It's been a week since Nayeon stopped talking to me, I couldn't see her with everyone standing in my way. I lost everything and I couldn't work properly..

I started drinking everyday to ease the pain I feel...


JY : "Eh? What are you doing here?"

JE : "Chaeng told me that you're having a hard time?"

JY : "So what? I don't need anybody."

JE : "Jeong are you drunk? I can smell alcohol from you?"

JY : "Why do you care???? It's better if I just die!"

JE : "Jeong! Stop it! I'm taking you to bed. This is not you!"

JY : "Cause the old me died when Nayeon left me."

She helped me walk to my bed. I hear someone sobbing, she was crying.

JY : "Why are you crying I don't need your pity."

JE : "Jeong sorry."

JY : "Ehhhh? I told you, keep your pity to yourself."

JE : "I did't know that this will happen, if I did I shouldn't told her that."

JY : "What are you saying????"

JE : "Jeong when we first meet I asked her to stay away from you cause she'll probably going to die. I didn't want you to suffer from that kind of pain but I didn't know that things will turn out this way."

JY : "What? How could you unnie!" I held her collar.

JE : "Go on hit me. It's all my fault."

I started crying I let her go and just laid at my bed.

JY : "Unnie it's too late, no matter how much I hate you and even if I hit you nothings going to change she doesn't want me anymore." I said as I stared into the ceiling.

JE : "Jeong I'll talk to her."

JY : "Unnie please stop, you said enough to her. It's not going to make things back to the way they used to be. I don't want her being bothered because of me."

We cried the whole night, I knew she was lying from the start but I didn't know that it was because unnie said something to her. I know she loves me but she doesn't want me to suffer. The next day I started to try my best for her. I went back to my usual routine. 

JY : "Chaeng!"

CY : "Hyung how are you?"

JY : "I'm doing okay, hmm are you going upstairs?"

CY  : "Hyung you know you can't."

JY : "Aniyo, I just want you to give her this." I handed her a fruit basket "And if you can tell her that I'm okay, and I'm praying for her."

CY : "Arraso hyung. Don't work so hard okay?"

JY : "I'm not. See you! Tell everyone I said hi and I'm sorry for last time."

CY : "It's okay hyung nobody hates you, you can always come to us okay?"

That's the only thing I can do for now, pray for her and start fixing myself. After all of this is done I'm going to win her back.

After all of this is done I'm going to win her back        


Jeongyeon went to buy some fruits on the side walk market near the hospital before going to work. She wanted to give it to Nayeon, while she was out shopping she saw a car running fast towards a Mother and a baby that was crossing the street she ran to them......


*Ambulance siren*

DH : "Jihyo-ah! We had a call, we have a donor. I'm going to call Tzuyu for the operating room. Ms. Im you should prepare."

Nayeon and the other girls started to pray, and soon after, Tzuyu came to take her to the operating room. The operation lasted for 7 hours. It was successful but she still needs to stay in ICU they need to take a closer look at her.


It's been days since she went to sleep. Her heart was stable and she was transferred back to her regular room. Me and the girls take turns in staying and watching her as we wait for her to wake up. There was a lot of letters from the school and even from her nurses. 

The operation was a success and where hoping that we can celebrate after she wake up. I arrived at her room to see a sleeping Sana by her side and Tzuyu reading a book in the couch.

TY : "Unnie good morning."

JH : "Good morning Tzuyu-ah how is unnie?"

TY : "She's doing great but she haven't waken up yet."

JH : "Arraso, why did you let Sana sleep in there?"

TY : "She wants Nayeonnie to wake up with someone by her side. I tried convincing her to sleep in the couch but she doesn't want to."


MM : "Good morning!"

Momo woken up Sana with her loud greetings.

DH : "Hey babe you're too loud."

 SN : "Ohayo!"

TY : "Shhh what did we say about being loud?"

MM : "Maybe she'll hear us...."

DH : "We know you want to wake her up but she's just resting. You guys don't need to worry so much, you too Dr. Park."

JH : "I'm not, I'm glad that everything is okay now."

CY : "Good morning we bought breakfast today."

JH : "Thank you Minari, Chaeyoung-ah."

MN : "Unnie?"

JH : "Nothing but I'm sure she's going to wake up soon."

CY : "You guys can go after breakfast me and Mina we'll look after her."

DH : "Arraso, it's me and Momo's turn to stay the night, we'll come early so the two of you can rest."

We finished eating breakfast and about to leave when I notice Sana putting Kkaengie beside unnie.

JH : "Sana-chan it's taking unnie's space."

SN : "Jihyo-ah you know she always cling to her right? It's the only thing she have from Jeong."

MN : "Just leave it there unnie, I know she'll be happy to see Kkaengie when she wakes up."

JH : "Arraso, then see you guys later."

I went back to work and started to fix my documents. Since unnie is already okay, we're official releasing a statement for her as J.Y Park oldest daughter, there's no more sense in hiding it. It's time for the people to recognize her.


*Incoming call from : Myoui Mina*

MN : "Unnie!!!! She's awake!"

JH : "I'm coming."

*End of call*

I run quickly as possible, when I arrived I saw her sitting in the corner of her bed. Dahyun was checking her.

NY : "Omo Jihyo-ah long time no see." 

She smiled at me as if nothing happened, I miss her. I missed her smile. The tears I've been stopping roll down my cheeks. I run to her for a hug.

NY : "Ouch Jihyo-ah you're opening my wound."

JH : "Sorry unnie I just missed you."

NY : "Arraso, you did a great job. You too Minari :)"

Momo and Sana came in the same time, both of them were already crying when they arrived. 

NY : "Haha you two stop crying I'm okay.

SN, MM : "Nayeonnie!!!!!" The two of them rushed to Unnie's side.

NY : "Arraso." She patted there heads. "You guys were right everything's turn out to be fine."

DH : "Okay you girls stop gathering around her, she need some air."

The rest of us settled... She was eating fruits and was back to her normal self though her movements were still small because of her wounds.

She was eating fruits and was back to her normal self though her movements were still small because of her wounds


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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^