Lately I've been spacing a lot more than I used to, I've been thinking about Chaeng. I like her, it didn't occur to me at all not until she stop visiting us. I thought she was just busy but turns out she had something or should I say someone that takes her time. I was sad it was my first time letting someone break my wall. 

I originally planned to dance today but I couldn't focus on practicing so I just thought of singing. I thought of singing this song I kinda relate to the lyrics of it.

SN : "Please welcome our very own Dr. Myoui Mina."

I made my way to the stage and started to perform.


MN : "*Singing* When you laugh I feel good too, even when you say it's just pretend

You bring happiness to the days when I wait for you, the nights when I miss you, Even when I'm alone it's okay if I can just see you. I'm always behind you, I'm always looking out for you, but it seems like I have to share."

Once I finish singing I begin to prepare myself. The group always go out for dinner every after the festival as a celebration of the successful events.

MN : "Unnie I'm going to meet Nayeon unnie and the rest."

JH : "Arraso we'll be right there."

SN : "Tell my Tzuyu that I'm coming soon."

MN : "Hahaha arraso Sana-chan. We'll just wait for you guys outside."

When I got out of the auditorium, I saw Nayeon unnie, Jeong and Tzuyu waiting for  us. There was another person standing behind Tzuyu but I couldn't see her properly.

TY : "Mina-chan you're really awesome!"

JY : "Sugoi! :)"

NY : "My baby sister is all grown up."

MN : "Unnie it's been years since I became an actual adult you know haha."

NY : "Ehhh for me you're still our baby."

NY : "Your friend is here."

I was surprise to see Chaeyoung walking towards me with flowers. I didn't expect her to show up. I wasn't really expecting to see her anymore.

There was a moment of silence between all of us. I didn't want to talk to her. I was torn into being happy and being angry at her. If she thought that I'm one of those girls she can play around she's wrong.

Sana and Jihyo unnie just came out the right time, Momo and Dahyun came back and all of us were ready to go when Jeong and Chaeyoung said they need to meet some friend. She's probably meeting her girls. The two of them went ahead and the rest of us made it to the restaurant. I was sitting next to Nayeon unnie.

MN : "Unnie are you okay with that?"

NY : "With what Minari?"

MN : "With Jeong going out with someone?"

NY : "It's her friend beside Jeong and I are not even dating."

JH : "Unnie if she do something wrong to you don't hesitate to tell us okay?"

DH : "Ani I don't think hyung will do that."

TY : "I second that, I already told Nayeonnie and I'm going to repeat it again hyung is like a completely different person now."

NY : "Haha you guys are making this a big deal."

SN : "That's right let them figure it out everything on there own."

MM : "You guys are making the Jokbals lonely hahaha."

DH : "Haha arraso then lets start eating."

We finished eating but I notice something.....

MN : "Dr. Chou why didn't you order anything?"

MM : "Right you could have order something you like."

TY : "Hmm I'm okay, I usually end up eating Sana unnie's left over cause she always order more than she can handle."

SN : "Ani! I order more because of you."

NY : "Hahaha so you're a glutton Sana-chan."

DH : "Good thing you have Tzuyu with you."

JH : "Haha right. Gaja time for us to go home we have work tomorrow. I don't want any of you guys late."

TY : "Ehhh? Can you give us a little break?"

MM : "Haha poor doctors."

We paid the bill and headed to our car. Tzuyu is taking Sana home and Momo is calling a taxi.

JH : "Why don't you drive Momoring?"

MM : "Hmm I didn't get my license yet. My managers usually drives me around but I don't want to ask them to pick me up at this time, they're going to scold me."

NY : "Where do you live? We can take you home instead."

MM : "I live at **** apartment in myeongdong."

MN : "We can go around."

MM : "Oh you don't have to that's too much."

DH : "I can drive you home Ms. Hirai I go the same way."

NY : "That's good then Dr. Kim will leave Momoring to you. Good night! Take care!

Soon as we arrived home, the three of us went straight to bed. I was ready to sleep when someone knock on my door.


MN : "Come in."

NY : "Minariiiiiiiiiii :)"

MN : "Unnie you should be resting already."

NY : "Ehhh but I missed my baby sister, can't we catch up?" She pouted after. 

MN : "Haay unnie, Jihyo unnie will scold me for this but okay just today arraso?"

NY : "Arraso! and I'm sleeping with you."

MN : "Arraso come here."

She laid next to me as we share my blanket.

MN : "Unnie how is it living with someone you barely know?"

NY : "It's okay at first we're kind of awkward,  we didn't really know each other so it took a while for us. But after that I started feeling at home."

MN : "Are you perhaps in love unnie?"

NY : "To be honest with you I kind of grew a liking towards her it's to early for me to say I love her. Beside I don't want to hurt her, you know how my future is. Uncertain. I want her to enjoy her life and not suffer because of me."

MN : "Don't say that unnie, we still have hope."

NY : "I know but I think I'm not the best for her. That's the reason I don't push it that hard."

MN : "But unnie......."

NY : "Enough of me, the real reason why I wanted to talk with you is because of Chaeng."

MN : "What about her unnie?"

NY : "I meet her earlier and she sounded like she's really interested with you she even bought a flowers but when the two of you meet after the show you two were really awkward."

MN : "It's really complicated unnie but don't worry about it."

NY : "Ehhh? I saw the way she looks at you and I'm sure that's the look of someone who's in love."

MN : "You can't really trust her unnie. She has too many girls around her."

NY : "But she said she's not like that, Jeong and her explained it to me. That sometime she gets into this false rumors. You can open to me Mina."

MN : "Hmm unnie the truth is like you to Jeong,  I grew a liking for her. She stick around me when nobody was there. The thing is she never confessed to me, I couldn't just say that I like her. Then one day she just stop coming to visit after that I read the news about her."

NY : "But did you talk to her? Did you ask her?"

MN : "Unnie you don't need to ask does things I'm sure it's true." I stared at the ceiling trying to hold back my tears. Then Nayeon unnie turn around to face me.

NY : "Minari you can cry, it's good to release does things. I do it too."

MN "Unnie...." I started to shed some tears I wasn't sure why was I crying but I knew my heart was breaking inside.

Unnie hugged me and patted my head.

NY :        

NY : "Mina-yah you can talk to unnie anytime."

MN : "I'm sorry unnie."

NY : "It's fine you can cry sometimes, don't keep everything bottled up inside you. You really like her huh? No matter how hard you deny, it will just show."

MN : "It doesn't matter unnie, I'm certain that she doesn't like me."

NY : "Omo remember what dad told us? There's no Park that give up easily! Mina if you really like her you should at least give her a chance. Talk to her, let her explain. I saw it in her eyes, she seems like she wanted to say something to you earlier."

MN : "I'll try unnie."

NY : "Arraso, you need to live everyday with no regret. Figure things out, I want you to be happy." 

MN : "Thank you unnie."

I've never broken down like this before, I usually just show how strong I am. But hearing it from Nayeon unnie made me break. She was hugging me the whole while I was crying. She never once let us feel that we're alone. 


Unnie pick her phone up, I heard her talking.

NY : "Oh Jeong?"

NY : "Ehhhhh?"

Nayeon unnie suddenly stand up and run to the window, she looked surprise. I followed her and saw Jeong standing outside our house.

NY : "What are you doing here? We're coming down."

*End of call*

MN : "Unnie what did she say?"

NY : "she's just blubbering things, I can't really understand what she's saying."

We headed down stairs as soon as we can and as quietly so we won't wake up Jihyo and Sadness unnie. We opened the gate and found Jeongyeon squatting in front of her motorcycle.

We opened the gate and found Jeongyeon squatting in front of her motorcycle        

NY : "Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon! What are you doing?"

JY : "Nayeon-ssi I wanted to check on you, I'm just a little bit sleepy."

MN : "That's dangerous Jeong."

I notice a car parked behind Jeong's motorcycle. They opened their headlights and someone came out of it.

CY : "Unnie sorry."

It was Chaeyoung but unlike Jeong she looks more okay.

CY : "I tried to take her home but she said she wants to check if you're okay."

NY : "Dr. Yoo you could've just texted me."

JY : "I wanted to see for my self."

NY : "Lets go inside for now."

CY : "I'll help you carry her unnie."

MN : "Unnie just open the door for us, we'll carry her."

We carried Jeong into the guest room, she reeks of alcohol.

CY : "Unnie I'm sorry about this, Jeong was just trying to help our friend but she ended up having way too much from what she can handle. I wanted to drive for her but she refuse."

NY : "That's okay, you can stay here too."

CY : "That's too much also I'm okay, I can go home. I was just making sure hyung is okay."

NY : "Arraso then do you want to have coffee before you go?"

CY : "Thank you but I should be going, I'm bothering you way so much."

NY : "No you didn't, you were a really big help. Thank you for looking after Jeong. Mina can you take Chaeng out?" Unnie said while she puts Jeong into bed.

MN : "Arraso."

Chaeng and I headed outside. Not a single word was said until we made it in front of the gate.

CY : "Dr. Myoui I can walk alone from here."

I just nodded at her.

CY : "Thank you! You really did an amazing performance earlier. I wish I could see you more on stage........ Arraso, I'm being to annoying right now. I'm going, have a good night."

She walked away from me, I wanted to talk to her but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. I was choked up.



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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^