Today I woke Nayeon early I planned a long day for us.

JY : "Babe wake up."

Nayeon refused to wake up and just wrapped her arms more tightly to my hips

JY : "Babe you promise you'll go out with me today."

NY : "But babe there's no mall or anything open right now, do you want to date in a convince store?"

JY : "Haha what if I did?"

NY : "Lets do it later then."

JY : "Please babe? If you wake up I promise to give you a special gift :)"

NY : "Hmp." She started to stand up.

JY : "Okay on to the bath, hurry up."

NY : "Ehhhh it's 4 in the morning babe, what are we going to do."

JY : "I'll tell you later. You can sleep more in the car. Gaja!"

She took a bath as I prepare our things. I put some extra clothes and some snacks for the way.  We headed down stairs.

NY : "Babe were using the car?"

JY : "Of course haha, how will you sleep if we use the motorcycle?"

NY : "Pabo! It's just that you rarely use it. Where are we going?"

JY : "You'll see babe gaja!"

She slept through tan hour of our drive when she woke up, the sun is already rising.

She slept through tan hour of our drive when she woke up, the sun is already rising

JY : "Good morning babe :)"

NY : "I thought I was dreaming but we really are in the car."

JY : "Sorry to make plans you didn't know but I'm sure you're gong to enjoy this."

NY : "It's okay as long as I'm with you."

JY : "I have some sandwiches in the bag. If you're hungry."

We had fun travelling we made several stop to buy something she wants and for some potty breaks. Around 7am we arrived at the port and boarded our car to a ship.

NY : "Yoo Jeongyeon I know this is going to Jeju but what are we going to do in there?"

JY : "Babe it's just an hour away, I'll tell you soon."

NY : "You better be planning something good Dr. Yoo."

JY : "Of course."

An hour passed by, we went back to our car and started to drive again. We arrived at the beach side.

NY : "Jeong! I can smell the sea."

JY : "I knew you'll love it." I entered the compound and parked my car.

NY : "Ehhh you should've just told me that we're going to have a date in the beach."

JY : "Hahaha!"

SY :        

SY : "Jeongie! :)"

HM : "Omo my Jeongie is here."

JY : "Annyeong unnie! Halmeoni!" (Halmeoni means Grandma)"This is Im Nayeon, my girlfriend :)"

HM : "She's really beautiful like how you told us."

NY : "Annyeong unnie, halmeoni. I'm pleased to meet you. Thank you for having me."

SY : "Don't be to formal with us, you're part of the family now. I'm Yoo Seungyeon, Here let me help you."  

Unnie helped Nayeon with her bag and I was helping halmeoni walk back inside the house.

SY : "Say Nayeon is Jeongyeon treating you right?"

JY : "Unnie!?"

SY : "Hahaha what? I know you for all your life. I'm just worried about her."

NY : "She's doing great taking care of me :)"

SY : "Omo is this really Jeongyeon? Haha."

HM : "Seungyeon stop teasing your sister."

SY : "Arraso halmeoni."

As soon as we entered the house I saw Omma and Appa sitting in the sofa watching TV

JY : "Omma! Appa!"

OM : "Jeongie! You should have told us you're going to arrive earlier."

AP : "That's right I should have cooked for you."

JY : "It's fine, hmm this is Im Nayeon. My girlfriend."

AP : "What a beauty, thank you for taking care of our Jeongie. She told me that you're really good at the kitchen."

OM : "So this is my daughter in law? Omo Jeong you should have bought her here long time ago."

JY : "Sorry omma."

NY : "Good morning....."

OM : "You can call us omma and appa too."

NY : "Good morning omma, appa I'm Im Nayeon. Thank you for having me today."

Omma started hugging Nayeon, she didn't left her side.

SY : "Omma don't scare Nayeon, we don't want the only girl she ever bought here to run away haha."

OM : "Ehhh she's not. Right Nayeon-ssi."

 NY : "Haha of course not."

HM : "Okay stop clinging to the girl. Let them get ready."

AP : "That's right we prepared your room and we have things we'll do today."

OM : "I wish you can stay more than a day."

JY : "It's okay omma, we're going to come back. Nayeon gaja!"

We headed to my room, and as soon as we entered Nayeon started to laugh.

NY : "Joeng thank you! We have a small family and since dad died it was just the three of us. Thank you for bringing me here."

JY : "They're your family now :) so feel free to be yourself here okay?"

NY : "You really love Lego's... Your room is fill with it."

JY : "When I was growing up, I didn't go out that much. So omma and appa bought me one, and I feel in love with it."

NY : "Jeong I love you."

JY : "Omo what's with that?"

NY : "I never really appreciate anything but since I meet you, I have different perspectives now."

JY : "I love you more babe, lets go. They're probably waiting down stairs already."

NY : "Arraso."

We spent the whole afternoon going around with the whole family. We played in the beach and had lunch together. Everything was going to plan, I just have to pull one last trick. Dinner came and we went to Appa's restaurant, we sat outside the balcony overseeing the sea. 

OM : "Jeong your Seoyeon unnie wil be here in a moment."

JY : "Arraso." I held Nayeon's hand under the table.

SE : "Jeongie! :)"

JY : "Unnie!"

SY : "It sounded that she's your favorite."

JY : "She is haha."

SY : "Hmp good thing I have Nayeon now. I'm your favorite right?"

SE : "Omo don't force her, haha. Hi Nayeon-ssi I'm sorry for being late. By the way I'm Yoo Seoyeon."

NY : "Hi unnie that's okay."

Everyone was sitting down and before dinner was served I stood up....

JY : "Hmm Halmeoni, Appa, Omma, Unnies... The real reason why I came back here is to ask your permission."

Everyone looked at me, even Nayeon was wondering what was happening. Again I held her hands but this time it was already showing.

JY : "I want to marry Nayeon-ssi." I said and vowed in front of my family. I was waiting for their answer before I raise my head.

Then I felt a hard thing that was smash to my head, I lifted my head and saw Seoyeon unnie holding a spoon and smiling.

JY : "Unnie!!!!"

OM : "Yoo Jeongyeon what on earth made you think that we're not going to give our permission?"

AP : "Since you were young, you already know what you wanted. So we're sure that you already made up your mind when you called to tell us you're going home with Nayeon-ssi."

SY : "You rarely go home and you never took anyone here. The moment we saw Nayeon we knew she's a good girl."

HM : "Jeongie did you ask Nayeon before us?"

I just smiled at them, Nayeon held my hand tightly.

SY : "Pabo! You're not supposed to say this in front of her unless you already propose to her."

JY : "Ehhhh but.."

NY : "It's okay unnie :) I knew the moment I meet her that I want to be with her forever."

SE : "Then when will be the wedding?"

JY : "Soon as we're done with the surgery."

HM : "Arraso, so we need to prepare."

SY : "Finally our maknae found some to share her life with."

SE : "Lets toast to the new family!"

The night went by so fast we were back in my room and preparing our things to go back tomorrow. Halmeoni and omma gave us so much to take home.

JY : "Nabong you should give some to your sisters."

NY : "Hmm okay."

JY : "Is something bothering you?"

NY : "It's not that big deal."

JY : "Come on babe tell me."

NY : "I was just thinking, what if I don't make it? Everyone will be sad and most importantly I'll leave you alone babe."

JY : "Babe don't think about that, I know for sure will make it through. Hmmm I know the right thing to cheer you up."

I took my bag and searched for my gift. 

JY : "Here babe :)" I handed her a bunny plushies.  "Her name is Kkaengie." (Kkaengie is the real name of Nayeon's plushie Haha)

NY : "Thank you Jeong :)"

JY : "If I'm at work or even when you miss me Kkaengie will be my substitute."

NY : "Arraso." She gave Kkaengie a kiss on the lips.

JY : "Hey! You should be giving me kisses instead of her."

NY : "I'll give you one tomorrow."

JY : "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh."

She shove right into mine.

NY : "I'm not letting you sleep tonight."

JY : "Haha babe your heart!"

NY : "I know I'll stop if I can't."

JY : "Arraso Ms. Im."

We spend the whole night cuddling under the moonlight.

We spend the whole night cuddling under the moonlight        


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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^