Going out to dinner and an uninvited guest...

Let's Pretend

You sat there smiling at your text from Jjong *So they finally figured it out*you thought, your text tone jolted you back to reality and you checked your unopened message. It was from Yoseob “Hey :D Ready for tonight? don’t worry about the fancy clothes, just wear something simple but pretty ok? Can’t wait to see you” Yoseob didn’t even realise he wrote that last part until he already sent it *Why do I keep saying things like that?? It makes me sound like I’m really in love…* Yoseob’s phone vibrated and he read your reply “Yay :D can’t wait to see you either!” he felt lightheaded at your text *She can’t wait to see me! Wait, maybe she just said that because we’re supposed to be dating…Hang on, why would I care!?* He shook these thoughts from his head and went back to helping Dongwoon put on his tie.

You sat on your bed staring at your wardrobe, simple but pretty were what you needed; so you decided on a nice pair of light blue, boot cut jeans, a baggy silk singlet that faded from dark to light blue, it was short at the front and longer at the back, revealing a little of your waist. You put in some silver hoops and sat down to do your makeup (Since you were going out to dinner you figured you’d make an effort, plus, knowing B2ST; wherever they made reservations was bound to be more fancy than they lead on) so by the time you were done you had winged eyeshadow that faded from white, to silver and then to black, finished with a bit of mascara. But you made sure you didn’t overwhelm the rest of your face, it was subtle, but still drew the attention to your deep brown eyes (people had always complimented you on your eyes even though you couldn’t really understand why, they just looked plain brown to you) you put a hint of clear lip-gloss on, slipped on some plain black flats and quickly brushed your hair (it was still wavy from that morning) and headed out the door.

Yoseob had been a little late leaving B2ST’s apartment; courtesy of Gikwang having absolutely NO idea how to iron his dress shirt (so Yoseob being Yoseob, was nice enough to do it for him) so while walking to his car he was yelling to his hyung through the phone “Doojoon are you sure everything ready?? You got a table at the buffet in the Centre Point? Oh thank god, hyung you’re a life saver, I’ll see you there at 8:00 ok? Bye” and hung up just as he shut his car door. Little did he know that someone had just heard all the details of where you were all going to be for dinner and that someone was none other than Suzy…oh boy. She watched her “beloved” oppa drive away and thought of only one thing; that she was gonna make tonight hell for you!

 It was 7:40pm, ten minutes after your agreed meeting time with Yoseob, but you didn’t mind because if he was late, then there would be a good reason for it. So you sat patiently and sure enough, barely a minute later, Yoseob pulled up in a black BMW convertible with the top down and he literally jumped out of the car. He had stopped the car and undone his seatbelt and then put his hands on the edge of the door and the windscreen and lifted himself out of the car bar jogging over to you. “Emma I am so, so sorry! Forgive me?” his face fell when you looked at him incredulously “What did you do?” he looked at you confused “I was late, I’m sorry” he mumbled in shame. You laughed “Yoseob! Did you really think that I’d be angry and you?? It was only ten minutes, it’s not like you left me here for an hour” you smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the car “Come on, we don’t want to be late” you chimed. He started the car and thought *Wow, she really would make the best girlfriend*

At 7:55, you and Yoseob arrived at the Centre Point Tower with only five minutes to spare. So you quickly hopped into the first elevator available and were on your way up to the very top. When you stepped out, you were met by a truly endearing sight; all of B2ST were awaiting your arrival at the entrance to the restaurant, all wearing suit pants and a dress shirt (either wearing their jacket or having them slung over a shoulder) and to be honest, you felt like a princess! They met you with shining smiles that could’ve made your heart melt. “Hey guys” you beamed and they exchanged greetings with you, “So, what’s the occasion?” you asked, not remembering ever being told. They just grinned and didn’t answer; Yoseob then linked his arm in yours and lead you inside.

You were in awe; the sight in front of you was amazing. In the centre of the room was a huge circular buffet and in the space around it was elaborately decorated tables adorned with flowers and candles. Then you noticed the view! The entire wall was a huge window letting you see out over all of Sydney, it was breathtaking and it looked like the stars were under you because of all the lights in the city below. Yoseob walked you to a table with seven chairs and pulled yours out for you; you smiled and sat down with Yoseob taking the seat beside you. All the others sat down before calling to one of the waiters. Within moments there were six waiters surrounding your table with platters of food in their hands and every bit of it looked amazing! But the best part of all came last, it was a large white cake decorated with intricate patterns of blue and black. You saw words iced in the centre and they read “Welcome to B2ST!” you were stunned! You looked up at all of them and they were returning your smile “I love you guys!” you declared and you started laughing “We love you too!” they replied. This sweet and touching moment was cut short when you all looked up to see a girl in an incredibly skimpy outfit walk in…Suzy.

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Possumdudechick8 #1
Chapter 26: Bout ing time Sis!!! we all missed you so god damn ing much!!! hahaha Love it!!! XX <3
Possumdudechick8 #2
Chapter 25: Please update soon sis because I wanna find out what you can think up for Suzy next mwahahahaha awesome cliffhanger by the way hehe ^.~
Possumdudechick8 #3
Yah dongsaengie haha annyeong haseyo please update I'm going crazy here haha I miss you xx saranghaeyo bogoshipo kamsahamnida xx
Chapter 26: I'll miss you dongsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: I'll miss you donsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: enjoy your holidays~~
its okay authornim
<3 (^_^)v
yoseoblover7 #7
Chapter 26: AWWWWWWWWW :( Have a good trip though!
b2strockz #8
Chapter 25: Update soon girl!! It's awesome! *Squels*
Chapter 25: omg saengie you made me cry BUT LOL at suxy xDDD
damn i must be that strong .... /i wish *rolls eyes* xDDD
oh ____tt i wander what happens 2 days later...
Chapter 25: OK seriously?!?! I CRIED. It was so terrible, yet so beautiful at the same time!!!! :'D
GO DONGSAENG!! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3