love triangle....

he felt their house is too silent but thought next month suzy , siwon and mom will be here so everything will change he felt he misses her little sister suzy . sunny put chicken soup in front of him and taecyeon remembered last night when eunjung poured soup on him and laughed sunny asked : ah.. is anything wrong ???
taecyeon stopped laughing and said : no..nothing .
- do u need anything else sir ? sunny asked .
- no it's okay .
sunny wanted to leave but taecyeon asked : what was name of the new maid ??
sunny was shocked taecyeon never asks such as these questions .
sunny – eunjung …. Ham eunjung !
taecyeon – ok … u can leave now .
tomorrow :
eunjung ran to follow bus and finally it stopped , eunjung went inside and said : mianeh !!!
driver said : u r always late .
- sry !
eunjung took a nap on bus her house was far from taecyeon's house so she could sleep in bus a little as last day a man opened the door for her , she was a little late so hurried sunny was there before her .
- hi sunny ah !
- Yah U R late ! miss goo will kill you eunjung !
they heard miss goo's voice : yah eunjungshiii ! u r late !
- im so sry miss goo ! that won't happen again !!
- do it another time and u r done here !
taecyeon was talking to the phone is was his mom , ( siwon and suzy's mom )
- mom … u r in US u still set up blind dates for me ? I hate this kind of dates.. plz forget it !!
eunjung was bringing him breakfast taecyeon looked at her face and without knowing smiled , eunjung didn’t see his smile and teacyeon thought thank god she didn't saw it .
he continued on phone : omma plzz ! I don’t care if im 35 , I don’t want to on blind dates , that for last was nuts , and now u want me to go to another blind date now ?
eunjung didn’t heard what taecyeon's mom said but taecyeon said : fineee mom ! im gonna do it but only tonight .
eunjung asked : do u need anything else ?
- nope u can leave . when eunjung was leaving taecyeon looked at her body and thought she has nice outfit and a new idea sparkled in his mind he said : eunjungshiii
eunjung turned : yes ??
- do u like a job only for today and its salary is 3 times  more than what u get in month ?
eunjung said : what ?? job for only one day ???three times more ?? is it easy ?
taecyeon said : yes it's really easy !
eunjung : and u pay me today ?
taecyeon : yep !! u want it ??
eunjung was so happy with that money she could do lot's of things so said :NEEEHHHHHHHHHH I WANT IT ! 
taecyeon laughed and eunjung found out she said it too loudly . so she felt embarrassed ! taecyeon said : at 4 , don’t leave here ! I'll come and take u to the place u most do the job !!!
eunjung left living room.
at 4 pm
eunjung told sunny what taecyeon told him and asked : sunny ah .. maybe I shouldn’t accept it !!! do u know mr choi ?????? do u know what kind of person he is ????
sunny said : he is a good person but im worried for u !! what kind of job is that ??????
u know the other day he asked me ur name !!! maybe ……
taecyeon walked in saw eunjung and sunny .
looked at eunjung : r u ready ??
eunjung took sunny's hand and said : i…im ..not sure if I want to… I want to do it !!!
taecyeon said : u accepted it before
eunjung said :  aniii anii
taecyeon took her hand ,pulled eunjung and made her follow him .
eunjung said : sunny ahh.. sunny ah !!!
sunny : eunjung ahh…
taecyeon opened the door of his  car and told eunjung : get in !
eunjung got inside the car and taecyeon closed the door .
taecyeon drove the car and eunjung said : ahh.. mr choi where we r going ?
taecyeon :  somewhere that u r getting ready for job !! shopping and beauty salon !
eunjung said : whh…. What ???? stop the carr… stop the carr.. im begging u !! im not that kind of girl !
taecyeon said : what kind of girl !! ???
eunjung : I don’t want ur money just stop the car im not gonna sleep with u for money !!!
taecyeon said : what ??? sleeping with me ?????? he start to laugh loudly .
taecyeon - yahhh u think im that kind of man ?
he laughed again eunjung was looking at him , taecyeon said : u really think im gonna sleep with u ? with u ?
eunjung said : then why u want to pay me that much !!!!
taecyeon said : becaz I want you to act like my girlfriend today !!!
- WHAT ?it's the same !!!!! why ?
-  I don’t want to stay with that girl on date , and when me and the girl start to talk u should come in and act like im ur boyfriend and im cheating on you ! so that girl will leave !
eunjung said : so what's wrong with my style now ? why do we need to buy clothes ???
taecyeon said : u really think someone like me will date with someone like u ? that's why we need to change ur style completely !
eunjung said : yah…. U r  being rude !!! Im not gonna change my style !!!
taecyeon :  u want money ?
eunjung thought and said : okay… I'll do it !
taecyeon took to eunjung to a big shopping center that he always shops from .
he saw his friend who is a fashion designer , jong won,
he saw taecyeon and wave his hand for him .
jong won : yah… hyung long time no see
taecyeon : hey jong won , I need ur help !
jong won : what is it ???
taecyeon : u should turn her to a classy lady !!
and point his finger to eunjung .
eunjung was looking at a dress she saw the  price tag her eyes and mouth were wide open .
taecyeon and jong won saw her reaction and both of them smiled jong won said : where did u find her ? she is pretty !!!
taecyeon looked at eunjung and jong won took eunjung's hand and said : follow me !
taecyeon sat on a chair and start to read a magazine after  one hour or more he heard jong won's voice : hyung .. how is she ? taecyeon looked at eunjung she was worn a black mini dress it was   decollete and short so he could see eunjung's long foot eunjung looked shy becaz of her dress , jong won put a black coat on her shoulder and a black bag in her hands and said : now u r classy !
taecyeon couldn’t take his eyes of eunjung , she was so pretty and chic ! Her makeup really suited her style.
jong won said : hyong….hyong!
 taecyeon finally answered : yep ?
jong won whispered in his ear : u love her ???
taecyeon : WHAT ? LOVE? OF COURSE NOT!
jong won smiled again and taecyeon said : yah ham eunjung lets go !
eunjung in a low voice said: ok . taecyeon said : give me ur phone !
- woeoo ??
- give it !
 eunjung gave her phone to him . taecyeon took eunjung's number and said : when I call u u will start , ok?
eunjung said : fine both of them went to a big restaurant and separated taecyeon went to a big table where he could see eunjung .  after ten minutes he heard a voice : choi taecyeon shiii ? he looked up and saw a really pretty woman he stood up and said : yes , miss hwang ! nice to meet u !!
- call me tiffany plz J
- plz sit tiffany ..
- thanks .
it's been about ten minutes and taecyeon was already bored tiffany was the same and they didn’t know what to say . taecyeon called eunjung who was eating ice cream but she didn’t even understand . he called again and finally eunjung saw her phone . she stood up and took some deep breathes and went toward taecyeon and tiffany
and yelled : mr choi…
taecyeon scowled becaz no one calls his boyfriend mr so eunjung this time said
yah taec… who is that girl ??
taecyeon pretend he is shocked of seeing eunjung and said : eunjung ah.. I'll explain it .
tiffany was shocked too but eunjung continued : u r on a date again ???
how could u ?? it's 4th time I catch u …. If u don’t care about me .. at least care about the baby I carry !!
eunjung was so funny taecyeon wanted to laugh  but saw tiffany's face ,stopped
and said : eunjung ah mianeh !! I didn’t mean too………..
tiffany stood up and said : I can't believe u have a such pretty girl friend and she is pregnant but u still came on a date with me shame on you !
 and beat taecyeon's head with her bag .
tiffany said : im so sry lady I didn’t know he is such a jerk ..
eunjung said : I didn’t know that at first too and eunjung beat taecyeon's head with her bag too !! tiffany left .
when she left eunjung started to laugh and taecyeon said : why did u beat my head too ????
eunjung said : mianeh .. I didn't want to look like week girls !!! ah.. I want to be an actress it's so fun and laughed teacyeon slowly laughed and both of burst into laughter after some seconds.

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Lunamiha #1
Mmm actualisa mme quede intrigada
lialee #2
Please continue this story authornim
Jenniffercampos #3
Chapter 25: Por favor actualice pronto
Ramjung #4
Chapter 25: Hope you will continue this story and update it again
Chapter 25: ohhhh
please continue this story
i do not know why but i dont like eunjung come back to siwon i think taecyeon is so better for her
please let ty and ej be with each other
ffajarr #6
Chapter 25: Usually I'm a taecjung shipper, but qhen I read your story I really hope that EJ will end up withSiwon.

Please cntinue your story authornim.
Ramjung #7
Update soon pllllzzzz^^
Ramjung #8
Chapter 25: omg i love this story *.* plz plz plz update soon i'm so excited T^T
songhyewook #9
update soon, please...... ._.
pioushej #10
Chapter 25: even if im in eunjungs situation i will accept taecyeons proposal bcoz of my daughter but u didnt establish enough bout eunjungs feeling to both men more updates please its really interesting thank u