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Culture shock

I'll be going for a bit. And I didn't want to add another cliff hanger to leave you on and then not update for a month and then everyone is confused. So I compiled a bunch of bits from future chapters as a sort of filler. I have some minor family issues going on and won't be able to update for about a month or so. So hopefully this filler fills the time a bit. Thanks you for commenting and upvoting you guys are the best. And I can't wait to come back and reflecting on how much of an Aaron is and how much of a pansy Joy is for letting her mom walk all over her. Have a great Christmas if I'm not back by then. 


Matame (kill me)


Jisoo’s eyes sprang open at the sound of footsteps heading to her room. Oh ! She leaned forward, eyes darting about for a hiding spot for her bong. . . . She looked to her window and whined in , I’m so sorry Finn she whimpered. She opened her window and took another look behind her shoulder and dropped the bong and the remaining weed right out the window. She jumped up, kicked the computer chair to a random part of her room and dove into her bed just as her mother slammed the bedroom door open. 


“Jisoo Kang!” Ji Soo looked up and swallowed. 


“H-hey mommy”. The 17 year old stuttered. 


“What the hell are you doing?”


Jisoo blinked. What was that sound? “Mom, do you hear that?” Irene clicked her tongue and waved her hand about. 


“You shut your mouth. Why the hell is it so smoky in this damn room?”


“Incense?” Jisoo tried, shrugging. 


“Incense?” Irene narrowed her eyes and took a step forward into the room. “It sure as hell doesn’t smell like a lavender sunrise in this goddamn room! Sure smells like the devils grass I’ll to you that. And you! Look like Juan Carlos the devil’s Gardeners who mowed the goddamn lawn!” 


Jisoo’s mouth slacked open and she slapped a palm over her chest. “How could you say such a thing! That is so racist! I’m not Mexican and I am thoroughly offended. Not all Mexicans are gardeners ! Or named Juan Carlos!” Irene’s left eye twitched and Jisoo clamped shut.  “I love you so much mommy.”




Kill this love 


“Jisoo let me go!” Jisoo groaned, hand tightening around Rosie’s wrist. 


“Just let me explain Rosie. Please!”


“No! I don’t need an explanation. You made it terribly clear that you and I are just friends and you can do whatever the hell you want and I’m supposed to just sit here!”


Jisoo shook her head frantically as Rosie continued to try to yank her hand free. “That’s not it at all Rosie. It’s literally not even what it looks like!” At this Rosie stood still, wide eyes trained on Jisoo. 


“Are you ing kidding me! It’s not what it looks like? What are you every dude from a 90’s sitcom? Well you Shane!”


Rosie finally got her hand free and began storming away. “Wait. Who the hell is shane!” 


Rosie whipped around, wiped her face and yelled “Shane Mccutcheon!” Jisoo scratched her head and watched Rosie storm away. 


Who the hell is that?




It’s a mother daughter thing 


“Chaeyoung. What the hell are you wearing?” Chaeyoung looked down at her khaki pants and white button up. 


“Um. Clothes?”


“No. Absolutely not. You look like you’re about to go out there and date someone and then blame them”. Chaeyoung gasped. 


“What! How? They’re khakis!”


“Silence! Go put on some sweats or something. And for the love of god. We do not slick back hair in this house. We don’t break hearts Chaeyoung! Windswept. I want it windswept. Or better yet. Bowl cut women. We are Korean! I want it looking like a fish bowl stat! Go wet it and shake your hair out. Jesus. You look like Nick Jonas I want a more young Josh peck. Get to it. Let’s go. Chop. Chop. Knees to chest my little heartbreaker. '' Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and stomped up the steps just as her mother whipped around and responded to a number. 


—yeah. I’m always down baby!


Who is this again? I don’t recognize the number. 




Somos familia (we’re family)


I’m not mentally ready for this. Maybe if I just drive passed the house I won’t have to deal with this. Yeah. I think I’ll do that. Absolutely. Wendy will just have to deal with this on her own. Buckle up creampuff it’s all you tonight! 


! I glare at my cell phone. I hate that thing. Do I even need it? I could honestly throw it out the window. Tell Wendy I was jumped and call it a day. Ugh! I’m such a . “Hello?”


“Joy! Where are you!”


“Um. Well. You see what had happened was”.


“Shut up. Just. Shut up. Hurry up and come pick me up”.


“What? Why? What about the kids?”


“Screw it. Come get me. They’re upstairs reflecting and I’m not ready for this conversation. Come through the back so they don’t see me run to the car.” I gasped. Is my wife running away from our problems and abandoning our children and running off with me?


“Be there in two!”  I love this woman. I slowly eased the SUV up the side of the house as Wendy suddenly popped up from behind some hedges and nearly dove into the open door of the 4Runner. 


“Go go go!” She whisper yelled, ducking under the center console. I ducked my head and floored the car away from the house. “I can’t believe I just did that”. 


I shrugged, “don’t sweat it. Kevin Hart says he does it all the time”.




Pamola. Teresa. Woo-Jin. Jennie. Soojin. 


“She’s so small” I whispered. The baby opened and closed it again. “Oh she’s so beautiful baby,'' I said kissing Joy’s sweaty forehead. 


“Look at her eyes. God they’re so tiny. '' Joy said. I don’t think I’ve seen her smile so bright before. God she's beautiful. 


The baby smiled, her gummy smile is nearly blinding. Holy . This is our baby. She’s ours. Oh my god. I have a family now. Thank you god. 


“What should we name her?” I asked, pressing my lips to Joy’s head. 


“How about-




You’re my blood, te amo 


I groaned as Joy pulled me aside. “Babe. What the ?”


“I don’t know Joy. I’ve never seen my sister like this.” I argued, why is my sister being so weird? And why in the world is her girlfriend such a . Oh my god. 


“You know your sister is the only one in your family I can tolerate babe. She literally said no to fried chicken. Who says no to fried chicken!”


“Irene does”.


“Irene is a ing psycho. Your sister is not. What the hell is going on?”


“It’s her evil girlfriend”. I said, glaring at the curvaceous black haired woman cuddled against my sister. 


“Yeah. She said she’s vegan. Which means she’s ing crazy.”


I rolled my eyes at Joy, “that’s not true. There is nothing wrong with being vegan. But there is something wrong with this woman”.


Joy and I both jumped when Wheein and Hyejin stood in front of us, brows quirked. “You guys good?” Wheein asked. 


“Just. Peachy”. Joy said before throwing her arm around my shoulder and pulling me to her. “You guys want almonds? Maybe some grass. I don’t know what you guys eat.”


“Mm. I don’t eat salted almonds. Too many calories. Have any boiled almonds?” Joy’s eyes twitched and her arms squeezed me as she looked at my sisters girlfriend. 


Who the hell is this woman oh my god.



Jisoo turtle rabbit Kang 


Chaeyoung glared at her cousin. ached and she was pretty sure her left eye was swollen shut because she can’t see . Somewhere along the fight she had twisted her ankle, but if she cried about it then Rosie would think she was a cry baby and momma ain’t raise no . 


“Give up Chae. I’m gonna kick your all day. My mom taught me how to fight.”


“Oh you chichu! I never give up!”


“I told you not to call me that!” Jisoo yelled before lunging forward and punching Chaeyoung in her face. Chaeyoung groaned and staggered back. Not my good eye! Jesus! Now I’ll never be able to see. 


“You’re just mad that Rosie likes me more than you!” Jisoo clenched her fist, anger coursing through her veins. 


“I don’t care who she likes. If she likes you then she’s a damn fool.” Chaeyoung’s bruised mouth opened in a surprised gasp. 


“You do not talk about my sugar pie gumdrop like that!” Chaeyoung yelled before running forward in what she hoped was Jisoo’s location. 


“Hey! Hey! What the hell is going on here!” A voice yelled. 


Chaeyoung didn’t have time to see who it was. She was too busy being put down by a boot to her face. 


“Jesus Jisoo! What the hell!” Jisoo looked at Lisa and shrugged. 


“She shouldn’t have charged at me. It was literally the dumbest thing she could’ve done.”


Lisa stared wide eyed at her friend and bent down to look at the bruised and unconscious 19 year old on the ground. “You’re lucky she's legal dude. Or you would be getting arrested. What the was even the point of fighting? Was it over that with Jennie’s sister?” Jisoo shrugged and watched as Lisa heft up the dead weight of Chaeyoungs body. “You’re ridiculous bro. That was in high school. Why won’t you let it go?” Jisoo simply watched on as Lisa pulled the small girl along and into her car. 


Why couldn’t she let it go?




Too soon?


“Lisa I don’t know about this”. Jennie whispered, holding on tightly to the tall blondes hand. 


“Don’t worry about it. Did you lock your door?” Jennie nodded, looking at her door for a comfort check. 


“Good. Then we’ll have time just in case your parents come.” Jennie smiled and hoped she didn’t look worried. 


“Okay”. Lisa grinned and straddled Jennie’s hips. 


“Now calm down and let me take care of everything okay?” Jennie nodded again, gasping quietly at the first touch of Lisa’s lips on her neck. 


Lisa seemed to be everywhere. Her lips were warm and her tongue left a trail that she blew on against Jennie’s neck and chin. Jennie bit her lip to calm down as Lisa traveled lower and lower. And then Jennie was jumping up and Lisa was falling off the bed a mess of skinny bones and long limbs. 


She should have seen this coming though. Should not have let herself get too comfortable. “. Lisa! Do you hear that!”  Lisa groaned from her place on the floor. “You need to go. Quick. I think my mom is coming. And if it’s my mama we’re both ing dead! 


Lisa staggered to her feet and shot Jennie a cool grin. “It’ll be okay” she said as she swung her feet over the window sill. Jennie wanted to believe her. She really did. But Lisa didn’t know her parents. ! Jennie looked to the door where the knob rattled and then back to Lisa. 


“I’m sorry” Jennie said right before she pushed Lisa and down the blonde went. The door opened just as Jennie heard a quiet groan of “mm okay”. 


Jennie looked up. There stood her 13 year old sister, she was rubbing her eyes and looking at Jennie. “Why’d you lock your door”. 


Oh me. 




Together we can conquer anything 


“Seulgi What are you doing?” Seulgi looked up to her wife and smiled. 


“I’m setting up cameras in Dahyun's room”.


“I can see that. But why?” Seulgi grinned and stood from her ladder. 


“I’m pretty sure Dahyun is growing up to either be an awesome company owner. Or a serial killer. So I wanna keep an eye on her. I’m nervous. 


“She’s eight years old Seul.”


“Yes. But today when I gave her, her animal crackers she only ate their heads and left everything else behind.”


Irene smiled and kissed Seulgi slowly. “That’s normal baby. When I was younger, my brother used to pop the heads off barbies.”


“Isn’t your brother in jail though?” Seulgi questioned nervous. Irene kissed Seulgi again. 


“Shh. Not the point.”


“I got her gummy bears. She ate all their heads”.


“Well. That is where the most flavour is.”


“I gave her Swedish fish, she only ate their heads”.


“She was being conservative.” Seulgi narrowed her eyes at Irene. 


“I gave her gummy worms and she only ate their head.”


“She was calorie counting.”


“She’s eight.”


Mí madre me dijo a mi (my mother told me)


“Listen to me you little . If you ever touch my daughter. If you ever so much as look at her. Or think about her I swear to god I’ll kill you. You won’t be scared about getting locked up you little er because I will personally cut you up like the pig you are and leave you to ing rot. Got it?”



There’s something wrong with Dahyun 


Jennie stomped her foot and pouted. “Mom please don’t do this.”


“Jennie it’s not that big of a deal.”


“But it is mom. Dahyun is freaking weird mom. Last time I saw her she chased me with a knife.”


“It was a plastic knife sweetheart”.


“Mom! She’s 4! She probably thought it was real!”


“She was playing with you” Wendy reason. Jennie stared incredulously at her mother. Oh my god. I’m going to die. Wendy cupped her daughter’s cheeks. “Everything is going to be fine”. 


“I’m going to die mom.” Wendy kisses her daughter’s forehead and pulled her downstairs where little Dahyun sat on pacifier and watching TV. As soon as the four year old locked eyes on Jennie she knew, she just knew there was something in those cold dead eyes of Dahyun. The four year old rolled onto her stomach and shimmied off the sofa and sprinted to Jennie. 


In front of Jennie, Dahyun stood. Unmoving. Unblinking. “Do you want me to pick you up?” Dahyun smiled around her pacifier and Jennie trembled. Oh god this kid is creepy! 


Dahyun took a step forward and Jennie ran around the four year old and went to hide. She knew she wouldn’t get far. Somehow. Someway. Dahyun would find her. She always did. 


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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1198 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!