Christmas special

Culture shock

Stop reading when it says -one week later-, if you don't want a big ole spoiler for later on in the story. Merry Christmas!






This wasn’t like her, she didn’t pout and sit in corners. No, Chaeyoung was a big softie, she smiled and laughed at everything. She cuddled everyone and everything. But not now it seems, sitting red faced and moping in the corner was Chaeyoung Kim. Even the wall upset the three year old, everytime she made contact with it she screeched and spun and began kicking at it. What was wrong with little Chaeyoung?


Katy watches her daughter wipe her face for what felt like the fiftieth time of the day. She sighs and grabs her phone on the tabletop before dialing Joy and Wendy. “Hello?”


“Hey Wendy, can you let Joy know Chae and I aren’t going to be able to make it tonight.”


“What? But it’s Christmas Katy!”


“I know, I know. But Chaeyoung is down and I don’t know what to do. I think we’ll just stay in together.”


“Oh honey. I’m so sorry. I know this is your guys first Christmas without each other. But maybe Chaeyoung being around family will cheer her right up, it might cheer you both up.”


“Maybe, but maybe we’ll both just bring the whole mood down and upset everyone. Chaeyoung has been sitting against the wall and fighting it since we got back from the airport. I’m just going to make us some pie and cuddle my baby all night.” Wendy sighs over the line, picturing her friend and baby girl all alone on Christmas. 


“Are you sure? Absolutely sure?”


“Yeah Wendy, but thank you babe. I love you guys. Send my love to the babies.”


“Alright sweetie. We love you too. Tell Chaeyoung we love her too. Bye hon.”


With a heavy heart Katy hangs up and walks over to her huffing child. “Baby, you can’t stay like this forever”


“Why not?” Chaeyoung mumbles, pacifier bouncing in . 


“Because Mommy is sad too, don’t you want to play with me?”


“Mommy sad too?” Chaeyoung questions, sitting up to get a better look at her mother. “Mommy sit”, she orders, patting her lap like she could carry Katy’s weight. 


Doing the next best thing, Katy sits, feet up against the wall and rests her head on her daughter's bare legs. Chaeyoung giggles, the first smile to grace her chubby cheeks since they got back. “Here”, Chaeyoung says, popping her pacifier out and trying to put it in Katy’s mouth. 


“No no, baby that’s okay. No!”




“No! Aghhh!” Katy moans, grimacing. 


“All better”, Chaeyoung mumbles, brushing her mother’s hair out of her face. 


“Thank you baby.”






“When is-“ Katy sat up at the knock on the door. 


“C’mere honey. You’ll get hit with the door”, Katy checks the peephole and with wide eyes opens the door. 


“Merry Christmas!” The group yells, Joy rushing forward to lift her up and into the air. Rosie, a giggling mess ran forward, attempting and failing to lift her cousin before settling on taking the poor child down in a hug. 


“Oh my god! What are you guys doing here?” Katy laughs, eyes stinging. 


“It’s Christmas!” Wendy yells, Jennie asleep in her arms. How she managed despite all the noise nobody understood. “Yeah! It’s Christmas”, Irene echoes hugging Katy when she was settled down. 


“Hey Chae”, Seulgi greeted, high fiving the little one. 


“Hi”, Chaeyoung mumbles, arms still around her cousin. 


Jisoo looked at the two in front of her, tapped her fingers on her chin and walked forward to hug the two already embracing toddlers. “Hi Chaeyoung!” Jisoo yells. 


From across the room Katy wipes her face and laughs, “thank you guys. So much. I really needed this. I didn’t know what I was going to do. She just looked so sad.”


“Hey. That’s what we’re here for. To help you when you don’t know what to do.” Seulgi whispers, pressing a kiss to Katy’s tear stained cheeks. “We love’Yah!”


“Well I really appreciate it. I love you guys so much. But I’ve done enough crying for a lifetime. Let’s eat and then open some presents.”



Another Christmas, another day of giving. Today was a good day Jennie notes, hands on her hips. “Hey, did you finish?” Rosie asks, sauntering into the room. 


“Yeah, isn’t she beautiful?”


“Bellísima” (very beautiful), Rosie laughs, flicking the side of the stuffed bear. “Remember when mom got mad you started working at Build-A-Bear?”


“Aye please, don’t remind me.” Rosie laughs behind her, a snort causing her to start choking before she starts slapping at her chest. Oh that’s just great, she’s gonna freakin die! “No te mueras! (Don’t you die!) especially not in my room!” Now turning a startling shade of red Rosie starts shaking her head. Goddamnit! 


“What the hell is happening in here?” Jisoo asks, entering the room without consent. Something Jennie had been drilling into her head not to do since her latest up. 


“I did not consent!”


“ sorry! Your sister is dying!”


“Rosie! Stop choking!”


“I-I try!” 


“I got this. I learned it in school”, Jisoo says, like she suddenly has super powers. “Rosie. Take a deep breath”.


“She’s choking ”.


“Sorry”, Jisoo laces her arms around Rosie and huffs in breath both lifting Rosie into the air and making her wheeze. “Taadaa!” Sinking to her knees, the youngest of the trio crawls away, grasping at her back. 


“Jesus Mary and Joseph I think you dislocated my spine.”


“Sorry, too much?”


“So. So much.”


“Both of you get out. I need to wrap the bear.” Jennie commands, stomping her feet when neither of the trespassers vacate her room. “I’ll shoot both of you.”


“Mom took your BB gun away. Remember?” Rosie quips, smiling brightly. “I’ll help you, I know what chaeng likes anyway.”


“Fine. Whatever. She’s your girlfriend.”


“What’s in the bear anyway?”


“Titi asked if I’d put her voice in a bear. I told her my job does that. So asked my boss if we could do her favor. She came during closing and we dressed her up in USMC gear and titi recorded something and asked if I’d put it into the bear. And now, here we are.” Jisoo nods, lifting the bear. 


“What does it say?”


“I don't know. Didn’t seem right to hear it.”


“So you’ve had it this whole time and never checked?”




“Bruh. I’ll do it.”


“No don't! It’s not for you Soo. It’s for Chae. It wouldn’t be fair. It’s a private thing between them.”


Jisoo shrugs. “We’re gonna hear it anyway, when you give it to her.”


“Then we hear it then. But not a moment sooner, stop being a ”, Jennie says, hands on her hips. 


“Fine. Whatever. Rosie, you should call her and see when she’s coming.” Nodding, the blonde pulls her phone out and calls. 




“H-hey? What’s...up babe?”


Frowning, Rosie holds a finger up and backs out the room. As expected the two nosy idiots follow after her, “are you crying Chaeng?”


“No, I Uh. Just a cold.”


“Are you sure?”




“Okay, well um. Jennie and Jisoo wanna know when you’ll be getting here. Mostly everyone is here.”


“Oh. You know. I don’t think I’m gonna make it. I’ve got this really bad cold and I wouldn’t wanna infect everyone.”


“You didn’t sound like this last night babe.”


“Maybe it’s a bug. I woke up like this.”.


“Oh. Well I can come to you. Bring you your gifts.”


“Nah. It’s okay babe. Another time. But uh, I’m gonna take a shower and then head to bed okay? My mom just left to go to your house so she’ll be there soon. I love you. Talk to you later”, without waiting for a response she hung up, leaving Roseanne Seungwan Garcia stunned and sad for her girlfriend. 


“So when’s she coming?” Jisoo huffs, arms around Jennie. 


“She isn’t. She said she doesn’t feel good.”


“Is this about, y’know?”


Rosie shrugs, “I know she’s been really down leading up to the day. But she’s always down during this time, takes her a bit to brighten back up. Usually not till the first Skype.”


Sighing Jennie claps her hands together, “well this just won’t do. If chaeng won’t come here, then we’ll go to her. Besides, her mom is hot and honestly it’s the least I can do.” 


“If Lisa heard you she would be so mad”, Jisoo laughs, stretching her arms above her head. 


“Well, thankfully she’s not here” Jennie says, eating grin plastered to her face. 




Joy is loud, she’s always loud. It’s kind of her thing. Her trademark Seulgi notes before glancing over to her youngest. “Please don’t be on your phone the whole time her were Dahyun.”


“I’m not mom. I’m just trying to convince Chaeng to come.” Seulgi sits up at the words, placing a hand over her daughters phone to get her attention. 


“What do you mean convince? She’s not coming over?” Dahyun shakes her head. 


“No. I think she’s sad. It’s always hard during the holidays for her.” Seulgi nods at the words, her teeth and sighs. 


“She hasn’t spoken to her?”


“No. Chaeng said it usually takes about a day or two before she lands. She won’t get any word until about tomorrow.”


“Then she definitely shouldn’t be alone for this. It’s Christmas, she should be here. With her family. Did you tell her that?”


“Yeah, but she doesn’t want us. She wants her.” Dahyun mumbles, squeezing the skin over her mother’s knuckles. 


“She does want us buddy, she wants you and me and everyone in between.”, Seulgi reasons, pulling the 15 year old close. “But she’s just sad is all. Years ago, before you were even born and your sister was still walking into things. I think she was like four or so. It was her first Christmas without her Mitty. And she sat half in just a pamper in the corner and just cried. Katy called your aunt Wendy and told her that they wouldn’t be coming over for Christmas and we were like no. That just can’t be allowed. And without them knowing we all went over. We spent the night playing and opening gifts and eating. Chaeyoung was so happy, she smiled so much that night. We were so happy for her. But it’s hard for her. Always has been.”


“Was she like that with her dad?”


“Well, by the time Chae was around her dad was gone. So she only knows her Mitty and obviously your aunt Katy. It , but I’m sure having you around and the rest of the girls really makes these days easier for her.”


Dahyun shrugs, as if to say, maybe, maybe not. Seulgi kisses her head, life would without her mom, that’s for sure. Dahyun shoots Chaeyoung another text and stands before running up the steps where she saw Jisoo go up a while ago. “Guys”.


“Hey Hyun”, Rosie greets. 


“We gotta go to chaeng.”


“Funny you should say that, Lisa is on her way here just so we can do that. I’m supposed to give this to her”, Jennie informs, lifting the bear. 


“Oh that’s so cute. But why would Chaeng want a bear?”


“It talks”, Jisoo grins. 


“Oh! Is it?”






Chaeyoung sits, counting and then recounting the cracks in the ceiling. Wewere almost done fixing it. “All you need to do is sand it and paint over it”, Mitty had said, smiling at me like she always does. Like I was her proudest accomplishment. Like I could conquer the world and light up the sky all on my own. Chaeyoung sniffles, turns her head into the pillow and cries some more.  


was sore, her eyes were swollen and damnit she was sad! Damn the world! It can protect itself, I want you here! It’s Christmas! Why do you help them and not me? “Mitty, I don’t reach!” Chaeyoung had laughed, eyes crinkling and arms flailing as she laughed out loud. 


“A ladder baby girl a ladder!” It had been such a good day. We ate cheese and crackers and got dust over everything. Mom was so irritated. Chaeyoung laughs at the memory, the sound a weak choke as tears continued to fall and continued to constrict. 


“What the hell is this mess!” Mom had yelled. 


“It’s gonna get better before it gets worse!” Mitty said, waving dust around like it would hide the dust all over the bed. She always knows what to say. She’s always leaving me. 


Why do you always leave me? We have to finish the ceiling! I don’t reach! You said you’d help me with my next song! How are you going to help me from Baghdad?  Rolling out of bed, Chaeyoung flings herself around before finally settling onto her chair. Still no emails. Still no nothing. “I promise I’ll email you as soon as I land. And then, if I can I’ll even call you. But the first day can be hectic so I may not be able to call you for a bit. But I promise to email you.”


“You promise you’ll call though? You said you’d help.”


“Of course champ! Have I ever lied before?”


And Chaeyoung had shook her head, because no, Mitty never lied. Mitty never let her down. But Mitty always leaves. 


“How long are you going to be gone this time?” 


“You know I don’t like when you ask those questions buddy.”


“I know, but”, but what? Why did she need to know? What did knowing change? What did knowing help? “Okay. Can you sleep with me tonight?”


“Of course”. 


That was the best sleep ever, even Ma slept with us. Chaeyoung huffs, rubs her face against the sleeve of her USMC sweater and grabs her notebook. 


Dear Mitty. 


I hate it when you leave. I always think you’ll be here the next day but you’re not. Ma hates it too, she cries a lot when you leave. It isn’t fair. Why do you do this? Don’t you want to stay home? Why don’t you ever stay with us? 


The doorbell ringing pulls Chaeyoung from her letter, she waits, the bell tolls again. Maybe Ma forgot something, she reasons, sliding on her slippers and walking to the front door. “Did you forget something?” She says, opening the door. 


“You”, Chaeyoung stares stunned at the group in front of her. At her family. 


“What are you doing here?” She asks, the family feeling of tears rushing back. 


“It’s Christmas Chae, you can’t be by yourself”, Dahyun smiles, running a knuckle across Chaeyoung’s cheek before hugging her tight. 


“You all came?”


“Duh! Besides, you’re cooler than all those old people anyway”, Jisoo grins, somehow her words breaking Chaeyoung more than they would if someone else had said them. Mitty always said you loved me! I didn’t believe her but she was right! She’s always right. 


Dahyun, still hugging her best friend, squeezes tighter before finally letting Chaeyoung go and pushing through the door and into the small house. “Hey babe”, Rosie greets, kissing Chaeyoung to the background of Jisoo’s groaning and Lisa’s whoops. “Get it Chuh-chuh-Chaengie!”


“Disgusting, that is my baby sister you guys are talking about”.




This was war, war was not pretty. Granted, Rosie looked absolutely stunning in her coat. Somehow she made snow in her hair look absolutely breathtaking. “Alright, on my six.” 


“Wait. What? On your what?”


“My six babe.”




“My back baby. Be on my back. Be right behind me.”


“Why didn’t you just say that then you dork.”


A couple feet away, Jisoo snickers, “see Hyun. That’s the problem with couples”, she whispers, balling a snow ball up. “They always argue!” Jisoo grunts throwing the ball at the sound. 


“Ah! Damn! We’ve been sighted! Run!” Hiding behind a row of cars, Jennie jumps up throwing snowballs like an Olympian. 


Oh that’s hotter than it should be, Lisa gapes. “Babe! Throw a snowball!” Jennie screeches. 


“Sorry, sorry”. The minute Lisa stands to throw a ball she is promptly smashed in the side of face by a snowball. She falls back into a mound of snow, “Wasted!” Dahyun laughs. 


“Lisa oh my god!”


“Oh no my love!” Jennie flails, falling beside her downed lover. 


“J-Jennie!” Lisa chokes out. 


“Shh my love”, Jennie cries, wet gloves trailing down Lisa’s face. “Conserve your energy baby”. Jennie tearfully says. 


“Oh they’re good”, Chaeyoung whispers. 


“Sh!” Jisoo slaps a hand against Chaeyoungs stomach, “the best part is about to start.”


“D-don—“ Lisa begins a coughing fit, hands reaching for Jennie’s face. “Don’t leave me”, she begs weakly. 


“Never baby. I’ll never leave.”


“I-I see the light.” Lisa mumbles. 


“Oh god”, Dahyun laughs, “Rosie are you crying!”


“Shut up! It’s really sad”, Rosie croaks, eyes trained to the show happening before her eyes. 


“Don’t go. Don’t go into the light!” Jennie wails. 


“I-I” Lisa stutters before her face slacks and her head falls lazily to the side, tongue hanging.


“Your tongue is on the wrong side”, Chaeyoung informs. 


“Whoops”, Lisa squeaks, her tongue falling to the right side now. 


“Noooooooo!” Jennie howls into the night sky, holding her ‘dead’ girlfriend. 


“Wah! Get these two their Emmy!” Jisoo yells, throwing snow at the couple in a show of congratulation, it was not appreciated. “C’mon let’s get inside. I wanna open some presents!”


Inside and warmed up, Lisa begins passing out the presents. “Alright! Let’s start youngest to oldest. Go ahead Hyun.” Grinning,  said girl grabs the biggest present from the pile, pouting when it was addressed to her sister. 


“Here, it’s for you.”


With a grin, Jisoo tears into the present grin quickly falling when she’s met with her cousin's face. What in the flying is this! “Uh”, she looks up coming face to face with Chaeyoung’s beaming smile. 


“You said you got a new speaker so I had my entire discography burned onto the record, in a gold plated case because I know you’ll treasure it. It has from my very first song to my latest mixtape. It even has all thirteen remixes of ‘get G strung’ the English, Korean, Spanish, Japanese and German versions are included too. There’s even a set of laminated photo cards. I autographed it too. And if you flip it over, it has the entire discography of me and Dub’s music on it. Along with all seven versions of ‘ in a box’.” Blinking rapidly. Jisoo looked down at the case in her lap. Don’t choke her. It isn’t her fault. She was dropped as a kid. Just breathe Jisoo. Breath. Looking up again, she caught sight of Jennie turning red trying not to laugh. 


“Thirteen remixes?”


“Yah. Lots of different versions.”


But did you need thirteen? Jesus! “Well uh. Thank you buddy. I really appreciate it.”


“No worries. Anything for my best bud”, I’ll kill you in your sleep. Jisoo smiled back. 


“Well moving right along, pick one Jisoo.” Doing just that, Jisoo bends and grabs a random box. She dances in place when it’s also addressed to her. She shakes it. 


“Oh it sounds light. I’m excited”, she says. 


“Hurry up! Everyone wants to open their gifts to sheesh.”


“Alright. Alright!” Finally tearing the wrapping off Jisoo’s eye twitches at the gift. “It’s uh. A photo album.”


“A photo album?” Lisa asks, leaning forward to see before choking on a laugh and falling back into her seat. 


“Um. Chaeyoung what is this?”


“It’s a photo album! Even my ultrasound is in there. It’s signed also.” Chaeyoung beams. 


“Why would you gift me a photo album of yourself?”


“Well you’re my number one fan, so it wouldn’t be fair to make you collect photo cards. So I did it for you!” Chaeyoung smiles sweetly, cupping her cheeks in her hands. 


“Chaeyoung why don’t you grab the next gift.” Lisa laughs. 


“Okay!” She chirps, grabbing an oddly shaped gift. “Oh! It’s for me!” She unwraps it, smiling gently at the teddy bear. “Oh it has Mitty’s shirt. That’s cool. Thanks guys”.


“We didn’t gift that.” Rosie whispers, arm around Chaeyoung’s shoulders. 


“You didn’t?” 




“Then who did?” Chaeyoung asks, confused. 


“Squeeze her”, Jennie smiles. 


“Oh kay.” Squeezing the bear, Chaeyoung jumps when a familiar voice speaks. 


“Hey champ! I don’t know how long this thing records for. So I’ll try to be quick. I know deployment day is always hard for you and you struggle while I’m gone. But I just want you to know how proud I am of you. How well you take care of your mom and how brave you are. You are so strong Chaeyoung Kim. You make me brave. You make me strong and everyday I thank the universe for letting me be your Mitty. You’re my best friend and my safe space. 


I love you so much champ. And I just want you to know that I know how hard this is. You’ve tolerated me leaving, me getting sick, my nightmares and my horrible cooking for 18 years. I love you so much for that. I admire you. You’re my hero Chaeng. I just want you to know that. And I promise, after this, I’ll never leave again baby girl.” The recording stopped and before anyone could say anything Chaeyoung pushed at the bears chest again, the recording starting again her lips trembled and the grey USMC shirt slowly turned dark with her tears. 


When the recording ended a second time, she squeezed again. Beside her, the prettiest girl she’d ever known sat, holding her and crying along with her. Across from her was her best friends and family. This Christmas would be hard without her Mitty. But this Christmas, like every Christmas she had her family and soon she’d have her Mitty again and she’d have her for every other Christmas too. 


“Thank you so much guys”, Chaeyoung whimpers, chest heaving. “I love you all so much. 



One week later



“Mah! hurry up! It’s time!” 


“A’right! A’right I’m coming. Sheesh.”


Chaeyoung couldn’t sit still, it was time! Oh the time was near! So close! She set her bear on the corner of the sofa and grinned at her mom. “It’s time Ma! It's time. Oh it’s time!” She sings, waiting for the screen to light up. 


“Calm down baby. You’re gonna have a heart attack long before she calls acting like that.”


Huffing, Chaeyoung shoved herself deep into the sofa, trying not to shake her leg or start screaming in anxiety. It’s time! It’s time! The laptop lit up, the familiar Skype tone echoing into the living room. “Oh she’s calling!”


“Well pick up you dork!” Katy laughs. 


Chaeyoung rushes to pick, fearing the call would suddenly drop or a sudden tsunami might hit and wipe out the power grid. Really, anything could happen. 


“Mitty!” Chaeyoung yells when the familiar face fills the screen. 


“Ah! My girls!”


“Hi babe”, Katy greets, waving lightly at her lover. 


“What are you doing over there? Today we bought a ladder by the way. So I could finish the ceiling in my room.” 


“Nice! Remember, after putting the putty you gotta—“.


“Sand it down. I remember.”


“Good job champ.”


“I got your bear. Thank you.” Chaeyoung beams, showing the bear to the camera. “It’s really nice. I like her shirt.”


“Do you? Jennie helped me with it. She’s cool. Now, tell me what’s up with you guys. I wanna hear everything. Every detail. How was Christmas? I missed you guys. It’s been hectic here. And I gotta say, the tree they put up here is pathetic. It looks like it’s gonna die. It’s not even a pine tree it’s ridiculous”. 


For 30 minutes the trio spoke about anything and everything. For 30 minutes everything was right in the world. Sure, they were oceans apart but somehow, it was like they were all together just sitting on the living room floor. When the call had to inevitably be finished of course it would . But it would be alright. She’d have her Mitty back. 


“Hey. Did you mean it?”


“Mean what?”


“That this is it? You won’t leave again. You won’t miss any more birthdays or Christmas’?” 


Grinning, Saeron Kim nodded. “I was going to surprise your mom but you beat me to it. But yeah champ. This is it. My last one. I won’t miss another day after this ever again.”




“Have I ever lied to you before bud?” 


And Chaeyoung shook her head. Because no, Mitty never lied. Mitty never let her down. And this was the last time Mitty would ever leave her again. 


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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1198 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!