Theme parks and plush toys

Let's Pretend

His lips left your face and the ice cream was gone too, your breath hitched *Yoseob has never kissed me on the cheek and we’re supposed to be “dating”…But Jonghyun just kissed my cheek when he only met me today, does he like me!?! No way! I’m sure he’s just naturally flirty, yeah that’s it…* these thoughts were racing through your head as you analysed what just happened.  “Well are you going to thank me? I did just get the ice cream off your cheek” he smirked expecting you start fangirl-ing, but you simply replied “Why should I? It was your fault it got in my cheek in the first place” and went to finish your food, he stared at you; shocked. No girl should act like that after he kissed them, let alone when he was their bias from SHINee! He heard a chuckle from the other side of the table and he looked to see Yoseob smiling, with a glint in his eyes; triumph. Yoseob then turned to you and said “Remember our “tradition”?” holding a chip up to you, you smiled and leaned forward to eat the chip, earning a scowl from the brunette with blonde tips next to you.

Jonghyun went back to eating, still wallowing in self pity at his failure to woo you, but there would be plenty more chances for that. He didn’t notice, but a certain blonde rapper was giving him a major death glare (but you noticed) so to lighten the mood you asked “Well it’s only twelve so I vote we all go out somewhere! Any ideas anyone?” you chimed. There was some discussion before you settled on going to an amusement park (Minho’s suggestion) and Taemin was especially excited because he had never been to one before. So you all made your way out to the van and this time, you strategically sat in between Key and Taemin to avoid any more awkward encounters from the blonde and brunette counterparts; Yoseob and Jonghyun.

Yoseob wasn’t exactly happy that you weren’t next to him, but he was happy you weren’t with the Dino. So he settled for talking to Gikwang and secretly catching glimpses of you and your gorgeous smile whenever he could (Gikwang noticed but didn’t say anything, he actually really liked the idea of you two as a couple) *If only Seobie wasn’t so dense sometimes then he would’ve figured out how he feels by now* thought Gikwang as he looked at his friend. You were happily chatting to Taemin and only stopped to tell Doojoon where to go. In about twenty minutes you arrived at the theme park, Taemin was really excited but hid it behind his timid exterior (he didn’t think you’d appreciate him being so childlike. Boy was he wrong) you caught up with Taemin and said to him “How come you aren’t bouncing around like a little kid? I thought you were really excited for your first amusement park” he looked down shyly and replied “I-I am” you looked at him kindly “Then show it. I like it better when you’re the cute maknae who expresses himself, you’re more fun that way” you smiled and took his hand walking ahead of the others, Taemin blushed.

The first thing anyone wanted to go to was the Haunted House (Yoseob and Jonghyun were secretly hoping you’d get scared and hug them in fright) and you decided to go in pairs. Much to Yoseob and Jonghyun’s disappointment; you went with Taemin. So it ended up you with Taemin, Yoseob with Gikwang, Key with Jonghyun, Onew with Minho, Junhyung with Hyunseung and Doojoon with Dongwoon. You entered the haunted house one pair at a time and it started off not so bad, but then it got a little creepy. There were lots of really realistic props of rotting corpses, skeletons and the worst thing of all were the sound effects. Taemin was holding your hand and because you were the last pair to enter, you were the only ones left inside. Suddenly a loud scream filled the room and Taemin hugged you for dear life, the scream had been a sound effect and it definitely had the desired effect on the poor maknae. He clung to you and you patted his head while comforting him. “I’m sorry Emma, I shouldn’t be scared, please don’t tell the others about this??” he looked up at you desperately, hoping you wouldn’t laugh. You returned the seventeen year olds hug and ruffled his hair “Of course not, it will be our little secret, ok?” he beamed “Ok, um…hey Emma?” “Yeah?” you replied “C-Can I call you noona?” he blushed “Of course you can my little Dongsaeng!” you chimed. So, still holding hands, you emerged from the large house smiling at each other. The others all turned to you and Onew snickered “So did our little Minnie get scared in there?” you looked at Taemin and grinned “Nope not once! He even let me hold his hand the whole time, he was really brave” SHINee looked at you in shock and so did B2ST. You smiled at Taemin as his jaw almost dropped, but he only smiled brightly at you.

After that you went to all the sideshows and the boys won them all! All the prizes they won they gave to you and you accepted them gratefully. You all needed a short rest so you went to get everyone drinks, on your way back you spotted a game you missed and you saw a prize that a certain Dongsaeng of yours would definitely love. You played the game quickly so you could get back to the others and you called Taemin over, you gave him his drink and held out the cute little plush toy you won; it was a fluffy, anime banana with a cute face and it even smelled like bananas. Anyone else would’ve thought it was a stupid gift, but not Taemin. His face lit up in such a way he could’ve rivalled the sun and he threw his arms around you “Thankyou noona!” he beamed. The others looked at you and you laughed at the jealous expressions being sent to you from all around.

When you finished your drinks, you proceeded to go on every ride you could find…and that was a lot! So many in fact that by the time you had one to go, it was nearly nine o’clock. The last ride was a Ferris Wheel, a really big one. It probably reached about fifty feet in the air, you decided to ride with Yoseob and you noticed a little uneasy, but he got on the ride anyway. About halfway up he looked like something was upsetting him and he kept looking at his feet. An idea dawned on you “Oppa…are you afraid of heights?” he didn’t even dare look up at you so he just gave a small nod. *Aww, so that means he just came up here because I wanted to go* guilt washed over you and you took his hand. “How come you were ok on the roller coasters then?” you asked “Well I only get scared when you’re going slow enough to realise how high up you are, like on this” he murmured. You removed your hand from his and then wrapped your arms around his waist like you had before at dance practice, only this time…you kissed him on the cheek.


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Possumdudechick8 #1
Chapter 26: Bout ing time Sis!!! we all missed you so god damn ing much!!! hahaha Love it!!! XX <3
Possumdudechick8 #2
Chapter 25: Please update soon sis because I wanna find out what you can think up for Suzy next mwahahahaha awesome cliffhanger by the way hehe ^.~
Possumdudechick8 #3
Yah dongsaengie haha annyeong haseyo please update I'm going crazy here haha I miss you xx saranghaeyo bogoshipo kamsahamnida xx
Chapter 26: I'll miss you dongsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: I'll miss you donsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: enjoy your holidays~~
its okay authornim
<3 (^_^)v
yoseoblover7 #7
Chapter 26: AWWWWWWWWW :( Have a good trip though!
b2strockz #8
Chapter 25: Update soon girl!! It's awesome! *Squels*
Chapter 25: omg saengie you made me cry BUT LOL at suxy xDDD
damn i must be that strong .... /i wish *rolls eyes* xDDD
oh ____tt i wander what happens 2 days later...
Chapter 25: OK seriously?!?! I CRIED. It was so terrible, yet so beautiful at the same time!!!! :'D
GO DONGSAENG!! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3