Liar liar pants on fire

Culture shock

Katy set her alarm early, she would run tomorrow. Life's too short to just waste it away sleeping, yes. She would wake up bright and early and she would wear those nice tights she likes and she would jog. 


As usual though, things did not go according to plan and Katy found herself waking up an hour late, but no matter. If she picked something up from the cafe down the block she could get a jog in and still make it in for work on time. 


Katy stood and began the process of getting dressed, outside she looked up at the sun and smiled. Hopefully she wouldn’t fall again. She stretched her arms above her head, twist and turn to crack her back and then bent her legs behind her to stretch them. 


She sighed and grabbed her phone from her pack, should she call Joy? No, Joy spent the night at Wendy’s. They’d still be asleep, she put the phone back and began her slow jog down the street. People were just waking up it seemed, some were stretching against fire hydrants and light poles. They must be getting ready to run. 


“Oof” Katy felt the wind knocked out of her as she collided into a solid body. “Oh my gosh, I’m so- Ron?” 


Said woman looked down at the tiny woman in her arms, “hey Katy. How are you?” 


Katy blinked and stepped back from familiar arms, “um. I’m good. Real good”. Lies, my best friend has left me behind because she’s in love and I bet it’s karma for doing the same to you. 


“That’s awesome.”


Katy nodded and watched as Saeron looked around, as if she were about to leave. Katy held a hand out. “How are you!” She asked a bit too excitedly. 


“I’m good. I’m on leave for two weeks. Just getting a morning jog in before getting breakfast.”


“Do you Uh. Wanna catch breakfast with me?” Saeron visibly gulped and Katy found herself crossing her toes that Saeron would say yes. 


“Um sure. Yeah.” They found themselves at a small diner that smelt of coffee and grease. “How’s Joy?”


“Junito hasn’t told you?”


Saeron shrugged, “you’d be amazed how much he doesn’t talk about his family.” Katy nodded, wondering if Saeron was hinting at Katy always talking about Joy in the past. 




“So how is she?” Katy shrugged. 


“She’s good. She’s dating a dispatcher for the NYPD.” Saeron smiled behind her mug as she sipped. 


“Is she now?”


 Katy narrowed her eyes, “are you trying to imply something?” Saeron shrugged, as if to say yeah I am. “You’re a child.”


“Am I? You invited me. You like children now?”


Katy rolled her eyes, “you’re a bit more of an than I last remember.” Saeron arched a brow as she sipped from her coffee. Katy shook her head, why was Saeron practically glowing? What is her skin care routine? I didn’t realize the desert was so good for the skin. 


“I mean how much do you really know me?” 


“What does that even mean? I know you perfectly. We were together for 5 years.”


“Yeah but that was years ago.”


“Like two. Why are you exaggerating?”


“That’s 730 days Katy. A lot can change in 730 days.” Katy leaned forward onto the table and rested her head in her hands. Saeron smirked at the smaller woman. 


“Please. Elaborate.”


“Well for starters, I’m losing my hearing in my left ear.”


“You we’re losing your hearing when we were together, that was your pick up line remember?”


Saeron chuckled and nodded, “yeah! I’m a little broken, mind putting me back together. And then you said you don’t fix people. And I said-“


“Sorry I’m losing my hearing so I couldn’t hear if you said yes I will go on a date with you or no I’m not in a relationship.” Saeron nodded, lips lifting in a charming smile. 


“Some of my best work.” Katy shook her head and sighed. 


“Definitely creative. You know, I never got to tell you. But I am sorry about how everything ended.” 


“Water under the bridge. It was two years ago. I’m over it.” 


“Yes, 730 days ago.”


“Exactly.” Katy in her lips as they both fell quiet. Saeron began rapping her nails against the table. “So” they both started. Katy giggled. “You first.” 


“Um okay. I was going to ask if you were seeing anyone.” 


Katy shook her head, “no. Just kind of seeing where life takes me I guess.” 


“Or waiting for Joy and her girlfriend to break up?” Katy threw her napkin. 


“Really? That was a thing to say.”


“How? I’m just asking. I figured you’d be together by now, I specifically told Junito to never talk about you so I could move on from the girl who never loved me.” Katy glared at her lap, maybe the ground would swallow her whole. 


“You’re wrong Saeron. I did love you.”




“No I did. Really. I just, look. I don’t know. I wasn’t perfect and you were. I’m sorry. You’re right I was ty I know this. You deserved more than a girl that always ditched you. And yeah. I was hung up on Joy and maybe I still am but I’m not dumb enough to wait for them to break up. I’m not stupid. They’re perfect. They spend a lot of time together and somehow Joy still manages to spend a lot of time with me too. And honestly it just makes me feel like because I could have done that with you and I. But I didn’t. And here you are, tall tan and tasty over here and I’m just sitting here the same lonely girl I was before.”  Oh my god, did I just call her tall tan and tasty? Jesus ing Christ. 


“You think I’m tall, tan and tasty?”


“Shut up. Dear god please shut up.” With a husky laugh Saeron leaned forward and grabbed Katy’s hand. 


“You were pretty ty. But I knew that, I should have gotten out sooner.” Katy shook her head, eyeing the scars on Saeron’s hands. 


“I’m really happy you didn’t.” She whispered. 




Katy laughed and looked up to what seemed like the iest eyes she’s seen in awhile. “We had really good .”


“Is that so?”


“Yeah. And if you weren’t such an now, I’d totally invite you to my house to see if you’re still super good in bed. But I’m on this whole holistic cleanse so I can’t bring energy to my house”, Saeron smirked. 


“Well miss Kim you are in luck, because I too am on a holistic cleanse. And I can’t be an for an entire day.” Oh this was bad. Really bad and she shouldn’t do this. Oh but she’s gonna. 


“Perfect. Follow me.” No way this ends well. 




I sighed and held the door open, “thanks.”


“No problem.” I said before slipping my hands into my cargo pants and looking up the street. 


“So now what?” I shrugged. 


“Well I called Juni and told him where we were. He said he was still dropping everyone off. So we have a bit of wait coming for us.” Katy nodded. 


“This was a lot faster than I thought it was going to be.”


I looked behind me at the police station and nodded, “yeah. Is your Seulgi friend okay?” Katy sighed, would it be inappropriate to hug her? Do you want a hug Katy? Probably not, you have Eric. 


“I’m not sure”, Katy said before wrapping her arms around herself. 


“Do you Uh, wanna grab something to eat before Juni gets here?” Katy quirks a brow at me and points down the street. 


“We just ate. Remember? Shrimp and tasers.” I chuckle at her face. 


“Yeah but I know how much stress leaves you hungry. Unless that’s changed In the last year.” Katy shrugs. 


“It has not. Where do you wanna go?” I grin and step forward, Katy looks like she’s fighting every nerve ending in her not to step back. Gently I press both of my hands over her eyes, “keep’em shut”, I laugh and gently twirl Katy around. 


Katy spins round and round, My hands guiding her hips before stopping and giggling at the daze in Katy's eyes “Lift a finger”, I instructs, Katy does. “And open”, we look over to find ourselves looking at a pizza shop. Katy’s eyes flicker to my brown ones and smiles slightly. “Pizza it is.”


“Pizza it is” I nod. 




Irene gazed down at the sleeping officer, traces a gentle hand down her soft cheek and sighs. What are they going to do? How are they going to fix this? “Irene?” She barely hears the call, but turns to find Joy crawling to her and Seulgi.  In front of the air mattress, Joy sits up on her knees and eyes Seulgi’s sleeping form. 


“She looks peaceful.” Irene simply nods and turns back to look at Seulgi, “I um. Wanted to run something by you.” Joy says, she looks almost guilty. 


“What is it?” Irene asks, brow quirked. 


“Saeron is a marine. She’s seen some stuff you know? And I really think she could help Seulgi figure out her stuff. Not solve it, obviously. But help her into the right direction.”


“What if she makes it worse?”


“How could she? Why would she?” Irene shrugs. “Look. I know Seulgi would do it if you also wanted her to. She said it tonight, she would work on it. I think Saeron could really help, Seulgi won’t last long if she continues with these habits.”


Irene’s head snaps up and she trains a heated glare at Joy who misses it, her eyes focused on her sleeping friend. Joy shakes her head sadly, kisses Seulgi’s forehead and leans back. “Drinking and smoking, not getting sleep. She’s in a dangerous job and she isn’t focused”, Joy finally looks up. “She could die long before she even meets her baby. And I can’t have that, you’re my cousin you know? You have to be happy too.”


Irene nods and watches as Joy’s lanky form crawls away before making it to the hallway and presumably falling into something because she’s groaning and whining for Wendy moments later. Irene looks back down where Seulgi’s brown eyes look up at her own. 


“I’ll do it. If you want me to.” She whispers. 


“I just want you better Seulgi. Safe and happy and here with me again.” 


“I will. I’ll get help. Everything is going to be okay again. Better even.”




Katy snorted as I got to the of my story, hands clapping as she laughed. “And he tells him, I don’t care if you’re taking a private. Cut it and let’s go. So he does. And we do this training exercise and everyone is like Jesus what is that smell!”


“Oh my god! He himself?” I grinned. 


“Yeah! He was running the entire time with a turd in his briefs.” Katy grimaces before laughing out loud again. 


“Oh god! That is horrible!” I grin and nod before sipping from my soda. 


“I know right?” Katy shakes her head and leans back in her seat. 


“So”, Katy says. 


“So”, I follow. Katy smiles, why are you so beautiful? I scratch behind my ear, I shouldn’t be thinking like this. It’s been so long. She has a boyfriend and you have an overseas job. Get your head out of your . 


“Wanna get out of here? Take a walk by the marina?” I nod and stand to start collecting our stuff. “Here let me help”, Katy offers, standing to help and stacking the paper plates with me. I swallow harshly as her hands brush mine lightly to get the napkins near me. I get shot at for a living, why is this bothering me? Why did I even stay? I look up as Katy carries her tray of stuff to the trash can, I swallow and look up at the dull lightbulb above me. Don’t look at her Saeron. 


Katy holds the door open and we step out, I should tell another story. Anything. I open my mouth and Katy threads her arm through mine and pulls me along. No story then, I’ll just stand here and stutter and die instead. “Should I call Juni?” 


“Nah. Let him call us, I just wanna walk and enjoy the night.”


“With me?” That was a stupid question. Katy looks up at me and grins. 


“Yah with you , who else am I with.” I shrug and point up at the sky. 


“I can actually see the stars here. I never can in the city.” 


“Too many lights. Do you see them where you’re stationed?” I nod. 


“Yeah. Clearly. Sometimes it feels like they’re lighting up the world all on their own.” 


“Do you try to count them?” I smile down at Katy and she grins before stuffing her head into my shoulder. 


“No, why would I?” I ask, knowing the answer. 


“You always said you’d count them all and match them with a reason for liking me.” I chuckle. 


“That was a long time ago.”


“So your promises come with a statute of limitations?”


“No, they come with conditions.” Katy stops us at a railing and leans into it before hopping on it and staring at me. 


“Conditions?” I nod. “What conditions?” I take a step forward. 


“Why are you asking me this?” Katy grins and I take another step forward into her personal space. 


“Because I want to ask you something.” She whispers, I rest my hand on her railing on either side of Katy. 


“What is it?” I ask and before she can answer I press a kiss to her lips and then I’m jumping back at the sting in my cheeks. “Whoa! What the was that for!” Katy points at me and sputters. 


“Me! What the was that! You kissed me!”


“I thought you wanted me to!”


“I have a boyfriend! Why would I want you to kiss me!”


“You were flirting with me!”




“This. A walk? Dinner with me. You brought me to the marina! You even asked me about promises and !”


“Because I have a favor to ask Saeron! I wasn’t trying to get in your pants, I was trying to ask for your help. I was gonna ask you, if you still liked me enough to help my friend. If helping my friend came with a condition. I was teasing, not flirting, Ron.” Oh what’s that on the floor, my jaw. Someone shoot me Jesus this is horrible. 


I heave a deep breath, “then. Why were you hugging my arm?”


“I’m cold.” I laugh mirthlessly. 


“Of course. Well say it then. What do you want?”


“Your help. I told you, if you could help my friend.”


“What’s wrong with her?” I ask, annoyed. 


“Nothing! There’s nothing wrong with her, Jesus she isn’t like a broken toy. She’s just going through stuff.”


“I’m not a psychologist.”


“I didn’t ask you if you were Saeron. But you are a soldier. You both have similar jobs?”


“Your friend is a soldier?”


“No. She’s a cop.”


“Wait. The one that tazed a woman tonight? She’s one bad fall from losing her Katy.” I say. 


Katy glared and shoves me, “ you! Seulgi is strong. She’s been through a lot and she’s still standing strong so you for even saying something like that.”


“She tazed a random woman. She shouldn’t even have a gun. She’s a danger to society.” 


“You know what. Forget it. If you don’t want to help then that’s fine. I told Joy this was stupid.”


“Oh! So you didn’t do this for your Seulgi friend, you did this for Joy? Like always.”  Katy shoves me again. 


“Oh my god! Get over yourself.  We broke up forever ago. I said sorry. Joy is my best friend, and Seulgi is one of my closest. So yeah. I wanted to ask. But I forgot you’re an now. I’m sorry you’re so stuck in the past you can’t get over yourself. I said sorry to you years ago Ron, I made up for my up. I’ve moved on. I am with someone I really like, if you can’t grow up that’s on you.” I watch as Katy storms off back the way we came from. 


I groan and ruffle my hair before kicking at the railing. “. . ! God I’m such an idiot.” I turn around to jog back to Katy who is on the phone now. 


“Yeah. I’ll be there in a second.” Katy hangs up. 


“Whose that.” She doesn’t answer. “Katy”, she only speeds up. I sigh and reach out to grab her elbow. 


“Let go of me!”


“Katy! Stop. Let’s just talk.”


“No. I don’t want to talk. Actually, I want to get as far away from you as I can and never see your stupid ing face again.” I startle at her words. I mean I know I was a but I didn’t deserve all that. 


“Katy! Look I’m sorry! Okay? I’m sorry. What I said was wrong and I didn’t even mean it. I was just embarrassed. I’m sorry. Okay? I’m really sorry.” Katy presses a hand to my chest. 


“Please back up.” I do, “you’ll talk to Seulgi?” 


“Yeah. But I don’t know what you want me to say.”


“The truth. Give her advice. I don’t know.” I swallow and nod. 


“Okay. I’m sorry, again.” 


“Forget it. Junito is here”, on que Junito’s suped up Honda rolls up and he sticks his head out, tongue hanging and eyes gleaming up at me. 


“Heya best friend! Miss me?” I smile. Yeah buddy, I did actually. 


“You wish.” 




I look down at my watch, ten minutes. She said ten minutes, I’ve been standing here for 15. “Saeron?” I turn to the voice and smile at Joy. 


“Hey Joy.”


“What’s up? Sorry I was late, shall we?” I nod and follow Joy into the Red Lobster. We’re brought to our seats and order or drinks, Joy smiles brightly at me. I swallow, this is awkward. “So Um. I’m just gonna dive in okay? And then we can eat in peace. Seulgi and I were involved in a bank robbery a couple years back. It took a lot for us to get back from that. A lot of nightmares. I had to get on anxiety meds. See a shrink for awhile. I bounced back, but Seulgi lost her best friend in the gunfight. She was also shot twice, um. And now, she” I held my hand out. 


“I don't want to know.”




I shake my head again and smile at the waitress when she sets our drinks down. “I don’t want to know what’s wrong. I don’t want to know why. I don’t want to know anything. I don’t need to.”


“Then how are you going to help her?” 


I shrug, “I’m going to talk to her like a person. I’m going to show her things. Look Joy, she’s a cop. I’m a marine. We see things, hard things. No amount of talking about it is going to help, unless she’s leaving the job. She’s going to be confronted with violence over and over again. She’s choosing that. I’m not here to talk her through that, I’m here to give her an outlet. 


There isn’t a hotline for people like us. There’s a hotline for us once we’re out, that’s when you talk through what you’ve done. Because if you talk about it too early you won’t be able to pull the trigger. She needs to be able to continue to see the enemy as just that. A target. An enemy. Not people. Not someone’s child or someone’s parent. Just a faceless target. Just like a surgeon. They see nothing of the patient but what they’re cutting into. That’s what Seulgi needs.”


Joy’s face is pale as she gulps down her drink. “She has a scrap book of her kills.”


I nod, “and soldiers have pins.”


“I just don’t want you to say the wrong thing.”


I nod, “I understand. But it doesn’t matter what I say. I don’t intend to give her breathing exercises.” Joy nods and looks down at the menu. 


“Okay. Well then. Let’s order and eat.” Twenty minutes we’re eating and talking and I no longer feel as awkward. I can see why people like Joy, it’s easy to fall into her ease. “Were you ever nervous?” I look up from my burger. 




“Yeah, nervous. When you left for ia.”


I shake my head, “no. Not really. I was sad.”


“Katy was too.” Joy says, biting down on a fry.


I shrug, “was she? I didn’t know.”


“Why wouldn't she be? You just left. Didn’t even tell her.” I squint at Joy, is she really doing this right now? “You guys didn’t even hang out that last week”, Joy sounds frustrated. 


“That wasn’t my fault”, I defend. 


“How was it not? You canceled your plans.” I choke on my beer. Canceled? She thinks I canceled our plans? 


“Did Katy tell you that?” I ask, brow raised. 


“Yeah. We didn’t like each other, you know. You were just always leaving her behind. Of course she would hang out with me.” I smirk, Katy ing lied. Holy . 


“I know you didn’t like her Joy.” Joy nods at me and points a fry covered in ketchup at me. 


“You’re damn right. And she didn’t like me! We were best friends. Like you and my cousin.” I take another sip of my beer. I cannot believe this. 


I take it back. Joy is simply blind and stupid. “I mean really, what even gave you the idea we liked each other? You guys should have talked it out”. I scoff. 


“Yeah. We should’ve talked.”


“But you couldn’t! Because you just left. Poof. Gone” Joy carries on, I eye her empty margarita glass. And then I run across the other two empty glasses. She shakes her head and dabs at her sweaty forehead. “Like I know Katy is a handful. But she really liked you! Why would you cancel so much and then get mad at her? I just don’t get it.” I sigh at the rosie cheeked Idiot in front of me and lean back in my chair. 


“You’re right Joy. It was my fault”, I say. Joy nods and fails to land her next fry in . 


“You’re damn right.” Oh Katy Kim you owe me. 


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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1188 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!