TY : "Unnie why are you so numb? Ever since we we're kids I already knew I love you, though not in a way that you love me. You always treated me like your younger sister but I never saw you as my older sister not even once. I'm done pretending I don't like you.... Unnie I don't want to play along this time. I can't just go pretending were in a relationship. If I did I think I won't be able to handle the aftermath."

"Unnie I'm sorry it was my fault for loving you. Even if I knew you'll never look at me the same way, I stick around you. I knew one day we'll have to move on to our different ways. We should try avoiding each other now. Sorry unnie I can't help you."

The words she said stab me straight into my heart. I tried holding my tears but it suddenly fell from my eyes. It was tears of joy.

Ever since we were kids Tzuyu always act cold to me, she would always sit down quietly. And as the two of us grew older I realize that maybe she was just sticking around me because our moms are best friend and we live next to each other. 

I always cling to her because I love her more than a sister but I thought it was all a one sided love.

SN : "Tzuyu-ah!" I grabbed her hands, she was almost on her way out.

TY : "Unnie stop. I'm really sorry."

SN : "You're always like this you never listen to what I got to say and just assume things on your own."

She tried to brush of my hand but I just held her tightly.

SN : "I'm not letting you go until you hear me out."

TY : "Unnie whats more to talk about? I already accepted everything, just let me move on."

SN : "Pabo! You stubborn yoda-yah! Sit down!"

TY : "Arraso unnie I'll hear you out but promise me this will be the last time we'll talk about this."

SN : "Ani!!! You're so stubborn!"

"I love you." I was to shy to say it out loud that it's like I was just whispering it to the wind.

TY : "What did you say?"

SN : "Tzuyu I love you!"

TY : "I know that."

SN : "Pabo! I love you more than friends or family."

TY : "Ehhhhh???"

SN : "You don't really pay attention to me but when you do, most of that time I'm in trouble or sick. Tzuyu you're not the only person who's been in love since we were kids. I love you way back then. Same as you I thought you didn't love me at all, I thought you were just staying with me because of our moms. Omma and auntie knows it too but I asked both of them to keep it between us."

TY : "Omma?"

SN : "Remember the time when you were admitted for your appendix surgery?"

TY : "Yap, you only visited me once, because it was the beginning of your career as an artist."

SN : "The truth is I was the one who stayed with you every night. Auntie told me you didn't want anybody staying there. Since I was busy with work I always come late and leave early before you wake up. Auntie always wait for me to arrive."

"Then the night after your surgery you were in a deep sleep, I arrived almost midnight. Auntie was asking me why do I keep coming even if the surgery wasn't that really bad... She told me it's alright that's why I confessed my feelings. She promise to let me tell you about it."

TY : "Unnie why didn't you tell me?"

SN : "I was worried about you that time, I know if I told you. You won't allow me to stay with you."

TY : "Unnie sorry, I know I'm years late but I really love you. Will you go out with me?"

SN : "It's okay Tzuyu-ah. Of course I will."

TY : "Hmm then what will we say to your work?"

SN : "Pabo! We already release a statement. But this time were not pretending, I'll talk to my manager tomorrow. Tzuyu-ah thank you." I wrapped my arms around her neck and pout my lips.

TY : "Haha unnie I'm not ready for that."

SN : "Yah! Do I look funny to you?"

TY : "Kind of haha, gaja! I'm pretty sure Dr. Park is looking for us."She held my hands and gave me a peck in the cheeks.

SN : "Ehhhh? Unfair! You didn't give me warnings."

TY : "Haha do I need to ask permission?"

SN : "A-ani." I stutter.

After all this year I couldn't believe that we would end up together. This time no more hiding or pretending.


I spent the whole morning playing with Dr. Kim and Bona. Dr. Kim's been treating me well since I started coming in to play with them but I wouldn't say that I'm special. I'm not the only person she treats like that. She's kind even to strangers.

I wonder if she ever think of me having a crush on her? I mean all of the people who knew her would definitely fall for her.....

When we arrived at the auditorium Jihyo and Mina was sitting in the stage making decorations. Dahyun insisted to carry my stuff.

MN : "Ohh here comes another married couple."

MM : "Minari!"

MN : "Wehhh? Did I got it wrong?"

JH : "There probably divorced haha."

DH : "Unnies were not even dating."

Sana and Tzuyu walk out of the waiting room holding hands. That's right they were dating. 

DH : "Well that's the real married couple."

SN : "Soon haha."

TY : "Unnie it's embarrassing."

MM : "You didn't tell us you were visiting because you two were in a relatioinship."

SN : "Momo-chan it wouldn't make any difference, we're the same old us."

JH : "And when are you two planning to make yours official? Dr. Kim? Ms. Hirai?"

DH : "Haha unnie do you think Ms. Hirai would like someone like me?"

I do, I like you so much Dr. Kim

JH : "Did you ask her."

DH : "I don't need to, right Momoring?"

I just nodded back at her. I guess I'm right, she only takes care of me because she's like that to everyone. I just given it a wrong interpretation.

JY : "Omo you guys don't shut up. Don't you?"

Jeongyeon and Nayeon was standing beside the stage stairs. Holding a bag of donut.....

NY : "Pabo! Don't be rude!" 

JY : "Arraso Ms. Im, I'm sorry."

DH : "Guess hyung found someone who can match up her huh?"

JH : "She better listen to unnie or I will smack the life out of her."

TY : "Dr. Park don't scare her hahaha."

JY : "Who's scared of who?"

MN : "Nothing Dr. Yoo Jeongyeon."

NY : "Can we help you with anything?"

SN : "Here Nayeon you can make this with me."

JY : "I'll leave this in the table, just eat whenever you're hungry."

EVERYONE : "Arraso."

As soon as we finished the decors we started preparing for the event. Our act will be the first one today. 

[Start of the show]

SN : "Ohayo! I'm Minatozaki Sana!"

JH : "And I'm park Jihyo! We will be your Emcee's for today."

SN : "Is everyone having fun....."

You can hear the whole crowd went wild when Sana came out of the curtains. There were to many people that you can see some of them standing in the sides. 

As the introduction goes on, I felt a little bit light headed. It's not my first time performing in this kind of crowd. I had a bigger crowd than this by I feel like I'm going to blow anytime soon. Maybe it's because Dr. Kim will be watching and performing with me....

JH : "For the first act we have our very own Dr. Kim accompanying....."

SN : "......The one and only Ms. Hirai Momo. Please give them a hand."

The crowd went loud, I sneak a peak and saw that there were even some people form the media. My heart started to beat faster and faster, everything was becoming black, Sana and Jihyo was looking at me from the other side of the stage... That's when I felt something warm in my hands. 

It was Dr. Kim holding my hands tightly.

DH : "Are you okay Ms. Hirai?"

MM : "Sorry I was just spacing out."

I felt a sudden relief after I looked into her eyes. Those eyes assured me that everything was going to be alright. 

DH : "Then gaja, Bona-ssi is waiting for you." Her smiled cause her eyes to look like they were closed.

That's right I'm doing this performance for the people that's precious to me, I should be more proud.

We entered the stage, Dr. Kim was still holding my hands as we made our introduction. Bona was sitting right in front of us with a big smile on her face.

We started to perform every word I sing I was singing for Dr. Kim and Bona I wish it would reach them.


Our performance came to an end. We vowed for the last time. When we got to the back stage Bona was waiting for us.

BN : "Momo unnie! Dr. Kim you two are really amazing :) Here." She handed me a bouquet of yellow tulips. 

MM : "Omo, you didn't have to Bona-yah."

BN : "It's not from me this time unnie."

MM : "Ehhh?"

BN : "It's from Dr. Kim."

I turned around and saw Dahyun smiling at me.

DH : "You've been putting up a lot for me and Bona so I wanted to give you something in return :)"

Why those it feel that she's saying good bye to me too? Tears started to fall from my eyes.

BN : "Ohn no Dr. Kim you made Momo unnie cry again."

DH : "Ehh again? You're the one who made her cry last time Bona-ssi."

MM : "Haha it's okay, it's tears of joy. I'm happy to see Bona healthy."

DH : "Stop crying Momoring. We should celebrate for Bona-ssi and for our successful performance."

MM : "Arraso."

Dr. Kim carried Bona the two of them were smiling at me.

BN : "Lets have a group hug!"

I step closer to them and then Dr. Kim enveloped us into her arms. Everything was warm, I couldn't remember the nervousness I was feeling a while ago.  I wish this lasted longer.

After the festival we said our last good byes to Bona

DH : "Bona-ssi Dr. Kim and Momo unnie will visit you okay?"

BONA'S MOM : "Dr. Kim, Ms. Hirai I deeply appreciated everything you did for our Bona. We'll come and visit you here from time to time. Thank you so much!" Her mom vowed in front of us.

MM : "Ohh that's okay we did it cause Bona is our friend."

We waved at them as they leave the hospital, I was sad but Dahyun was still smiling.

MM : "How are you still happy?"

DH : "It's part of our job saying good bye,but those good byes for us doctors are the best gift we can give our patient. I'm sad but I'm mostly happy that she's not here for treatment."

It's exactly what Mina told me before. 

DH : "Guess your the only playmate I have now huh?"

MM : "If you're okay with me."

DH : "Haha I'm just joking I know you're busy. Gaja! The rest are waiting for us."

MM : "I like you." I whispered to myself as she walk away from me.

I wished I had the courage to tell her but I'm not someone who's deserving to have someone like her. 




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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^