Jeong and I decided to buy something for the girls, once we arrived at the hospitals auditorium. We saw the girls sitting in the floor of the stage.

JY : "You guys don't shut up, don't you?"

NY : "Pabo! Don't be so rude."

JY : "Arraso Ms. Im, I'm sorry."

They begun teasing us. It's kind of we just got really close over the period of time that I was able to scold her a bit. Everyone started preparing for their respective performance.  

I didn't really plan to go today. I hate being in a room with a large crowd. But since Jeong personally invited me and Mina performing I opted to go.

I was sitting in front of the stage with Dr. Chou, Jeong went out.

TY : "Nayeonnie how are you feeling?"

NY : "Haha Tzuyu-ah I'm okay."

TY : "And how is it living with hyung?"

NY : "It's great we've been having some fun lately."

TY : "That's new."

I looked her in the eyes wondering about what she said.

TY : "You see unnie. Hyung's not like that to anyone, most of the time she just want to be alone. She just usually sleep on her time off and today is the first time she came to the hospital festival."

"Hyung must like you a lot."

NY : "Haha I don't think so Dr. Chou, she probably just feel sorry for me."

TY : "Believe me unnie. I've been with her for a long time and never have I seen that Hyung coming early or even smiling this much. Even if you ask your sisters. She's like a totally different person now."

NY : "Maybe she just had a change of heart Dr. Chou."

TY : "Hmm change of heart for you Ms. Im."

JY : "Are you flirting with Ms. Im, Dr. Chou? Sana-chan won't like that." 

Jeongyeon suddenly popped out of nowhere, she was holding some takoyaki and drinks.

TY : "Ani! We were just talking about something."

JY : "Good, you already have a girlfriend so you better behave."

TY : "Tsss over protective, no one's going to steal Nayeonnie from you."

JY : "Pabo I'm just reminding you that you have a girlfriend already."

NY : "Okay you two stop fighting. Dr. Yoo what took you so long?"

JY : "Well I bought you some food, you look hungry a while ago."

TY : "Ehhhhh? You only bought for the two of you?"

JY : "Haha sorry."

NY : "Here Dr. Chou we can share mine."

JY : "I bought that for you. Here Tzuyu-ah!"

NY : "What are you going to eat?"

JY : "I'll buy one again."

NY : "Then I'll go with you."

JY : "Just sit down, I'll be back soon." 

TY : "Wham diwb I telwh youeh unieaw?" She said will eating her takoyaki.

NY : "Dr. Chou you know it's not good to talk with your mouth full."

TY : "I said what did I tell you? Dr. Yoo won't do that to anyone else."

NY : "Haha this again? Forget it Tzuyu-ah. Don't give meaning to everything she does."

TY : "Arraso, you'll see soon unnie."

Jeong came back with more foods        

Jeong came back with more foods. 

NY : "Omo I thought you're just going to buy another set of takoyaki?"

JY : "Dr. Chou keeps eating our food so I thought of buying more."

TY : "Oh hyung thank you! Is that all for me."

JY : "Pabo! You're not getting anything more."

NY : "You two are always like kids fighting for they're toys. Will share everything arraso?"

JY : "Hmp arraso."

Soon enough the show started The first performer was Dr. Kim and Momoring, it took them a while to get to the stage but once they did everyone started to go crazy. It's like seeing a famous couple. Some was jealous and some were really happy. Their performance drag me into there world. They look good with each other.

As the show goes on Me and Jeongyeon casually goes out to look around the booths. Tzuyu can't take her eyes off Sana that's why she opted to stay and watch for our seats. We were looking at one of the stores when I suddenly heard the nurses who were seating next to the store.

NURSE 1 : "Omo is Dr. Yoo dating too?"

NURSE 2 : "Ehhhh? There goes our last hope."

NURSE 3 : "After hearing the news about Dr. Chou dating Minatozaki Sana and Dr. Kim performing with Hirai Momo, I thought Dr. Yoo will be the only single in the group."

NURSE 2 : "Turns out she's not, but that girl is really beautiful. I mean if it's Sana, Momo and this girl, I think we can just happily accept it."

NURSE 1 : "Yeah I think the three prince of SMC finally found their princess huh?"

NURSE 3 : "That's being said, how bout Dr. Myoui? Dr. Yoo and her look good together tough."

NURSE 1 : "Maybe will see her prince soon."

NURSE 2 : "Gaja!"

So they call them prince? Well all of them have there own charms. Dr. Kim with her bright and warm personalty, Dr. Chou with her over flowing love for everyone and Dr. Yoo who has  a mysterious intriguing personality. I think they deserve to be called prince.

JY : "Ms. Im..." She was waving in front of me.

NY : "Sorry."

JY : "What were you thinking?"

NY : "Haha nothing."

JY : "Arraso, gaja! It's almost time for Mina's performance."

We headed back to the auditorium and arrived just in time for Mina's performance.

JY : "Ohh Chaeng!"

I turned around and saw someone holding a bouquet.

I turned around and saw someone holding a bouquet

CY : "Hyung! Dr. Chou."

TY : "Long time no see Chaeyoung-ssi."

CY : "Yeah it was haha."

TY : "Here you can sit beside hyung."

JY : "What are you doing here?"

CY : "I heard that you guys our having festival, and Dr. Myou is performing."

TY : "So here comes another lover huh? Haha."

JY : "Pabo! Haha you're dead! After not coming here do you think she'll talk to you again?"

CY : "Hyung I was busy practicing. Beside we didn't have that kind of relationship."

NY : "Hmm hmm hmm." 

I tried not to interfere with them but once they started talking about my sister I became curios about her. I never meet her before, She look cool in some way but she's cute too.

JY : "Ohh sorry Nayeon-ssi. This is Im Nayeon she's a friend of ours."

NY : "Annyeong :)"

CY : "Annyeong Ms. Im, I'm Son Chaeyoung. I'm Jeongyeon's younger cousin."

TY : "Haha hyung forgot to introduce her wife."

CY : "Ehhhh?"

JY : "Don't listen to her."

TY : "What? You two are living together it's the same."

NY : "Dr. Chou...."

TY : "Arraso unnie."

CY : "So Ms. Im I bet it's a lot of trouble living with hyung haha."

NY : "Haha actually it's okay she's really clean and organize."

JY : "Bet you didn't expect that one huh haha."

NY : "Enough of us. What do you do Ms. Son?"

TY : "Basically party and get laid with different girls."

CY : "Ani! I'm a professional racer."

JY : "What's with the interrogation Ms. Im? Worried for your sister?"

I saw Chaeyoung became so confuse with what Dr. Yoo.

NY : "She sound like she's interested with her."

TY : "She is...."

CY : "Hold on I'm not getting any of this, who's your sister?"

TY : "Hahaha well the younger sister is prettier so it's hard to tell if they really are sisters."

NY : "Yah! Chou Tzuyu-ah!"

JY : "Hahaha you're making Nayeon-ssi angry Tzuyu. Chaeng this is Im Nayeon the oldest of the Park sisters."

CY : "Park? Oldest?"

JY : "Yep which means she's Mina's and Jihyo's unnie."

CY : "Ehhhhh I'm sorry I didn't know."

NY : "It's fine haha but if you like my sister you better not be like what Dr. Chou said."

CY : "I'm not, well it doesn't matter I think your sister doesn't like me anyway."

SN : "Please welcome our very own Dr. Myoui Mina."

JY : "Okay everyone be quiet."

Mina made her appearance, she started singing and as she goes on with her performance she seemed like she was trying to tell something to someone. I saw Chaeyoung looking intensely at her. She did say she like her. Mina is not really expressive with her own feelings maybe there's a chance that Mina likes her too but couldn't convey it to her.

After Mina's performance Sana and Jihyo wrapped up the whole event with there own duet. Me, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and Jeong were waiting outside for them. While Dahyun and Momo said they're walking a friend out and will be back after for dinner.

Mina then came out of the door.

TY : "Mina-chan you're really awesome!"

JY : "Sugoi! :)"

NY : "My baby sister is all grown up."

MN : "Unnie it's been years since I became an actual adult you know haha."

NY : "Ehhh for me you're still our baby."

I saw Chaeyoung standing behind us. I thought I should help her.

NY : "Oh your friend is here."

TY : "Girl friend haha."

JY : "Haha or wife."

Chaeyoung then walked straight to Mina and handed her the bouquet

MN : "Thank you Chaeyoung-ssi."

CY : "You're welcome Dr. Myoui."

There was an awkward silence after that, I wonder what happened between this two. They seem pretty distant with each other. All of us were quiet until Sana came out and broke the ice.

SN : "Tzuyu-ah baby! I miss you."

TY : "Unnie stop clinging to me someone might see us."

SN : "And what? I miss you so much! I don't care about them."

TY : "Unnie I was literally sitting in front of you the whole time."

JH : "Haha even if it wasn't Sana who's performing you had your eyes lock on to her."

DH : "What a dedicated lover haha."

Momo and Dahyun came back just in time, we were ready to leave when Chaeyoung called Jeongyeon to the side. When they come back....

JY : "Sorry guys but I think Chaeyoung and I will pass for now. We need to meet a friend."

EVERYONE : "Arraso."

Jeong walked towards me 

JY : "Ms. Im I think I'm going to be late, don't wait for me anymore. I have my keys."

JH : "If you're going home late I think it's better if Nayeon unnie go home with us."

JY : "Yeah I think that's better. Then I'll pick you up tomorrow Ms. Im."

NY : "Hmm..."

JY : "Don't worry I'll drive safe, and beside you know her. You saw her once. We're going, have fun you guys!"

So they were meeting with that girl, hmm I wonder if she likes her. Last time I saw them they looked good together,  I thought they were dating. Why am I getting jealous? It's better for her. Im Nayeon! You need to let Jeong have her own life. Pabo.




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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^