Korean Idol Kissing Who?

Let's Pretend

Two days after you and Yoseob’s confession, you woke to the sound of your phone ringing. You slept through most of it but before it rang out you gave in to the irritating sound and picked up your mobile, “Hello?” you answered in a tired ‘why would you deprive me of my precious sleep’ voice. “Emma wake up you have to look at the news paper now!” it was Gikwang, “What? Why?” you asked still rubbing your tired eyes, “Don’t ask why, just read!” he directed. You stood up and walked rather drunkenly down the hall to your living room, your eyes fell to the news paper that had been left on the table by your aunt and you traipsed over and sat down. Gikwang started talking again, “After you’ve read it come over to the hotel immediately, ok?” “Ok” you agreed and then focused on scanning the wad of grey coloured papers in your hands. You didn’t usually pay much attention to the gossip that people had the gall to call news, but then again; you weren’t usually in the news.

The first thing that hit you was the picture on the front page under the bold headline; Korean Idol Kissing Who? The picture (obviously) was of you held in Yoseob’s arms as he had tenderly kissed you for the first time, your face heated when you realised the extent of what had happened. People knew you and Yoseob were together, they knew you had kissed and worst of all; this meant Suzy knew. Your heart jumped to your throat as you raced to your room. Frantically you got changed and managed to put on a plain white tank top with a pair of denim shorts and your old red converse (you were in such a state you didn’t care how revealing the shorts were and literally ran out the door) You texted Yoseob to come and get you and you read the report on the front of the paper you had crumpled in your hands. Sure, the whole point had been for Suzy to believe you two were a couple, but now that she knew that Yoseob and you had kissed…who knew what she would do.

Yoseob was there in five minutes and looked every bit as flustered as you, but he also looked happy; happy to see you. Within seconds you were in the car and pulling away from the bus stop where you had been sat previously. You sat in silence until you were back at the hotel where B2ST was staying, none of you really knew what to say but you were all thinking the same thing; *What do we do??* Finally Yoseob broke the silence, “This isn’t really the problem” he said while pointing to the news paper “It’s the fact that because it’s about me, the news has spread to Korea” You nodded slowly, it seemed like there was something he had left unsaid…and he had. “So my parents and Suzy’s parents are coming to Australia” You let out a gasp, *Parents…parents! Yikes!* was all you could think. In the midst of your jumble of thoughts you heard Yoseob’s say another thing, “They want to meet you” and that did it. You were surprised when you didn’t hear a thud because you were sure your chin had just hit the ground, “Y-You want me…to meet your p-parents!?” you stuttered in a slightly high voice, “And Suzy’s” Hyunseung oh so helpfully reminded (earning a hard look from Yoseob) “Yes, the whole reason my parents are coming is because they want to meet you. Suzy’s parents…I’m not so sure” he said sounding a bit unnerved by the whole situation.

You paced around running your fingers through your long brown hair, *Meet the parents??* You voiced your worried thoughts, “What if they don’t like me?” the other boys rushed to reassure you, “Don’t worry about Yoseob’s parents, they’re great and I bet they’re gonna love you!” Gikwang said and he gave your shoulders a little squeeze. You felt a little better but you still felt nervous all things considered. You looked around for anything to distract you, and it dawned on you that this was a different hotel than the one you guys had relocated to in a rush the night of the buffet dinner. However rather than a presidential suite, they boys had (somewhat obliviously) gone overboard and booked out the entire top floor. *These guys are insane* you thought with a grin that made you feel a little lighter.

A voice interrupted your brief spacing out, it was Dongwoon “Hyung, when will your parents get here?” you looked over to Yoseob expectantly, but not without a hint of anxiety adorning your face. To your relief the blond replied with “Next week” however your relief was only short lived, since you realised it was already Thursday. Which, to prepare for meeting your previously fake but now real boyfriends parents isn't long...without the added bonus that they had found out about you guys because of a newspaper article. You inwardly cringed *Well, isn't this just peachy* slumping down sideways on the couch you were sitting on, you let yourself faceplant into a cushion “Ugh” was all you managed to vocalise.

An unpleasant thought invaded your little meltdown and you proceeded to give voice to this thought, not giving a great deal of thought to the fact that your voice was being quite effectively muffled by the cushion. The boys all pointed this out and you sighed into the cushion *Why can't telepathy be a thing??* you thought disdainfully and hauled yourself upright again. “I said, what about Suzy's parents, when will they get here?” you asked, the displeasure evident on your face clearly spread to the others, and you all looked to Yoseob once more for the answer. His dark eyes flecked with worry looked up and over to you, “They'll arrive the same time as my parents. I believe theyre taking the same flights so they have a chance to catch up before arriving here”. Your heart dropped, *Oh * and after a moment you managed to say what you realised that meant. “You mean I don't even get a heads up with just your parents?” You were just about fed up with all this drama crammed into one morning. Yoseob and the others all peered at you with apologetic faces as they crowded around you to hug you all at once. You thought of the dreaded moment when you would meet those four parents...*Yep, so freakin peachy* even your inner monologue was losing its humour.

It seemed like that day had dragged on for an eternity already, when in reality it was only 11:37 in the morning when you checked your phone. It took a little bit of internal debating but you came to the conclusion there was no point in being a complete downer on the group, yeah the situation was complicated at present but that did not mean that you couldn't enjoy the time you had before Yoseob and Suzy's parents got here. Stressing was something you battled with despite you knowing better, but you managed to push it mostly aside this time and smiled for your friends. They all returned relieved smiles in return just as there were a couple of hurried knocks resonating on the painted white timber door.

Gikwang hopped up and walked over to the door, looking though the peep hole cautiously and noticed you all giving him strange looks “What? It could've been the press or something” you all nodded when you realised that was a very real and unfortunate possibility. Gikwang then stood back from the door and it was a good thing he did too since five bodies all effectively fell through the door at the same time. Apparently all the 'excitement' caused by the paper that morning, meant that SHINee had forgotten that a standard door won't accommodate five people simultaneously. After at least two of them tripped over and almost crashed into the room, they were finally all inside.

Taemin squeezed past his hyungs and ran to you, he would have bowled you over had you not already been sitting down, wrapping his arms around you in a surprisingly tight hug. “Noona! I realise this is probably kinda bad timing saying this now, but congratulations!” Taemin's adorable view on the matter made you giggle as you hugged him back and kissed the top of his head, he had taken up residence on the couch curled up next to you and for the first time he didn't try hide the rush of colour to his practically glowing face. You smiled down at the sweet boy. “Thank you.” The other all looked at you and Yoseob radiating happiness as they all took turns giving their own congratulations. Yoseob moved to sit on the other side next to you, took your free hand and kissed it as his loving gaze met yours.


Author Note: Guys I am so so so sorry >< Since this fic began so much stuff happened I can't even begin to expect you all to forgive me for being gone so long :c I'll briefly sum up what happened in the time I've been gone (Yes some of what happened was pretty dramatic) :

- changed school three times

- came out as panual

- missed roughly half of year 11 due to almost dying (insanely sick, don't really wanna go into the details) 

- developed depression/anxiety issues

- moved from one end of the country to the other...again -_-

- had family issues that made my anxiety worse

- my dad almost died in my arms (fun time- he's fine now btw) 

- lived away from home for a year and then moved back after finishing school 

- now studying to get my security liscense (security guard) 


To those of you that read all that and didn't really care, thats all good sorry for taking up your time ^_^; haha, to everyone thats come back to read the new chapter/s thank you SO MUCH! You have no idea how bad i felt losing AFF as an outlet, and losing you guys. I really felt like I let you down, however I will finish all my fics and by the way in case you've forgotten I LOVE YOU ALL~ xoxo

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Possumdudechick8 #1
Chapter 26: Bout ing time Sis!!! we all missed you so god damn ing much!!! hahaha Love it!!! XX <3
Possumdudechick8 #2
Chapter 25: Please update soon sis because I wanna find out what you can think up for Suzy next mwahahahaha awesome cliffhanger by the way hehe ^.~
Possumdudechick8 #3
Yah dongsaengie haha annyeong haseyo please update I'm going crazy here haha I miss you xx saranghaeyo bogoshipo kamsahamnida xx
Chapter 26: I'll miss you dongsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: I'll miss you donsaeng! D:
Chapter 26: enjoy your holidays~~
its okay authornim
<3 (^_^)v
yoseoblover7 #7
Chapter 26: AWWWWWWWWW :( Have a good trip though!
b2strockz #8
Chapter 25: Update soon girl!! It's awesome! *Squels*
Chapter 25: omg saengie you made me cry BUT LOL at suxy xDDD
damn i must be that strong .... /i wish *rolls eyes* xDDD
oh ____tt i wander what happens 2 days later...
Chapter 25: OK seriously?!?! I CRIED. It was so terrible, yet so beautiful at the same time!!!! :'D
GO DONGSAENG!! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3