I woke up in a unfamiliar place. This room was big and it didn't have anything on it. Maybe this is one of Ji-eun unnie's apartment. I looked at my watch *6am* I need to get to work by 8am. I need to get going.

I stepped outside with my things and was shocked when I saw Jihyo and Mina sitting in the dinning table.

JH : "Ohhh our visitor is awake. Good morning Dr. Yoo."

MN : "Lets have breakfast."

JY : "Ehhhhh?"

JH : "Don't you ehhh ehhh me."

MN : "Unnie...."

JH : "Yah Yoo Jeongyeon what were you thinking last night? You should be happy that Nayeonnie asked me not to scold you."

JY : "I don't remember what I did."

MN : "You came here drunk last night, Chaeyoung followed you and she said you were trying to help a friend."

JY : "Sorry Mina."

MN : "You should say your sorrys to unnie, she was the one you called last night and when you got here you keep saying that you wanted to make sure she's okay. That you want to see her for yourself because of that she didn't leave your side even if we asked her to rest."

JH : "With the help of alcohol you finally showed what your heart truly desires. Looks like it's a win for unnie, just tell us the truth Jeong, it's been month since you started living together."

JY : "Hmmm the truth?"

JH : "Do you love unnie? Were not going to get angry at you, we were just being protective before cause we don't want her to get hurt but seeing happy like that made me realize it was because of you." She said after sipping her coffee

JY : "I love her. I don't understand but I'm sure I want to be with her."

MN : "Then tell her."

JY : "We're not even sure if she like me too."

NY : "Sadness unnie! Can you make a sunny side up egg for Jeong?! She doesn't eat scrambled eggs. Thank you!"

SU : "Arraso!"

We heard Nayeon shouting from upstairs.

JH : "And you're telling us that she might not like you?"

MN : "Haha you two are cute."

Nayeon was running down the stairs with her shoes on her hand. She just came out of bath, her hair was still soaking wet and her face has nothing on it.

JH : "Unnie! No running on the stairs!"

NY : "Is Jeong awake? She'll be late for work if she don't get up."

MN : "Don't worry unnie...."

Nayeon was embarrassed when she saw me sitting in the table with Mina, Jihyo and Sadness unni. 

JH : "Unnie come on eat your breakfast."

NY : "A-arraso." She stutter as she sat down across me.

JY : "Hmm Ms. Im I'm sorry last night and I'm really grateful for what you did."

NY : "It's okay you're like that cause you were looking after someone."

JH : "Unnie I'll get my keys. I'll drop you off the school."

JY : "Isn't it to early for your classes?"

NY : "The kids are having a presentation soon, we're practicing every morning."

JY : "Ahhh I can take you there."

NY : "Ani, you should go home and wash up you have work today."

JH : "That's right! I don't want you coming late today no excuse."

MN : "And we don't want Nayeonnie smelling alcohol in front of the kids haha."

JY : "Arraso. I'm leaving thank you and I'm really sorry for what happened."

NY : "I'll walk you out."

JH : "Unnie you can wait for me outside."

NY : "Okay."

I took my Motorcycle outside the gate.

JY : "Hmm Ms. Im a million thank you is not enough to pay you back for last night."

NY : "Pabo! Haha I couldn't turn you away last night. Stop saying thank you."

JY : "Ehhhh but..."

NY : "No but's I already know and you don't need to repeat it every time. Gaja, remember to bring something to eat."

JY : "Arraso, hmm then I'll see you tonight."

NY : "Yep, I'll be waiting for you."

She was on her way back inside when I unconsciously held her hand.

JY : "Nayeon I want to talk about something."

NY : "Arraso you can tell me anything."

JY : "I'll go home early let's talk once I arrive."

NY : "Hmm okay, I need to tell something to you."

JY : "Im going, see you tonight Ms. Im, have a great day okay? and please be careful."

NY : "Hahaha when did you became this clingy? I will, just text me if you need something. See you later Jeong."

 *Later in the evening*

TY : "Hyung are you going home?"

JY : "Yeah I have something to do."

TY : "Can you spare me a moment?"

JY : "What's up?"

TY : "I have a major operation tomorrow can you look at my case?"

JY : "Yeah why not? Where's the papers?"

TY : "Hmm about that hyung it will take 30 minutes more, the nurses are still finalizing all of the test result."

JY : "Hmm is that so?"

TY : "Sorry hyung but if your in a hurry you can go."

JY : "I can wait, just call me when it's ready okay?"

TY : "Thank you hyung! I promise it will be quick."


To : Im Nayeon

"Nayeon-ssi I'm coming late tonight, I'm just finishing something with Dr. Chou. If you want to sleep you can go ahead we can talk some other days."


From : Im Nayeon

"It's okay Dr. Yoo I'll wait for you, how long will it be though?"


To : Im Nayeon

"Hmm just an hour late."


From : Im Nayeon

"Okay I'll see you! Drive safely okay."


To : Im Nayeon

"Arraso! See you :)"


I went to grab some fresh air from the roof top. I planned to tell Nayeon everything tonight, how she changed me and how much I love her. Being alone in here feels strange, I've been coming here to catch a glimpse of this weird girl. That's what I thought but turns out, that same girl would turn my whole life  around. I never thought I'll long for someones warmth until I meet her.

I felt a drop of rain in my cheeks. The sky was dark you can't even see any stars, as soon as I finished helping Tzuyu finalizing her case for tomorrow. I ran to the parking lot, on my way home I felt my heart beating so fast. No matter what happen I'm going to fully accept what she wants. I made just in time, the rain started to poured down.

When I came inside I saw her bags and things packed in one corner. She's not in the living room, I entered my room and saw the door to the balcony was open. As I step closer to door I heard her singing. 


She was singing while looking at the sky, she haven't noticed me because of the curtain that was being blown by the wind. I saw tears fall from her eyes, my heart breaks the same time I saw her crying. I didn't want to interrupt her but I accidentally bump the chair on my way out.

NY : "Dr. Yoo? Sorry how long have you been there?"

JY : "I just arrived, are you okay?"

NY : "Yep, we should start talking." She gave me a fake smile and wiped her eyes.

JY : "Hmm I think resting will be better for you."

NY : "Ani I'm okay."

JY : "What's with the bags? Why does all of your things packed?"

NY : "Haha pabo! It's 30 days."

JY : "And?"

NY :        

NY : "You really are forgetful, remember our bet? If I don't achieve my goal after 30 days then it's considered a failure." She smiled again this time I can feel my heart breaking into pieces.

JY : "Will you stop smiling? This is not something to be happy about."

NY : "It's not but I want to be at least happy for you, Dr. Yoo I want you to be happy without any worries. Now it's all over maybe you can go back to your life. I'm sorry that I bothered you for a long time. Good bye Dr. Yoo."

She started to walked towards the door, she just passed by me. Tears begun to flow down my eyes. I'm not going to let her go, not today, not tomorrow nor in this life. I hugged her from the back.

JY : "How dare you come here? Change everything and just say those words as if we didn't share anything special. How can I be happy if you're leaving me? Maybe I can go back?! You made me to who I am today the least you can do is take responsibility for it."

I felt her body catching her breathe I turned her around to face me and saw a crying mess.

JY : "Ms. Im you haven't asked me lately. Can you ask me properly this time?"

She looked straight into my eyes with those tears streaming down her face, she nodded at me.

NY : "Dr. Yoo do y-you believe in love?" She stutter as she tried to control her tears.

JY : "I do, I do believe in love and I'm in love with you Im Nayeon."

She started crying more than before she didn't say any word and just hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and from that moment I knew I want to spend my life with her. We laid down in bed she has her head buried in my chest the whole time, it took as a while before she actually calmed down.

JY : "That's what you get from watching to many dramas. Haha I was surprised with the bags in the living room."

She pinched my back and finally lifted her face and looked at me.

NY : "Pabo! That was the deal. I didn't want to pack my things after you say I can leave"

JY : "Haha I didn't even notice that it was already 30 days. Aren't you hugging me so much? What will Jihyo and Mina think if they knew you hugged me before you say you love me? That's right! I told you I love you but you didn't answer my feeling yet."

NY : "Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon! Pabo! Of course I love you why would I cry like this if I didn't." She pouted at me and turned away.

JY : "Omo what a baby. Arraso I'm sorry Ms. Im will you look at me again."

She turned back at me with her cute pouted lip. I squeezed her cheeks and lean closer to her and before I knew it are lips was already intertwined. We started kissing intimately, I didn't want to leave her lips....

NY : "Hmmm..." She pushed me away.

NY : "Jeong sorry I think my heart can't handle this much for just a day."

She became sad all of a sudden.

JY : "Ehhhh? Why are you sad? It's okay."

NY : "Jeong will you still love me with what I am today? I'm too much trouble."

 JY : "what are you worrying about? I love you, everything about you. Even this damage heart of yours, I'll take everything. Don't be sad." 

NY : "I'm scared, I don't want to leave you but what if I don't get better?"

JY : "Ehhhh? Where's the girl who told me that I should live my life as if it's the last? We'll have to live everyday specially until we can have your new heart. Don't be scared you have me all the way babe. I'm sure you'll make it." 

I gave her a peek in the lips, I was also scared for her but I need to be the one to provide her strength. I know it's going to be a long and hard way for us but I'm not going to give up on her. I'm not letting her go.

NY : "Gaja!"

JY : "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh? Lets stay like this for a while."

NY : "I need to unpack my things and dinner will get cold if you don't get up."

JY : "You cooked dinner even if you planned to leave tonight? haha."

NY : "Pabo! I thought you're hungry. Gaja!"

JY : "Arraso lets clean up first, I'll put my pillows and blanket back. I can finally sleep in my bed again."

NY : "No funny business in bed okay?"

JY : "Arraso babe!"

JY :


The song is "Only longing grows" that was covered by Im Nayeon; Credits to the owner of the video <3


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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^