The Wedding

It's Alright

"Min-ah, time to go to the parlour... And you said you want to surprise us so we wont be coming... Surprise us okay?"

Eomma wake me up and I just nodded. It was 6AM. I grabbed my phone and text Han-ssi.

-Are you there? [You]

-Yes... Hurry [Han]


I went to the place quickly.


I saw Han-ssi in the wedding dress she look gorgeous like really perfect for Jiyong. I envied her.

I bowed to her and said. "Now then... Thank you again, Han-ssi take care of him... I am going to my sleep after this I feel really

tired now." I smiled.

I saw her disappearing and walking to the car hear down.

~Naega Ibeun Wedding Dress... Even if it curse me to see you in that Wedding Dress~ I sang.


Jiyong's POV

It's already morning and it's our wedding day... I felt something missing and I don't know why.

I change to my tux and the others were here.

"Where's Dae?" I asked.

"Probably somewhere cooling off..." Said Seunghyun and I nodded.

"Hyung you're marrying Min-ssi." Sighed SeungRi he still wasn't over the incident.

"Yeah..." I said.

"It's Time." Said someone and we got up and go to the church.

Still no sign of Daesung.


Daesung's POV

I am feeling that this day isn't right... I felt worried about Min. Something's telling me that something is wrong.

I walked and walked to where my feet drag me.

There I saw Min not in wedding dress near Han River the wedding is near here in Han River just a few blocks.

"Min-ah!" I shouted and she looked at me crying.

I approach her and go near her.

"Oppa I am doing the right thing, right? I am giving Jiyong's happiness, right?" She was crying in my chest and light punch it.

"Why?" I said.

"I know I can feel it... It's near my time..." She said but she can always take surgeries and Chemo.

I took my phone out ready to cancel the wedding but then she get my phone.

"No oppa do this to me... Just stay with me and let Han and Jiyong get married.No matter what happen to me you are not going to

stop the marriage promise me." I widened my eyes so this is your greatest gift to him you are talking bout last night. How can she be

here when she can be happy with him I know Jiyong-hyung

will learn to love her at some point.

I hugged her. Just this last time I am giving you your wish.

"Gomawo..." She fell on the ground but luckily I catch her she looked really pale. I called the ambulance as soon as 

Possible and they come earlier than I expected which is great.

'Should I call someone? No? Yes...' I thought.


Jiyong's POV

I saw the figure of my Wife-to-be looking at her foot I can see her clearly as she was wearing a veil. The music started playing.

'What? Why is the music Wedding Dress!' I thought. 'Weird...' Did Eomma fix this arrangement?

When she came near me she still hasn't looking up to me.

"We are gathered here to witness this two young couple to be together and blah blah bla..." The priest started.

"Before I start is there any objection?" He said. The only thing I can think of is Han stopping the wedding but there was no sign

of Han.

"Before I start this... There's a girl who request this wedding and a kind hearted woman who gave up her happiness for someone."

The priest started I was confused in why is he telling us this. But I still know that there's something wrong.


"Do you young lady accept this young man to be your husband?" He said I was wondering why he didn't use our name.

"I do..." She replied but her voice isn't like Min.


Daesung's POV

'That's it... I can't afford to loose a good friend of mine... I will also be selfish this time...' I thought standing at the hospital

waiting for the doctor to come out.

I took my phone out... But then the door open so I stopped.

"Doc how is Min?" I panicked.

"She is not alright she need the bone marrow and she can't take the risk doing Chemo..." He said.

"We need it as soon as possible and blah blah blah." He said something about matching thinggies I tried to offer mine

and they nodded but examine me first if mine matches hers.

"Sorry sir but yours isn't the same as her we quickly need the marrow transplant she is dying..." He said that when I decided to

call 2NE1 because that's her closest friend.

"Yeobeoseyo? CL-ah..." I said.

"Oppa where are you? It's time for Jiyong oppa's answer..." She said.

"Min-ah... That's not Min-ah she is dying here in X Hospital..." I said.



"Do you young man accept this young lady as your wife?" We heard the priest said then my phone vibrated and answered it.

It was Dae-oppa in panicked.

"Mwoh..." I stand up and all people are looking at us causing Jiyong-oppa to look at us.

"She needs bone marrow but mine didn't match." He said crying.

"Oppa we're coming..." I stand up.

"Min-ah is dying..." I told 2NE1 and their eyes widened.

"What... Isn't that Min-ah?" Pointed Bom-unnie at the girl in wedding dress.

"Ani... Ppali she is dying she needs our help." I said and they nodded then someone grabbed my hands it was Jiyong-oppa's 


"Where is Min-ah?" She said crying.

"Eommonim... She she is dying in X Hospital... We need to help her..." I said and she nodded then turn to Jiyong.

"Jiyong-ah are you happy now that she is giving you her gift? Even I didn't know this but I wish you got to know her better..."

She smiled and run with us.


Jiyong's POV

I was about to say I Do when Chaerin-ah shouted 'What.' We all looked at her.

"Min-ah is dying..." I heard her say and I widened my eyes. 'But Min-ah is right here?' I looked at her then I widened my eyes

it was none other than Han.

Then Eomma run to them and asked where she is and turn into me asking if I am happy and wished that I got to know her

more better then run with 2NE1.

'How can I be a fooled and just realized when she was leaving...' I said then I decided to follow them at X Hospital as soon

as possible.

This is the gift she was telling me? That's why I felt really wrong...


Church's POV

"Noona I can't believe you accept a deal with Min-noona... I thought she was a bad person..." Said SeungRi.

"I can't believe you Han-ssi ... Why did you exchange in her place instead of coming here sincerely and stop the wedding?"

Said Taeyang.

"I... I didn't know..." Han replied in guilt. 'So that's why she asked me...' She asked herself out of guilt. 

She decided to apologize at her after this... She will try to change life from now on because she didn't knew that

Min would do anything on what she love.

'What did I even like Jiyong? Maybe I was blinded by his fame and money... Yes I did...' She thought also run to the hospital

and check if she can help.


Han's POV

They didn't match with Min-ah type.

"I'll do it..." I said.

"You caused enough... Why?" Jiyong said crying.

"It's atleast I can do... I want to change ways this time so just please let me..." I said then the doctor examine my blood and

found kt match I decided to undergo with the surgery.

I closed my eyes for the surgery.


No One's POV

Hours have passed it was about 7PM and they are still at ER. It took 5 hours to finish the operation.

Then the sign went green means the operation is finish and the doctor went out.

"The patient is good... Success she needs alot of rest and always needs to takes medicine." The doctor said and people 

burst out crying of happiness.

Jiyong asked what room she is in.

"She'll be transferred at room 143." We all nodded but before I go there I asked where is Han.


Jiyong's POV

I knock on the door of Han. She said come in.

I guess she already woke up.

"Oppa... Is Min alright?" She asked surprised and I nodded.

"Thank you so much for saving her..." I said sincerely.

"No it's okay oppa Thanks to her I realized something... That if you love someone you would do anything for them.

I guess I was blinded by your Fame and Wealth I am sorry... I also lied about what happened when I got pushed down.

I know you might not forgive me... You can call me anything you like , , etc." she cried.

"Ani I forgive you... You saved her you don't need to apologize to me apologize to her..." I said and she nodded.

"Gomawo oppa... Now visit Min-ah she'll be delighted to see you..." She said and I nodded.


I entered the room I guess they all went home only 2NE1 and my family are left in here and also Daesung.

"Hyung/Oppa..." Said Dae and the dongsaeng yeoja.

"Guys we should leave the two of them..." Said Bom-noona and they nodded.

"Ji take care of her... She really is like a daughter to me." Said Eomma and I nodded they left.

"We'll be at home call us when she wake up." Appa said.


I walk and sat beside her.

"I did fall in love with you... I am just stupid not to know mynown feelings. Do you mind giving me a chance?" I asked her whilst

she is sleeping.


Author's Note

Hi Hi  few more chaps i think or last 2-3 it'll be finish ^^ Look Han-ssi become really i'll make them friends buahahahahaha

I'll let Han end up with someone don't worry... Hahaha did I disappoint you guys? I wish no...





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Are appriciated ^^ Fighting 


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Chapter 18: Very good fic, I love it ;D
Chapter 6: OMG!! GD is finally starting to realise his feelings for her! so sweet!
lovis89 #3
Chapter 11: what is gonna happen now. omg.... anticipating!
AbbyYoYo #4
Chapter 10: Ji and Han together ... Nooo, just no. I don't like that girl. Min ah... Just take the surgery.
lovis89 #5
Chapter 9: what is she gonnna give? an approval to marry han?
lovis89 #6
Chapter 8: when is she going to die?
sorry for the sudden outburst. 4 months right?
Oki Ty its encouraging me i will :)
Chapter 5: update soon :)))