

"Are you sure you want to stay home?" Eunkwang asked concerned, when they were about to leave for the supermarket, "We could buy some bananas."

Sungjae hesitated for a moment, then decided.

"No, I'll go with you."

Sungjae quickly dressed and headed out with the boys for the supermarket.


They entered the supermarket and decided to buy some snacks, as well as fruits and vegetables. As Sungjae was particularly crazy about bananas, he decided to pick five bunches, shoving them into the cart.

Once they were finished checking at the counter, they immediately headed outside for the limo. They were walking when Sungjae was distracted by a strange noise. He walked on but the noise seemed to come closer.

"Ummmm.......I forgot to buy something." Sungjae interrupted.

"What?" asked Peniel, frustrated.

"Uhhhhh this snack I really liked. I'll be right back." said Sungjae.

"Okay, hurry back." said Changsub.

Sungjae dashed out of the carpark, following the sound that sounded like the flash of a camera.

He paused, only the sound stopped.

But Sungjae was persistent; he continued to follow the sound.

"Hello?" he called out, "Who's there?"

But there was no reply.


He continued to follow the sound until he reached a narrow path of the carpark, leading to a dead end. Realising that there was no other possible way that the sound could go any further than this, he decided to turn back and head for the limo.

But before he knew it, he heard multiple camera flashes.

Turning back, he noticed that standing in his way was a stranger, holding a cell phone, smiling wickedly at him.

Sungjae cowered, terrified, and tried to run past him, but he caught him in his arms.

"Let me go!" he cried. "Let me go!"

He tried to make an attempt to escape, and dial 112, but before he knew it, the stranger snatched the phone from him and threw it to the floor, smashing it, whilst the atmosphere seemed to slowly dissolve around him into pitch black.

"What's taking so long?" asked Changsub, "Just for one snack?"

"I don't know," said Minhyuk, "Let me try calling him."

He dialed Sungjae's number on his phone, but there was no answer.

"Oh no," he gasped, "He's not answering!"

"Let me try!" said Ilhoon panicking.

He tried but he got no answer either.

"Oh no," Ilhoon gasped, "You're right! He is not here!"

Eunkwang's stomach dropped. Two kidnapped members. That made it worse.

Without hesitation he picked up the phone and began to call the police.

When Sungjae woke up he was lying in a dark room, completely pitch black. He was sitting here, all tied up and with duct tape over his mouth.

Suddenly the door opened and standing there was a silhouette of the stranger, holding a knife, making Sungjae cower in fear.

The stranger the lights, and held the knife, however to the areas where he had been bound, cutting the ropes and setting him free.

"Good morning Sungjae," the stranger said smiling as he kissed Sungjae on the forehead, removing the duct tape from his mouth.

Sungjae cringed at him in disgust, realising that he had been suddenly kissed on the forehead by a stranger, especially considering that he was a minor.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Sungjae asked.

"I am a Melody, I just happened to find you passed out by a stranger in the car park and I picked you up and brought you to my home so that you would be safe."

Sungjae stopped frowning and stared at him confused, not knowing what to say nor how to react.

"Oh well, thank you. That's kind of you, but I must be going home now." he said as he got up.

"Nah-ah-ah-ah-ah." said the man shoving him down again, "You are to stay with me."

"But why would I agree to that?"

"That doesn't matter." he said as he dragged him out of the room and shoved him into a large bedroom. "The world beyond this place is cruel and horrible and I am here to protect you and keep you here.....forever."

"But I have to get back!"

"Shut up!" he screamed as he slapped Sungjae in the face.

Once Sungjae was in the bedroom, he finally spoke.

"You can forget about calling the police as the phone lines are cut, and I have taken your phone. Also the doors and windows are locked and bolted so don't even think about escaping. Scream and cry all you want, the wallpaper makes this room soundproof. Oh, and join me for lunch. This is not an option." he said as he slammed the door.

Sungjae was so confused at this point that he collapsed on the bed and began to cry.

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It was all a dream... O__O a very scary dream...
Thomaslovesshinee #2
Chapter 25: oh dang..this story gave me the goosebumps!! i love the ending! How it went back to the beginning!! anyways love this story!
Daebakkk~~ love it... :-)
Chapter 25: gave me goosebumps. O_O love it!
Chapter 25: Its done!! What? I wasnt ready! I feel that it needs more closure! But btw it was a really great story. Loved it.
Chapter 26: OMG THIS IS JUST AWESOME. It had me at the edge of my seat all the while! *thumbs up*
iAmWeAre #7
Chapter 22: This is...confusing and creepy... O_O does he have a mental illness or something??
iAmWeAre #8
Chapter 21: Lol I just posted a comment then you updated XD Anyways please update soon~ I'm so eager to see the ending! >.< his brother is so creepy..
iAmWeAre #9
Chapter 20: I just found this and I have to say its very interesting and I couldn't stop reading it!! I love the plot but why do they have to die~~~? TT-TT SO SADDDDDD!!! T_T the kidnapper is eunkwang's brother?! O_O OMG...
Chapter 7: Omg i love your story and how much you have updated but i cant see chapter 7 i was wondering if it was a typo or something. ON AMOTHER NOTE THE MAN NEEDS TOO GO DOWN how dare he capture my sunjae he will die in his sleep by me muaahahahhaaha I wonder what eunkwang is going to do next