Let’s do something new

Culture shock

POV from our favorite couple today. 




As teenagers Joy found herself always trying to get out of the situations that Katy put them in. It was rare that she ever saw a nervous Katy, which is why when Katy came into class looking sad and nervous Joy knew something was up. 




Katy didn’t look at her, she kept her eyes trained on her shoes. “Katy?” Joy tried again. Katy looked up at her nervous and had explained herself, that was the first time Joy met Katy’s family. It was also the first time Joy found out that crazy does in fact run in the family. So years later when Katy invited the fresh couple to her family dinner. 


Joy took it upon herself to explain that Katy was one crazy in a family of them. Wendy has dismissed her, Joy was always so dramatic. That night Wendy, Joy and Katy boarded the ferry to Long Island. Upon arrival Katy’s grandfather was there in a bright green Volkswagen Beetle. He hopped out and grinned, the first thing Wendy noticed was his dreadlocks.  


He ran to them and pulled Katy into a big hug and spun her around before hugging Joy and attempting to lift her just to give up and laugh and pat her stomach. “So strong!” He chirped before turning to Wendy. “Hi! I’m Katy’s grandfather. Lee Sungmin! But you can just call me papa min!” He pulled Wendy into a hug and lifted her into the air. While he was pulling her and Joy to the car Wendy wondered. Does he have grill on his teeth? 


How old is this man! Wendy thought the craziness would end there, it did not. When they pulled up to the two story home overlooking a lake all Wendy could hear was yelling. Sungmin or papa min turned to them and grinned and Wendy confirmed that yes, the man did in fact have gold grill on his teeth. “Let’s eat!” Katy groaned and mouthed an apology to Wendy and Joy. 


Inside the house stood five men standing and staring. Katy held a hand out, “guys. Please don’t do this”. Was all Katy said before a very large man lifted her onto his shoulder and spun in the air. Joy leaned over, “that’s her father Jang-hoon. He’s gonna tell you to just call him Hoonie.” Wendy just nodded as the other four men came forward and hugged them and yelled all types of compliments. 


That night they sat at a picnic table in the backyard with Mountains of food in front of them. “This is Ho-dong, Katy’s uncle. This is Soo-geun Katy’s great grandfather. You already met Sungmin, Katy’s grandfather. This is Yongchul Katy’s uncle and his son Kyung-hoon Katy’s cousin.” The men all nodded and grinned.


Jang-Hoon began serving Katy, Wendy and Joy. “Hey what about us?”  Soo-geun asked. 


“You have two hands right there. Serve yourself!” Jang-hoon said, placing a plate with shrimp falling off in front of her. 


They ate watching the commotion unfold. “Why don’t you ever serve me?” Kyung-hoon asked looking up at his father. 


“Because I gave you life. I figured that was all I needed to give you”.  Wendy choked on a shrimp at the burn. 


“So Katy. You haven’t brought anyone over in awhile.” Katy nodded and wiped . 


“Yes. I found god.” This time Joy choked. Youngchul laughed, his front teeth jutting out. 


“Name one person in the Bible.”




“Besides Jesus.”


“Satan.” Jang-hoon shook his head. 


“It’s not her fault. She was raised around nothing but you men. It’s not her fault she’s a little messed up. Don’t worry honey. Daddy understands”.


Wendy leaned over to Joy and whispered, “where is Katy’s mother?” Or well. She thought she whispered. It was suddenly quiet as Joy groaned and mumbled. 


Here we go. 


“I don’t have a mom!” Katy yelled. “That a problem?” Katy narrowed her eyes at Wendy who looked back with wide eyes. 


“I Uh. No no problem. I was just wondering”. 


“I don't have a mom so what!” Wendy jumped. 


“Okay! Jesus. Calm down I wasn’t attacking you. You never said anything so I didn’t know.” Katy nodded, eyes narrowed and Wendy hoped that would be the end of it. 


“Did you know that my Katy got a scholarship that put her all the way through college?” Jang-hoon asked, bright smile on his face. Wendy shook her head. 


“No I didn’t”, she turned to Katy. “What was it for?”


“I told them. If they have to pick a student for the scholarship it should be my Katy.” 


“Yup. And when they asked why, I told them. Because I don’t have a mother of course”. Katy deadpanned, face showing no remorse. Wendy blinked and turned to Joy who was scarfing down Shrimp like she might die. 


“My child, let’s not bring that part up”. Jang-hoon said, rubbing a large hand over Katy’s shoulder. 


“Why? Are you ashamed?” 


“No of course not! Everyone. Look at my sweet Katy. Beautiful.”


“She has dead eyes like a fish.” Kyunghoon said. “Look at the sky. All these sparkling stars. Now look at Katy. She looks like a blonde demon.”


“Hey! That’s not my fault. I don’t have a mother!”


“Hey! Don’t attack my daughter. She’s beautiful!”


“She’s a dead fish!” 


“Guys! Let’s have respect.” Youngchul said, trying to keep the peace.


“You should have taught your son respect.” Jang-hoon said pointing at his nephew. 


“You’re the rude one. No wonder your wife left!” Katy jumped up, shrimp flying everywhere. Joy gripped the back of Wendy’s chair and pulled it back with hers. 


“It’s gonna get a lot worse.” Joy said and then held a shrimp out. “Here. Eat a shrimp. Before they start throwing them.” 


“Why are you bringing up my mother!” Katy yelled. 


Youngchul turned to his son, “You still have your mom right?”




Katy threw her plate, “I don’t. So what!” Jang-hoon looked away covering his face. Katy jumped onto his and started rubbing her wet shrimpy hands on his face. “Daddy no. Don’t cry!”


This was the day that Wendy realized. Katy is just one crazy is a family of freaking lunatics. 




In the words of my beautiful lover, this is no bueno. No bueno at all. Joy looked to me and I wish I could offer some kind of support, but I am down right lost. I felt my heart drop to my when Suzy came rushing over, basically mushing Maya who was sitting over to almost climb on top of Joy. 


She started rubbing Joy all over, this is strangely . Joy seemed so lost, I can’t blame her. Maya stood from her seat and leaned forward and shockingly gentle put her hand out separating Suzy from Joy. “Who are ju?” Joy winced as Suzy blatantly ignored Maya to once again look over Joy. Maya shot me a look and I stood up, resting a hand over Suzy’s “auntie. This is Joy’s mother. If you stop for a moment we can explain what is going on.”


It seemed to do the trick as Suzy stood back and glared at Seo-Joon. “Look at what you’ve caused. I cannot look over my niece without permission.


Seo-Joon grit his teeth and smile gently at Joy. “Hey Joy. We came over as fast as we could. What happened?” 


Joy opened to answer most likely but Maya was having none of it. “Who. Are ju peoples?” Maya turned to me and glared. “Quiénes son estas personas?” (Who are these people?) I shrugged with an open mouth at Maya. 


“What?” Joy sighed and held her mother’s hands. 


“Mami. Son Mí familia.” (Mami. They’re my family.)


“No. Yo, tu papa. Wendy. Junito. Katy. Somos tu familia. Esta gente no es nada.” (No. Me, your father. Wendy. Junito. Katy. We are your family. These people are nothing.)


Maya glared at all the people in the room. “My daughter is tired. Please leave.”


“We can’t leave. We’re here to check on Joy.” Seo-Joon said. I squeaked and grabbed Joy’s hand. 


“Baby. s. About. To. Go. Down.” I whispered into Joy’s neck ready to see a fight. 


“My wife just say. Joy is tired. Leave.” Cristobal explained. 


“That’s my daughter in that bed. I’m not leaving until I’m certain she’s okay.” Joy stared wide eyed at me as Seo-Joon argued. 


“We need to run.” 


Cristobal turned fully to Seo-Joon. “No. That’s my daughter. Not yours.”


“Irene!” I yelled, why won’t this women fix this situation. 


“Sorry! Sorry! Um. Guys. Joy’s tired. Let’s leave her be. Her parents want us to leave so she can heal in peace. She’s going to be okay." clearly Suzy was having none of it because she glared at Irene. 


So that’s where the death stare comes from. Huh. This is terrifying. “They are not her parents. I am her blood aunt. I have rights.” 


I winced when I felt a slap to my arm, I glared up at Maya. Jesus this family is violent. “Wendy! What they say.” 


“Um. They are uh. Talking about the weather.” Joy scoffed. “Hey. Don’t scoff at me.”


“You're a horrible liar.”


“You lie!” Maya yelled. I shot up in defense because clearly Joy will be no help. 


“Maya! Maya stop! Why are you climbing over the bed!”


“Mami! Stop!” If this tiny hospital room couldn’t get any more chaotic Suzy once again came running over shoving Maya away to help Joy. This made Maya push Suzy back which made Irene come over yelling all types of things and before I could do my rights as a daughter in law and lay down an whooping Katy rushed forward sliding in between everyone and trying to calm things. 


“Stop! Everyone. Just chill. Look, whether yah like it or not. Maya, Cristobal, Wendy and I have the first and foremost right to be here. Seo-Joon you and your family need to leave until you are asked to be here. I get it, in your guys eyes Joy is your daughter and niece and cousin. But right now she is my best friend, Wendy’s fiancé and Maya and Cristobal's daughter. You need to go.” Katy turned to me and smiled, “please translate that to the people who don’t understand.”


Maya sat glaring at Suzy as I explained what Katy said. Whoever said the older you get the calmer you get lied because Suzy was not having any of it. In the most crisp English I have ever heard Suzy yelled. 


“You not mother!” Oh . 


Maya slapped Joy’s shoulder. “Que dijo la chinita?” (What did the Asian/racial slang say?)


“Um. Nada mama. Nada”. (Um. Nothing mommy. Nothing.” I winced when Maya slapped joy again. 


“Ma! Stop!”  


Clearly this only fired Suzy up because once again she was trying to get to Joy again. “Wendy. Ju tell that stupid old to stop.” 


Um. “I Uh, ow!” I grabbed the hand that Maya hit. 


“Say it!”


“But Maya. That’s rude!”


“Okay! Okay!” I yelled when Maya started climbing Joy to get to me. "Auntie stop! You need to go.


No! I am her aunt.”


“Auntie this is her mother!”


“No. Her mother is dead!”


“What did she say Wendy.” I turned to Maya and bit my lip. Oh my god. I’m going to die today. 


“She uh. Well. Um. She uh. Ow! Maya stop hitting me!”


“What she say!”


“She said you’re not her mother!” I yelled, rubbing my hand. Joy groaned and sat up before pulling me down. “We need to get out of here baby.” I nodded in agreement. 


“I’m her mom! Who you!” Maya yelled. 


“Her aunt!” Seo-Joon yelled. 


“Listen! You gave her to me! She’s mine!” Maya yelled. Clearly Suzy saw an opening because she lunges forward and planted a pretty slap on Maya's face. 


“Whoa! Hey! Mommy no!” Joy yelled, sitting up in bed as Maya jumped and knocked Katy onto her face and slapped the ever living out of Suzy. “Daddy!” Cristobal looked stunned as the two women fought, he leaned down to separate them but Joonki must have misunderstood because he threw a box of gloves at Cristobal. 


I turned to Joy. “We need to run.” Joy nodded. 




Together we got on the ground and crawled. Me in my scooby doo pajamas that I never got the chance to change out of. And Joy in a hospital gown, out as we finally made it out of the hospital room and sprinted to safety. 


Down the hall we heard running footsteps, we turned in time to see security running to the room. We just kept running, I hefted my purse higher on my arm and ran. We made it to the lobby and the parking lot in what felt like seconds. Running to my car I unlocked it and we nearly jumped in. “Where do we go?” I asked, looking at Joy. “Jesus babe. Everyone saw your in there”.  


I couldn’t help it. I laughed out loud. Everyone saw my future wife’s . This is ridiculous. Now everyone who ever looks at the hospital footage is gonna see my poor fiancés crack out in the open for the world and Jesus to see. With a weak voice Joy told me to drive home. 


I leaned over to kiss her before putting the car in drive. “I love you.”




When we got home Aaron was sitting on the sofa putting things in a suitcase. “Oh Joy. I heard what happened. You okay?”  I nodded and sat down on the sofa, I was reminded that my bare was out when it touched the sofa. 


“Yeah. All hell broke loose. So we ran out.”


“What happened?”


“It was life clash of the ethnicities. They all started fighting so we ran. What are you doing?”


“Fighting? Jesus that’s a lot of bad hips. I’m packing. I gotta head home.”


I nodded, Wendy came over and kissed her father's head. “Probably a good idea.”


“We’ll come again next month. Your mother, sister and I to help with wedding planning. Did you decide where you’re doing it?”


“A church”. Wendy said. 


“Good. Good. Traditional. Where?” 


“Like country? Or kind of church?” I asked. Wendy pinched my arm. 


“Hey. That hurt”. I whined. 


“Wendy. What aren’t you telling me?” Aaron asked, pausing his packing to look at us. 


“Well dad. Joy doesn’t have a passport. And her family is Pentecostal.”


“So have a stateside traditional Korean wedding.” Aaron said. I chuckled. 


“Yeah right. Like my mom is going to let that happened. You want us to get married in a temple or something?” Wendy slapped my arm and I winced. Yo. Why is everyone being so violent today! 


“That was racist as hell. Really. A temple?”


“I didn’t say a DoJo did I?”


“Are you kidding me?”


“Sorry. Sorry. What exactly is a traditional Korean wedding?” 


“Well. We’re supposed to go to the brides house and have the wedding there. Since we're both women. It makes sense we do it here. We do our vows. Then we drink this like special wine that one our mothers has made. And everyone bows to each other.”


I tried not to laugh. I really. Really did. “Are you serious! Where is the pastor? The doves! The rice!”


“What doves?”


“In a normal wedding. Your family sits on one side. Mine on the other. Your father walks you down the isle. Where my best friends are. And on the other side are yours. The pastor asks us a thousand questions. We say vows. I do. And then we kiss. Boom married.”


“We are a Korean family Joy. You’re marrying into that. It isn’t fair that only your traditions get carried out and ours get left behind.”


“You’re Canadian Aaron.”


“I’m Korean first. As is Wendy.” I sat there and stared. Why is everything so complicated? 



A couple hours later my front door was being banged on. I turned to Wendy nervous. “Who do you think they’ll kill first?”


“There’s more space here babe. Let’s just face this head on.”


“Do you want me to stay?” Aaron asked from his place on the sofa. I nodded at him. 


“You’re family right? Might help.” Wendy left to open the door and everyone came rushing forward. I held a hand up keeping everyone from me. “Wendy. Can you split them up? Tell them I want the Puerto Rican’s on this side. And the Koreans on the other”. I pointed to the long couch. 


Wendy must have done it because everyone split. I stood in the middle and held Wendy’s hand. “Tell then to relax and let me finish before they in.” Wendy nodded and addressed my blood family. 


I took a deep breath and kissed Wendy. “We got this right?” I asked. She nodded and gave me a smile that had my heart breaking and putting itself back together. 


“Okay. So listen. You are both my family. But my adoptive family is who I see as my blood family. When my mom, who is in fact my mom. Says jump I ask why and then she slaps me. That’s how it is. When my father, who is also my real father. Says jump. I say of course papa. Because they are my parents.” I nodded to Wendy who shot me a confused look. 


“You want me to say it like that?”




“Verbatim? No editing? Nothing?”


“Babe, c’mon.”


“Okay. Okay. I’m doing it weirdo.” When Wendy was done I took another deep breath. “I know you were lied to. And I understand why seo-Joon did it and I absolutely understand why you’re mad. But That is not my fault. Or my families fault. I’m getting married guys. I don’t have time to sit here and try to figure out how to keep you guys calm. I get it, it's like leaving a plot hole open or something, but too much is going on. And like you’re my family and my adoptive family is my family. Wendy is my family. Her father and her family is my family too. I need everyone to stop trying to own a part of me because I am an independent woman and I cannot be split up and separated. My whole being belongs to my wife and our future kids. If you want time with me then visit me. I can’t reach out to you guys first. 


Like I just found out I need to have a weird wedding. I can’t explain to my Pentecostal mother that I’m having a Asian wedding and deal with this family drama.” My mom opened here mouth most likely to fight me. I held a hand up. “Mama, por favor.” (Mommy please) 


I turned to Wendy again and nodded, “I’m gonna need you to break up your sentences more. That’s a lot to remember”, Wendy whined but did her best because she’s awesome and we’re gonna get married. 


It was clear from the way Suzy started fidgeting that she didn’t like what Wendy was saying. Irene nodded at me and smiled as she held a hand out to calm her mom. At least I have someone other than Wendy on my side. “What about us?” Wendy’s turned to me. 


“Suzy wants to know. What about them.” I smiled. 


“Let’s get to know each other. Like friends would. I know you feel like you know me. But you don’t. Get to know me. Have breakfast with me. Come over for dinner. Come to my wedding. Get to know my family. That's how we get a relationship. Not by forcing it.”


That night, everyone filed out but not before my mom beat Wendy and I up first. In bed Wendy lay in my arms and tell me horrible jokes. I kissed her forehead. This was an eventful day. 




It was sudden, my epiphany. I jumped up and held Joy’s head in my hands. She stared at me wide eyed. “Is this how I die?”


“Baby. Are we average?” Joy shook her head and I grinned. “Then why should we have a average wedding? Whether it’s Korean or Puerto Rican. Why? We should create our own traditions”.


“So. What you’re saying is you want to have a non average wedding?” I nodded my head biting my lip. Last time I checked, we’re a somehow but not couple. My wife has two families. Her best friend has slept with her entire family. My family is overprotective. My best friends sleep on any surface allowed. We aren’t average. We’re not normal. Why have a Normal wedding? We’re two women. Nothing about us is traditional. 


“We are two very non average people. We’re always trying to cater to everyone around us. Why not do something for us?” Joy grinned up at me. My goodness. She’s beautiful.


“Like what?”


“Let’s get married somewhere weird.”


“Like a casino?”


“No. Weirder.”


“A movie theater?”


“No! An aquarium.”


Joy giggled, “an aquarium?”


My mouth dropped open. “No! Let’s get married around a bunch of wild animals! And then! Go zip lining!”


“You want to get married in a Zoo?”


“Sort of. I want to kiss you in front of a big lion. And have a reception while feeding alligators.”


“The Bronx zoo?” I shook my head. 


“No. Thailand.”




“Yeah! Seulgi is from Thailand they have all of that there.”


“Wait. I thought Seulgi and her family were Korean?”


“They are, she’s an Army brat. They moved all over and she was born in Thailand. Before they moved again to Korea. She goes back a lot.”


Joy nodded at me. “We could get married where Seulgi was born. In front of the animals we love. And eat that weird old people ice cream Irene likes instead of throwing rice or drinking wine.”


“And eat that French bread that Katy likes instead of toasting with champagne.” I grinned down at Joy. 


“They are our family aren’t they?”


“The future aunts to our kids.”


“Have I told you that I’m in love with you?” 


“Once or twice.” 


“So. It’s November. We’re getting married in March. We have five months to pull this off. Think we can?”


I nodded and then bit my lip. I had one more thing I wanted to tell her. One more crazy thought. I swallowed. “I um. One more thing.”


“What’s up?”


“I want to start trying to have a kid now.”


Joy’s brow raised in surprise. “Before the wedding?”


“I um. Like. I want to start by the beginning of December. But. You said you wanted to carry first. So I totally get it if you want to wait. You’ll be pregnant when we get married.” Joy nodded and smiled. 


“Would I even be showing by three months?” I shrugged. 


“Would it bother you?”


“Yesterday. When we were driving to work. All I could think about was kids. And car seats and whatnot. I think I’m ready.”


“You sure? We have a lot of drama going on”. Joy cupped then back of my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. 


“All I’m focused on is you and I starting now. Forget everything else.” 


“How are we going to explain this to your mother?” Joy shrugged. 


“She’ll have to deal”. I laughed out loud. “Hey! What. Why are you laughing?”


“She’ll have to just deal? Yeah? Mommas girl of the century?”


“Oh shush. I’m growing my balls.”




“Yep! They’ll drop in a week. Guaranteed.” I was still laughing at Joy when our phone rang. I picked it up still laughing at Joy. “Hello?” 






“Yeah. I have Seulgi with me here too. Guess what.”


“Hold on let me put you on speaker”, I rolled over into Joy’s arms and put the phone on speaker. “It’s Seul and Irene. Go ahead. You’re on speaker.”


“Is Joy with you?”


“Yeah right here.”


“Okay guess what.”




“Remember how I said we just needed a donor?”


“Yeah. Did you guys find one?” I asked excitedly. 


“We lied.”


“Um what?”


“We were afraid it wouldn’t take, it didn’t take the first time. So we were worried it wouldn’t work again and we didn’t want to get everyone excited. So we just said we were still waiting on a donor. But. After three pregnancy tests. I’m pregnant”. Joy and I were silent as we turned to each other with wide mouths. 


“We’re coming over right now!” Joy yelled diving off the bed for her shoes. “BABY GET DRESSED! WERE GONNA BE AUNTS!” I fell off the bed as Joy whipped around me all to the laughter of Seulgi and Irene on the other line. 

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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1197 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!