Dubchaeng special

Culture shock

The song the trio is singing is Oakland nights by the lonely island. 



Today was going to be perfect, nothing would be allowed to ruin her perfect night with her woman. With the love of her life. Nothing. Not even Jisoo. 


“Jisoo you really don’t look like you’re listening.” Seulgi huffed as Jisoo simply continued to stare at the TV screen. “Jisoo.”


“C’mon c’mon” Jisoo mumbled as her Mario just barely vaulted onto the next surface. 


“Jisoo”, Seulgi tries again, when still no signs of response come her way Seulgi huffs and pulls out her phone. “Irene hon—“


“I’m listening!” Jisoo yells, nearly throwing her switch through the TV before diving over the back of the sofa and falling flat on her face. Groaning on the floor, Jisoo turns onto her back and glares at the dark screen her mother shows on the phone. “Really mom?” The betrayal in this family is off the charts. 


“Worked didn’t it? Now get up, I need you to listen to me.” 


“Fine. Fine.” Jisoo concedes, dragging her aching limbs from the floor. 


“Your mother and I are going out to dinner, we might end up staying at a hotel. I’m gonna leave you fifty bucks”.


“Make it a hundo and I’ll make Dahyun clean the dishes.”. Seulgi blinked. 


“Why would you make your sister clean the dishes?”


“Please don’t question my methods mother, I don’t question yours.” Ruthless, these children are ruthless. 


“Whatever. I’ll leave a hundred. I don’t want any party’s. I don’t want any fires. I’m fact. I want you and your sister to just stay in the house and do nothing.”


“But I have plans with Lisa.” Jisoo argues. 




“But mom!” Seulgi shakes her hand, even going as far as to spread her legs and plant her feet firmly as some form of a strong stance against her daughter’s skilled tongue. 


“But mom nothing, last time you had Lisa here without me and your mother you duct taped Chaeyoung to a chair.” 


“Mom”, Jisoo gripped her mother’s shoulders, “that was a necessary evil to cleanse Chaeyoung of the demon in her.”


“Jisoo why. Why are you like this? Who do you get this from! No guests, understood? I will be forced to punish you if you don’t listen okay? Your mother just polished all my belts too, they’re ready to give a whooping.” Jisoo gasped. 


“You would spank me? I’m 19!”


Seulgi shrugged, “you could be 90 and I would still spank you. You’re my child.” 


“Baby you ready?” Jisoo shook her head at the goofy smile on her mother’s face as she gazed up at her mum. 


“Yah. Just explaining the rules to Jisoo.”


“Perfect!” Irene chirped as she sauntered up to her eldest and glared. Jisoo gulped. “Nobody is to enter this house unless it is me or your mother. Do not move the thermostat, If you are cold you will do jumping jacks. If you are hot you will take an ice bath. Your sister is to be in bed by 11.”


“But mom. She’s fifteen.”


“And just for that you are to be in bed by eleven also.”




“Ten now.”




“Wanna make it nine Kang Jisoo!” Jisoo squeaked and shook her head. “That’s my good girl. Don’t make a mess. And for the love of god. No lisa. Understood?” Jisoo simply nodded fearing for her life. “Perfect. I love you”, Irene pressed a kiss to Jisoo’s cheek before heading to the kitchen where Dahyun was eating cereal. “Hey bubba”.


“Hey mommy.” Hugging her mom Dahyun sat back down and watched her phone. 


“What’s that?”


“Mom said I could set up CCTV cameras in the driveway, I’m watching how many times Lisa is going to sneak in and out of auntie Joy’s house in a week. We’re at 15 as of right now.” Irene chose to breeze by that startling emission from her youngest and update her daughter on the rules of the night. When no arguments are presented she kissed her again and began the rest of her fun filled night with her lover. Keeping in mind that yes, Dahyun was her favorite. 




Jisoo threw her phone down as Dahyun came down the steps in a black and white pinstriped suit. “Um. Where the hell are you going?” Dahyun stopped to take in the sight of her older sister. She didn’t look stupid. Did the suit not make it obvious? 


“I’m going out.”


“Um no you’re not. It’s ten. You’re supposed to be in bed.” Dahyun scoffed and walked to the kitchen to get her keys, Jisoo hot on her heels. “Dahyun! Mom said-“


Dahyun whipped around and took a step towards Jisoo who in turn squeaked and stumbled back against the fridge. “You forget things everyday Jisoo, make this one of those things”. Jisoo swallowed, did she get that from GTA? 


“Rosie will be dropping me off later tonight.” Dahyun informed as she grabbed her keys. 


“Wait. Wait. You’re going out with Rosie?” 


“That’s what I said Jichu. She’s in the band.”




“Yeah in Chaeyoung and I’s group. She’s our singer.” Jisoo pursed her lips. 


“What the ?” Dahyun sighed and turned back to her sister. 


“I’m in a rap duo with Chaeyoung. Like auntie Wendy’s sister Wheein is in that duo with Byulyi’s girlfriend Yongsun. Mc dduk and Mc ddak.” Jisoo shook her head. This is the stupidest thing she’s ever heard. 


“Thats retarded.” 


“And that’s why nobody told you anything”, the doorbell rang. “Can you get that? I need my phone.”  Jisoo shook her head and went to the door still trying to process everything. She opened the door to find her little sisters girlfriend. She sighed. 


“Hi Gahyeon”. 


“Hey Jisoo, um is Dahyun ready?”  


“Yeah she’s just grabbing her phone. Hey. What’s this whole rap duo she’s talking about.”


“Oh you don’t know?  They’re called Dubchaeng. Chaeyoung’s mom sets up their gigs.” Jisoo face palmed, of course she does. “Do you Uh. Want to come see?” Before Jisoo could give a resounding hell no Dahyun pushed passed her and wrapped an arm around Gahyeon’s neck. She walked them backwards, and the while pressing kisses to her girlfriends face. “Bye jichu!” Gahyeon muffled. 


Jisoo watched them go, mildly disgusted but slightly mesmerized as Rosie waves at her from the drivers seat. She waved dazedly and thought about stomping on Chaeyoung’s head. She watched them go and realized, “I need to go to this show.” She dashed up the steps to get dressed while yelling at SIRI to call Lisa. 




Irene swung she and Seulgi’s clasped hands and walked to the restaurant, “thank you for this baby”, she thanked. 


“No need to thank me, you deserve the world.” Seulgi countered, matching reasons for loving Irene with the stars shining in the sky. 


Irene sighed happily and entered the restaurant with Seulgi, “what do you think the kids are doing?” Seulgi snorted and followed the hostess to their seats. 


“What do you think?”




Lisa pulled up outside of the house where Jisoo was standing. “C’mon man. This was supposed to be just us. You can’t keep bringing Jennie to everything!”


“She’s my girlfriend!” Lisa argued before looking at Jennie and once again affirming that yes, she would die for this woman. 


“Yeah! I’m her girlfriend!” Jennie yelled. 


“Whatever.” Jisoo grumbled and climbed into the backseat. “So. Let me blow your guys mind. Did you know my sister and Chaeyoung have a rap group?” Lisa grinned and turned to Jisoo. 


“Are you telling me you didn’t know?”


“Wait. You knew?”


Jennie turned to her cousin and flicked her forehead, “everyone knows . How did you not know. I thought that’s why Lisa was picking you up.”


“Wait. Wait. Wait a damn minute. You guys knew the whole time? Why didn’t I know!” Lisa shrugged. 


“You’re kind of an to Dubu so I’m not shocked she never told you. Remember how long it took for you to realize Dahyun was dating Gahyeon?”


“I thought she was with Sana!” Jennie rolled her eyes. 


“Whatever. Let’s go baby. We’ll be late, they’re doing the new song with Rosè.”




Jennie smirked, “Rosie’s stage name.”


Jisoo’s mouth dropped open, “really!”


“Yep! It’s called Oakland nights.”




Rosie smiled as Chaeyoung and Dahyun began running in place and screaming as some form of a vocal warm up. “Hey Rosè” a deep voice greeted. 


Said girl turned to the voice and grinned wide, “hey Dami. What’s up?” 


The rapper shrugged, “pretty good. My mom wouldn’t stop talking the whole ride here though and it was horrible.” 


“Titi Byulyi does talk a lot. But that’s probably why you’re such a good rapper.” Dami shrugged nonchalantly. 


“Maybe. What are they doing?” 


“Vocal warm up.” Rosè said, glancing at the duo that was now doing one armed push ups off the wall. 


“Looks stupid.” Dami commented. 


“It is”, a voice said from behind. Dami and Rosè turned to find Jennie walking in with Lisa. 


“Hey Jennie.” 


“Hey Yubin.”


“It’s Dami.”


“Sh. It’s Yubin” Jennie corrected before pushing the rapper aside and cupping her sister’s cheeks. Dami looked at the older girl and sighed helplessly. Oh it hurts so good. 


“Dude I’m right here.” Lisa pointed out annoyed. Dami looked up. “I love you too” Dami whispered helplessly. 


Lisa cringed at the girl, “what the hell is wrong with you?” Dami blinked and turned away before calmly walking away, the tail of her long coat somehow billowing in the room with no wind. Why are all of Dahyun’s friends So weird?










Everyone jumped at the screaming, Dahyun in a black and white three piece pin stripped suit was jumping and yelling Swag as Chaeyoung in a crisp and pressed black and white suit and tie fist pumped the air and yelled thug. 


What in the world?


“Woo! You ready!”


“Yeh! You ready!”


“Oh yeah!”


“Oh yeahhhh!”


“Let’s get it!”




Jisoo grabbed her drink and began trying to find Lisa and Jennie in the crowd, she gasped when she collided into a body. “. My bad. Jisoo?” 


“Oh. You’re aunt Wendy’s friend. Moonbyul right?”


“Yeah. What are you doing here?”


“I’m here to see the show I guess. You?”


“Binnie is performing.”




“Dami. She’s a rapper.” Jisoo nodded. 


“Oh. I know her. She did a rap of that BIGBANG group. She’s really good.” 


Moonbyul smiles brightly, “thanks!” Jisoo opened to speak more when she noticed two people and felt her heart drop to her . 


“Oh no”. 




Irene and Seulgi paid for the their tickets and walked into the small venue, they took two steps in when they immediately noticed Wendy and Joy crouching in a corner. “Really you two?” Irene chastised. 


“Well we can’t let them know we know!” Wendy whispered harshly. “And you know how loud Joy can be.”


“What! I get excited.” Irene rolled her eyes. “We saw Jisoo buying drinks, I think she spotted you guys. She already found byul.”


“Really? She’s here? I didn’t think she knew.” Irene said. 


Joy shrugged before pulling irene and Seulgi down when she spotted Jennie and Lisa waving a scared Jisoo over. “They’re all sitting over there.” Joy informers, pointed at the purple head of hair sitting next to her daughter’s blonde hair. 



Jisoo leaned over Jennie and yanked Lisa down by her collar, “my parents are here!” 


Jennie’s eyes bugged. 


“What? . We need to get out of here. If they see me they’ll tell my mom.” Lisa rolled her eyes. 


“You guys are both almost Twenty. You’re adults.” Jennie and jisoo gasped. 


“Are you crazy! Of course you would say that, you don’t have strict parents.” Lisa waved them off, “doesn’t matter. Shows starting.”




The overhead lights bang on as a white fog fills the stage, everyone holds their breath as three figures impeccably dressed seem to float onto the stage. The shortest of the three stands in the middle before tipping her black fedora forward and stepping forward as a spot light shines on her. 


She slowly lifts the mic to , “step into my crib everything smells like cool water”.  Jisoo turns to Jennie, “what does cool water even smell like” Jennie shushes her. The same fedora wearing girl, drops to one knee, “now have a seat on my couch made of horse leather”. 


The other girl in the suit and tie, echoes “I’m told the horse it’s from could run fast and far.”


“Ooh~ that is y”, she tosses the fedora and Jisoo bites her lip when she realizes it’s her sister. “Tell the maitre'd at your booty to expect me” 


She really just said that. Oh my god. 


Chaeyoung slides forward, does a body roll that makes a girl upfront faint. “I'm solo and I'm flexin' but don't try to Soloflex me” Dahyun stands, “Nordic track all day”


Chaeyoung nods and both she and Dahyun spread their legs in a pose to indicate something is about to happen, “squats in the living room, can I get a witness. The greatest aphrodisiac is physical fitness”. 


The lights flicker as the beat drops and out come the hottest woman Jisoo has ever laid her eyes on. Rosè, moonwalks back, points into the crowd and sings with a heavenly voice. 


“Silk robes and kimonos. Silk robes and kimonos”, lyrics of legends. “Change outta your own clothes. 

These athletic days, but oh, those Oakland nights

Silk robes and kimonos”, Jisoo clutches her chest, is that a skipped beat she feels? “It's our pleasure to loan those, Pumps and pantsuits all day. All work, no play, no way, It's time for Oakland nights, uh” 


Jisoo nods yes, silk robes and kimonos. Absolutely. This is the stuff of gods. 


Dahyun drops onto the floor, chest puffed out as a young girl extends her fingers to try and touch her. “In the bedroom, champagne on ice I make shadow puppets in the candle light. Your hair's crimped, all frizzy 'cause you frivolous.” Across the way Irene shakes her head, so this is what happens when she lets Chaeyoung influence her daughter. 

“I feel like Macho Man and you my Miss Elizabeth

Sizzlish, do some crunches and some scissor kicks

Body shaved slick like an exquisite fish.”


Seulgi grins at Irene, “this is so awesome”, she gushes. 


Back on stage rosè saunters forward, grabs Chaeyoung’s chin and bites her nose. If it’s supposed to be y Jisoo doesn’t know, she just wishes it were her nose. The chorus hits again, “Silk robes and Kimonos

Silk robes and Kimonos

Peel off your pleated polos

These athletic days, but oh, those

Oakland nights

Silk robes and Kimonos

I pound the taiko drum in your dojo

Days in padded blazers

Filing papers, no more

It's time for

Oakland nights”


Lisa grins at Jennie, “Jisoo looks like she’s about to die.” 


“I think she is”. Jennie claps as her little sister belts out the last of the lyrics. 


“Silk robes and kimonos

Silk robes and kimonos

I'm a pro when I bone but I do it pro-bono

You work hard days so you deserve the

Oakland nights

We're the Oakland Knights of the round table

Plus I'll take you out to pizza at the Round Table

Pizza, my favorite pizzeria in Oakland

But bring a change 'cause you can't wear your silk robe in”




As the last song of the night begins it’s last couple lines Jisoo stands to the sound of Chaeyoung singing, “'Cause every Mothers Day needs a Mothers Night

If doing it is wrong, I don't wanna be right

I'm callin' on you cause I can't do it myself

To me you're like a brother, so be my mother lover

They blessed us both with the gift of life

She brought you in this world so Imma her right

This is the second best idea that we've ever had

The choice can be no other

Be my mother lover”  her eye twitches at the thought of that dirty scoundrel touching her angel of a mother and vows to duct tape Dahyun to a wall for ever singing a song that involves Chaeyoung loving on their mother. 


She slips her card out for popcorn at the cash registers when a arm wearing a familiar Rolex pays instead. She swallows harshly and turns to her mother. “Um. Hey mommy?” Irene narrows her eyes. 


“I thought you and your sister were to be in bed Jisoo. It’s a little late don’t you think?” Jisoo’s feet twitch in her shoes. 


“Um well you see”, Irene shakes her head and passes the popcorn to her daughter. 


“Silence. Your mother and I are staying at Wendy’s and Joy’s.”


“Wait what?” Irene presses a finger to Jisoo’s lips. 


“We were never here. Get your sister home safe.” With that Irene walls away, Jisoo watches as Joy and Wendy practically sprint out in front of her parents. She shakes her head, this is the weirdest day of my life. 




Backstage Dami is high fiving her best friends, “You guys were awesome!” 


Lisa rolls her eyes as Dami’s back straightens as soon as she and Jennie enter the room. She groans as soon as Dami walks over, “hey Yubin” Jennie greets the taller girl for the second time in the night. 


“It’s still Dami.” Jennie smiles and pats the girl on the cheek. 


“Course it is”, Jennie sidesteps the girl and heads to her sister. 


“Hi Lisa”, Dami grins. Lisa in a deep breath. 


“Hey Dami.”


“Are you staying for my show too?” Lisa bites her lip, “well um”, she groans at the crestfallen look on Dami’s face. “Sure buddy. Of course. When are you up?” Dami grins brightly. 


“In two hours”, Lisa’s face falls. 





Dahyun turns to her sister, “oh. You’re here.”


Jisoo nods, looking at her feet. “You uh, not bad kid.” The side of Dahyun’s lips upturn. 


“You think so? I was a bit nervous.” Jisoo shakes her head, Jeez. Has it always been hard to talk to her own little sister? 


“No. You were really good, I didn’t realize you could rap that fast.” Jisoo smiles as Dahyun grins. For the first time Dahyun isn’t scaring the out of her but instead, is just her baby sister. 


“Dami actually helped Chaeyoung and I. She’s super fast.”


“Oh really?”


“Yeah! She helped a lot with our last song actually” Jisoo nods as Dahyun rambles on excitedly. Across the way, Rosie rest her head on Chaeyoung’s shoulder and Jisoo decides right now Dahyun is more important as she focuses on her.

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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1198 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!