I arrived at SMC for my check up but before I go to my room I always go out in the rooftop to play around on my own, before having to be poke by numerous needle again. I had a rare heart condition so I'm not allowed to do something extreme that will cause my heart to burst. I guess I'm not allowed to fall in love too.

"Nice to see you again." I said while looking at my room.

I spend most of my days here, it became my regular room.

DH : "Good you're already here Ms. Im."

NY : "Dr. Dubu how are you? Were you off yesterday I didn't see you."

DH : "Yes Naeyon-ssi I had some appointment yesterday."

NY : "I missed you Doc."

DH : "If you're trying to change the topic with that it's not working haha. Okay lets start."

NY : "Hmp." I pouted at her.

Dr. Kim is my Cardiologist, she's the one in charge of me. She's one of the regular person I see in my daily life.

DH : "Looks like everything's okay Nayeon-ssi."

NY : "Thank you Dr. Kim, can I leave now?"

DH : "Ehhh? Ms. Im have you consider our offers? I mean, it would make everything better for you."

NY : "I already told you Dr. Kim I'm not interested in having a operation. If I did I don't want to have special treatment."

DH : "But Ms. Im we already told you, you're not going to be a special treatment, your first in the list of recipient. You know they priority young individuals and for now you're the youngest in the list. We just need your go signal and a donor."

NY : "I'll think about it again Dr. Dubu :) Bye!"

DH : "Nayeon-ssi you can just stay here rather than going home and coming back everyday."

NY : "I want to see my family Dr. Kim, I'm okay I enjoy going around. I'll see you tomorrow." I said and run outside my room.

They said that only operation can save me but I never thought about it since that day happened. Maybe I'm not worthy of a new heart.

I was walking down to the lobby when I saw this doctor talking to a family with a calm face. 

It seem's that she's giving the bad news to them. The older female started to cry louder. I know what she's saying. I've been coming here often I know exactly that situation. She started to walk away I didn't know what I was doing I just started to run after her.

NY : "Doc can you tell me how could you do that?"

JY : "Excuse me?"

NY : "Giving them the most bad news you can hear in a hospital, without shedding a tear or sadness? :)"

JY : "It's part of my job, if I start to cry it would make things worse for that family."

NY : "But doctors are allowed to have emotion too, showing you're sadness will not hurt anyone."

JY : "That's how I do my job little bunny. Who are you by the way?"

NY : "Sorry to say Doc but knowing who I am is not part of your job either. I don't like people who doesn't show emotion but you did a good job :)" I told her and run away.

How can a doctor show no emotion to the family of her patient? She could've acted more warmer to them. I hate people like that but I guess she's right, it's her job. I"m going home to cook for my sisters.


JY : "Sorry ma'am and sir. But she didn't make it."

The older woman started to cry louder. I couldn't do anything but just walk away from them. As a doctor we need to keep our composure. We need to keep our emotions in check. 

NY : "Doc can you tell me how could you do that?"

JY : "Excuse me?" This is the same girl from the rooftop.

NY : "Giving them the most bad news you can hear in any hospital, without shedding a tear or sadness? :)"

JY : "It's part of my job, if I start to cry it would make things worse for that family." She probably heard me talking to that family.

NY : "But doctors are allowed to have emotion too, showing you're sadness will not hurt anyone."

JY : "That's how I do my job little miss. Who are you by the way."

NY : "Sorry to say Doc but knowing who am I is not part of your job. I don't like people who doesn't show emotion but you did a good job :)"

She run off before I can answer her. She's stubborn she didn't even said her name. I had a long day I had no time to think about what happened. I went to the parking lot to grab my motorcycle. 

Having this kind of job is not fun. You could be celebrating for a successful operation and next thing you know you need to deliver some bad news to someone else. At the end of the day, we can't play gods. We can't control life.

After eating my dinner I went to my study room. To play some lego, I spend my day out of the hospital playing legos or going to clubs with my cousin. Speaking of the devil.

*One message received*

From : Son Chaeyoung

"Hyung! Where you at? You know what time is it."


To : Son Chaeyoung

"Smol I had a long day at work, I think I'm not going today."


From : Son Chaeyoung

"Arraso I'll just tell Ji-eun unnie you're not coming."


To : Son Chaeyoung

"Ji-eun? Lee Ji-eun? I'm on my way."


Lee Ji-eun is one of my closest friend I rarely see her because she spend most of her time overseas touring. She's doing a great job as a solo artist that's why she's so busy.

CY : "Hyung! I thought you're not going today."

JY : "I wanted to see Ji-eunnie."

CY : "Ahhhh Ji-eunnie you're wife."

JY : "Yah Smol be careful someone might hear you. She's just a friend."

CY : "Arraso."

JE : "Jeong? How's the famous Dr. Yoo?" She said then hug me.

JY : "Ji-eunnie when did you came back? You should have told me."

JE : "If I told you it's not going to make any difference, you're just going to stay cramp up in your office anyway."

JY : "Haha you should have tried though, I mean you're one of my best friend."

CY : "Workaholic! Hahaha spend some of your time with girls hyung."

JE : "Chaeyoungie don't say that you know Jeong is mine."

CY : "Ehhhh?"

JY : "Lee Ji-eun unnie! If someone hears you were going to be in trouble  and Chaeng that's why they call you nation's playboy stop going out with different girl."

JE : "Arraso Dr. Yoo."

CY : "Rejected again unnie?"

JE : "Like always haha."

JY : "Come on lets eat."

After eating we played in an arcade, Chaeng said she has friends to meet at the bar and I decided to give Ji-eun unnie a ride back to her condo.

JY : "Ji-eun how long will you be staying here?"

JE : "Until you answer me."

JY : "Ehhh I already told you."

JE : "I know, that's why I keep going abroad because of you haha."

JY : "Sorry Ji-eunnie I wish I could but I think I'm not capable."

JE : "I know Dr. Yoo Jeongyeon. You don't need to say sorry every time. I already accepted it, I was just teasing you haha but thank you for staying my best friend."

JY : "Of course. We're friends since high school and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I'm leaving now I have to work early tomorrow. Good night Ji-eun unnie."

JE : "I'll be staying longer this time Jeong lets hang out again and didn't I told you to lose that motorcycle? You're still stubborn. Good night drive safely!"

JY : "Arraso! hahaha."

Ji-eun confessed to me after I graduate Med school, I didn't notice it until then. She said she kept it as a secret cause she didn't want me to get distracted. She waited until I pass my board exam but after waiting that long I never returned her feelings. 

Since I was small I already know I'm not the type to give love or receive love. She was hurt that she ignored me for months.  After some time she finally understand what I meant.



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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^