A day at the beach with drama to follow...

Let's Pretend

It took Yoseob half an hour to even stand up on a rather small wave, but he was doing pretty well for his first try and you were proud of your adorable student. Even if he just fell of his board for the tenth time, he was trying really hard (to impress you) and even managed to catch one wave all the way into shore. Let’s just say he had a ‘little kid moment’ and was jumping up and down with the biggest smile on his face that was physically possible, his eyes lit up when he realised you saw the whole thing and he ran over to you. “Emma, Emma, I did it!” he cried and picked you up holding you by the waist and started twirling you around. When his excitement finally died down he slowly lowered you down to the ground and engulfed you in a sweet (but soaking) hug, you beamed at him “That’s my Yoseob!” and his breath hitched at your words *She called me her Yoseob!* He smiled brilliantly at you and hugged you again, you meanwhile were smiling back at him like an idiot and you noticed you were being held against his perfectly sculpted abs *Wow, he really has no idea the kind of effect he has on me…* you thought while looking at his overjoyed face that was tinted with a little colour.

It was about 3:30 in the afternoon by now and Yoseob asked if you could stay a little longer (to practice his surfing but mainly to stay with you) and you agreed. Yoseob texted the others telling them where you were and they arrived while he was out trying to catch another wave, but; the boys being the boys decided to sneak up on you. They succeeded…and scared the crap out of you. “Kim Jonghyun!” you yelled when he picked you up from behind and after hitting him a couple times he put you down. Then it dawned on you *! I’m not wearing a shirt!* you panicked, you were used to wearing a bikini around Yoseob, but the other ten…no way. The boys seemed to notice this as well and some of them were quite shamelessly checking you out.

You looked awkwardly at the sand beneath your feet and blushed heavily, “Guys! Do you really have to stare??” you shouted at the ground, “No” Hyunseung said “But we want to” he smirked and that earned him a punch in the gut. The others looked at their friend now a crumpled heap on the ground, then at you and at first they were scared…but then they went right back to staring. Someone suddenly said “Minho you lucky little…you never said that she was this freaking hot!” you turned away, you were so embarrassed. All of your friends had now seen you in a bikini, *Great* you thought sarcastically and you did the only thing that would calm you down; you grabbed your board and headed for the waves, no longer caring if all eyes were on you.

You paddled out to Yoseob and sat on your board, floating on the bobbing waves waiting for a good set to roll in. It didn’t take long; the waves looked too big for Yoseob so he caught the last smaller one in before your set got there, you smiled *One and a half to two metres, just how I like it* you thought as they edged closer. The first one; you floated over, it just wasn’t gonna be a good wave and so you waited. *Not the next one, not the one after that…* you thought as you checked out your options, *That one!* you thought as your sights landed on the last wave of the set, it was perfect and it was yours. Your excitement built up as you lay down on your board, gently starting to paddle and slowly speeding up. When it was right behind you, you gave the water under you a powerful push and you caught the wave. Instantly you stood up and started carving down the two metre wave and doing a few tricks for fun. 

You looked up when you got to shore after your award worthy performance and saw all of your friends (plus some others you didn’t even know) cheering for you, you beamed at them and walked up to them promptly shoving your board nose first into the soft sand. You were happy with your wave and feeling hungry, “Guys, can we go get food now?” you asked, subtly batting your long eyelashes at your oppa’s and two dongsaeng’s .T hey all melted at your gaze and nodded dumbly at your request, “Ok, let’s go then” you replied, shooting them a dazzling smile when you started walking off without them. They quickly caught up and Jonghyun spoke to the group “Guys I think I know the perfect song to some up Emma” you all looked at him with curiosity and he started singing Dazzling Girl. It didn’t take long for the others to join in and you walked up to Jonghyun’s boyfriend “Key, do I have permission?” you asked, looking at the diva with the cat eyes “Yeah, he deserves it for that little performance” and you grinned in thanks. Skipping (yes you couldn’t believe you were skipping either) over to Jonghyun’s side you gave him a big hug, “Thankyou Jonggie” you chimed and gave him a small peck on the nose and giggled at his cute reaction (His eyes went round and he blushed). You gave Key a hug as apology for skinship with his brunette boyfriend and you turned in time to see Yoseob’s eyes sadden; you felt bad and decided to make up for it.

You ran behind the rest of the group and gave him a back hug, he let out a small squeak of surprise and you chuckled into his back. You peeked around his shoulder to look at his gorgeous face, he looked nervous and incredibly cute “Aww, Seobie you look adorable” you teased; causing the whole group to erupt with Awws and this meant Yoseob’s face was growing ever redder. When you let go of his waist you settled for holding his hand, which you had noticed; fitted perfectly with yours.  Doojoon had already taken the surf boards back so you all headed for food, nothing fancy just good old fast food would suffice. The twelve of you walked until you found a place to eat and that just turned out to be Macca’s, so after an hour of eating, talking and the tradition of you and Yoseob feeding each other chips, you headed back home. Yoseob walked you to your door “Hey, Emma?” you turned to the handsome boy you dearly wished you could call yours and replied “Yeah, what’s up Yoseob?” trying to cover up the fact that your heart was beating a million miles a minute. “Um, I was wondering, are you free tomorrow?” and his face instantly brightened when you nodded, “Yeah, what do you wanna do?” you asked, “Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out” you grinned “Sure, sounds great oh and do I dress casual or do I need to dress fancy?” you said cheekily and he chuckled “Hmm, fancy I think” and he bent down and kissed your cheek. “Goodnight sweetie” he whispered, his cool breath brushing past your ear tickling you “Night Seobie” you said and gave his hand a final squeeze before going inside.

Before you knew it, you were waking up the next morning feeling energised and your mood only got better when you saw a text saying “Morning sweetie ;) I woke up feeling happy knowing I get to see you first thing today” “Aww” you sighed, he really did know how to make you feel special and you texted back “Aww, yay! :D Can’t wait to see my Seobie” His heart skipped a beat, *She called me hers twice now!* and proceeded to grin like an idiot.

Your gaze then wandered over to your wardrobe, Yoseob said fancy and the only fancy things you had were the clothes B2ST had bought you *Oh well* you thought as you dove into the bags of expensive clothes. Eventually you found a http://white dress that looked ok, it looked like it was lace (usually you hated lace but you knew that B2ST would only choose something they thought you would look good in) so you put it on and you were surprised how good it looked. It had three quarter bell sleeves that you could see your slim arms through the lace in and it went to about halfway down your thighs, in the middle of the bottom of the squared off neckline it had a beige strip of leather with a piece of white ribbon criss-crossing up it and tied in a bow at the top. It flared out ever so slightly at your waist and you were thankful for the plain white fabric under the main part of the dress, otherwise it would be utterly see through. You took out a pair of beige suede wedges and carefully put them on, perfect match with the leather on your dress and now all you had to do was your makeup. You went with natural makeup, mascara, lips and a tiny bit of white eyeshadow, not really on your lids but only a bit near your tear ducts. Making your eyes seem larger and brighter, you swapped your little sleeper earrings for some gold hoops and left your hair falling bolt straight down your back.  You were impressed with your effort and left happily to meet Yoseob.

Today Yoseob pulled up in a pearl white Lamborghini, his smile alone was enough to make your heart start beating faster and you couldn’t help but beam back at him. He opened your door for you and then cranked the music up; you serenaded each other with the songs on your playlist and despite you not liking driving very much there was never a dull moment. First Yoseob drove you to the Max Brenner café where you took B2ST the day you met, he produced a camera and you took photos of each other while eating your chocolaty breakfasts. After that you went and watched a movie (another action movie of your choice) when the movie was finished it was 11:30am so you drove to the Italian where you took B2ST the previous week and had lunch, again you took lots more photos. Yoseob drove you everywhere you had memories with B2ST and took hundreds of photos.

By four o’clock you had covered most of town and apparently there was one last stop, as Yoseob helped you out of the car he whispered “You look so beautiful” and you blushed, seeing your expression he shrugged and said “You always do” and with that simple sentence; he took your breath away. He looked very good himself; he was wearing suit pants with a white button up dress shirt that had thin vertical black stripes and shiny black shoes. He led you into the second theatre that day and you brought you to B2ST’s dressing room. All of them were waiting for you and showered you with compliments on your pretty outfit, you thanked them all and they told you they were doing a free concert right now, it was going to be a simple street performance outside and you were the guest of honour. By 4:30 they were set up outside and by 5:00pm the street was packed with B2uty’s that had heard news of the free concert.

B2ST performed five songs before having a half an hour interval for everyone to all have a break, they had all been amazing but you had your eyes on one particular blonde vocalist the entire time and he stole glimpses of you more than once. You went down to the dressing room before B2ST to go get the camera and were on your way back up to the stage, you were a little tired from walking in your ridiculously high shoes so you stood for a moment letting five out of six band members walk past. Yoseob was still up there. You gathered your energy and walked up the last of the steps out of the theatre, you struggled to push your way through the crowd towards the stage and after a few minutes of slowly making your way to the stage you got through all the other fans. You turned around the corner behind the stage and caught of glimpse of Yoseob being jerked backwards; you walked forward a few more steps and gasped at what you saw. Suzy grabbed Yoseob’s wrist and yanked him back to her before forcing her lips onto his, all of a sudden all the noise from everyone crammed in that small street was drowned out a deafening sound; the sound of your heart breaking.


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Possumdudechick8 #1
Chapter 26: Bout ing time Sis!!! we all missed you so god damn ing much!!! hahaha Love it!!! XX <3
Possumdudechick8 #2
Chapter 25: Please update soon sis because I wanna find out what you can think up for Suzy next mwahahahaha awesome cliffhanger by the way hehe ^.~
Possumdudechick8 #3
Yah dongsaengie haha annyeong haseyo please update I'm going crazy here haha I miss you xx saranghaeyo bogoshipo kamsahamnida xx
Chapter 26: I'll miss you dongsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: I'll miss you donsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: enjoy your holidays~~
its okay authornim
<3 (^_^)v
yoseoblover7 #7
Chapter 26: AWWWWWWWWW :( Have a good trip though!
b2strockz #8
Chapter 25: Update soon girl!! It's awesome! *Squels*
Chapter 25: omg saengie you made me cry BUT LOL at suxy xDDD
damn i must be that strong .... /i wish *rolls eyes* xDDD
oh ____tt i wander what happens 2 days later...
Chapter 25: OK seriously?!?! I CRIED. It was so terrible, yet so beautiful at the same time!!!! :'D
GO DONGSAENG!! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3