An Accidental Collision And The Penny Drops

Let's Pretend

The rest of the day was spent devising a plan for pretty much every possible scenario, you were 90% sure that a solid quarter of said 'scenarios' weren't even possible anyway. It did make you feel better though to know that both the B2st and SHINee boys had done their best to help with suggestions for everything. It had never occurred to you that you would ever be close enough to meet even one of these amazing people at a fanmeet or something, let alone all of them. Yet, here you were, now surrounded by 11 friends that felt like they had been by your side for so long. Some silent tears slid down your face while you smiled in pure appreciation of these boys that were now such a big part of your life, Dongwoon spotted you first, “Crap, Emma! What's wrong??” he leaned over so far he fell off the edge of the couch in order to reach a box, from which he began frantically extracting way too many tissues. Promptly bursting out in laughter you leaned down and did your best to help the boy that seemed to have almost tied himself in a knot. Taking only four or five of the probably close to eleven or so tissues and thanking Dongwoon while trying to keep your giggles in check.

The others had quickly caught on and the simultaneous worrying began. You decided to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible and said quite simply (albeit loudly to overpower the others) “Guys I promise I'm fine, I'm just really happy I met you all. Thank you for being a part of my life and giving me the privilege of being a part of yours.” The tears had stopped and you wiped them away, you turned back to their adoring expressions and you just couldn't help but say the only thing that summed it all up; “I love you all so much.” Before you knew it was happening 11 bodies were converging on your position and you found yourself in the mother of all group hugs. All at once these different voices of different people with different personalities and lives that all united in their own ways to say some form or another of the same message; “We love you too.”

The moment was so sweet and so perfect...and then you hicupped. Mentally chastising yourself *Seriously?!* you slowly untangled yourself from the forest of limbs and made your way to the kitchen for a glass of water. Every couple of steps though, there was that foreboding build up feeling growing in your throat and finally of course, the ever irritating “...Hic...hic...hic--Damn it!” you cried out in frustration. This was partially because of the hiccups, but also because you were in a massive hotel on the top floor where it was all one 'room' and it was-- you guessed it; huge. Meaning it took about an agonising 30 seconds of misery to walk all the way to the open plan kitchen area, fill your glass and then another awful ten seconds beyond that for you to fit a couple of sips in between the incessant hiccups.

The otherwise quiet room did not remain so for long. A sound that usually brought you joy, in this particular instance did not and you glared at the creators of said 'sound'. They were you. Minho, Onew and Key were trying their best to stifle their laughter, Jonghyun was silent laughing but there may or may not have been tears in his eyes (you couldn't tell from that distance) Taemin was biting his lip and looking down rather guiltily, trying to hide his amusement. B2st however...had just completely lost it. Fit of their melodious (but still annoying) laughter rang across the room and you pouted in the most serious way, it made for quite an odd combination of facial expressions but you couldn't help it! You hated getting hiccups and here they were, having a laugh at your expense. Rather than risk a smartass remark that could be ruined by uninvited interruption of a hiccup, you opted for a more simple approach that would still work against the childlike 'meanies' taunting you. You stuck your tongue out at them, the ultimate show of childish bravado. Of course they only laughed more, and eventually looking at their happy faces wore off on you and their contagious energy reached you. Once again you joined in the laughter, turning away from them you put your empty glass in the sink and too late you realised there was someone behind you. Hands on your shoulders spun you around and in an instant there was a soft pair of new yet familiar lips on yours that made your heart skip a beat. In a second it was over and you looked at the cheeky yet satisfied face of Yoseob. Amid the whistling and yells of encouragement he leaned down and whispered to you “I've been told you're supposed to scare or surprise someones hiccups out of them...guess it works” he chuckled, and it took you a second to realise what he meant. Your hiccups were gone.

Later you all decided to relax since the day had been rather stressful, all 12 of you had sat down to watch TV and you were curled up next to Yoseob, with a tired looking Taemin leaning on your other shoulder. An ad break started and Key took this opportunity to speak up, “I think Emma should stay here till next week. It would save her from being ambushed by paparazzi and such if she left her apartment, plus it means we can all support her and spend some more time with her.” B2st raised their eyebrows, Hyunseung smirked “We?”, “Well no . SHINee is staying too.” The rest of SHINee turned to him, wondering when exactly this had been decided, but not opposing the idea. Key continued, “Besides, this is a big deal! What kind of friends would we be if we left now?” There was nodding all around the room as the others agreed in unison, Key then got up and stood squarely in front of you, gently pulling you to your feet. He lowered his voice so the others could barely hear him. “You've done more for us than you'll ever know” his eyes flicked back in the direction of Jonghyun “even though you haven't known us for that long you helped without a second thought” he gave a small but sincere smile. Lightly, Key lifted your chin and planted a soft but lingering kiss on your forehead, the barest of blushes adorned your cheeks as a smile took over your face. When the taller boy released your chin, you turned and stood on the couch to gain more height than was necessary- but you figured it would be funnier than just tilting his face downwards. You then rested your hands on his shoulders, leaned forward and kissed his forehead in return. “I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat” you smiled, and then added “Even if it meant being on the receiving end of your famous death stare again.” Key laughed sheepishly and Jonghyun stood up, taking Key's hand in his. Jonghyun gave an incredibly cute but nonetheless fake pout and said “You guys are lucky your little moment there was so cute, otherwise I'm not sure who would have intervened first” and he looked over at Yoseob who scratched his head and looked away, clearing his throat.

Stepping down from the couch you hugged the couple, they were so perfect together. You were grateful you played a part in getting them together finally. You looked around the room to the others, they seemed to be in a daze from watching yours and Keys little 'moment', mesmerised looks and smiles on their faces. “Guys I think Key is right. There's no way I could stay with my aunt knowing that every time I go home or try to live people could try and get to me. Plus I would hate for her to get caught in the middle of all this.” Compared to last time it was suggested you stay with them, the boys knew better than to be surprised that you supported this decision and Hyunseung made this known. With a genuine and for once not sarcastic smile, he chortled “Of course you're not fazed by this part of the whole ordeal.” You grinned back and yelled back two words as loudly as you dared in a hotel “SLUMBER PARTY!” and laughter erupted around you.

Gikwang and Taemin volunteered to get you clothes for the next couple of days, you were grateful to them for being thoughtful since it meant it wouldn't be so obvious to anyone trying to find out where you lived. It was only after they had already left that you realised that could have been a colossal mistake on your part. Taemin should be fine, he was your adorable little dongsaeng and was only ever sweet. Gikwang however was ahem a tad more prone to being mischievous...and you had just given him permission to choose what you got to wear over the next couple of days. This could turn out very 'interesting'. You did your best to put it out of your mind but failed due to the fact that Gikwang was now calling you, *Huh, maybe he's being considerate and he's gonna ask what I want* you thought absent mindedly as you hit the 'Accept' button.

“What?” you asked sarcastically, hoping to conceal your mild concern. To your surprise, it was Taemin's voice that flooded your eardrums in what seemed to be supersonic speed “Youneversaidyouhaveanentiredrawerdedicatedtoonesies!!!” Your ears couldn't keep up, “Whoa Taemin, put the breaks on buddy and maybe repeat that at a speed audible to the human ear?” Gikwang's laughter pierced the background and you could almost hear the colour you knew would be exploding onto Taemin's cheeks. Taemin restarted his sentence and proceeded a little more slowly this time, “You never said you have an entire drawer dedicated to onesies!” joy more than evident in his voice. You chuckled and then cringed, “Yep, not gonna lie I have a bit of a fact bring them all.” You held the phone away from your face for a moment and addressed the rest of the boys, “Hey guys, tomorrow we're going shopping”, Onew was the first to reply with “What for?” and you smirked “We're effectively having a sleep over these next few days, but as far as I'm concerned it will not be complete until we all have onesies.” It was pretty clear that your word was final. The boys just grinned at you, some shaking their heads as they resigned themselves to their fate.

Gikwang retrieved his phone from Taemin, he did end up asking you some questions about what you may want, however he made no promises to actually take it into consideration. Much to your relief there were at least two days worth of casual clothes, the rest however was the clothes they had bought you the day they took you shopping. You had predicted this though, and you had enough onesies for a week, so if you wanted, you could avoid the fancy clothes all together. Somehow, you had the feeling that despite all the effort going into keeping you out of the public eye, knowing your friends they would find an excuse for you to wear one of those expensive outfits anyway. You rolled your eyes at the thought.

It was a little while before Gikwang and Taemin texted you to say they were leaving the apartment, when this happened a chorus of voices made it apparent that food was very much required. There was a quick discussion before it was decided that Gikwang and Taemin would pick up pizza on their way back to the hotel. For 12 people that all eat a substantial didn't want to so much as glance at the receipt, however since you guys ordered so much it resulted in quite a few deals making the whole thing work out a little cheaper. Watching the two boys struggle with both the bags of your clothes and stacks of pizzas, of which Taemin's pile was teetering dangerously in front of his face. Some of the other SHINee and B2st members rushed forwards to help, partially to be considerate and helpful...but mostly because they couldn't wait for food.

Little jobs were given to different people and soon everyone had food, drinks and you were all settled down while Minho organised a movie. When Minho sat down beside Taemin you noticed he looked oddly satisfied, like he knew something the rest of you didn't. *His dimples are cute* you thought, and you went to go put on a onesie because it was the last step for you to be supremely comfortable. When you sauntered back into the lounge room, you leaned over from behind Minho and whispered “What have you planned? You're looking far too pleased with yourself over a movie choice for it to not be suspicious.” His head whipped round, shocked since he didn't realise you were behind him and all too late it dawned on you that you were very close. You had only been about an inch away from his ear when you whispered to him, and now that he had leaned back slightly to turn his head...yeah it still wasn't far enough away. Too late.

Lips that were trying to form a sentence as he moved to face you then awkwardly met your own. Minho's dark eyes widened to a point where you vaguely wondered how eyes could even open that far, after all of maybe a full second or two that it took you both to process what had actually happened and then act accordingly. You split apart, Minho looked thouroughly...distressed? The movie was still on the menu screen and you had come back in a massive panda onesie, which meant everyone's attention had been drawn to you. This by deduction also meant, that everyone had just witnessed the accidental kiss. Naturally. You were all frozen, until Minho's 'distress' got the better of him and he grabbed the nearest cushion, shoved his face into it and promptly squealed like a little girl. That did it. You couldn't hold it in any more. You burst out laughing, so hard in fact that your eyes started watering.

Yoseob then did the strangest thing; he laughed too. On the inside you were relieved, *Thank goodness, I was worried he would be angry at Minho* and you walked round to the front of the couch and crouched in front of Minho. You reached up and put an hand softly on his back “Minho, are you alright? I'm sorry was leaning too close I didn't mean to startle you” letting out a chuckle you waited as the boy raised his head from the cushion. He was a tomato. There was no denying it, even with the lights being dimmed for the movie he might as well have had the word 'Embarrassed' as a neon sign across his forehead. *Poor guy* you thought awkwardly, eventually Minho found his words “I-I'm so sorry Emma, a-and to Yoseob too! I promise I didn't mean to do that, arrgghh why does this awkward stuff always happen to me?” he sulked. You and Yoseob exchanged a quick glace and a mutual smile, you reached with your other hand to the beautiful blond boy and gave his hand a thankful squeeze before turning your attention back to the flustered boy before you. “How about you go wash your face and calm down a bit alright? I promise no one is angry.” Minho couldn't quite bring himself to look you in the eye, but nodded nonetheless and headed in the direction of the bathroom.

There was a brief moment of silence until he was gone, and then there was an eruption of whispers coming at you from all directions. Instead of throwing around accusations though, they were fanboying. You stood there with your mouth hanging open, laughed and rolled your eyes at them. Lifting one hand to the cover your face you sighed, you hadn't been able to decipher more than a few words apart from a distinct “How was it?” which you just knew had have been Key. “Guys, calm down. It was just a kiss and a pretty brief one at that. Besides, you can't expect me to critique an accidental kiss? In front of my boyfriend?” The silence was deafening *Alright, apparently they do. Nice and awkward. Lovely* you pepped yourself up briefly and said simply “It was fine. Okay?” there was a few raised eyebrows but no one argued, until you had to ask “What was up with him though? He almost looked upset, surely he doesn't feel that awful about it? I mean, it was only an accident after all.” This time it was Taemin who provided an answer, his timid voice spoke up “It's because he just had his first kiss.” You were pretty sure everyone's jaws hit the floor simultaneously, you almost stammered the news was so unexpected “You mean to tell me, that Minho the 'flaming charisma' of SHINee has never kissed anyone?!” Taemin looked at you with an air of slight guilt caused by outing his friends secret and replied with “Well it's technically had never kissed anyone...until now.” You bit your lip and cringed “Oh you mumbled, officially feeling terrible. You ran your fingers through your brown hair, a habit when you were faced with a difficult situation and said quietly “He's been gone for a little while now, I think ill go see how he is.”

You meandered out of the lounge room and turned down the hallway before stopping at the only bedroom with a light on inside, *He must have gone into one of the en suites* you thought and you wandered inside till you got to the bathroom door, knocking lightly you waited till her heard a murmured “Come in.” Pushing the door open softly, you smiled kindly hoping he wouldn't be upset to see you. Minho saw you in the mirror through his shaggy brown hair and smiled in that slightly apologetic way, you shuffled in further and for a moment you had absolutely no idea what to say. “Minho I'm really sorry, Taemin explained your...situation to me, and I want you to know that I didn't mean to be insensitive. I understand that to some people their first kiss is important because they're saving it for someone they truly love. Forgive me? Accidental kisses shouldn't really count anyway.” Minho just looked at your reflection, red still lightly tinting his otherwise fairly tanned skin, pondering before he spoke. “You don't need to be sorry. It's true is was only an accident, but you were right...there is someone.” he paused, and you raised an eyebrow at his reflection as you had a thought.

“Taemin.” At this Minho whirled around at you, grabbed your shoulders and whisper shouted “Who told you that??” Frantic desperation written all over his now once again, bright red face. His breath smelt pleasantly of the spearmint toothpaste he had evidently just used, you giggled and replied coyly “Call it a fangirls intuition...You don't need to worry, no one actually said anything apart from Taemin saying I had accidentally taken your first kiss.” The tall boy relaxed a little after that, you thought you would perhaps see how much he would tell you, “So, does he know? How you feel, I mean” Minho's eyes shifted downwards and he mumbled an “I think so, we've always been close and I think he feels the same way but both of us are just really shy.” Minho looked more nervous than you had ever seen him, his hands were still on your shoulders and you instinctively stepped forward and gave him a quick hug. “Just do both of you a favour and don't wait too long to say something alright? Given that Taemin was aware he was the only one who knew your little secret he must also know that he's clearly special to you, and...can I tell you a secret?” Minho looked at you inquisitively, “What?” he asked, sounding sceptical. “That morning you all walked into my bedroom and Taemin was asleep with me, when he realised what was going on you were the first person he looked to before he hid his face. Personally I think he was scared of what you would think.” The two of you exchanged a smile and then left to return to the others and the awaiting movie.


Hey my lovelies~ Have some more of this random story <3 I've missed you all so much and any comments are much appreciated~ Even if you have suggestions or theories please don't hesitate to share and I will do my best to always respond to comments on my stories or posts on my wall. Anyway, much love to anyone still reading this and there will be more soon! xoxo



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Possumdudechick8 #1
Chapter 26: Bout ing time Sis!!! we all missed you so god damn ing much!!! hahaha Love it!!! XX <3
Possumdudechick8 #2
Chapter 25: Please update soon sis because I wanna find out what you can think up for Suzy next mwahahahaha awesome cliffhanger by the way hehe ^.~
Possumdudechick8 #3
Yah dongsaengie haha annyeong haseyo please update I'm going crazy here haha I miss you xx saranghaeyo bogoshipo kamsahamnida xx
Chapter 26: I'll miss you dongsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: I'll miss you donsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: enjoy your holidays~~
its okay authornim
<3 (^_^)v
yoseoblover7 #7
Chapter 26: AWWWWWWWWW :( Have a good trip though!
b2strockz #8
Chapter 25: Update soon girl!! It's awesome! *Squels*
Chapter 25: omg saengie you made me cry BUT LOL at suxy xDDD
damn i must be that strong .... /i wish *rolls eyes* xDDD
oh ____tt i wander what happens 2 days later...
Chapter 25: OK seriously?!?! I CRIED. It was so terrible, yet so beautiful at the same time!!!! :'D
GO DONGSAENG!! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3