Me and Nayeon were having so much fun during the festival. We played a lot in the booths and enjoyed the show. This day was perfect. As we waited for the others, Chaeng called me..

CY : "Hyung can I talk to you for a second?"

JY : "Sure." We stepped aside.

CY : "Hyung Ji-eun unnie sent me a message. She was asking me if we can go out with her."

JY : "Tell her we can't."

CY : "But hyung she said it's a company party and she doesn't know anyone."

JY : "Haaay arraso then will have to excuse ourselves to the girls."

We then talk to them and explained everything, I was looking forward to this night. Nayeon and I got a lot closer today. I was hoping to chat with her.

Chaengyoung and I arrived at a bar. We saw Ji-eun unnie sitting in one of the table.

JE : "Jeong! Chaeng! I'm glad you two came."

JY : "Unnie next time tell as a head of time."

JE : "Why so grumpy?"

CY : "Haha cause you took hyung's precious time with her wife."

JE : "Wife????"

CY : "You see hyung is dating someone right now."

JY : "I'm not, lets get this over with so I can go home."

JE : "So that's why you're grumpy. How could you not tell unnie about this?"

JY : "Unnie please not now."

We sat in there company table, it's was a long table. You can basically everyone sitting. Some were dancing while the others are singing. It was fun but unlike when I'm with Nayeon the time is really slow. I was annoyed of the loud music and the drunk guys so I decided to go outside. I went to the back door and sat there for some fresh air.

The door suddenly open...

CY : "Hyung are you okay?"

JY : "Yeah, it was just too noisy inside."

CY : "Hmm hyung can I ask you something."

JY : "Sure."

CY : "I haven't seen you lately but you look different from before is this because of Ms. Im."

JY : "Kind of."

CY : "Can you tell me exactly why the two of you started living together."

JY : "Hmm it started with a bet. I didn't thought she would go this far to win."

CY : "What bet is that?"

JY : "She said if she can make me believe in love, I have to do her surgery. She have a heart condition."

CY : "You should just said that your going to do it."

JY : "I did but she insisted that she wants to earn it."

CY : "Sooo is she winning?"

JY : "I'll just make a fool of me if I said she'snot, isn't it obvious?"

CY : "Omo hyung this is surprising. All this time I thought you'll just grow old alone and here you are confessing to me. When do you plan to tell her."

JY : "Hmm I'm still waiting for the right time."

CY : "Congrats hyung."

JY : "You should start making your move to."

CY : "Haha I wish I could but we all know the answer to that."

JY : "You haven't tried yet. What happened with you? You suddenly disappeared, Mina was asking me about you she said read something about you."

CY : "I wanted to give her space, she said she's having some personal problem. I didn't want to force myself to her. You know does article is fake."

JY : "Well you haven't been coming for a long time and she read something like that, you can't blame her for not wanting to talk to you."

CY : "I know hyung."

JY : "You should explain yourself to her."

CY : "I'll try hyung."

The two of just chatted outside. It was dark and cold, I hope Ms. Im is already sleeping.

"Those old guys are giving Ji-eun so many to drink, poor girl she can't refuse them." We overheard.

CY : "Hyung I think we should go back."

JY : "Arraso."

When we came back we saw Ji-eun unnie, she's almost asleep.

CY : "Unnie are you okay?"

JE : "Oh Chaeng yeah I'm just a little bit sleepy."

JY : "Okay no more drinks for you."

JE : "Ehhh? But you know it's rude to decline there offer."

JY : "I'll drink it for you."

CY : "You sure hyung? Your alcohol tolerance is not that good either."

JY : "I think I can manage until we can go home."

I sat next to unnie then Chaengyoung was on her other side. She was leaning at me, as she tries to sober a little. Every drink they gave to unnie I empty.

Unnie started hugging me when I felt her arms around my neck.

JE : "Jeong what's this? Haha it's lame, I didn't know you like this kind of stuff." She said while holding Nayeon's emergency beeper that I was wearing as my necklace.

JE : "Lets take this trash off, I'll buy you a better one."

JY : "Unnie stop!"

I didn't mean to raise my voice at her but I was offended but what she said. The whole night went by.

JY : "Chaeng can you drive unnie back home?"

JE : "I'm okay now. I can take the taxi. Chaeng you should drive her home."

CY : "Right hyung, your face is really red. Are you still okay?"

JY : "Yeah I'm just feeling a little light headed but I should be fine you don't have to worry about me."

CY : "I'll take you home hyung lets just leave your motorcycle here. We can come back for it tomorrow."

JY : "Hmm I have something to do, you two should go now."

JE : "Jeong just please get in the car."

JY : "Unnie I'm fine, I'll see you next time. Text me once you get home. Chaeng take care."

I rode my motorcycle. I wanted to see Nayeon, I want to know if she's okay. My stubbornness is  taking the better of me.


JE : "Jeong just please get in the car."

JY : "Unnie I'm fine, I'll see you next time. Text me once you get home. Chaeng take care."

Hyung started her motorcycle...

JE : "Chaeng can you follow her? I'm worried about her."

CY : "What about you unnie?"

JE : "I already called a cab."

CY : "Arraso, text me once you get home okay?"

JE : "I will, can you tell me if she's home?"

CY : "Of course unnie, take care."

 I followed hyung to unfamiliar place, I haven't been here. The house are really big. She then stopped in front of this big house, she was talking to someone on the phone. After that she just sit in front of her Motorcycle.

Before I can go outside my car. I saw two people coming out of the gate. It was Nayeon and Mina. 

CY : "Unnie sorry."

CY : "I tried to take her home but she said she wants to check if you're okay."

NY : "Dr. Yoo you could've just texted me."

JY : "I wanted to see for my self."

NY : "Lets go inside for now."

CY : "I'll help you carry her unnie."

MN : "Unnie just open the door for us, we'll carry her."

We carried Jeong into the guest room.

CY : "Unnie I'm sorry about this, Jeong was just trying to help our friends but she ended up having way too much from what she can handle."

NY : "That's okay, you can stay here too."

CY : "That's too much I'm okay, I can go home. I was just making sure hyung is okay."

NY : "Arraso then do you to have like coffee?"

CY : "Thank you but I should be going, I'm bothering you way so much."

NY : "No you didn't. Thank you for helping Jeong. Mina can you take Chaeng out?"

MN : "Arraso."

It was awkward, I know she didn't want to talk to me but I should try and start a conversation.

CY : "Dr. Myoui I can walk alone from here."

She just nodded back at me.

CY : "Thank you! You really did an amazing performance earlier. I wish I could see you more in stage......... Arraso, I'm being to annoying right now. I'm going, have a good night."

I guess she still don't want to talk to me, but I'll try more until she open up again. 



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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^