

Hyunsik awoke once again, in the same room; of course he was in the same clothes, yet his captor did not even bother to give him pyjamas or nightwear of any kind despite the beautifully decorated room with lots of expensive furniture.

He sat up on his bed and sighed. He was about to remove the duvet off his body when he gasped as he looked around the room. There were posters of K-pop stars everywhere. On one side had hundreds of posters, selcas and frames of photographs of Apink, whilst another side had a chamber with BtoB albums as well as photographs of BtoB, several of which had Peniel and Sungjae doing a pepero eating contest, as well as a photograph of Sungjae and Hyunsik sitting together, smiling. On the other side had a huge painting of 4Minute, whilst a portrait of Hyuna in her "Change" outfit sat next to it.

Whoever this man is, he must be such a dedicated fan that he is rich enough to buy all the K-pop souvenirs and keep them to himself, let alone buy a nice mansion like this, or he must be a crazed psychopath to want celebrities all to himself, Hyunsik thought.


However, the door unlocked and opened, revealing the man from last night, ironically with a smile on his face. He was carrying a breakfast tray, and was giving it to Hyunsik.

"Good morning, Hyunsik." he said sweetly whilst putting the tray on the teatable next to his bed and his hair, "Come and eat your breakfast. I just wanted to apologise for last night."

"Then why did you do it?" Hyunsik demanded angrily.

"I just want to have you all to myself...."

He was about to finish when Hyunsik punched him in the face.

"To have me all to yourself?! What the hell is the matter with you? Do you seriously think that I can be stolen by another person and kept hostage for a long time? If you do then you have serious problems! I'm a human being, not an object to fight over! I'm not a doll, so you might as well think of letting me go, as I have nothing to do for you!"

The man punched Hyunsik back in the face, him staring in shock.

"I'll teach you some respect!"

Hyunsik began tearing up, but all of a sudden, the man's frown faded and soothed and cooed him,

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry! Where does it hurt! I'm really really sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Here, have some of this, it will make you feel better."

Hyunsik stared in disbelief. Rather than the usual rice and kimchi he had with the members, there were platters full of raw fish as well as pieces of roast chicken, cooked well. He hesitated, eyeing the food first.

"What's the matter?" the man asked.

"Did you by any chance put something inside it?"

"You mean that there is poison inside the food?"

The man took a piece of chicken and a slice of raw tuna and ate it.

"See, it's alright."

Hyunsik hesitated, but then picked up the chopsticks and started eating some salmon, tuna and eel. The food was good, surprising Hyunsik.

"This is good," said Hyunsik, then stopped, "But, how on earth did you know that was my favourite food?"

"I have my ways, Hyunsik. Eat as much as you want."

Hyunsik frowned at him in suspicion, but finish. As soon as he was done, the man continued.

"You are free to wander around the house, but don't go into the attic that's on the top floor, nor the basement."

Hyunsik picked up the breakfast tray, but the man stopped him.

"No, no, I'll do it myself. I must respect all the idols and worship them as a fan myself."

Hyunsik stared at him in confusion, but decided to anyway.


The house had many rooms in it, most of which were full of K-pop merchandise. He had never seen so much in a place before. They ranged from SM Entertainment Groups to JYP to Cube to Woolim and even Loen. Each room was decorated with tens of fan towels, fan lights glowing in the dark, notebooks, pens, DVDs, CDs, comic books, clothing, as well as plush toys, dolls and food products.

He passed more rooms, containing K-pop merchandise until the man called him from downstairs.

"Hyunsik! I made you some lunch!"

Reluctantly, Hyunsik picked himself up and went down the stairs to the dining room, where to his surprise, an elegant dinner was set up, a glass of strawberry cordial ready for him, as well as platters of deluxe sushi and chicken . The candles were lit, and the man was sitting there, grinning at him.

"Eat up." he grinned, "Take as much as your stomach requires."

Hyunsik was surprised; even though there were his favourite foods, sushi and chicken, he did not have the appetite to eat. He did not feel right in this place. Something about this was so absurd, despite the beautiful set up, that everything just felt wrong.

"Hyunsik, are you okay?" the man asked concerned, "You don't look so good."

"I'm not very hungry so I can't eat the whole lot."

"That's okay," the man said smiling, "We can always eat the rest tomorrow."

Hyunsik reluctantly nibbled on a salmon sashimi piece, but just did not have the appetite.

He barely finished even half of the platter.

"I'm sorry," he said, shaking his head, "I can't, I can't finish it."

"That's okay, feel free to go." the man agreed, dismissing him from the table.


Hyunsik continued to wander around the mansion until he was called down again.

Oh no, groaned Hyunsik, what does he want now?

"Yes?" asked Hyunsik impatiently and frustrated once they were face to face in the living room once again.

"I want you to dance and sing for me until I tell you to stop."

"And that's it?"


Hyunsik became so frustrated that he started freaking out.

"So all that you wanted was a lot of fan service," he said tearing up, "yet why did you do this to me? I know that have a lot of crazy fans that are dying for my fan service, but I just feel wrong right now...."

The man sprung up and slapped him in the face.

"What did you just say to me?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry."

"Good, now sing for me."

"But I....."

"Are you trying to make excuses? So no matter what I do for you, you'll never give me a single smidget of fan service?" he bellowed, threatening him.

"Oh no, I didn't mean...."

"I gave you food, a nice warm bed, a nice house to live in, what more do you want?"

"I want to go home!" Hyunsik wailed.

Picking up a knitting needle from a basket on the floor and pointing it to his neck whilst grasping his hair and putting it very close to his face, he whispered deliberately,

"So, did you already forget our deal? Are you going to sing for me or not?"

Hyunsik nodded.

"Good. Now begin."

Hyunsik cleared his throat, but felt the tears come down again.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh......baby without you....."

But the man interrupted him.

"LOUDER!" he bellowed, "that was HORRIBLE! Start once again and dry your tears. I don't want to hear sobbing and sniffling again so stop crying!"

Hyunsik took a deep breath and started to sing Insane, but was interrupted once again.

"Aren't you going to dance as well? What's the point of being a main dancer when you're not even going to do it for me?"

"Fine." Hyunsik yelled back, only to receive another punch in the face.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry."

Hyunsik could not believe what was happening to him; he was being forced to sing and dance for a psychopath, yet his life was depending on it.

Hyunsik dried his face, and took a deep breath once again.

He rolled his eyes, cleared his throat, shook his arms and legs, and started to sing and dance "Insane", with the man watching.

Once the man was done, he applauded, but sarcastically.

"Do another one."

Hyunsik groaned, only to receive a glare.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry...." he quickly apologised.

The next one was Irresistible Lips, followed by Wow, and then Second Confession.


Once Hyunsik was done, the man looked at his feet with an expressionless face.

"How.......was it?" Hyunsik asked deliberately, anticipating the reaction.

The man looked up at him for a very long time.

"Good." said the man, "You can go take a rest now."

Hyunsik headed back to his room, lay on the bed and sighed.

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It was all a dream... O__O a very scary dream...
Thomaslovesshinee #2
Chapter 25: oh dang..this story gave me the goosebumps!! i love the ending! How it went back to the beginning!! anyways love this story!
Daebakkk~~ love it... :-)
Chapter 25: gave me goosebumps. O_O love it!
Chapter 25: Its done!! What? I wasnt ready! I feel that it needs more closure! But btw it was a really great story. Loved it.
Chapter 26: OMG THIS IS JUST AWESOME. It had me at the edge of my seat all the while! *thumbs up*
iAmWeAre #7
Chapter 22: This is...confusing and creepy... O_O does he have a mental illness or something??
iAmWeAre #8
Chapter 21: Lol I just posted a comment then you updated XD Anyways please update soon~ I'm so eager to see the ending! >.< his brother is so creepy..
iAmWeAre #9
Chapter 20: I just found this and I have to say its very interesting and I couldn't stop reading it!! I love the plot but why do they have to die~~~? TT-TT SO SADDDDDD!!! T_T the kidnapper is eunkwang's brother?! O_O OMG...
Chapter 7: Omg i love your story and how much you have updated but i cant see chapter 7 i was wondering if it was a typo or something. ON AMOTHER NOTE THE MAN NEEDS TOO GO DOWN how dare he capture my sunjae he will die in his sleep by me muaahahahhaaha I wonder what eunkwang is going to do next