Daddy issues

Culture shock

Suzy loved her. She hadn’t met her yet, but everything in her told her she would love this peanut with everything she had. Helps that Joohyun can’t keep her hands off Juhyun’s belly. “Is auntie going to blow up mommy?” Suzy grinned and shook her head. “No baby. She’s not going to blow up.” Joohyun sighed, that’s good. 


“What about the baby?”


“Little Sooyoung?”




“Well she’s going to come out.” Suzy giggled as Joohyun shook her small body in excitement. 


“When? When?”


“Tonight baby”.


“Tonight!” Joohyun jumped with her fist in the air and ran to her uncle. “Uncle Joonie! Guess what!”


Seo-joon smiled at the little one before picking her up. “What?” 


“Soo-ya is coming today!” With a gaping grin, Seo-joon nodded. 


“I know. Are you happy?” Joohyun nodded, “really excited?” Joohyun nodded enthusiastically, “really super excited?” Joohyun gripped the man’s cheeks tightly in her small hands and brought his face close. 


“Super. Duper. Excited”. 


Everything was going to plan. Joohyun sat on the bed and watched her aunt, she was tired; but she seemed happy. Seo-joon couldn’t stop grinning, his hands staying firmly on his wife’s belly. “I love you so much. You’re so beautiful.” He whispered. 


Suzy sighed and gripped her husband’s hand. “I’m so excited”. She said, leaning her head on his shoulder. Things were good. Things were going to plan. Her mother was on her way, she’d be here for Sooyoung. Oh this day couldn’t get better, “oh. I think she’s here!” Juhyun groaned. 


Suzy looked up alert, “now!” Seo-joon questioned. Eyes wide and excitement coursing through his veins. 


“Seo-joon get the doctor”, Suzy commanded as she walked to her baby sister and held her hand tight. Seo-joon looked at his wife and then to his sister in law, she shot him a look and he took off down the hall for the doctor. Suzy held her baby sisters hand and gripped her neck with the other, she pulled the sweating woman’s head to her and held her close. “You are a strong, beautiful woman and you are about to bring life into this world. You’ve got this baby girl”. 


Juhyun grinned before she winced in pain, “well this beautiful woman wants this beautiful baby out of her. Oh god this hurts.


Suzy was about to say something else but the doctor had run in and pushed her aside. It was all happening too quick, god she was so excited. Seo-joon held tightly to Juhyun hand, his face contorting into all types of pain as Juhyun squeezed. 


“H-honey my hand”, Seo-joon moaned. 


“Seo-joon my !” Juhyun yelled, before slamming her head back into the bed as the doctor called for her to push again. 


“Deep breathes baby. Are you doing your breathes baby?” Seo-joon asked helpfully. 


Juhyun turned to the man with near devilish intent and grabbed his neck, “if you don’t shut up, I'm going to take your breath away”. Suzy choked on a laugh as Seo-joon nodded fearfully. 


“You already do my love.” 


The birth seemed to be going on forever, Joohyun watched with her head partly tucked into her father's chest. “Is auntie dying?” Her father chuckled and shook his head no, “she’s just in a little pain”. He explained. 


Juhyun seemed to have heard this, “A LITTLE PAIN? I’ll show you a little pain!! Wait till I get this demon baby out of me I’ll kill you all!”


“Dear please, let’s not call our angel a demon baby”. Juhyun opened to say something hurtful most likely, but instead she screamed a guttural scream and moments later the doctor cheered, with a huge grin he explained to everyone in the room that he now had the shoulders of the baby. Seo-joon thought he might die. “You’re so perfect,'' Seo-joon whispered into Juhyun’s hair. 


She merely held his hand weakly, god she was so tired. She wanted to tell him no more kids after this, god this was hard. The doctor was saying something, what was he saying? Her body felt like it was on fire. Seo-Joon told her to push but she couldn't even open her eyes she was so tired. Is Sooyoung okay? I can’t hear her. 


Someone is shaking her shoulders, why are they shaking her so hard? She just had a baby, be gentle. God. I am so tired.  


Suzy stared on in horror, why isn’t Juhyun moving? Why won't the baby make noise? What is going on? She had so many questions but the doctor was forcing everyone out, the last image suzy was left with was doctors rushing to her sisters side. 


A limp hand fell from the bed and Seo-Joon knew, his wife was gone. 



I was pacing, Wendy says I should stop but I can’t. Ay dios I’m stressed, he lied. He lied to everyone about me. Should I drop kick him when I see him or should I high five him? What are the rules of engagement during this situation? A hand tapped me on the shoulder I turned and pulled my best friend into a tight hug.


“Thank god you’re here, I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack.”


“You’re worrying too much, oh, I wanted to introduce you to someone,'' I raise a brow at Katy’s word and look up to her friend. “This is Eric” Eric smiled, and stuck a hand out.


A white boy? That’s new, I stuck my hand out and shook Eric’s. A nice firm handshake,I like it. 2 points mr. Eric. “Hi Eric, I’m Joy.”


“I know, she talks about you a lot. It awesome to meet you and I just want you to know that I think you’re super brave doing all of this.” 


Ooh, a man after my own heart. 3 points for mr. Eric. Joy likey. “Well Eric, you are by far the nicest man I've ever met. You have an accent, you from here?”


Eric shook his head, and his hair waved all about. I shot Katy a look, he’s cute. “I’m from Slovenia, I moved here 11 years ago to go to school and then just ended up staying.”


“That’s awesome, come. Let me introduce you to my fiance”. Eric’s whole face lit up.


“That would be great”. Eric followed me to the kitchen where Wendy was on the phone speaking urgently. 


“Baby!” Wendy jumped and smiled at us. “Let me introduce you to Eric, Katy little special someone” Katy slapped my back as I introduced Eric. Wendy’s face turned beet red, aw, is she nervous?  


“Oh, Eric. I saw you coming in, sorry I didn't get to say hi. I was calling my friend Irene.”


“Oh why?” I asked. Wendy smiled brightly and waved me off, “No reason. Just checking in.” Oh ok. 


The doorbell rang, I took a deep breath. Oh man, let's do this. Wendy squeezed my arm and Katy and Eric gave me a thumbs up. This man is adorable. I opened my front door to Park Seo-Joon. My father. 


“Sooyoung”, Seo-Joon smiled, hands clutching a bundle of flowers.


“Just Joy”, Icorrected, allowing Seo-joon in. I introduced Seo-Joon to everyone, quirking a brow when he and Katy had an awkward high five.


Seo-Joon sat down on the sofa, as Wendy explained that dinner was almost done. What do Ido? Do Iask why he lied? What do I say? 


“How was your day Joy?” Oh thank god he started.


“Um, it was tiring. A lot of running around, we had a man at one point who was trying to throw his at us.”


“Ew” Eric whispered behind us, I chuckled.


“Sounds exhausting”. I nodded.


“It can be, but it can also be super rewarding. There’s something about being someone's last line of defense and carrying them through that just makes my night. Even if I only get to save one person, it’s one more person breathing. One more person to make it till the next sunrise.”


“Thats beautiful, your mom was a teacher. She said one night that being a teacher is a full time job, it doesn't end when the bell rings. You are an example to the young and impressionable. She believed that everyone whose heart she touched had the potential for greatness. She would have been so proud to see she had a daughter with the same mentality.” 


I in a shaky breath. I make you proud? Are you looking down at me and smiling? “Can you tell me more about her?”


“Of course, anything. You only need to ask.”


“How was she like?”


“I won’t lie and say she was an angel, because she wasn't. She was strong, and fearless, and fierce. She was my angel. She fought for what she believed was true and just, she was quiet and observant. She could catch a lie a mile away. She had horribly dry humor, but she was so very beautiful Joy. Your mother gave mother Teresa a run for her money. She would buy winter coats for her students who didn't have money. She made extra lunches and breakfasts for them. When new movies came out she would buy the kids tickets, she used to buy these large books for the kids. She was so dedicated and in love with her students.” I hadn't noticed it until my cheeks burned from smiling, it like he's describing Wendy.


“You know, one time. Wendy went to the hospital of a woman she had helped, the women didn't have a lot of money. She paid for her hospital bills and gave her an 800 dollar visa gift card just to help her out.” Seo-Joon grinned brightly. 


“That’s how my Juhyunnie was. Just like that, always willing to help and be there for those who had no way out. You must get that from me.”


“Get what?”


“The attraction to beautiful souls. I was like a moth to flame with your mother. She was the brightest, most beautiful flame and I was happy to be burned.” 


I was excited to ask more, to hear so much more about how beautiful my mother was. God I was so ready to hear more, but the doorbell rang. Wendy was the one to open the door before all hell broke loose. 


Irene came flying in and god did she looked pissed. “Where is she?” 


Katy’s stood up with a wide mouth and I watched on in horror as Irene slapped the out of my best friend. “Whoa! Hey? Irene!”  


“And who the are you!” Seulgi yelled. 


Did she just yell? I didn’t even know Seulgi could get mad. “Um. Eric?” Eric said, standing between Irene and Katy. 


“What in the world is going on?” I asked, pulling Irene away from Katy. 


“Why haven’t you picked up our calls Katy!” Katy rolled her eyes, still holding her cheek. 


“Why would I pick up your calls? You made it clear you didn’t want me around.”


“We were mad. How we’re we supposed to take it? You ed my uncle!” At this my head snapped up, what?


“Oh shut up! I told you that in confidence.”


“You ed her uncle Katy?” I chuckled. “Jesus woman”, I bit my lip smirking at Katy.


“Don’t laugh Joy. It’s your father.” Irene said, sass dripping. 




“What?” Eric asked turning to Katy. Who was now biting her lip with her eyes squeezed shut. 


“You has with my father!” I yelled, what the ?


“You had with her father?”


“I didn’t know!” Katy defended. 


“But you knew us when you decided to us right!”


I turned to Irene with wide eyes. “You ed my father and cousin!”


“Wait Joy. It wasn’t like that”, Katy tried saying before I pushed Eric who knocked into Katy. “Hey! Wait!”


“God you’re such a ing ! My dad really! Who else? Wanna Wendy too? Just so you can get them all out of the way?”


Eric held his hand up, “hey let’s just take a deep breath.” He turned to Katy with a crooked grin. “So like. You’ve slept with 90% of the people here huh?” He joked. 


I turned to Seo-Joon who had stayed silent. “Really dude? Aren’t you ing married? You ed my best friend?” Seo-joon took a deep breath and stood up. 


“It’s not like we knew Joy. It was a mistake.”


“Yeah! A mistake!”


“You shut your ing mouth Katy!” I can’t believe this. “Just shut up. Holy . My dad and cousin. This is ridiculous. I can’t trust you around anyone can I.”


“Baby. Let’s just take a deep breath.” Wendy cupped my cheeks, holding my gaze. “Just breath okay?” 


“Make them leave” I whispered. 


Wendy nodded before kissing my forehead. “I will. Why don’t you go to the bedroom?” I nodded and with my head down started walking away. 


“Wait. Joy. Just let me explain!” Katy complained. 


I didn’t look at her. I couldn’t even attempt to look at her. How could she do this? 



Eric drummed his fingers against his thigh in the elevator. Goodness what an eventful night. Katy stood beside him, her head bowed as she cried. What do I do? “I’m sorry Eric. I didn’t mean for this to happen”, Katy mumbled. Even now, crying and sniffling and red faced. She’s so beautiful. 


Eric turned to her and smiled. He lay a gentle hand on her tear stained cheek. “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t expect this, but I always knew you would be the girl to surprise me. I um, I really like you Katy Kim. I know we just met and that’s Kind of psycho for me-“ Eric grunted as his back collided against the wall of the elevator, he held Katy’s hips as they kissed. 


This girl is so fascinating, he thought as Katy kicked a leg out pressing the red stop button on the elevator panel. 



I kept my head buried in my pillow as Wendy came and straddled my behind. “Talk to me baby”.


“Kill me”, I mumbled into my pillow. 


“Well I can’t marry myself honey bun”, I jumped as Wendy grabbed my . 


“Really! I’m trying to wallow in my 20 something angst here”. I said, eyeing Wendy. 


“Yeah well I’m trying to talk to you and if you won’t talk to me then I’ll have to talk to your . It’s always there for me”. I shot Wendy a disgusted look as she rubbed my and winked at me. 


“Please stop caressing my lower back,'' I said. To this Wendy fell off of me and onto the bed laughing out loud. At least I have one person who won’t break my heart into a bunch of itty bitty pieces. I chuckled and threw an arm around Wendy’s heaving belly and pulled her close. 


“That was really funny”, Wendy said in between bouts of laughter. 


“I could tell”, Wendy sighed and began running her fingers up and down my arm. 


“Talk to me Joy. What’s going on in your head?”


I tucked my head into Wendy’s neck, “she slept with my dad and cousin Wendy. Who does that?” 


“Well. Baby, hasn’t she slept with all of your cousins? Isn’t that kind of her thing?”


“Yeah! But that’s different. It was kind of funny. Like every time I took her to a gathering it was like a weird bonding thing when she would rub it in my face. I don’t know man. It’s weird. But she would be like hey, smell my finger. And I’d be like why? And she’s be like because you can still smell julianna. And it was horrible. But she’s my best friend and she’s always been so confident. And ugh! Kill me now.”


“Well, not to pick sides. But in Katy’s defense,  Seulgi and Irene wanted to be with Katy. And you didn’t even know Irene was your cousin so you can’t really blame Katy for that. And what Irene did today was wrong, she was just jealous.”


“Why was she jealous?”


“Well. You see. Remember how I was like they had a ?” I nodded. “Well I guess it became a thing for them. And Seulgi and Irene were like we can’t keep doing this. So they broke it off. And then in a weird get over them way Katy had with Seo-joon. It’s not like she knew. Nobody knew. And when it was found out. Katy freaked and explained to Irene and Seulgi and instead of helping her they got mad. And Katy ran off all broken and sad. And now she’s with Eric. And Irene and Seulgi are being mean jealous exes”. I stared at Wendy. 


“What the is wrong with our friends?”


“I don't know baby. But I think you should talk to Katy now that you know the truth.”


“I don’t get why she never just spoke me to me about everything. Finding out the way I did was the worst. She could have just spoke to me. She’s always pulling stunts like this”.


“Baby. My thing is. It takes two to tangle. Why are you only mad at Katy?”


“Because she’s my best ing friend. She should have known better!”


“But what about your dad. Shouldn’t he have known better. Are you saying everyone else gets a free pass because only Katy should have known better? He knew Katy was your friend even if he hadn’t known he was your father”


I groaned and threw myself against my pillow. Damn this beautiful woman for being smart and right all the time! 




Eric handed Katy her ice cream cone and together they walked to the subway. Talking about everything and nothing. “I’m sorry again. About everything that happened.”


“Don’t sweat it. It’s just us now and that’s all that matters.”


“How can you just overlook all of that?”


“Because. It’s in the past now. And I’m here. In your present. Why waste time in the past, nothing I can do to change it. As far as I’m concerned. You’re here with me now. And we didn’t even have last time we hung out. So it’s like you’re a whole new person”, Eric joked. 


Katy scoffed but looped her arm through his nonetheless. They walked until a car horn honked and Irene came gliding out already yelling. “Are you kidding me!” Katy groaned. 


“Who the hell even is this guy!” Irene yelled as soon as she was in front of Katy. 


“I’m Eric,'' Eric informed. A smile on his handsome features. 


“Nice. Shut up Eric.”


“Hey! You can’t talk to him like that!”


“Why aren’t you picking up our calls?”


“Does it even matter anymore? Because I’m really not going to pick up your call with this latest ing stunt!”


Eric put an arm out, separating the two women. “Look. I don’t really know what happened between you three. But here is what I can tell you. You barged in tonight with a childish vendetta on one of the most important nights of your cousin’s life. She was getting to know her birth father. You decided that was the time to in with your childish drama. It could have waited. But instead you felt the need to get even and attack your cousin’s best friend. Who was there to offer her best friend some needed support and strength. I’m just a random guy to you, but even I can see tonight you were the villain. Please leave me and Katy alone. It’s clear she doesn't want you around right now.  You’ve caused quite a bit of trouble tonight. We just want to eat our ice cream in peace. Please leave.” 


Irene stared at Eric and then to Katy who seemed sadder than she had ever seen her. She nodded, took a deep breath and left. She had done enough tonight.”




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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1198 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!