would be this crazy." Minjeong then pinched Jimin's cheek.

"Silly Jimin. I know you love me so much, Jimin ah. But, we can't stick together forever." Minjeong told her.

"Why can't we?" Jimin asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Because one day, you are going to fall in love and get married too." Minjeong laughed after that, and told Jimin to stop fooling around before she excused herself to go to the restroom, and asked Jimin to look after her bag.

"But I'm not playing around." Jimin whispered as she looked at Minjeong's back view.

"I really want it all with you, Minjeong ah."










The next day, Jimin was surprised to find out a rumour about her best friend. A popular guy from the basketball team was asking her out. So, she tried to prepare herself when she finally sees her best friend.

"Guess what, Jimin ah??"

Jimin only looked at Minjeong with her blank stares as Minjeong grinned widely at her.

"Jaehyun asked me out!"

Jimin's heart clenched hearing the information that she has already known.

"What should I do? I mean, he's a good guy." Minjeong bit her bottom lip, showing nervousness.

Jimin looked down and smiled sadly. She had to remind herself that this is for her best friend's happiness, her best friend who just happens to be someone she's in love with too.

"Well. You said you want to experience dating."


Jimin then looked at her best friend, eyes filled with sadness, but defeated by the adoration she has for her beloved best friend. So, she tried to let out a happy smile for Minjeong.

"Then you should go for it, Minjeong ah." She said with a heavy heart.

"Really?" Minjeong asked, she sounds excited too. However, she suddenly squinted her eyes at Jimin.

"You are not going to sabotage him, right?" Minjeong asked again.

"Do you really want to go out with him though?" Jimin asked her back.

"Well, yeah. I mean, it's not often that someone decent would ask me out." Minjeong answered, pouting cutely that Jimin had to hold herself from hugging the hell out of her.

So, Jimin only smiled slightly and nodded her head.

"Then go." Even if it will break my heart.










It was finally Minjeong's date night with Jaehyun, and Jimin agreed to help her to choose her outfit for her first date. While waiting for Minjeong to change, Jimin went outside to Minjeong's balcony to enjoy the night breeze.

"Do you think this is really okay, Jimin?"

Jimin turned around and took a deep breathe as she scanned Minjeong from head to toe. Unbelievable.

Her best friend looks so fine, that Jimin cursed Jaehyun in her mind for being so damn lucky to score a precious date with Kim Minjeong. Jimin can't help, but to fall more in love with her best friend that it starts to hurt so much.

"You look breathtakingly beautiful, love." Jimin said in all honesty, and stares openly at Minjeong as she checked her best friend out.

Minjeong raised her eyebrows, heat rushed into her cheeks. She pouted as she walked towards Jimin.

"Don't make me shy like that." She whined cutely.

Jimin only smiled and stares softly at her, caressing her cheek as she tries to take in Minjeong's beautiful appearance, wishing that it was her that Minjeong was going on a date with.

"So, should I go like this?" Minjeong asked.

"Mm." Jimin hummed, eyes still staring at Minjeong lovingly.

"I really look beautiful right now?" Minjeong asked again.

Jimin gulped silently, only nodded her head.

"Very." She whispered.

Minjeong giggled, then hugged Jimin as she thanked her for supporting her and being the best friend anyone could ever have. Jimin hugged her back tightly, silently wishing for her heart to be strong enough to bear the pain of finally letting Minjeong go on her first date.

"Okay, I'm going to go now!" Minjeong pulled away and fixed her dress once again. Then she looked at Jimin who was looking down, sadness occupying Jimin's chest now.

"Jimin? Are you okay?" Minjeong asked, worried.

"I don't know. I suddenly feel like not letting you go with him."

"Yaaah. You promised!" Minjeong whined and held Jimin's hands.

"I know, but I really want to be selfish and choose myself."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Minjeong tilted her head.

"Would you stay and don't go if I ask you to?"

Minjeong rolled her eyes, chuckling as she cupped Jimin's face and squeezed her cheeks using her palms.

"Stop being silly. It's too late for that. Oh, he's going to be here in 5 minutes. I have to go!"

When Minjeong turned around to leave, Jimin speaks again.

"Would you stay if I tell you that I love you?"

Minjeong turned back around again, and looked at her. She smiled, eyes twinkled in fondness. She stepped forward and circled her arms around Jimin's shoulders.

"I love you too, my dear Jimin. But, it's not the time to get sulky with me. I'll pamper you tomorrow, I promise." 

Jimin tried to smile and helped to fix Minjeong's hair. Minjeong giggled and pecked Jimin's cheek before she grabbed her purse and left the apartment. Jimin stood still, remains unmoved as she stares at the door where Minjeong had just left. She raised her hand to clutch onto her chest as she blinked her teary eyes. Why does it hurt so much?

"I wish that you wouldn't go... Minjeong ah." 










It turned out, that the date went well. Minjeong was happy. Jaehyun was nice. Jimin was happy for her best friend, she should be. Nothing else matters, but Minjeong's happiness. Yet, the pain in her chest just intensifies the more she sees her best friend being happy with him.

Jimin had to endure her heart aches all over again whenever Minjeong had to mention about Jaehyun, but she swears that she would still going to be there even if she's going to bleed to die. That's just how much in love she is with her oblivious best friend.

It was a week after the first date, Jaehyun had finally asked for a second date instead of just texting and calling every day and night. Minjeong said yes, again. Jimin thought she would be able to hold herself back and to continue watching her best friend become happily in love from afar. But, no. It's suffocating her. She needs to let it all out.

"Jimin ah! I'm going to go now okay."

"I'm in love with you." Jimin said when Minjeong turned to leave for the second date.

Minjeong froze, she didn't give a reaction. Jimin slowly looked up and gulped seeing Minjeong's back.

"I've been in love with you for as long as I know."

This time, Minjeong slowly turned her whole body to look at Jimin whose eyes were filled with tears already.

"J-Jimin ah..."

Jimin chuckled weakly, and looked away.

"I know that you like Jaehyun a lot, and it hurts me to see you like someone for the first time. You've been trying to look for someone else, yet here I am, who got my eyes on you and you only." Jimin looked at Minjeong again. Her heart clenched seeing the confused look on Minjeong's face.

"I'm not going to stop you from finding someone. I'm not going to come in your way anymore."

Jimin stepped forward, and cupped Minjeong's face gently.

"My dream was to just be with you, to have you as mine. But for you, just for you, I'm going to change my dream." Jimin sighed and rest her forehead on Minjeong's forehead, thumbs caressing her cheeks softly.


"I want you to fly high, and be free to find your happiness. That's my dream, to see you happily in love with your chosen one." Jimin said.

"So, go, love. Go and find your happiness." Jimin pulled away slightly to look at Minjeong, and smiled painfully.

"And if ever things are not going well, know that I'm always here for you. I will always be here for you. You just have to call me, and I'll be here. For now, I'm letting you go, because I love you. I want you to be happy, Minjeong ah."










After a month...


"Hey, here."

Minjeong snapped out of her thoughts, looked up at Jaehyun who was smiling at her as he handed her a canned drink.

"Thanks." She mumbled, and took it.

Jaehyun then took a seat beside her as he drinks silently. The two of them were just sitting on a bench outside their university, facing the open field where students usually hang around and chilling after classes.

"I'm sorry." Jaehyun suddenly apologised.

"Huh?" Minjeong looked at him with a furrow eyebrow.

Jaehyun smiled softly as he looked back at her. Minjeong smiled too, Jaehyun have been a good company and she enjoyed spending her time with him even though a certain Yoo would still invade her mind all the time.

"I'm sorry if I'm being too much, you know... I kept asking you to spend time with me."

"Oh. No, I said yes. I wanted to." Minjeong replied.

"I know. You're a good person, Minjeong."

"Ah..." Minjeong looked down on her feet.

"Too good that you can't tell me no."

"W-What?" Minjeong looked at him again with wide eyes.

Jaehyun chuckled, shaking his head before looking to the front. He might be smiling, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I've tried to earn your attention. I've used all the time we spent together as best as I could. But, it seems like there's always something bothering you."

"I... Jaehyun, I enjoyed going out with you."

"I know, but it's not enough to me."


"I want all of your attention, Minjeong."

Jaehyun then sighed, and he slowly grabbed Minjeong's hand. Minjeong kept quiet as she stared at her hand that was being held by Jaehyun now.

"I really like you, Minjeong." Jaehyun told her, and squeezed her hand.

"I..." Minjeong blinked her eyes, it has been for many times already that Jaehyun have said it to her.

"Hey, lover boy! Come on, practice will be in 5 minutes!"

They were interrupted by Jaehyun's teammates as the boys after calling him. Jaehyun laughed and shooed them, before he focused back on Minjeong. 

"Oh. I forgot, your jacket was still in my bag. I'll get them for you first. Wait here." Jaehyun said then ran to get Minjeong's jacket.

Minjeong only frowned and stared at her right hand that Jaehyun held earlier. Jaehyun didn't usually hold her hands, as Minjeong always kept her hands to herself or would always be the first to pull away. Because it feels weird when he holds her.

"Earth to Minjeong~"

Minjeong looked up, this time seeing her very own best friend. Jimin raised her eyebrows at Minjeong's blur face. She chuckled when Minjeong does not seem to snap out of her blur moment yet.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked her softly as she put her right palm on Minjeong's left cheek gently. Only then, Minjeong sighed and leaned against Jimin's soft touch.

"Tired?" Jimin asked again. Minjeong only hummed and stood up as she grabbed her bag.

Jimin saw that Minjeong was holding a drink with her left hand, so she took Minjeong's bag instead and slung it over her shoulder. She grabbed Minjeong's free hand and intertwined their fingers naturally, and Minjeong found herself leaning her body closer against Jimin as tightened her hold on Jimin.

"Ready to go?" 

"Oh, but-"


Jimin looked at Jaehyun who was running lightly towards them, he glanced at her before looking at Minjeong and gave her back her jacket.

"Thanks." Minjeong thanked him and smiled.

"Yeah, no problem. Um, going home?" Jaehyun asked, a little bit awkward now that Jimin was there.

"Yes. Jimin will send me home as usual."

"You know, I can always spare my time to send you home." Jaehyun said.


Minjeong glanced at Jimin who have been quiet, and looking straight to the front.

"It's okay, Jimin usually stays over too. So, it's fine." Minjeong said.

"Oh." Jaehyun frowned.

"I'll call you later then." Jaehyun said.


Jaehyun tried to lean closer to peck Minjeong's cheek, but Minjeong cleared and shook her head slightly. Jaehyun looked confused at first, but Minjeong gestured that there's Jimin. He noticed Jimin's subtle glare too. So, he nodded.

"Did he always peck your cheek when you guys part ways?" Jimin asked once Jaehyun left.

"He... Yeah, he did that." Minjeong answered.


Jimin then just pulled her as she started walking, leaving the university's field to go to her car at the parking lot. Unknown to them, Ning and Aeri, their close friends who have been there with them since high school too, have been watching the scene from when Jimin went to Minjeong earlier.

"They look more of a couple than when Minjeong with Jaehyun." Ning said.

"Minjeong surely is taking her time in figuring out her feelings." Aeri commented.

"Let her be. As long as she will finally figure it out one day."

While on the other hand, Jaehyun watches for a million times, how Minjeong would lean on Jimin naturally whenever Jimin was near her or is holding her close. 






Minjeong have been thinking, she did enjoy Jaehyun's company, but after Jimin's confession, she couldn't stop thinking of it. Not that Jimin was never on her mind before the confession, Jimin always has. Even during her first date with Jaehyun, Minjeong talked more about Jimin to him. Telling him many good memories about her time with Jimin.

So, it's true. When Jaehyun said that Minjeong seems to always have something bothering her whenever they went out for their date, it's so much true. 

"Are you up for a ramen? I feel like eating one tonight." 

Minjeong looked at Jimin who was in her kitchen, checking her cabinet if she has enough ramen for them.

"Or... Are you going out with Jaehyun later?" Jimin suddenly paused to ask her that as she looked at Minjeong who was sitting down on her couch.

"No." Minjeong shook her head.

"Okay. So, ramen?" Jimin asked again.

"Are you still in love with me?" Jimin froze as soon as that question came out of Minjeong's mouth.


"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"


"Would you pursue me if I ask you to?"

"What?" Jimin frowned, she tried to look at Minjeong's eyes to know if the younger girl is being serious or not.

"I'm... I've been confused, Jimin. After..." Minjeong rubbed her face and sighed.

Jimin quickly approached her and sat beside her, she wrapped an arm around her shoulder before she pulled her closer.

"I didn't mean to confuse you with my confession. For that, I am sorry." Jimin told her softly, she cupped Minjeong's face with one hand and turned her face to her.

"I just- seeing you going out with Jaehyun, pushed me to finally confess to you. I don't hope for you to return back my feelings, or for you to stop seeing him after I confess. I only need to let it out of my chest. And if my confession, somehow makes you-" Minjeong shook her head, stopping Jimin from finishing her sentence.

"I didn't mean it that way, Jimin." Minjeong said.


"Yes, I am confused after you confessed. It was because... Because, it makes me think more of you even when I'm with Jaehyun. I already think of you before your confession, but it's getting impossible to stop when..." Minjeong paused, as she gulped.

"When I keep thinking about your confession. I'm not confused about Jaehyun, I..." Minjeong looked at Jimin carefully, and the older woman only gestured her to continue.

"I know that I like him. I wouldn't go out with him if I don't."

"Hmm." Jimin nodded.

"But..." Minjeong fidgeted with her fingers.

"But I'm confused, because I feel happy."

"You feel happy? Isn't that good?" Jimin asked.

"Not because I know I like Jaehyun. I feel happy when you confessed. So, it makes me confused."

"Huh? Oh..." Jimin blinked her eyes, her heart was pounding against her chest.

"I don't know what I want. I mean, you are my best friend, of course you are my favourite person. You will always be. And there's Jaehyun now, I like him. He is kind to me."

"Thank you. You are my favourite person too." Jimin said.

"And you don't have to think too much about how I feel about you. I'm glad that now I got to tell you, that's enough for me." Jimin added.

Minjeong pouted and punched Jimin's shoulder.

"Ow. Why?" Jimin frowned and rubbed her shoulder.

"I don't want to lose you, Jimin."

"Who says you will? I'm here to stay." Jimin quickly said.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You don't. You make me happy."

Minjeong glared at her when she said that, Jimin chuckled, knowing what's bothering her best friend now.

"Aw, are you that worried about me?"

"This is not funny."

Jimin burst out laughing. She pinched Minjeong's cheek before she pulled her against her chest, then laid her back on the couch. She hugged Minjeong's waist, letting Minjeong snuggled her face into her neck.

"I told you, I am not going anywhere. I will always be here, waiting for you. So, Minjeong ah, just go out and be happy. Like I said, I'll be right here if ever things going wrong." 

"You promise."











"You seem to be smiling a lot nowadays." Jaehyun mentioned.

"Am I?" Minjeong tilted her head, and looked at him. He chuckled, nodding his head.

"I like it."

"Ah." Minjeong shrugged, and happily sipping her drinks.

"So, Minjeong."


Jaehyun leaned his body to the table. They were in the cafeteria now. Minjeong was eating alone, when Jaehyun joined her instead of his friends.

"It's been so long, I kind of miss you. I would like to take you out on a date tonight." Jaehyun said, smiling widely at her.

"O-Oh..." Minjeong stuttered. She used to look forward to going out with Jaehyun. Like she said, she always likes his company. 

"I-" Just then, Jimin entered the cafeteria with Aeri, Ning and their other friends. Jimin was looking down on her phone, so she didn't see Minjeong yet.

Minjeong glanced at her mobile phone on the table as a notification alerted her, it was Jimin's name. She glanced back at Jimin, and waited for her to look at her. After a few seconds, Jimin finally looked around and saw her. A bright smile appeared on her face as soon as Jimin smiled at her.

"Jaehyun, I'm sorry. I don't think I can go out with you tonight." Minjeong said, she didn't wait for the confused Jaehyun to say anything else as she stood up and ran lightly towards Jimin.


"I'm taking Jimin with me first. Bye guys!" Minjeong giggled as she dragged Jimin with her. Their friends only shrugged their shoulders as they are used to Minjeong's randomness, especially when kidnapping Jimin along with it.

Minjeong panted once they were outside, Jimin chuckled and wiped off her sweat using her long sleeve.

"I thought we're eating lunch together." Jimin said.

"Jaehyun asked me out again."

"Oh." Jimin nodded, keeping a small smile on her face and Minjeong hates to see a glint of sadness in her eyes.

"But I said I can't." She said and hugged Jimin's waist when Jimin was about to ask her why, she leaned her head against Jimin's right shoulder as she looked up at Jimin adorably.

"Jimin ah." Minjeong whispered.

"Hm?" Jimin tried to calm her heart, she's used to this. After all, they were both clingy to each other. But it's always making her heart jump whenever Minjeong initiated it.

"Would you ask me out on a date if I want you to?" 

"Well, I would." Jimin replied slowly, still trying to stay calm. She cleared , before rubbing Minjeong's back gently.

"Is that what you want?" Jimin asked in a soft whisper. Minjeong thought back about Jimin's confession. It makes her happy, she wants to know how would she feel when Jimin ask her out.

"And if I said yes?" Minjeong asked back.

"Then, do you want to go out with me instead?" Jimin asked.

"Would it be a date?"

"Only if you want it to be a date."

Minjeong raised her eyebrows, she chuckled and hugged Jimin properly. Jimin hugged her back naturally, like always. Minjeong closed her eyes.

"Minjeong ah."


"Would you let me take you out on a date?"

Minjeong opened her eyes, she can't stop her smile. She is happy. Jimin makes her happy. Jimin asked her, and it makes her feel giddy. I love Jimin.

She sighed in relief, finally not feeling confused anymore. She understands it now. She likes Jaehyun, she does. However, what she feels for him can't be compared to what she feels for Jimin. Jimin is special to her, have always been. She can't like anyone else more than her own best friend. Jimin will always be her number one.

"Yes, please."


And with that, Jimin smiled. She smiled so genuinely for the first time after so long. She tightened her hug on Minjeong, and pecked her head.

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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
719 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story