"Somewhere near the Harbour Bridge pleeeaaase!"

Let's Pretend

You started to gain confidence after the next couple of outfits, mainly skirts paired with nice tops, dresses of varying colours and lengths, even the occasional pair of jeans (thrown in for your benefit) and despite yourself, you started enjoying trying on the clothes. It kind of made you feel like a model, walking down a catwalk in trendy clothes and then being examined from all sides by six hot guys, who wouldn’t love it?? When you finally reached the end of the pile of clothes they chose for you, they all chose an outfit they liked best and walked over to the counter, you were confused and went over to them “Hey guys, what are you doing? I can’t pay for these, I don’t have enough money…” you looked at the floor, half expecting them to laugh and they did, but for a totally different reason. “Did you think we were going to get you to pay for all this??” they asked you, “Well how else is it going to get payed for?...” they all looked at you like it was the most obvious thing in the world and said “We’re paying for it”. Your eyes widened and you were at a loss for words, so all that came out was “Huh, b-but why, uh…what??” as their news sunk in and you walked over to them and took the clothes from their hands. Yoseob looked and confused, “Em, why are you putting the clothes back?” you kept walking and replied “Because I don’t want you to spend all this money on me! It will just make me feel bad and how am I supposed to repay you all?” Yoseob walked over to you and put all the clothes back in the bags, “Um, well since you don’t want to feel bad then take them…they’re already payed for” he said with a cheeky grin, “Unless you want us to just leave them here and waste the money we spent on you, then that’s fine” he shrugged and started trudging back to the group, leaving you with your mouth hanging open. “You already payed for them!?” you almost exploded, Junhyung turned to face you and said “Yep, so too bad cause they’re yours now and guess what? No refunds” he smirked at your annoyed expression and in the end you gave in and accepted the clothes (you couldn’t just leave them; it would’ve been such a waste! Plus, Yoseob and Gikwang used their aegyo so how could you refuse?)

It was about lunch time when you left the shop (Yoseob left last with another bag which you figured was clothes for him) and once you managed to fit all the bags in the boot of the car, you all set off in search of lunch and this time, the drive was slow and leisurely and since the boys didn’t really know where to go from the city centre, you had to direct them where to go. You asked them where they wanted to go, Yoseob said he didn’t mind, but the two in the back seat (Dongwoon and Gikwang) had a different idea and they both yelled “Somewhere near the Harbour Bridge pleeeaaase!!!” They both put on their best aegyo and you became overwhelmed with puppy dog eyes, bunny ears and buing buing’s, you couldn’t say no to them and so you directed Yoseob down to Circular Quay, an arrangement of buildings and shops that were right across from the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. When you arrived all that could be heard was the sounds of oohs and aahs from the backseat. You and Yoseob looked at each other and laughed, obviously the happiness radiating from the backseats was spreading as you pulled into a parking space.

When you all got out of the car, you lead the way through the bustling streets towards a row of nice restaurants, until you realised that the boys were still about ten metres behind you staring at the huge, famous landmarks that were so close. You chuckled, “Hey guys, since your mouths are hanging open, maybe we should come get some lunch?” and you stuck your tongue out at them when they finally tore their eyes away to follow you. When they caught up with you, you told them to point to the restaurant they wanted to go to and after a few seconds, they all pointed to an Italian place so you lead them inside and asked for a table for seven. There was one thing you didn’t count on, every time they saw something interesting on the menu, they asked you to explain what it was and if it was good. So after about ten minutes of answering all their questions, you noticed that Yoseob had kept quiet and he was surprised when you remembered why.

You leaned over to Yoseob and whispered “You haven’t chosen it yet because you’re having trouble reading it aren’t you?...” Yoseob’s eyes went round and then remembered that he told you and nodded slowly. You giggled “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, um is there anything you’re allergic to?” he shook his head. So you suggested “How about we choose what you want to eat together then?” Yoseob blushed as he nodded *Wow, she’s so nice to me and I’ve only known her since yesterday…* he thought while he watched you flicking through the menu. Eventually after you finished telling him what was in the pastas and soups, he decided and you all ordered. Your food arrived shortly afterwards and it was all beautifully presented on an array of plates, with fine silverware and complimentary drinks were also served. You had almost finished your food when a fork with a single piece of pasta was raised in front of you. You looked at its owner, Yoseob, who just smiled shyly and said “I’m starting a tradition. Whenever we go out to eat, I get to feed you at least once!” You let out a quiet “Aww” and ate the pasta; the aww’s from the rest of the table weren’t so quiet though. Hyunseung laughed “Finally we’re getting somewhere! At this rate, people really will think you’re a couple” Everyone smiled and you made eye contact with your adorable (but unfortunately pretend) boyfriend.  He just gazed at you thinking *She’s so sweet, I’m glad I met someone like her. I hope we stay friends after this whole thing’s over…it almost makes me want this not to end*

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Possumdudechick8 #1
Chapter 26: Bout ing time Sis!!! we all missed you so god damn ing much!!! hahaha Love it!!! XX <3
Possumdudechick8 #2
Chapter 25: Please update soon sis because I wanna find out what you can think up for Suzy next mwahahahaha awesome cliffhanger by the way hehe ^.~
Possumdudechick8 #3
Yah dongsaengie haha annyeong haseyo please update I'm going crazy here haha I miss you xx saranghaeyo bogoshipo kamsahamnida xx
Chapter 26: I'll miss you dongsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: I'll miss you donsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: enjoy your holidays~~
its okay authornim
<3 (^_^)v
yoseoblover7 #7
Chapter 26: AWWWWWWWWW :( Have a good trip though!
b2strockz #8
Chapter 25: Update soon girl!! It's awesome! *Squels*
Chapter 25: omg saengie you made me cry BUT LOL at suxy xDDD
damn i must be that strong .... /i wish *rolls eyes* xDDD
oh ____tt i wander what happens 2 days later...
Chapter 25: OK seriously?!?! I CRIED. It was so terrible, yet so beautiful at the same time!!!! :'D
GO DONGSAENG!! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3