I woke up to the smell of garlic, it seems that I was really tired yesterday that I slept in the sofa again. When I opened my eyes I saw Ms. Im cooking. When did she get here? I stood up and walk closer to her. I was trying to figure out what was happening. Maybe I'm just dreaming, I hugged her from the back and it felt real. 

NY : "Dr. Yoo?"

I came to my senses and realize what happened yesterday, I thought those were part of my dream. I was embarrassed that I just said I'm going to take a bath as if nothing happened.

I lived alone for a long time that when Nayeon came here it became a warmer place. I never had home made cooking after I moved out of my parents place. I drove her to the daycare. 

NY : "Dr. Yoo thank you."

JY : "You're welcome Ms. Im."  I took my helmet off because I can't hear her clearly.

NY : "Here you go."

JY : "What this?"

NY : "You only eat apple for lunch that's not healthy. That's your packed lunch."

JY : "You didn't have to, thank you Nayeon-ssi! I should be going."

NY : "One more thing before you go."

I wonder what she wants. I looked in to her eyes she didn't say any word to me. She just walk closer then suddenly gave me a kiss. I was surprised I couldn't say any word to her. 

NY : "Gaja, I'll see you later Dr. Yoo take care." 

She run off after that. 

The conference room was empty when I got here.  I was puzzled and spacing out while waiting for the others then Dr. Park and Dr. Myoui came in.

MN : "Unnie am I the only one seeing this?"

JH : "Omo what sort of sorcery is this?"

JY : "Well I had to drop your sister to school."

MN : "Ahhh so unnie is winning? haha."

JH : "I don't mind you falling in love with her but don't ever think of hurting her."

MN : "Yeah! We're not going to go easy on you just because you're a friend."

JY : "Eeeeh? What are the two of you talking about? I don't have bad intentions, the truth is I don't have any intentions at all."

JH : "Just don't forget what we said."

JY : "Why does it feels like you two are older than her?"

MN : "She maybe the oldest in the family but she is the baby of this company and anyone who try to hurt her can go straight to hell."

DH : "Whose going to hell? Haha." Dahyun and Tzuyu finally showed up.

JY : "Good thing that you two came I was being roasted by these two."

TY : "Ohh hyung since we started working here this is the first time that you got here first before we do."

MN : "You're always late that seeing you early makes everyone surprised."

JY : "Arraso I'll try to do better from now on."

JH : "You better." She looked at me with those sharp eyes, I know she's not talking about being late.

And as the meeting goes on I started to be consumed by what happened earlier. She probably did that just for that bet.

JH : "......Next week will be our yearly festival. We already had the committee but I want to ask you guys to be part of this. Mina already agree to sing."

TY : "You can count me out."

JY : "Me too haha." I said and gave Tzuyu a High five.

JH : "You two haven't even thought about it yet."

TY : "I did haha, if you want I can ask Sana unnie and Momo unnie."

JH : "Arasso. Dr. Kim how about you play something for us?"

DH : "If I have someone maybe I can. I get really nervous crowds."

JH : "Then will pair you up with Momoring."

DH : "But we don't know yet if they'll say yes."

TY : "Don't worry Dr. Kim those two are coming in today, I'll convince them."

MN : "And what does Dr. Yoo plan to contribute?"

JY : "Haha I'm going to do the most important part, I'll be cheering for you guys."

JH : "You don't really listen to us.

MN : "At least now she listen to someone." 

DH, TY : "Ehhhhh? Who?"

JY : "Ani, I'm just trying to be better now."

JH : "Arraso that concludes are meeting. I'll see you guys at lunch."

Ever since I got here those two didn't stop threatening me. I wonder if Nayeon would love to go to the festival since she doesn't have anything beside the Daycare. I should try asking her.


I started practicing before we even had the meeting today. While practicing I keep thinking about Chaeyoung lately she hasn't been coming here, I forgot the last time I saw her and I don't know how to get in touch with her.

I was looking through the daily news paper when I saw an article about Chaeyoung.


Is this the reason why she's not coming here? She could've just told me that she's already dating someone

Is this the reason why she's not coming here? She could've just told me that she's already dating someone. Wait why am I upset? We're not even going out. 

DH : "And why are you talking to yourself Minari?"

MN : "Omo don't scare me like that. What are you doing here?"

DH : "Ohh sorry, it's time for lunch lets go to the cafeteria together."

MN : "Ahhh arraso."

When we got to the cafeteria everyone was already there expect for Jeong.

MM :"Anyeong Dahyunnie :)"

DH : "Good morning Momoring."

SN : "Ohayo Mina-chan! Dr. Kim!"

MN : "Ohayo :)"

JH : "Sana-chan, Momoring we have a favor to ask you."

TY : "Will you two participate in our festival?"

SN : "Ohh anything for my Tzuyu but I don't think I can perform I don't have enough time to practice. Can I be the emcee?"

JH : "That's a great idea we can be partners."

SN : "Then I'll be on your care."

MM : "Hmm I don't know what to perform in this kind of events."

MN : "Don't worry Momo-chan we already talked about this. Dahyun agreed to play the piano for you."

DH : "If Ms. Hirai is fine with me."

MM : "I'm happy to partner up with someone like you  Dr. Kim."

DH : "It's my pleasure."

Everyone was busy talking about there performance while I was busy trying to figure out what did Chaeyoung meant when she said that she'll be waiting for me... What a player.

JY : "Sorry guys I'm a bit late."

JH : "That's okay Jeong we just started to eat."

TY : "Hyung go buy your apple now."

JY : "I have pack lunch today." She lifted a lunch box.

DH : "Ehhhhhh? Where did that come from?"

JY : "Ms. Im made it for me."

MM,TY, SN : "Ms. Im????"

DH : "Nayeon-ssi????"

TY : "Woah are you telling us that your dating?"

JY : "I'm not, it's kind of complicated."

The girls curiosity grew and grew, they keep asking Jeong but she wouldn't answer.

JH : "Okay everyone."

MN : "Unnie?"

JH : "Since all of us are friend I think hiding it from you guys don't make any sense. Jeong is currently living with our older sister Im Nayeon."

Tzuyu, Momo and Sana were all frozen. I never thought that Jihyo unnie will just give out our family secret.

JH : "She's currently trying to prove a point to Jeong."

JY : "You didn't have to tell them that Jihyo-yah."

JH : "I'm telling them so everyone here can tell me if you're playing with someone else."

JY : "Yah! I told you I'm not going to do anything."

TY : "Is this the same person as the major stock holder of the company?"

MN : "She is Tzuyu."

SN : "Ehhhhh? She's mysterious that no one ever caught her not even her name was release in the news."

DH : "She really is mysterious, you can't read her mind at all."

MM : "You know her Dahyunnie?"

DH : "Well......."

MN : "Dr. Kim is her cardiologist."

JH : "Unnie have a serious heart condition."

SN : "Omo."

MM : "She sound really cool."

JY : "She's not belive me haha."

TY : "When will we meet her?"

JH : "She comes here often. I'll introduce her to you guys next time."

I didn't really expect Jihyo unnie to tell everyone about Nayeonnie but she did the right thing. It's already time that we introduce her to our friends......

Break was over and I was walking back to my office with Jeong.

MN : "Jeong can I ask you something?"

JY : "Somethings bothering you?"

MN : "How did you know?"

JY : "You we're spacing out a lot. So what is it?"

MN : "I read an article about Chaeng."

JY : "Ohhhh."

MN : "Yah! Don't you dare tease me."

JY : "I'm not I can have a serious conversations too."

MN : "Arraso. It's says there that she came out of a bar with someone. Do you happen to know if she's dating someone?"

JY : "Not that I know of."

MN : "She haven't come here for a while now so it's must be because of that."

JY : "Haha Minari, Chaeng always have this rumor about her going out but the thing is she never really had someone. She's probably doing something. The best thing to do is talk to her. Want me to tell her that you want to talk? Don't stress yourself to much."

MN : "Don't. Maybe I just misinterpreted her friendliness with something else. Thank you for listening to me Jeong."

JY : "Arraso, if you want to clear things up you need to talk okay? Omo our little penguin is in love."

MN : "Pabo why are you assuming stuff."

JY : "I'm just kidding, I need get going now. Remember you need to talk your feelings sometimes. Don't just keep it bottled up in your heart. Anyeong!"

Jeong was right, though I think there's nothing to talk about now. I probably won't see her again. I'll just forget everything.


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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^