Forgive and Forget - Chance Let's make Anew

It's Alright

When I woke and open my eyes I asked myself 'Where am I? Is this heaven or what?' I thought. I was in a white room

but then realized that someone was holding my hands and sleeping on it.

"Jiyong-ssi..." I gasped.

"Min-ah... Forgive me... I didn't realize..." He was crying in his sleep.

I ruffled his hair lightly and carefully to not wake him up.

'What happened?' I thought. 'I am alive?' I asked myself.

He then suddenly woke up and look at me surprise I saw his eyes really red because of crying.

"Mian... Jiyong-ssi..." I apologize for waking him up.

"Min-ah... Min-ah..." He cried and cried holding my hands.

"Ji---" He put his finger in my lips.

"Please forgive... Please give me one more chance. I... I just realize that I fell for you... I don't know when but I know for

sure..." He sob in between.

"Oppa...? Can I call you oppa?" I asked because I don't want to be rude.

"Pabo... You sill of course don't you know it's irritating you calling me with ssi?" He lightly laugh.

"And oppa... Why are you saying sorry? I really don't mind it... It was me that I need to say sorry I am so selfish to force

you into marriage that you don't even like... How can I face you saying that I love you after I've done this."

I cupped my face and cried.

"Ani... No I am supposed to say sorry... It's alright people make mistakes and I have too... Please give me a chance

once again to make a new memory with you, us..." He said sincerely looking to me.

"But Han-ssi..." I said I really want to befriend with her but she hates me.

"She already gave up and realize she is wrong... That's why she helped you..." He said she saved me?

"Chincha yo? Can we visit her oppa? I want to be friends with her..." I plead.

"Aigooo later okay... Just rest." He ruffled my hair.

"Oppa... I will give you a chance but will you also give me a chance to show my love for you by doing simple things?

I don't know what else you like or something..." I said holding his hand and looked at him.

"You... You forgive me?" His eyes sparkled and I nodded.

"I am happy that you're staying by my side let's get to know eachother more..." He said and smiled like an angel sent from heaven.

"Oppa..." He lifted my chin and kissed me...

"Oppa... I have something to tell you..." I blushed... Does he know? I bet he forgot that that thing happened... He was drunk.

"Neh... Tell anything..." He replied.

"Did you remember anything the night of my birthday? When we're... Ummm... You know... In the bar?" I said.

"Huh?" He said confused I guess he didn't remember... Then I looked at him smirking.

"Why you want a round two?" I widened my eyes and blushed really hard! He remembered... Oh my gosh...

"A... Ani..." I said awkwardly then ruffled my hair.

"Didn't like it?" He pouted.

"Actually... Err... How should I say this..." I said... It felt really good? Lol...

"Come on tell me..." He fake cry.

"It... It was good..." I whispered.

"What can't hear it... Repeat please..." He said jokingly.

"I said it was good Pabo..." I said then buried my head in the pillow.

"That's good then... Want to do it?" He smirked.

"Ani... Ani..." I opposed to him strongly and he started laughing.

"Haha I was joking I will not do it until you're ready again..." He said.

"I'll get you food..." He said and stand up when he nearly started walking I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer and kissed him.

He then pulled away smirking again.

Then touches his lips.

"You taste sweet..." He teased then he was on the top of you and kissed you passionately and deep also slow.

He inserted his tongue and we fought for dominance but he is just so strong ...

He pulled away again and I catch my breath.

"I'll get your food and we can continue later if you want..." He joked.

"Oppa let's make many memories..." I smiled at him and he turned to me and also gave his best smile.

He left the room and few minutes of resting a knock came.

"Come in..." I said I was surprised it was Han-ssi.

"Hi... Sorry to intrude..." She said politely and I just smiled.

"Come in Han-ssi..." I said and she come near me and sat down where Ji sat previously.

"I... I would like to apologize for being mean to you... I know you might not forgive ne but---" I stopped her and help her hands.

"I forgive you... Please let's be friends..." I said desperately... "Thank you for saving me." I said.

"But I... I've done horrible things to you..." She cried.

"It doesn't matter there's always Forgive and Forget, right? Then let us forget what happened in the past and be friends."

I said giving her a warm smile.

"Than... Thank you... I will go back to China and start a new... After that I hope we can be still friends." She said.

"We will be friends... Don't take long in China okay? No if you stay there I'll just visit you every 3 months... How's that sound?"

I said smiling brightly.

"Haha you're a weird one aren't you... You don't need to visit me..." She smiled a true one.

"Well... Let me tell you a secret Jiyong oppa doesn't know this..." I said to her.

"Lol... Okay what is it?" She smiled.

And I whispered to her about me being from China and all stuff...

"Really? Well then let's shop there when you visit..." She smiled and I nodded.

"I guess I got to go now... See you... And also thank you... I learnt many stuff from you about love ^^ ." She said and I tilted my 


"I did?" I said.

"Yeah... I was wrong about not falling in love again after you got a heartbreak... You see I had a boyfriend who's famous and

stuff and then he ditched me after he got more and more famous I really loved him since then I swore that I'll never fall in 

love and swears that If I ever see him again I'll take revenge... I guess revenge isn't the answer it's just you need to move on."

She smiled and waved.

I slept after that cause Jiyong took so long buying the food. -.-


Author's Note

Sorry If I rushed it haha Han-ssi become an angel now ^^ woot nearly finish this fic then Ill focus on the other 2 then finish the Confessions and there... Either make more one shot or short series or just finish and focus on my long series gonna be.. 

My Journey xD haha thank you so much for reading this fic





Friend Request

Is appriciated ^0^ Anneyeong


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Chapter 18: Very good fic, I love it ;D
Chapter 6: OMG!! GD is finally starting to realise his feelings for her! so sweet!
lovis89 #3
Chapter 11: what is gonna happen now. omg.... anticipating!
AbbyYoYo #4
Chapter 10: Ji and Han together ... Nooo, just no. I don't like that girl. Min ah... Just take the surgery.
lovis89 #5
Chapter 9: what is she gonnna give? an approval to marry han?
lovis89 #6
Chapter 8: when is she going to die?
sorry for the sudden outburst. 4 months right?
Oki Ty its encouraging me i will :)
Chapter 5: update soon :)))