Not in love

Culture shock

“It has to be some kind of sin to just ooze beauty like that” Katy groans at the line and turns to the woman standing next to her. 


“That’s even worse than your line”. 


“Well I would stop if you’d just go out on a date with me.”


Katy rolls her eyes and begins packing her things into her bag. “You are definitely persistent.”


“Is it working?”


“Nope!” Katy laughs, putting the bag on and walking out the library. 


“I’m not asking for marriage Katy. Just one date.”


“And I said no.” Katy stops in front of Saeron. “You have a class right now. Why are you following me?” Saeron smirks. 


“How do you know I have a class right now?”


“Oh my god! Saeron, go.”


“One date. Just one.”




“I could die in the next ten minutes and you might regret this.”


“The chances of you dying are slim.” 


Saeron clutches her chest, “that hurt.” Katy giggles and turns the tall woman around before pushing her away. 


“Go to class Ron!”


The next day was the same, Saeron spent all her free time asking for a date to which Katy would give a resounding no. To which Saeron would beg for just one date. Just one. But to Katy. One. Was one too many. 


But this day was different. This random Tuesday was different. Katy looked up from her book, Saeron was not around. She ignored the pang in her chest, maybe she was just sick. Katy walked into the quad with Joy, Saeron was not beside her asking for a date. In fact, Saeron was several feet away talking to a girl. Katy furrowed her brow, “maybe she gave up?” Joy laughed. Katy shook her head, “go ahead without me. I’ll be there in a second.”


Joy did as told, and Katy walked up to the blonde and the stange woman. “Saeron?” Said woman looked up and smiled. 


“Hey Katy. What’s up.”


“Um nothing. What are you doing?” Saeron grinned brightly, “this is Teresa. I’m helping her with her science homework.”


“Are you a tutor?” Saeron rubbed the back of her neck. 


“Uh no.”


“Then you shouldn’t help her. Here”, Katy stopped forward, handing Teresa a card. “That’s the tutor line. You should get a proper tutor. Saeron let’s go.”


“Wait what?”


“Saeron. Up. Let’s go.” With an awkward wave, Saeron followed after Katy. 


“What was that?” Katy asked when they were alone. Saeron shrugged. “I was helping.”


“You were flirting.”


“So what if I was?” Katy glared at her. “You don’t want to go out with me. So fine. I’ll just stop trying to be with you. Junito said the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody else.” Katy punched her arm. 


“Junito is a ing clown.”


“Be that as it may. I Saeron Kim, release Katy Kim Yerim. Be free. Spread your wings and fly.” With that, saeron had literally moon walked away. Only two hours later Saeron would fall off a training wall and break her arm, Katy would run to her. And by the end of the night they would be a couple. 


Only to break apart and crumble five years later, but for now. Saeron was moo walking away and Katy was trying to stay mad at the lanky blonde. Why is everyone in New York so stupid?



Saeron smiles at Junito, who in turn is doing his best to cook for them. He’s failing, he’s gone through half a dozen eggs attempting to cook one set of sunny side up eggs. Saeron, who does not believe in throwing food out, has fed Seulgi the six other eggs that have failed. Seulgi, does not mind. 


“I’ve really got faith in this batch!” Junito exclaims, eyes trained on the pan in front of him. 


“I keep telling you, you have to lower the fire for these types of eggs, Juni.” Junito shakes the spatula at his best friend, “silencio!” Seulgi snorts at the display in front of her. 


“You guys are really funny. You’re like a less chaotic Katy and Joy.” 


Saeron rolls her eyes, “We’re better than them.”


“Damn right!” Junito fist bumps Saeron and rushes back to the stove.  


“How long have you guys been friends?” Seulgi asked, wincing at a piece of burnt egg. 


Junito sighs and spins in the kitchen before holding a hand out for Saeron to take, she eyes him disgustedly before resting her hand in his. Junito pulls her up against his chest and runs the back of the spatula down Saeron’s face. Saeron groans at the feeling, I’ll kill him for touching me with that dirty spatula. 


Seulgi claps at the display in front of her as Junito spins Saeron away from him, clearly using too much force as she goes spinning away and over the sofa and with an undignified grunt lands on her back on the floor. “Oh !” Junito yells, running with Seulgi to check on Saeron who lies dazed on the living room floor. “Ron you good?” Junito pulls the woman’s head onto his lap, slapping her cheeks with the spatula. 


“Will you stop!” Saeron flails, unknowing Seulgi is holding Saeron down by leaning over her. 


Oh god i'm being saved by two es. The smoke alarm goes off. “! The eggs!” Saeron stares up at the ceiling and crumbles into a fit of giggles, together she and Seulgi watch Junito flail in the kitchen. “Let’s just go to a diner!” Junito yells, trying to cool the pan and stop the smoke alarm. Twenty minutes later the trio is seated at a small diner, “anyway. To  answer your earlier question. Junito and I have been best friends since freshman year in college.” 


“Oh wow. That’s a pretty good amount of time”, Seulgi calculates. “But wait. You’ve known Katy longer right?” Saeron shakes her head. 


“No. I meant Katy through Junito.”


“Oh! Really?”


“Yeah. Katy and Joy have been friends since Joy’s freshman year of high school. They’ve been friends for over like ten years.” Seulgi’s mouth sags open in shock. 


“Jesus. And so were you guys like one big foursome of friends?” Junito snorts. 


“Nah. Katy and Sae were a couple. But tended to take a backseat to Joy and Katy’s friendship. And then I would come in and just glue little sae back together.”


Seulgi’s eyes look to Saeron, who suddenly seems very interested in her spoon. Before tracking back to Junito who focuses narrowed eyes at Saeron. “I feel like I’m missing something here.” 


“You’re not. Don’t worry about it. Let’s order.” Junito slams a hand down onto the table and Seulgi finally sees the trademark Garcia dramatics in Joy and Junito. 


“Saeron, listen. I have been your friend for a long time. Yes?” Saeron nods, wiping sugar off the table. “And we love each other. Right?” Saeron nods again, now wiping pepper off the table. “And you know I will always have your back right?” Saeron nods once again, placing all the butters back in their proper container. “So, as your friend. Your saving grace. Your better half, you need to let me protect you! Defend you! If you won’t do it, let me.” 


Saeron sighs, “what’s going on?” Seulgi asks. Junito leans his tiny frame over the table and snatches seulgi’s hand before pulling her much taller frame over the table. Wide eyed, Seulgi stares as their hands clasped. Jesus that’s a lot of strength in a tiny body. “Um.”


“Shh. Escuche.” (Listen).


“I don’t understand Spanish.”


“He’s saying shut up and listen.” Saeron laughs. 


“Seulgi. When we were in college. Saeron and Katy dated.”


“I know.”


“Good. But there’s more. So. They broke up- I know- Seulgi stop cutting me off! So. They broke up, because Katy always left to hang with you Joy- why? SEULGI! shut. I’m getting to it. So. A week before Ron was going to leave for basic training, she wanted to spend her last week with Katy. Instead. Katy left to hang with Joy! Just abandoned my little Saeron!”


“I’m not little”, both Seulgi and Junito looked over to the woman. No. She was not little. Rather giant if Junito thought about it. 


“Figure of speech.” Junito corrected. 


“Why did Katy keep leaving you to hang with Joy?” Seulgi asked, body still bent over the table. 


“They were friends.” Saeron explained. Junito threw a jelly packet at her. “Hey!”


“Shut it!” Junito narrowed his eyes at Seulgi. “Because, Katy has been in love with Joy for years. Which would be fine, let the past be the past. But Katy told my stupid cousin that Saeron was just some ty girlfriend that was always bailing, when really it was Katy! And then she just struts her boyfriend around, which I mean. It’s not his fault. But still! Imagine how my bestie feels?” Seulgi gulps, letting the words sink into her muddled brain before finally pulling herself free and sinking into her seat. 


Saeron is now making a tower of jelly and butter packets, Seulgi pouts. “I’m sorry”, Seulgi mumbles. Saeron shakes her head, dismissing the apology. 


“Nobody’s fault.” Saeron says, blinking rapidly. 


“Why don’t you say something?” Seulgi asks, “because this idiot kept going back to Katy. So while Katy was moving on and only seeing this one once every couple months. Sae was overseas, seeing and going through horrible and all she thought about was just being with Katy!”


Saeron groans, where is their food? “It’s not her fault Juni.”


“Maybe not. But nobody gets to treat an angel like and then just get away with it! It isn’t fair that you take the mantle of the villain in this situation but Katy just coasts on by. Katy’s been in my life for a long time, she never pays the consequences for her actions.” Seulgi taps her chin. 


“She was in a relationship with Irene and I.”


“What!” Saeron and Junito bellow. 


“Shh! Oh my god. It wasn’t Katy’s fault. Takes two to tango you know? Or well, three in this instance. Anyway, we did some pretty ty stuff to her. So when she got with Eric I felt like she was getting her happy ending. Maybe Irene and I were just karma for what she did to you.” Saeron shrugs. 


“Doesn’t matter. It’s over.”


“You should say something.”


“For what! It’s just causing pointless drama. Besides. I’m leaving soon.” Junito’s shoulders visibly deflate. 


“It’s just not fair. You should be recognized for who you are. A good person.”


“An angel!” Junito states, tapping his chest. “Someone with the purest heart.” Saeron smiles and shakes her head at Junito, Seulgi is reminded of a different form of true love. 


“Well, let’s move on from this topic then. Let’s talk about the baby.” 


“Your baby?” Saeron asks. 


“No, Joy and Wendy’s baby.”


“They have a kid?”


Seulgi eyes Saeron, “you were literally there for when they told us about the insemination.”


“I was?” Saeron points at herself. 


“Yeah. That’s why Joy made us all stay to tell us.”


“But. She’s not pregnant right?”


Seulgi shrugs, “it doesn’t always take in the first try. But if we all believe maybe it will.” Saeron sinks back into her seat, so that’s what was going on.




Everyone is playing Mario kart when Seulgi steps into her apartment. Katy is screaming and Joy is laughing as Irene tries to kick away Katy’s remote. It’s cute, Seulgi notes. 


Eric walks into the living room from the kitchen, Seulgi eyes him as he smiles and waves. That could’ve been Saeron. Saeron could be here, with Junito. Laughing and playing too. Katy yells something out, Irene jumps up in triumph.  Seulgi walks over, presses a kiss to Irene’s temple and hugs Joy before kissing the top of Wendy’s head. 


“How was your time with Saeron?” Katy asks. Seulgi shrugs, “what did you do?” Seulgi shrugs again. 


“Just stuff.”


“Is it helping?”


Seulgi smiles and nods, “I think so.”


“Did you eat yet?” Irene asks, taking her hand. Seulgi nods, “yeah we went to a diner for lunch, did some more stuff and then stopped at a Subways.” 


Seulgi sits to watch everyone play around, mind wandering back to what Junito said. 


“while Katy was moving on and only seeing this one once every couple months. Sae was overseas, seeing and going through horrible and all she thought about was just being with Katy”


While Katy only saw Saeron once, Saeron was focused on nothing but her. 


While Katy moved on, Saeron was depending on her. 


Seulgi’s hands twitch as she thinks on everything. “Joy, did you and Katy ever date?” The room falls into silence at the question, “what?” Joy asks. 


“You and Katy. Were you ever a couple?” 


“No. Never, always just friends. We would never have meshed” Joy laughs, Seulgi’s eyes focus on Katy who in her lips at Joy’s words. “Katy was always a free bird, so bless you Eric for somehow taming her.” Joy laughs. 


Seulgi watches Eric and shakes her head, “Saeron did it first.” She blurts out without thinking, Seulgi swallows harshly. . I shouldn’t have said that. Katy looks wide eyed at Seulgi, it. Might as well run with it. “I um. I mean, you guys were together for five years. So like, Saeron laid the groundwork and Eric is building on top of it.” 


“Um”, Wendy sits up, ready to diffuse the situation.


“Saeron didn't lay any groundwork, Seul. She jumped Katy and just disappeared into the thin air.” Joy defends. Seulgi shakes her head. 


“No. You’re wrong. Saeron didn't just disappear. She tried talking to Katy, Katy kept blowing Saeron off.”


“Because Saeron wanted to hang with Junito.” Seulgi laughs out loud, oh my god! Katy stands up rapidly, “does anybody want Chinese?” 


“That isn’t true.”


“Fried wontons? Anyone?”


Joy rolls her eyes, “Katy, tell them. Obviously Saeron is twisting the story.” Katy looks nervously from Joy to Seulgi and back. Seulgi huffs. 


“She can’t. Because she’s the one twisting the story. The truth is, Saeron wanted to be with Katy. But Katy wanted to be with you” Seulgi says, eyes trained on Katy’s. “Saeron was trying to tell you that she was leaving. But you left, and then you showed up at her party and didn’t even ask why they were having it. You just grabbed your wallet and rolled out. You broke her heart.” 


Katy’s head drops back and she screams into her palm. “! you seulgi.” 


“Hey! Don’t-“


“No. Shut up. I am so sick and tired of always being the ing villain. You’re right. I lied. You’re right. I was a ty girlfriend. And you’re right. I broke Saeron’s heart. I never wanted to be with her in the first place! Yes. I was in love with Joy! I know this. Everyone does. Everyone but Joy seemed to notice. That’s why I didn’t want to date Saeron. I kept saying no am rejecting her. She just kept pushing and coming back. 


Eventually I cracked and I started dating her, and the exact thing I knew would happen. Happened. I was ty. But I tried. I did. My heart just wasn’t fully in it, I loved her. I just wasn’t in love with her. And I made mistakes. Okay! I’m sorry. I’m sorry I broke her heart, I’m sorry I lied. I’m sorry I was ty. I know she’s perfect. I knew it then and I know it now. 


I just don’t get what else is left for me to say or do! I said sorry. I can’t go back in time and tell myself that hey, Joy is never going to notice you maybe just focus on Saeron. I can’t go back and tell Joy not to eat that damn thing and choke on a peanut and meet Wendy. I can’t change the past. I’m sorry. What else is there for me to do? I moved on. Why can’t everyone else do that too?”


Katy doesn’t wait for anyone to speak, she breezes past Seulgi and out the door. Eric rushing to catch up. Seulgi looks around the room at the stunned faces, Joy sits eyes wide. “I’m Uh. I’m sorry. There was no need for that. I shouldn’t have picked a fight.” Seulgi apologizes. Joy doesn’t hear it. 




Junito whines as he opens his front door, just to be nearly body slammed into the wall. “Hey! What the !” Katy shoves him again, “where is she?”




“Don’t act stupid. Saeron.” Junito rubs his sore head, “she left.”


Katy spins to him, “left?”


“Yeah. Hey, are you drunk? It’s the middle of the night.”


“Where did she go?”


“Katy, I-“ she slaps him, his cheek makes a high pitched whine at the force. “Ow!”




“The airport!”


“She’s leaving? Already?”


“She’s going to- 


“which airport?”




Katy makes a sound that sounds like a grunt and a war cry before twisting Junitos s painfully. He bowls in pain and drops to a knee, “JFK. JFK! Gah! Let go of my !” Katy runs out the apartment. “Wait! She’s not!” Katy’s long gone.  


Clutching his aching Junito runs to his phone and calls Joy who picks up out of breath. “Hey! Your tiny demon friend just assaulted me and my !”


“She’s there!”


“Not anymore! She just came and did a drive by on my and rushed out to find Saeron I think.”




“What’s going on?”


“Seulgi outed Katy I guess. I don’t know.” Junito grimaces, oh man. “Seulgi said everything?”


“Wait you knew?”


“I mean, I knew the truth. Not that Seulg would be the one to set it free, so the speak. Saeron is at JFK. I’ll try to beat Katy there. She seemed drunk.”


Joy sighs over the phone, “I don’t know. we’ve been trying to find her for a couple hours.”




Did someone call my name? Saeron pulls the earbuds from her ear at what sounds like the call of her name. She waits, “will a Saeron Kim please report to the lost and found.” What the hell? Saeron stands, and places her belongings in her book bag before heading the lost and found.


Katy is pacing when Saeron arrives. “Katy?” The small woman rushes forward and takes Saeron hand. 


“Hit me.”


“Uh. What?”


“Hit me. I don’t care. Kick me if you want. Throw me against a wall. Do something.” Saeron stares incredulously at her ex girlfriend. 


“I’m not going to hurt you Katy.”


“And that’s the problem. Isn’t it. Selfless Saeron. Sweet Saeron. Always so perfect. Why did you even to be with me?”


“I don’t understand.”


“You don’t need to! Just answer the question Sae.”


“I liked you. I wanted to get to know you.”


“I wanted Joy. Why did you stay?”


“I thought I could win you over.” Saeron mumbles, Katy drops her hand. She’s quiet for a moment before she lunges forward and grabs the collar of Saeron’s fatigue jacket, aggressively she shakes Saeron. 


“I hate you! I hate you so much!” 




“No. Shut up. Just shut up! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you! I’m sorry I was too busy being in love with someone who didn’t love me to notice how perfect you were! I’m sorry I came back into your life just to hurt you more. I’m sorry I’m such a ty person! I’m sorry I’m a liar. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry! I never wanted. Or meant to hurt you. You have to believe me, it’s why I never wanted to date you. I wasn’t playing hard to get, I was trying to save you.”


“Save me?”  Katy finally lets her go. 


“Yes! I knew I would hurt you. But you were so perfect. You were so cute and funny. I caved. And now, you’re leaving and I can’t let you go without knowing the truth. I loved you. I was never in love with you, maybe I could have fallen. But I was never the one for you. And when you came back I should have never gotten in bed with you. I never should have touched you again. Because now I’m over Joy and I’m falling in love with this great guy and here you are. Being perfect. And I don’t love you. Not the way you need. 


And I just feel like . Because you’re so great and I’m such a and I keep hurting you and I don’t know how to stop. I’m so sorry.” Saeron swallows, heart breaking for what feels like the millionth time. How many times is she going to do this to me?


Katy is crying, don’t hug her. Saeron forces herself to take a step back. “I uh. Need to go.”


“Wait. Please. Please don’t walk away from me. Please don’t go like this.” Finally, something in the taller woman finally breaks and the tears burst force and she shoves Katy back. 


“ you Katy. You come all the way over here to do what? Just break my heart again? You think I don’t already know all of this! What was the point of this! And then you want me to stay? Well guess what. You can’t have the cake and eat it too.”


“I didn't mean to hurt you!” Katy cries out. 


“Doesn’t matter. Listen. Hears what we’re going to do. You’re going to stay away from me. Far. Far away. And if you ever seen me around, don’t say hi. Don’t wave. Just walk away, you’re good at that.”


“Wait, Ron. Don’t say that. We can still be friends.”


“Maybe you can be. But I can’t. You’re all I think about. You and Junito, you’re the only things that keep me going out there. And now I’m leaving, to the anniversary of my friend's death. And you pull this ?” Katy’s head snaps up. 


“What? I, I thought you were leaving for good.” 


Saeron snorts, “no. Not till next week. But don’t worry. You won’t be seeing me.”


“‘No. I didn’t meant it like that.”


“Save it Katy. Stay away from me.” 


With those words, Saeron walks away. Katy watches, and a thought dawns on her. This hurt more than last time. 

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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1188 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!