Introducing Jennie Kim

Culture shock

Maya walked her little girl to the chalk marked on the black playground labeled, kindergarten. Mrs.Castro. Joy looked up, bit her lip and looked back down. 


I can’t do this. She can’t do this. We can just homeschool her till her first grade.




Cause then we’ll just be doing this again next year. And then again the year after that.Then, suddenly, Joy will be 19. Graduating high school never having seen the inside of a school. That. Isn’t fair. 


 Maya took a deep breath and bent down to her baby girl. 


“Mama. Tengo miedo”. (Mom. I’m scared).


“No bebe. No tengas miedo. Eres fuerte y valiente. Puedes hacer cualquier cosa” (no baby. Don’t be scared. You are strong and brave. You can do anything.)


“Está segura mamá?” (Are you sure mom.)


“Siempre” (always.)




Aaron lifted Wendy up into his arms and held Wheein’s hand. “You guys ready?” 


“Yes daddy!” The little ones yelled. 


“Steph! You ready?”


“Yes! I’m just grabbing the camera. Say cheese guys”. Wendy grinned bright, sticking her small arms into the air as Wheein grinned, front teeth missing. 


“Oh my god. You guys are so cute?”


“Look Mommy. No teeth’s” Wendy said, pointing at Wheein’s mouth. 


“I know honey, but we put it under Wheein’s pillow and she got a visit from the tooth fairy.”


“Oh! Present?”


“Yeah! One whole dollar”, Wheein smiles, ing her money in front of Wendy whose eyes cross before focusing on the money. She claps and bounces in her father's arms before squeezing Aaron’s cheeks in some form of excitement. 




“Oh honey.” Aaron set the three year old down. “Your poor face”. Stephanie laughs, rubbing her husband’s cheeks. 


“It’s okay. Did you see how puffed up her cheeks were?”


“I did. I also saw her little feet flail.”


“I was more focused on her narrow laser focused eyed pinching my cheeks to notice her feet. But that explains the sore ribs.” Aaron turns around to see Wendy and Wheein running in the hallway. 


“Come on my wounded warrior. Let’s go enjoy the sights.”




Cristobal set his baby girl in her stroller and took a lungful of the beautiful Florida air. “Amor! Estas listo? (Love! Are you ready?)


“Si papi, dónde está la cámara?” (Yes papi, where is the camera?)


“En cima de la televisión” (on top of the television)


“Ah! Gracias! Ahh sonreír! (Ah! Thank you. Smile!)


“Leche!” Joy gurgles, flexing her hands out in front of her. 


“Later baby. How about a banana?”


“Make sure to smash it baby”.


“I know Cristobal I know.”


“I’m just checking Maya. I don’t want her to choke”. With an exasperated sigh, Maya shoots her husband a withering look and hands her daughter a pre squashed banana. Cristobal watched Joy bite right into the banana peel causing both her parents to laugh out loud. 


“No mija, like this”, Maya laughed. Peeling the soft banana and handing Joy a piece. 


“Dank you”, Joy mumbles, slamming the piece into and only managing to get some of it in . The rest landing on her chin and mother. Cristobal snickered, “you look beautiful Maya”.




Wendy seemed to gasp at anything and everything she came across. A fire hydrant? “Wah!” A bird. “Whoo!”

Another person caused her to simply stop and stare for a couple seconds. After every ‘new’ thing, Wendy would jump in place and hug Wheein. “She’s on sensory overload”. Aaron jokes as Wendy hugs a stop sign. “No baby, that’s dirty. Come here”, Aaron calls, bending down to grab hand sanitizer from the baby bag tucked in the double seat stroller his wife was pushing.  


“Hi daddy”, Wendy greeted for the tenth time since she hugged the first stop sign two streets up. 


“Hey honey. You shouldn’t hug the signs.”


“Why?” Wendy asked, head tilted and hands up for her father to wipe. 


“It’s dirty baby. Oh your face is getting red, you need more suntan lotion. Hold on, Wheein come here. Let me see your face.”


“I’m okay daddy.”


“Your face is getting red too baby”, Aaron sighs  and dips  into his handy dandy Fanny pack. “Alright let’s re-lather you two beauties.” Across the street, a young Puerto Rican couple is laughing as their two year old tries to name every color she sees.  


“Wink!” Joy yells, pointing at a human being running by. When her mother smiled apologetically , Joy grins brightly, bows back and yells “oh no!” 


“Try again bebe”, Cristobal laughs.  




“Woo!” Joy yells, eyes wide, finger pointing at an odd man dressed in a bright blue Hawaiian shirt, blue jean shorts and a purple Fanny pack. Cristobal turned to his wife grinning, “he looks funny. It’s not her fault.” 


“Blue baby. Not woo”, Maya corrects.  




“Close enough.” 


Finally the young family crosses the street, passing right by the oddly dressed man who lifts a young girl onto his shoulders. “Whoa. Look daddy I’m so high.” Wheein points out. “Look mommy”. 


“Wow! You’re so tall baby”, Stephanie cooes. Patting Wheein’s feet dangling over Aaron’s shoulders. “Hey Wendy!” Stephanie yells as her youngest dashes forward spotting a fire hydrant to hug. Three year old Wendy runs as fast as her light up sketchers and tiny legs will take her, stopping squarely in front of a woman who had crouched down to catch her. 


“No no little one. I think your mommy is calling you.” Wendy looks up, holding the hand the woman offered and standing still. Face crestfallen as her mother and father come rushing over, “hi. I saw her running over and hear you scream.”


“Oh my god. Thank you so much”, Stephanie cries, pulling the accented woman in for a hug before shaking the man’s hand profusely. “Thank you so so much.” She says again, as Aaron pulled Wendy to him. Chastising her for running away, which in turn caused Wendy to begin crying. 


“Oh. Baby cry?” Aaron looks up to see a young girl, maybe the same age as Wendy walking up to him. “Is no nice.” The little one says, patting Wendy on the head before giving her the kind of hug only children could give. “Baby. No cry.” 


Hiccuping, Wendy nods her little head in the other girl's arms. “No crying”, she mumbles in response. 


“I’m Maya. This is my husband Cristobal and my daughter Joy.” Aaron stands to shake Cristobal’s hand.


“Hello. It’s wonderful to meet you, I’m Aaron, this is my wife Stephanie and our two daughters. Wheein my eldest, and Wendy my youngest.” At her name Wendy waves at everyone, tears suddenly dry on her bright red face. 


“I wendy”, she giggles, pushing her stomach out and rubbing it as greeting. Joy laughs, fist practically in as she screeches out loud and stomps her feet in pure bliss at her new friend. 


“We were just going to grab a bite. Would you and your daughter like to join us? It seems they’ve become quick friends”, Stephanie offers, eyeing Wendy pulling Joy to a tree that was in dire need of a hug; Wheein hot on their tail. 




Joy fingers the button on Wendy’s jacket, “wewow” she whispers. 


Looking down, Wendy shakes her head. “No. Wellow.”


“We-low?” Wendy nodded, hair bobbing in her face. 


“Geen”, she called when spotting Joy’s hulk socks. 


“No. Holk.”


“Nu-uh. Geen.” Joy sighs  in resignation and simply nodded. 


“Okay. Okay.” Wendy giggles at Joy, happiness seemingly the only emotion she can feel around the other girl.. “Pwetty”. Joy mumbles, cheeks quickly turning red. Body twisting and turning in embarrassment and excitement. 


“You pwetty”. Wendy responds, hugging Joy again. Only to screech in excitement and back up, before leaning forward to hug her new friend again. 


Wheein watches from her place on the floor, what are they saying to each other? She wonders, taking a bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 




Katy smiles at me, ready? I nod even though I really am not sure. I’m not ready. Katy squats down to my eye level, stick in hand. She presses a hand over my eyes, I’ll ignore where these hands have been. Her breath is hot against my ear, “you’re going to be an awesome mom Joy”, she says before pulling me into the tightest hug I’ve ever been in. Katy removes her hand and cups my cheeks, tears b. 


“It’s positive?” I ask, out of breath. 


“Yeah”, Katy laughs. 


“Oh my god!” I yell, tackling my best friend to the floor. “I’m going to be a mother Katy. Holy .” I laugh. 


“And you’re going to be damn awesome.”




If Rosie doesn’t stop tossing and turning I cannot be held liable for what I do next. Rosie sighs, for what? I don’t freaking know! What is there to be so stressed and tired about? GO TO BED DAMNIT!


“Rosanne. Seungwan. Garcia.”


“...yes ma’am?” Rosie squeaks. Like a bird. An annoying bird that won’t stop moving! 


“If you sigh. If you groan. If you so much as peep, toot, or snort one more time I will shove my foot so far up your you’ll be tasting my designer Chanel shoe laces for a friggin week!” I glare at her in the dark, she audibly gulps, “do you understand?” She nods. I smile, press a kiss to her chubby cheek, turn and go back to sleep. Ahh, this is beautiful. Nothing but me and the dead silence. 


Oh I’m gonna sleep so good. Like a queen, a top, a pillow top. Like a majestic lion. Like a- is that a goddamn phone? “Rosie!”


“It’s not my phone it’s yours!” 


“Bull! There is no service out here!”


“I don’t have my phone! Mama took it away remember! Please don’t hurt me!”


“Ugh!” I’m gonna kill whoever the hell is calling me. Oh Jisoo I will murder you if it’s you. “Hello!” I hope you’re scared whoever this is. 


“Whoa whoa there tiger. It’s just me, I wanted to check in on you.”




“Yeah. What’s up babe?”


“Aww”, oh I’m gonna melt into some kind of goop. 


“Oh now she’s all sweet.”


“Shut it rosie.” I slam my pillow into that stupid white noise machine I call a sister. “You didn’t have to call me baby. It’s like super late over there.”


“Nah. It’s alright. I just calculated the time difference. How is it over there?”


“Hot. I changed like three times just during the daylight hours alone. I just really missed you mostly.”


“I really miss you too. I’ve been chillin with Soo a lot but she’s so focused on trying to kill Chaeyoung that she’s just starting to annoy me.”


“Ugh I know what you mean. Rosie walked home with Chae like a week ago-“


“Why are you talking about me?”


“Rosie. So help me god-“


“Sorry Sorry! I’m going to bed now.”


“Anyway. Rosie walked with Chae home. And I guess Jisoo saw and got all upset Bec-“ oh that ! Did she just snatch my phone from my ear! “Rosie!”


“No Lisa. Jennie is telling it all wrong. Jisoo has just been breaking my achy braky heart! And nothing can fix the damage! Not even glue! And Chaeyoung has been spending time with me and Jisoo got upset and told her mom that she saw me out with Chaeyoung passed my curfew one night and titi Irene told my mom! And then mom took my phone and now I can’t even talk to Chaeyoung. But I sent a strongly worded text and letter to Jisoo because she’s a five foot monster in a beautiful skin suit!” 


“Did you just say all that in one breath?” Rosie huffs and pouts at me. 


“I just don’t understand it. Why ignore me and always leave me hanging. Just to be a total Butthead and get upset when I try to move on.”


“Aw. You called her a Butthead. You can call her a . It’s okay. I’ll allow it.” Lisa croons, “my little Rosie posie. Listen baby girl. Don’t let Jisoo hurt you anymore okay? If you want. I’ll kick her tiny just for you.”




“Mhm! Babe. How do you say absolutely in Spanish?”




“Yeah. That!”




Oh my god I’m gonna be a mother. Oh my god. Oh my god. 






I’m a mother. 


Oh my god! I’m gonna have a heart attack!


And a baby! Holy ! Oh my god. 


“Katy stop smiling like that.”


“Why! I’m happy!”


“Because! When you smile I smile because I remember I’m pregnant and then I start giggling and breathing really hard. So, Stop!”


“Are you going to tell Wendy?”


Oh Wendy. Oh my beautiful baby. We’re having a baby. “I want it to be a surprise. I don’t wanna just drop it on her. I want her to be excited and bubbling with happiness.”


“I think you could  go out there and go ahhh Mi amor I love you. And she’d be excited and bubbling with happiness.” 


“You think so?”


“I know so.”




The first venue we arrive at looks like a palace. “As a queen I demand you marry in this place.”


“You’re not a queen Katy if anything you’re the court jester. I’m the queen.”


“You’ve gone senile grandma.”


“Oh you !” We do not choose the palace place. 




Jisoo swallows harshly under Jennie’s eagle eyed glare. “I Uh. I didn’t mean to.”  Jennie nods, and continues to hold the clear baggie outside the window. 


“You didn’t mean to break my baby sister’s heart? Again?”


“Look Jennie I was just upset. I said things I didn’t mean. Obviously I don’t hate Rosie. I was just in a bad mood. I hadn’t even smoked yet and Chaeyoung had come over for breakfast again and was playing with Dahyun and I just got-“




“No. Not jealous, ju-“


“No. Jealous is absolutely the right word jisoo. You’re jealous. That’s all you are. Just jealous. You’re jealous and lazy.  You were too lazy and too high to go after my sister. Then she finally moves on and you get some form of a fire under your and chase her. But now it’s too late. And you’re jealous and being a . You hurt my sister’s feelings and you hurt Chaeyoung and you hurt your own Baby sister. All because you were too lazy to take the first step in your own love life. 


But most importantly Jisoo. You broke my heart. Because I really believed in you. I truly believed that you would step up and fight for Rosie when it was time. But you smoked all day and night and went partying and telling my sister you’d be there for her. But never were and then someone shows up and is actually there and you just have a nuclear meltdown. You’re a Jisoo.”


With a deep sigh Jennie stood and chucked the little baggie at Jisoo’s chest. “Chaeyoung is going to hurt her in the end.”


“Maybe so Jisoo. But you’ll still be a lonely, lazy, jealous pothead.”


“Lisa is a pothead.”


“Sure. But at least Lisa doesn’t self destruct and hurt everyone around her. She actually seems to care about everyone.” 


“You just don’t understand!” Jisoo yells, chair falling back and into the wall. 


“You’re wrong. I do understand. I understand it perfectly. You up and everyone around you is supposed to sit here and baby you and go aww Jisoo is just having a rough go at it. Chaeyoung is being annoying and childish and taking what’s hers and oh boo ing hoo. Chaeyoung makes Rosie happy, everyone stand up for the Jisoo Kang show. Go smoke your pot, maybe you’ll stop pissing everyone off and just fall asleep again.”




The second venue we find is a glass purple building. Well less a building and more a small house. Either way it’s freaking purple. “I love it.”




“I love it. As a Puerto Rican, purple looks absolutely beautiful against my tan. My mother loves purple and my father looks bellísimo (extremely/really beautiful) in a purple suit.” Wendy huffs, pouts and looks to Irene who in turn begins looking around. 






“Yes you Joy. You’re who I’m pointing at. come here. Irene stalks away, for someone so small she moves with speed. She steps onto a bench, “come closer”.


“Please be careful”


“Seulgi! Enough!”




In front of Irene I stand and smile, why is she on the bench. “Ow! Did you just slap me?”


The evil midget grabs me and yanks me close, she’s going to stretch out my favorite shirt collar. “Now you Listen here you tall dumb Latina.”


“That’s hurtful.”


“Shut up. You will not. And I mean. Absolutely will not be marrying my best friend in a purple ing place! Nobody will be wearing purple. Purple has absolutely no place in a wedding.”


“But unnie. Isn’t purple your favorite color?” Oh thank god my savior. Summer’s brow is raised when she asks the question, Irene unclenches and I prepare to run. 


Irene’s next victim is Summer who she jumps onto the back of and begins to slap over the head. 


We do not choose the purple palace. 




“It’s fine. It’s fine. I am sure they are not having . Mom is simply in pain, most likely. And uh.”


“Shut up Rosie! Everyone knows what the hell a moan sounds like and that was a moan.”


“Maybe they’re wrestling?”


“Yeah? Just suplexing each other? Maybe mom is just locking in a solid arm bar huh?”


“I can sense your sarcasm and frankly it is hurtful.” Scowling, Jennie slaps her sister’s arm and pulls her away. 


“But wait. We have to ask before we go out!”


“Shut it. Let’s go, they’ll pass out when they’re done and we’ll be back before then.”


“But what if they really are just working out?”


“I’m going to assault you in the first degree in a couple seconds.” Quietly making it down their steps and to their front door, Jennie tiptoes to the ADT alarm mounted on their kitchen wall. She writes in the passcode and with all the gentleness she could muster kindly shoved Rosie out the front door before following suit. 


“Now what?”


Rosie looks to where Jennie points and scowls, “What’s That face for? First you loved Jisoo then you hated her, now you don’t mind her. First you didn’t like Chaeyoung, I was under the impression you were still under the ‘firmly in love’ section. Why are you making that face?”


“We’re fighting. And she isn’t even supposed to be out.”


“Why are you fighting? And you and I both know, titi Katy doesn’t have her daughter on a leash.” Before Rosie could explain that the tiny terror was making a duet with some redheaded and the song didn’t reference anyone’s posterior once, when all of Chaeyoung’s  music does! . Train of thought lost. 


Jennie watched her sister roll her eyes and have some sort of a system reboot, is she on drugs? “Are you okay?”


“Chae is making a song with some girl. That’s all.”


“And that’s upsetting you?”


“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Looking up, the duo found Chaeyoung and Lisa walking towards them. 


“Hello ladies, you are looking lovely tonight. As usual. Your carriage awaits”, Lisa said, mimicking some kind of European accent, nobody quite sure which one. But she’s bowing, so that’s something.   


“Why thank you ma’am”, Jennie curtsies, presses a kiss to Lisa’s cheek and eyes Chaeyoung.


“My sister is mad at you. I don’t allow people to upset my sister. Only I am allowed to upset her, disappoint her or scare. What did you do?”


Swallowing nervously Chaeyoung’s eyes dart from Jennie to Rosie, to Jennie and then to the floor. “I Uh. Didn’t mean to.”


“I thought you said you couldn’t go out?” Rosie seethes. 


“I said that last night. Because last night I couldn’t, but tonight I can. I tried telling you that but you just got mad at me and left me on read. Which honestly hurt me a lot more than I thought it would.”


“Damn you left her on read?” Lisa laughed. 


“I was in the shower.” Rosie defends, watching Chaeyoung continue to stare at the ground in an effort to not meet Jennie’s gaze. 


“Why couldn’t you go out last night?” Jennie whispers, ice laced in her tone. 


“I was working on a song.”


“Ah. So basically. You couldn’t hang out with your girlfriend but you could hang inside with some other girl?”


“No! Wait. You’ve got this all wrong. Mina was at my house In the afternoon. Not at night. I was working on the song with my mom, she always stays up late to help me. She was doing the background vocals, that’s why when you called Rosie, you said you could hear someone in the back. It was my mom, but you never let me finish. You just got mad and hung up on me.”


Lisa grins and claps her hands together, “well then. Everything is solved yes? Let’s go eat.”



After searching, checking out all five venues to get married in today, we decided on one thing. We weren’t getting married in any of them. Some had too much color and would distract from the wedding. Some were too bland, making a better backdrop for a demolition than adding an extra flair to a wedding. Some were simply too weird, like the frog gallery. 


My feet hurt, Seulgi has annoyed Irene so much today that Irene is with Wheein and Moon Byul and their protection posse. Summer keeps sitting down at every big rock or bench, Sunny rented a scooter an hour ago to follow along. Seulgi is moping. 


But Wendy, oh my sweet, sweet baby. Is pulling Katy and Eric along everywhere. Unsure and unable to decide on a specific thing or place to eat Wendy has dragged us all over the place. “We could get married here?” Wendy yells for the tenth time. 


“That’s a massage parlor.”


“Really? The stained glass is so nice.” 


“Baby. Everyone is tired and hungry. Why don’t we just take a break? Tomorrow we continue to search out the venues. We have another five to look at tomorrow. And we have taste testing tomorrow too.”


“Joy. The early bird gets the worm” oh she’s so stressed. Finally, catching up to my wife and best friend. Who looks like she’s going to die might I add. I detach my fiancé’s monkey grip on Katy’s arm. 


“Eric. Take Katy, see if you guys can find a place for us all to sit and eat.”


“Gotcha Joy.” I heard the quiet whisper of Katy thanking god before falling into Eric’s waiting arms. 


“No honey. We can't eat. We’re still looking.” Shaking my head, I framed the cutest cheeks ever with my hands and gently shook Wendy’s head. 


“Baby. We all got up at 7 in the morning to begin venue testing. We haven’t eaten. All we’ve done is walk around. It’s five in the afternoon baby girl. Everyone is tired and hungry. It’s really hot out here. How are we supposed to get married if my wife burns herself and half of the wedding party out?”


“I’m really not that tired”, Wendy’s whines.


“I’m sure. But once we sit down and get some food into you, you’re going to realize how tired you really are.” Finally conceding, Wendy simply deflates into my arms. My little ball of energy is beginning to dull. 


“I just hate how indecisive I am. I wish I was like you, and could just pick and be happy.”


“It’s your wedding baby, you need to love it. We’re only getting married once.”


“It’s your wedding too and you were quick to pick”, Wendy groans. 


“How bout this. Let’s list all our maybes. And tonight. We sit and choose the top two of our maybes. And then tomorrow we do the same with those venues. And then together we all decide on the best one.”


“Like a vote?”


“Yes. Just like a vote.”


“I never imagined having our friends vote on a venue with us. I thought it was just a you and me thing.”


“Do you want it to be a you and me only kind of thing?”


Shrugging, Wendy huffs, looks behind me to where our friends are absolutely being stupid. “I mean. They’ve been with us from the beginning right? For the ups and down and highs and lows. We’ve all grown together. They should have a say right? They’re our family. Yeah, they should have a vote.”


I pinched Wendy’s perfect puffy cheeks and kissed her. “I love you Wendy Shon.”


“I love you too Joy Garcia.”




Looking up, Jennie pouted at her mother. “Mah, I don’t think we reach.” Wendy groans and plops sadly into the kitchen chair. 


“And where is your sister? She definitely reaches.”


“I sent her out to stall mami with Titi Summer.” Wendy rubs at her forehead and eyes the cake mix at the top of the shelf. This is stressful. “We can just step on the chair.”


“No. You could fall.”


“You could catch me.”


“Or I could miss and you could bang your head against the corner of the table and crack your head open and then I have to try to keep your brain in your cranium and still manage to call the police. I could end up dropping your brain or worse, you could die.” What the ? Jennie stares in wide eyed disgust at her mother who simply shakes her head at the thought of losing her eldest. 






“Who the heck thinks like that!”


“A mother does Jennie! A mother!” 


“You know what? I know just who to call!”




“You’ll see.”




Katy keeps looking at me weird. And while that isn’t weird or out of the norm, her hiding in weird places is definitely new. “Katy, why are you in the cabinet?”


And she just steps out like hiding next to the Cheerios isn’t freaking weird?


“Just chillax’n.”




“Mhm. Don’t worry girl. It’s all good in the hood.” Oh god. Was she herself next to my favorite Raisin Bran? “Is the hood possibly you alluding to your lady bits?”


“Ew Wendy! Get your head out of the gutter, I’m on my period.” Her period? Wait.


“Weren’t you having with Eric in the plane? Did you just get your period?” Rolling her eyes, like we’re discussing weather, Katy huffs. 


“Joy asked me this too. What can I say? I’m needy on my period and Eric is a vampire.”


“Oh god! I think I’m gonna be sick!” I abort the mission and run to the patio where Joy and Summer are grilling steaks. I ran into Wheein’s arms. “My eyes! And ears! My pure mind has been tainted!” I yell. 


“What happened?”


I can’t even speak it back into the world, I shake my head and just squeeze my sister tighter. 


An hour later everyone is eating happily and Moonbyul is telling horrible jokes. But Katy is nowhere to be found. Hmm. Joy is laughing next to me, Eric is topping everyone’s glasses, Summer is feeding Sunny, Seulgi is massaging Irene’s neck, Wheein is staring all love struck at Moonbyul next to me. So where the heck is Katy? 


“Baby I’m just gonna use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” I head in through the sliding glass door and check the kitchen cabinets first. Then the bathrooms on the first floor. Hmm. Where is she? 


Upstairs I check Irene’s room just to see if Katy is being weird and smelling Seulgi’s underwear or something. She isn’t in there. My room next, nothing. Clearly I should have just checked her room first because I hear talking. “I probably shouldn’t do this. I mean, I know I shouldn’t. You made yourself pretty clear when you said you never wanted to see me again. So this will be the last selfish thing I do with you. I just want to say sorry. A proper apology.” Is she talking to Saeron? Should I not be listening to this? What is going on? 


“What I did to you, past and present, was so wrong of me. I have no excuses to give, it was wrong and selfish of me. And the thing is, like you’re ing perfect. Not that subpar people deserve to be treated like , that’s not what I’m saying. I’m just trying to show how absolutely stupid and ty I am. You are walking perfection Saeron Kim. I hope you know that you are beautiful, sweet, caring, selfless and everything and anything anyone could or would ever want. I don’t know if I’m the big ex in your life that permanently ruins everything. I hope not. But if I am, I want you to know I’m sorry about that too.” Oh Katy, you’re ty but not ruin the world ty sweet heart. You’re not that big hon. 


“Also, don't let someone as stupid as me ruin anything for you. You deserve the world and I hope you get it all.” Should I go in? Before I can second guess myself. I knock and then just walk in. I had expected Katy to be on the phone with Saeron, instead I found her rushing the shove papers and pen away. “Uh. Um. What are you doing here?”


“I came to check on you. You should be downstairs with the rest of us.”


“I’ll Uh, I’ll be right down.” Katy says, she keeps wiping at her red tear stained face. 


“Katy hon. What’s going on?”


“Nothing. Absolutely nothing is going on. I’m just straightening up a bit.”


“You’re crying.”


“Dust. There’s dust in my eyes so they’re leaking.”


I take a step forward, Katy swallows loudly. “Katy, talk to me. You’re clearly distraught.”


Katy shakes her hands out in front of her, she starts bouncing in place. “Please don’t.”


“Katy what’s wrong.”


“Please don’t do this Wendy. This is supposed to be a fun happy week. Don’t let me ruin this.”


“Katy, you aren’t going to ruin anything. Let me be here for you. Or would you rather Joy. Do you want me to get her?”


“No! No, don't do that. She would be upset with me.” My brow furrows, why would Joy be upset. 


“Why would she be upset with you?”


“She told me not to contact Saeron. But I didn’t listen.”


So she was on the phone with her. “You were on the phone with her?” Katy shakes her head. “Then who were you talking to?”


“No one. I was listening to the voicemail I sent her. I keep listening to it.”




“Because she hasn’t called me back since I sent it to her. So I’m trying to understand where I went wrong. But I can’t figure it out and I think that means Saeron is really done with me. And I just”, Katy trails off. Hands beginning to shake again. “I um. I just. I don’t want her to leave again. Leave me. Again.”


I hug Katy. Pull her close and squeeze her with all my might. I settle us down on the edge of the bed. “Tell me everything going on in that heart and head of yours.”


“I’m not in love with Saeron. I know I’m not. I truly love Eric. But all I can think about it is Saeron and how she looked when I last saw her. And everytime Eric kisses me all I can think about is how heartbroken Saeron looked when she left. I keep trying to get her face and words out of my head and I just can’t. And I keep thinking that maybe I’m all torn up inside because I’m the villain. Because I deserve to feel this way. I just want Saeron to come back so I can tell her I’m sorry and then she’ll forgive me and everything will go back to normal again. I just want her to come back.”


I hold Katy’s hands in mine and sigh. How do I say that Katy does deserve to feel how she feels? How do I tell her that Saeron leaving was to protect herself and Katy should stop trying to contact her? How do I tell her that she needs to give Saeron’s heart time to heal?


“Katy. Look. You feel guilty. You feel guilty that you’re happy with Eric and Saeron is broken-hearted. Whether it’s your fault I don’t know. I’m not god to make those decisions. But maybe how you feel is a sign of karma and you should stop fighting it. I know you want Saeron back. But for what? You want her to forgive you so that she’s no longer a guilty thought in the back of your head? You want her to be here for you, watching you continue to move on while she watches idly and continues to hurt?


Sweetie. I know it hurts and and it’s not the answer you wanna hear. But sometimes in life babygirl, we end up the villain and not the victim. And the only course of action we can take is to take the sentence given to us and simply live it out. Saeron said to cut ties, you should. I don’t think she’ll respond to any of your apologies. Remember. Actions speak louder than words, so just do as she asks. The more you push the more you’re proving to her you’re the same Katy as before. Prove to her you’re changing for the better and give her what she wants.”


I know it’s not what she wants to hear. But it’s time Katy grew up like the rest of us. It’s time we took off her training wheels and stopped giving her passes and sugar coating the truth. She hurt someone. And now, it’s her turn to feel the hurt. 


“I know you’re right. It’s just hard.”


“I bet it is. But that’s what we’re here for. To help you through it. Now come down stairs and spend time with your family.” Katy giggles and it’s like music to my ears. This sad Katy is just breaking my little heart. I hold Katy’s hand and pull her up to her feet. Halfway down stairs Joy is walking up. 


“There you guys are. I was looking for you.”


“Which one of us? Me or Wendy? Because we were just making sweet sweet lesbian love and you’re no longer invited. I have a new obsession.” Joy arches an eyebrow at Katy and nods before bending down and “okay! I’m going! Don’t you throw that dirty sandal at me Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia! I WILL SKIN YOU ALIVE!” 


Look at her go, if I had known those slimy chicken legs could move like that I’d have made her run errands for me. “Mi amor. I thought you said you were going to the bathroom.”


Joy grins. Why is she so beautiful? “I was. But then I heard Katy and went to talk to her.”


“Talk to her? About what?”


“Just stuff.”


“What kinda stuff.”


“Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about babe.”


“Ah I see. Got yourself a new woman huh?” Joy walks up the rest of the steps to stand in front of me. I press my lips to her cheek. 


“Never. Just helping a friend.”


“Come with me. I wanna show you something.”


“What are you going to show me?”


“You’ll see. Come on”, Joy pulls me along to our room. I don’t know what she could possibly show me in our room. Maybe that’s code for ‘come and see me ravish you’. 


“Sit baby.” I sit and Joy turns away and bends down to get something from her bag. Maybe the ‘show’ is her Glorious in those jeans. Bless-ed be these eyes feasted upon that . 


Joy turns to me and grins. She holds a small long jewelry box in her hands. “I got you something.” 


Aw my baby is so sweet. “You got me a necklace?” Joy grins and sets the box on my lap. 


“Before you open this. I want you to know, I was going to give it to you later. But you seemed so stressed today. I wanted to give you something early to rejuvenate you during the stressful times.” I pull joy close and give her a tender kiss. She’s so sweet. “I love you Wendy”. Joy mumbles against my knee. Still on the floor Joy grins, I open the box. 


It’s not a necklace. What is this? 


Oh. It’s a pregnancy test. 


It’s positive. 


Oh my god, I’m gonna be a mother. 




Jennie tiptoes across the lawn, water gun trained on Jisoo Kang’s back. Oh I’ve got you now, Jennie takes another stealthy step, loads up the blaster and “Ah!” Comes a dolphin shriek as she’s tackled into the pool. 


Jisoo jumps back in time to catch Dahyun flying into the pool and screaming, Jennie in her arms. “Attack!” A voice yells and Jisoo dives behind cover as Rosie and Lisa charge forward. Damn those long legs, Jisoo whines as she dodges water fire and water mortars flying her way. 


Jennie dives up from the water, grabbing a nearby noodle and laying the asswhoopin of all asswhoopins upon Dahyun’s tiny head. Chaeyoung pops her blonde head up from behind her fortress of lawn mowers, compliments of her mother, and other aunts. “Dahyun! I’ll save you!” She yells, voice booming through her bullhorn. Jennie spins. 


“No you won’t!” She screeches, running forward. Water and what Lisa can only describe as ethereal beauty dripping off her. Chaeyoung’s eyes widen as she spots the incoming bullet disguised as her big cousin. With a roar, Jennie flies forward swinging the bucket of ice water, it slips from her hands and in a sick twist of fate Chaeyoung slips on seemingly nothing and the bucket misses her and flies with deadly aim at Jisoo who is hit with ice water and a hard bucket to the face. 


She collapses into the pool. Losing the fight. And her kingdom to the long legged beauties. As Lisa named them. 


“Oh my god! Jisoo!”  Jennie laughs, jumping into the pool. “I did not mean to do that”, Jennie says, shoulders shaking in laughter. 


“You sure don’t sound like you feel bad though”, Jisoo groans, rubbing the sore spot on her head. A few more splashes are heard as Lisa and Rosie jump into the pool, followed by Chaeyoung waddling into the group. 


“Sorry, I slipped.” Chaeyoung mumbles. 


Jisoo sighs, “it’s okay. You were only trying to save this little rascal”. Jisoo laughs, pointing at Dahyun who still wears all her floaties in the pool. 


“Jennie tried to kill me.”


“I did not! You took me on, I simply defended.”


“Wait. Dahyun knocked you into the pool.”


“More like tackled.”


“But you’re the queen of your kingdom. The rule was whatever queen gets knocked into the water loses. You fell in.”


“Uh I never actually said I was the queen. You just assumed.”


“Because you always call yourself the queen!”


“Well I wasn’t this time. It was Rosie. Queen Rosè is what we named her. Because we knew you and Chaeyoung would never knock her into the water.”


“Oh dirty tactics miss Rosè” Chaeyoung wags a finger at the taller girl. 


“A wins a win”, Rosè laughs before Dahyun jumps up and onto her back, successfully taking down the queen. 


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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1188 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!